Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

29 May 2017

Principal’s Reflection

This week I had a disturbing discussion with a Shalom student. It was one of our female students who had discovered that a picture she had posted online had been digitally altered by another person in a suggestive and offensive way. That was bad enough but she went on to tell me that it was quite a common experience for her, as a fourteen year old, to have social media requests from boys from Shalom and other schools around Bundaberg, to provide them with a nude or semi-nude photo. Very few of the boys who asked her she had ever spoken to. Some of the boys making the request were at least a couple of years younger than she was. As an educator and a parent, I was appalled to hear this. I thought she must have been exaggerating. I quietly asked about a half dozen Shalom girls from a variety of year levels about this and they absolutely confirmed the information the first girl shared with me. That girl also told me that boys often send suggestive photos of themselves to girls in order to ‘warm them up’! This is not just a boy problem. It would seem that it is not uncommon for girls to send unsolicited photos to boys.

It would appear that sexting is rampant and is now seen as a part of a ‘normal life’ for our children. We have done a lot of input with our students at Shalom on being good digital citizens and the importance of having a strong moral compass. Those messages do not seem to be getting through. We all need to do more. As parents, we need to be at least a bit familiar with our children’s social media usage. I know that the balance between respecting our children’s need for privacy and our responsibility as parents is a tricky area but I wonder how many Shalom parents would be horrified if they viewed the text messages and posts their children made? Many kids use Apps like SnapChat which, I’m sure has some useful purposes but it is an absolute God send for those who want to post inappropriate photos. Parents, we need to upskill ourselves in this area. This is not the ‘dating rituals’ we used at their age but it is the world in which they are living and there are parts of that world that are just not OK. Please take time to have a look at the parent info links provided by the College and the Parents and Friends. The School TV link is located on the front page of our Website and is a wonderful resource for parents.

The latest info is on Sexting and should be compulsory watching for parents. I don’t know the answer to this problem but it is certainly not putting our heads in the sand and hoping it will go away. We need to work hard in keeping lines of communication open with our children and always reminding them of our unconditional love. As parents, we desperately need to support each other in this.

Year 12 Formal

The Year 12 Formal is on this Friday night. It is always one of the highlights of the year for our students. I always hope that they enjoy the night together and savour the experience. Shalom is one of the very few schools that allow parents to attend the Formal and that makes the event all that more special. If parents permit their Year 12 daughter or son to attend any functions after the Formal, I hope that they check out thoroughly those events and assure themselves of the safety and security of their children.

Date Claimers

Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase tickets for yourself and your children to watch this movie together on Monday 12 June in the Performing Arts Precinct Theatre at 7pm! We invite parents and students from the wider community.

Tickets now available at the College office – Adults $5, Students Gold Coin donation.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Father John Daly Farewell Mass

Father John Daly Farewell Mass
Father John Daly Farewell Mass
Click images to enlarge

Please Note Error in Student Diary

This Friday 2 June is not a Student Free day; it is a regular school day for Years 7 to 11. It is however a Study Day for Year 12 students only. The College Calendar has this correctly entered however there was an error in the Student Diary.

Student Welfare and Information

Formal Dinner Dance: Final Preparation and Information

  • Students have been asked to give us their arrival times which they have done
  • The Formal Dinner Dance commences with the introduction of each student, in their Houses, at 6:30pm
  • Fan fare: you will hear our music students play a fan fare which is the signal to all parents to move into the sports centre. This will play at approximately 6:05pm
  • Parents are asked to be seated by 6:20pm please
  • We have a number of Year 11 students, as well as teachers, who will be able to give you your table numbers and show you to your tables
  • With over 200 students it means that we need to commence on time
  • I ask that parents are seated by 6:20pm at the latest; you are welcome to come into the centre once your son or daughter has arrived
  • Antipasto platters placed on tables prior to guests sitting down
  • Main course with two choices, alternate drop; vegetarian option as well
  • Dessert platter, high tea style: eclairs, profiteroles, lamingtons, mini cheesecakes, mini muffins, fresh berries
  • Tea and coffee station is situated at the back of the centre on the left hand side (facing the stage...just near the entrance)
  • This tea and coffee station is self-serve
  • Across The Waves will have a bar for the purchase of drinks – students have been reminded that as this is a school function, even if they are 18, they are not able to purchase alcohol
  • The evening concludes at 11:00pm. Students are not to leave prior to that time.

Parents – For Your Information

Amnesty for acrylic nails

The girls will be permitted to have their nails done in the week leading up to the Formal – that is the week beginning 29 May. However, they must be removed by Monday 12 June.

Thank You

Thank you to the Year 11 students and their parents who have volunteered their time to assist with the setting up on the Wednesday morning and packing up on the Saturday after the Formal Dinner Dance. I was so very pleased to have such a good response and am very grateful.

Important Notices

Nut Products

A reminder to all parents that nut products and any type of nuts are not allowed in the College. We have many students highly allergic to any nut products. This includes Nutella.

Aerosol Deodorant

Aerosol deodorant is not permitted in the College as it can trigger asthma attacks to those susceptible. Roll on deodorant is acceptable. We will confiscate any aerosol cans as students have had repeated warnings.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is not permitted.


If your child is absent from the College can I ask that you write a note in the Record Book on the first day of their return as way of explanation. I would encourage you to use the student absentee line in the first instance to advise the school of your child’s absence but a written note is still required.


Can I remind everyone that it is important that your child is on time for school each day. If there is a reason that they are running late, a note of explanation should be written in the Record Book – that would be much appreciated. This is an area that I feel really needs addressing.

Year 8 Camps

An Important Notice

Students are continually reminded by their teachers, prior to their camp going out, that they must bring shirts with collars, a broad brimmed hat, have sunscreen that they can put in their backpacks and also a water bottle.

While out at Chaverim, the students are asked to apply sunscreen before each session and they are expected to follow this instruction. Can I ask you to have this conversation with your son or daughter to ensure they do this?

Mobile phones are collected by the teachers as they get on the bus and kept for the duration of the camp by the teacher; they are returned to the student as they get on the bus to come home. We do expect the students are honest about this and hand in their phones.

Please contact me if you have any queries.

2017 Year 8 Camp Schedule

Camp No.

CSA Class

Dates Attending



29, 30, 31 May



5, 6, 7 June



6, 7, 8 June



7, 8, 9 June



12, 13, 14 June



13, 14 15 June


Year 7 FOCUS

14, 15, 16 June

Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal

P & F Committee

To all P & F Members, you are reminded that our monthly meeting is held in the staff common room – all parents are welcome. Please note the next P & F meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 June at 5.30pm.

Mrs Gail Norris
P & F Secretary

Year 7 Immunisations – Round 2

If your child missed the second round of immunisations last Friday, the Round 2 Catch-Up clinic will be held at Ozcare on Wednesday 7 June 2017. Ozcare will contact the guardians of all absent students to arrange a booking to this clinic.

Any queries please contact Oz Care, 73 Woongarra St, Bundaberg West, phone 1800 692 273.

Year 10 Vaccination Program

The College has been advised that the Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination Program for Year 10 Students will be undertaken in October (date yet to be confirmed) 2017. One dose of the vaccine is required. Please see the attached information sheet from Queensland Health.

To make sure all Year 10 students are offered the opportunity to participate, the Public Health Act 2005 authorises school principals to disclose student and parent information to the school immunisation provider (Ozcare), so they can follow up with parents or legal guardians of students who do not return a Consent card. If you wish to confirm these details, please contact Wide Bay Public Health Unit on 4303 7500.

Ozcare has delivered the Meningococcal ACWY Consent Cards for Year 10 students, they will be distributed to the students from Week 7. The Consent card is to be returned to the school by Monday 12 June 2017. An Ozcare representative will collect the cards from the school soon after this date.

Parents/guardians are to return late Consent cards, after this date, directly to Ozcare 73 Woongarra Street Bundaberg. All queries please contact Ozcare on 1800 692 273.

Bus Transport Assistance

Visit the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) website to see if you qualify for financial assistance to help with the cost of transport and apply at by this Wednesday 31 May 2017. Late applications cannot be accepted.

Quiet Achiever

Our Quiet Achiever for this week is Wade Hogan, Year 12 Walsh House.

Wade is an exceptional member of Walsh House, in particular Walsh 5 PC Group. He organises quite a number of PC class interactive activities and manages money orders for food to celebrate students who have birthdays each term. He is also involved in the many House activities and school activities on offer. Wade always wears his College uniform correctly and wears it with pride, setting the example to the younger students. Wade is respected by his peers and really focuses some of his PC time to his Year 7 buddy and other younger members of the group.

Wade balances his school work and gymnastics commitments very well. He competed in the National Gymnastic Titles last week in Melbourne and spends a great deal of time out of school coaching and adjudicating gymnastics, while still setting time aside and having success with his school related assignments and homework.

Mr Chris Roelofs
Walsh House Coordinator

IT Department News

It’s quite a busy time for everyone at the moment and the term is already half over. I wanted to republish a recent article that assisted some parents regarding iPads as well as update you on an issue with the HP parts channel.

HP Laptop Device Repairs

Currently there seems to be a shortage of parts for some HP laptop models. We are certainly chasing HP for answers to this and when we have something, we will pass this on to our students who are affected via their school email.

Restrictions/Parental Controls for iPads

Please find below a link that can assist you with setting Parental Controls on an iPad. Apple do publish good guides on their products that you certainly can find via their website or by searching google.

iOS Restrictions Guide:

These restrictions, are great to limiting certain features of the iPad for example, in app purchases.

Minimum Required Apps

For any student from Year 7 to 9, below is the current required app list to start here at Shalom.

  • Artstudio
  • Do INK
  • Explain Everything™ Classic
  • Pages (Free with new iPad)
  • Keynote (Free with new iPad)
  • Numbers (Free with new iPad)
  • iMovie (Free with new iPad)

Apple do allow us to supply these apps at discounted prices if you do not have them. If you would like to take up this option, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mr Matthew Mills
IT Manager

Where are they now? Shalom Edition

Name: John Rotar
Graduating Year: 2012

Subjects Studied:

English, Maths B, Chemistry, Biology, Music, Music Extension (Year 12), Modern History (Year 11), Religion and Ethics

Current Role:

PhD candidate at the University of Queensland for Music Composition, Composer/Arranger in residence for the Southern Cross Soloists and freelance composer, arranger and tutor.

What qualifications and work experience have you gained since graduating high school?

Last year I graduated with honours from a Bachelor of Music Majoring in Composition from the University of Queensland.

What has been the most rewarding, challenging or interesting experience in your study or work so far?

During my studies I have had many exciting opportunities. I have, for example, had the privilege of working with various globally leading musicians including Richard Gill, Ross Edwards, Piers Lane, Slava Grigorian and many others. My music has been performed by a number of ensembles and has now been heard in venues from Brisbane Parliament House to Sydney Opera House, from the Queensland Performing Arts Precinct to the Shalom Performing Arts Precinct. And though I have also had some great experiences in my performing life, with the Queensland Youth Symphony, Brisbane Chamber Choir and Australian Voices getting a new work of mine performed is always the most exciting thing. This creation, one’s own minds child, if you will, is handed over to the performers and the audience. No longer is it safely cradled in your head or on your manuscript but at once is given life into the physical world of sound, where it was always intended to live. The first few times my works were given outings it was difficult to forget that they were being handed over for scrutiny by performers and public alike however as I get more confident in my craft the butterflies begin to go and just the elation remains.

How did your senior studies contribute or impact on your tertiary study and/or career choices?

I found that the flexibility afforded to me in my participation in musical activities at Shalom allowed me to develop various areas of my skill set which has given me a great edge in my university studies. The diversity of opportunities that I was given at Shalom really helped me form into an academically rounded individual which I have found extremely helpful in perusing further study.

Can you identify one invaluable thing that you learned at Shalom?

The thing I value most when I look back on my time at Shalom is the passion and enthusiasm of the staff. I was fortunate enough to have some great teachers while in my senior years at Shalom whose expertise and passion for their respective subjects allowed me to get excited by (especially) the Sciences, Modern History and English literature. It would have been all too easy for me to develop a narrow world view around my own chosen field, as I had been incredibly passionate about music from a fairly young age and had long seen this as my career trajectory. Therefore, one of the most important things I learnt at Shalom was every aspect of the world of knowledge is exciting, so long as you approach it with an open mind, and the more things you know, the more linked everything becomes, and the more exciting it gets.

What advice can you offer to current students interested in your field?

Music is a hard sell, there aren’t a lot of jobs but there are a lot of people who want those jobs, it requires a lot of time and a lot of effort, but that is the case for ANY career nowadays. I think in any field, perhaps especially when you’re in the final years of high school and beginning university, it’s all about investing passion. If you think you like something, go at it hard; spend time with it every day, try and learn something new about it every day and you’ll very quickly realise if it is for you or not, and when you do find something ‘for you’ it is special, and well worth working towards.

Where are they now? is semi-regular feature where we hope to profile many past students to learn more about their successes and achievements post Shalom. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in being featured in Where are they now? please email Mrs Patricia Allen at

Mrs Patricia Allen
Humanities & Social Science Learning Area Coordinator

Careers News

UMAT Registration Closes Friday 2 June

Any year 12 students considering studying medicine or dentistry at university next year will likely need to sit the UMAT test. Registrations close 5pm on 2 June, 2017, with the test being conducted on 26 July. Check the website for more information, or see Mr Braund, Careers Advisor.

Australian Catholic University Experience – coming up 4 and 6 July. Registrations now open!

Every year, Australian Catholic University holds a free University Experience day at our Brisbane Campus during the school holidays.

Students can choose their own mix of workshops and it’s a fun way to try out a class and get a feel for ACU’s famous friendly environment (many current students tell us they chose us after their first visit!)

University Experience is at ACU's Brisbane Campus on Thursday 6 July. For information and to register visit:

Mr Troy Braund
Careers Advisor

VET News

It was wonderful to see Certificate III Fitness Student Kiah Everingham put his training skills to task during the Chaplaincy Spin Bike Challenge. Kiah was the support person for the smallest team entered into the competition and his supreme motivational skills saw the Bargara Bandits finish in first place. This was no small feat considering that the closest competitors had seven team members.

Well done Kiah and team!

The Certificate II Aircraft Line Maintenance has started well and I am enjoying the positive feedback from the trainer and students.

This week students attended their first site visit and spent the day at the Bundaberg Airport.

A reminder that school holidays and exam blocks are fast approaching and students interested in participating in work experience or professional shadowing placement should see Mrs O’Donnell for instructions and advice.

Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Vocational Education Training Coordinator

Year 12 Aquatic Practices Excursion to Burnett Heads

On Wednesday 24 May, the Year 12 Aquatic Practices class toured businesses and organisations connected to the marine industry as part of their Boating Unit. The purpose of the excursion was to discover potential employment opportunities working in the boating industry, and understand the role of Volunteer Marine Rescue for recreational boaties.

Students were able to walk through a pilot vessel at Bundaberg port, and gain an understanding of the hierarchy of qualifications for those ‘driving’ the vessels – from a coxswain up to a Marine 1 ticket. Students visited the radio room at VMR Burnett Heads and were able to check out the rescue boats. Looking around the $500,000 alloy catamaran was a highlight – certainly a spectacular boat! Finally, students explored the range of work areas at the Bundaberg Port Marina and got a taste of the wide range of jobs involved in working with, building and maintaining vessels. There were some impressive craft on show, though the students were also struck with the impressive price tag for owning and maintenance.

Many thanks to Peter Steele at Gladstone Port Authority – Bundaberg Port; Graeme Morley, Secretary of Burnett Heads VMR; and Brett Hensler of Bundaberg Port Marina for giving of their time and sharing their expertise.

Checking out the impressive work of Shipwrights at the Bundaberg Port Marina

Mr Troy Braund
Aquatic Practices Teacher

Taking Care of Business

Start Smart Financial Literacy Workshops

On Monday 15 May the Business Education Faculty welcomed Start Smart to deliver their free, financial education workshops to our Year 9 and 10 Business, and Certificate III – Business students. The workshop was delivered by Troy Walsh one of the facilitators for Start Smart. The aim of this program is to change the way young people learn about money. By making money management interactive, engaging and fun, our students will be equipped with the confidence and competence they need to make smart decisions about money. A variety of workshops were presented to students on topics such as Earning, Spending, Saving and Enterprise.

Our school has proudly joined the Commonwealth Bank's Start Smart Program in its mission to improve the financial literacy of Australia’s young people. Overall, the program proved to be a highly beneficial experience for students and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. For more information on the program and each of the workshops we encourage you to visit:

The Wealth Academy

Another reminder that our Faculty with the support of the P & F have subscribed to The Wealth Academy. As a subscriber the school and our school community has access to a variety of resources targeting financial literacy for teenagers. The program aims to help build financial capability across the community. As parents and community members I encourage you to log onto The Wealth Academy website (details below) and look at the vast array and variety of available resources.

The Wealth Academy -

Username: QP_Shalom
Password: Shalom_p
Video password: twavideo_p (Some videos require no password, but many do)

This information is also being made available online in the Shalom Intranet, under tab e-resources.

Mrs Gail Norris
Business Faculty Coordinator

College News

2017 Premier’s Reading Challenge

Again, it has been a busy week in the library with students reading and borrowing new books for the Premier’s Reading Challenge. This week our Shalom Reading Role Model is me, your friendly teacher librarian.

Reading Role Model: Dr Wendy Davis

What are you currently reading?

‘Light and Shadow: Memoirs of a Spy’s Son by Mark Colvin’

I’m a huge fan of autobiographies and memoirs and was prompted to read this following the sad passing of ABC journalist Mark Colvin. So far it is a fascinating look into his life as a foreign correspondent working for the ABC, together with tales of growing up all over the world with his father who worked for MI6.

Favourite book from childhood?

The Anne and Emily series by L.M. Montgomery.

With the recent Netflix series Anne with an E presenting a new take on L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, I was prompted to take another look at this classic series from Canada’s favourite children’s author. These books have stayed with me from childhood and I return to them every so often. I think that is the sign of a good book!

What do you love about reading?

Reading offers so much scope for the imagination. It can inspire us, help us learn about the world and teach us about places and people. There’s a book for everyone out there – you just have to find it!

Dr Wendy Davis
Teacher Librarian

Shalom Career Opportunities

Shalom College is currently seeking applications from highly motivated people to work as Relief Teachers (All Subjects) for daily and short-term contracts. For queries and how to apply please follow the link below.

Shalom College NAIDOC Art Competition

Relay for Life

Shalom will again have a number of teams of Year 11 and 12 students in the Cancer Council Queensland Bundaberg Relay for Life which runs from 2pm on Saturday 12 August to 8am on Sunday morning 13 August. If you want to be part of the team, please complete and lodge your registration form, together with $30 registration fee, at the College Finance Office as soon as possible. Registration forms can be collected from Mrs Collins at the Student Services Reception. As part of our team’s fundraising, we are conducting a pie drive with 7.5 inch (19cm) pies supplied by Chic’s Pies, available for order at a cost of $8.50 each for meat, pea, bacon, curry, mushroom and apple shortbread pies, and $9 each for peach shortbread and pineapple shortbread pies. Orders, together with payment, must be returned by Monday 29 May, with delivery date on Monday 12 June. You can order through any RFL team member, or Mrs Cheryl Petersen or Mr Vince Habermann at Student Services. Any RFL or Pie Drive queries, please contact Mrs Petersen or Mr Habermann at Student Services or or

Friendlies Cane2Coral Run/Walk

Shalom will again have a team participating in the 2017 Cane2Coral on Sunday 6 August. This year, there are three distances, 4km (starting and finishing at Nielson Park) and 10km and 21.1km (which both start at Port Marina and finish at Nielson Park) and you can walk or run. This outstanding community event has raised $376,841.50 for various charities since it was inaugurated in 2010. Registration fees are: Half marathon (Adult 16 years and over) $60; 10km – Adult $35, Child (15 and under) $20; 4km – Adult $30, Child $15. There is $300 Prizemoney for the largest secondary school team, plus C2C will donate 10% of our team’s registration fees to the Charity of our choice. Last year, Shalom won this award, with $613 donated to our chosen charity, McGrath Foundation. Students, parents, family members, staff and friends are all welcome to be part of our team. A team information sheet with full details including how to register for the Shalom team can be collected from Mr Gills at the Sports Office or Mr Habermann at Student Services. Any C2C queries, please contact Mr Habermann or 0407 606 266.

Instrumental Music

June Concert

The June Concert will be held on Wednesday 7 June so make sure you have marked this date in your diaries. The concert will be staged in two sections with the Junior and Intermediate Groups performing from 5pm and the Senior Groups from 7pm. Please invite family and friends to see and hear the progress made with our instrumental and vocal groups since the March concert.

Could students who wish to share pizza prior to the 5pm concert please let their tutors know or contact me and I’ll make up a list – cost $2.

Catholic Schools Music Festival (CSMF)

I will email information in the coming week. Please let me know as soon as possible if you will be driving your own child/ren to Brisbane. This will help start the ball rolling in relation to bus sizes etc. that will be required. Students in the Playhouse Theatre Youth musical – please remember that you made a commitment at the beginning of this year to your groups e.g. choir, strings etc. for all scheduled performances.

Father John's Farewell Mass

A very big thank you to all music students and staff who played at Father John Daly's mass on Saturday 20 May. I'm sure Fr John will remember this event with fond memories for many years to come.

Performance Schedule

The following is a reminder of events planned for Term 2.

Important Dates - Term 2

7 June - June Concert, 5pm Junior and Intermediate Groups and 7pm Senior Groups - All groups - Performing Arts Precinct Theatre.

20 to 22 June (return travel on 23 June) – Rockhampton Diocesan Music Camp, 8:30am to 5pm each day – All eligible students to attend – The Cathedral College, Rockhampton – College coach or private transport – Accommodation, TCC Boarding House. There will be no billeting available. Information and registration letters were sent our last week. Please contact me if you have any queries.

Term 3

14 to 16 July – SHEP Bundaberg. Music workshops and concert organised by Griffith University Conservatorium of Music and held at Christian College
27 July – Pre Groups Eisteddfod concert
1 to 3 August – Bundaberg Eisteddfod groups competition
9 August – Pre Catholic Schools concert
18 to 20 August – Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival – Villanova College, South Brisbane

SHEP Brisbane

Nominations for the State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) program scheduled for September holidays have now been sent. Dates are Thursday 28 September to Sunday 1 October with nominations now closed. Cost will be $280 payable to Griffith University upon acceptance of an offer.

Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime by email.

Mrs Robyn Edgar
Arts in Performance coordinator

Sports News

Rugby League

Powerhouse centre Lachlan Dullaway featured twice in a great escape as our Open Rugby League team emerged as Bundaberg Champions in the 2017 Foxtel Broncos School Challenge with a 24-22 extra-time victory over Bundaberg State High School last Monday. Coach Mr Feather described it as ‘a scrappy game’ with a disrupted start due to several players withdrawing from the game just before kick off, along with Mr Feather placing himself in quarantine because of sickness.

Bundaberg State High School scored two quick tries to begin the game, but never looked like the better team. Shalom continuously presented field position to Bundaberg High who were not good enough to break the defence.

Working hard to swing the game back in our favour, Lachlan Dullaway scored right before half time and kicked the conversion to have the score at 12-6.

The second half was more in Shalom’s favour and the team scored another two tries, through Ethan Ennett and Lachlan Dempsey, both of which Lachlan Dullaway converted to take the lead 18-12 with four minutes to play. On the last play of a set of six, a grubber behind the line was not handled by our back three and Bundaberg Highs scored under the posts, with the conversion levelling the scored at 18 all with one minute left.

At the restart, the ball went deep and it looked as though Bundaberg High were about to make the winning try however Lachlan Dullaway caught him and forced him into touch and sent the game into extra time.

Extra time was five minutes each way that was not golden point. The first half didn’t begin well for Shalom with Bundaberg High scoring off a kick in the corner. Luckily for Shalom, the conversion missed and Shalom trailed by four points 22-18.

The second half of extra-time saw Bundaberg High attempting to close out the game but with 90 seconds left on the clock, Lachlan Dullaway burst through the defensive line and had 80 meters to run and scored a try. Needing the kick to win, Lachlan again withstood tremendous pressure to kick the winning goal and Shalom claimed the district title for the first time in three years.

Shalom will now play the Fraser Coast champions on Wednesday 7 June.

In a previous game three days prior to the 2017 Foxtel Broncos School Challenge, Shalom came up against Xavier College, Hervey Bay beating them 36-0 at our school grounds. Lachlan Dullaway also scored a try and kicked four goals from as many attempts in that game, with Lachlan Dempsey bagging a double and our other try scorers included Nash Kuorikoski, who also landed his sole conversion attempt, and Martin Powell.

Martin Powell and Lachlan Dullaway were again among our best in this game, while Rece Hansen also had some good runs, along with Michael Bundesen and Nash Kuorikoski. It took a half to get going, but eventually our halves found our speedy players on the edge to make easy ground and score points. Defence was solid throughout the game which resulted in zero points being scored against us.

Our 15, 14 and 13 Year Divisions were each beaten in their Bundaberg finals held last Monday; Bundaberg High 24-4, Kepnock 34-4 and Bundaberg High 29-14 respectively. Trent Smith scored our try in 15 Year division, but Darcy Clarke was our best. Captain Aaron Cunnington forced his way over for our four-pointer in 14 Years, but centre Nahum Pascoe was outstanding throughout, along with Bradley Edwards. In the 13 Years game, scores were locked together at 10-all at half-time, but while we hit the front with a try to Brynn Harrap, Bundaberg High scored the last 15 points to run away with the match. Dynamic forward Lane Crossley-Price was our Players’ Player, ahead of hooker Fletcher Ace and centre Will Hamilton.

Our Open Rugby League team after their win over Bundaberg State High School

Mr Neil Feather and Mr Vince Habermann
Coach and Assistant Coach

Rowing - Head of the River Report

Our rowers warmed up very well for the BDSSS Head of the River with 13 wins among many good performances at the second lead-up regatta at Bucca on Sunday 21 May. The program started in the best possible way for Shalom with our four representatives in the first event, the Boys Under 15 Singles filling the top four placings with Hamish Young powering home in advance of Samuel Nelson, Joshua Pole and Patrick Waters. Hamish and Joshua later combined with Zachary Christiansen, Reece Santalucia and Taitum Staley (cox) to take out the Boys Year 9 Coxed Quad, while Samuel and Patrick teamed up with Darcy Hensel and Zachary Christiansen to beat all comers in the Boys Year 8 Quad, with Taitum again the cox. Zachary and Darcy joined forces to also triumph in the Year 8 Double, with one of our Year 7’s, Tim Chaplin, partnering Bundaberg State High School’s Hayden Turner to be runners-up in that event. Taitum had a very busy and successful day, also coxing three other crews to victory. The crews were; Ellie Greer, Clare Evans, Claire Barber and Grace Pashley in the Girls Year 9 Quad; Zane Haster, Angus McDonald, Tom Espe and Isaac Coyne in the Boys Year 11 Quad; Ashleigh Pole, Ryan Barber, Angus McDonald and Ethan Weder in the Boys Open Quad.

Timothy Chaplin scored a ground breaking win in the Boys Under 14 Single, while Ellie Greer also triumphed in the Girls Year 9 Double with Amy Snare, and Ethan Weder led the field home in his division of the Boys Under 17 Singles. Zali Haster was another to have a red-letter day, combining with Lincoln Dwyer for a brave second in the Boys Year 7 Double, and with Allie Wenning to finish on top in her Girls Year 7 Double with another of our crews, Breanna McIntosh and Anna Nicolson, grabbing third in that race. Zali Haster was also cox for her sister Lili Haster, Breanna McIntosh, Jayde Bradshaw and Ella Creighton in their winning Girls Year 7 Quad. The Year 7 Boys completed a coming of age regatta with Matthew Parker and Tallan Foster achieving a Shalom quinella in their boys Under 13 Singles and Lincoln Dwyer clinching second in his division. It is now all systems go for the Head of the River showpiece on Sunday 11 June.

Taitum Staley, Ellie Greer,
Claire Barber, Grace Pashley
and Amy Snare

Zali Haster & Lincoln Dwyer

Isaac Coyne & Tom Espe

Timothy Chaplin

Hamish Young

Mr Vince Habermann
Rowing Assistant

Upcoming Events

Sports Information will be placed on the notice board in the Undercover area. When students need to collect forms and other details from me, I am in the Sports Office located at the back of the Loyola Centre opening onto the Undercover eating area.

Tuesday 30 May - Wide Bay Cross Country, Gympie

Your Sporting Fanatic

Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator

Performing Arts

Sydney Performing Arts Tour 2017

Please be on the lookout for an email that came out mid last week with important information regarding the upcoming tour. This included a reminder about the upcoming final payment, a medical form which needs to be returned as soon as possible, a suggested packing list, as well as a copy of our finalised itinerary with times for drop off and pick-ups. If you have any further questions or did not receive an email, please contact Mrs Lynelle McAtee at

Only three and a half weeks to go!


Congratulations to Year 11 student Chelsea Lane who was accepted to a two-week intensive workshop at the Joffery School in New York City. Chelsea will be participating in their hip hop course and this is a fantastic opportunity to further develop her love of this style.

Congratulations to the following special award recipients from the recent Kingaroy Dance Eisteddfod

Senior Ballet
Champion: Sarah
Smith (Year 11)

Senior Neo Classical
Award: Lily
Meynell (Year 11)

Just a reminder that I would like to ask any parents continue to keep me informed via email of any developments throughout the year that come up so that these students can be recognised for their dedication and commitment to their chosen field.

Miss Anita McAtee
Performing Arts Coordinator

Tuckshop Roster


29 May

Help Needed


30 May

Help Needed


31 May

Help Needed


1 June

Show Public Holiday


2 June

Jenny Cross

Jodie Horton


5 June

Dianne Collins


6 June

Susie Zunker


7 June

Leanne Grogan

Katrina O’Sullivan


8 June

Paul & Caroline Simms

Allison Toft


9 June

Michelle Arvidsson-Smith

Leah Whaleboat

Marilyn Wootton


12 June

Kathryn Hanlon


13 June

Cathy Duffield

Margaret Keverkis

(bi-monthly from March)


14 June

Cher Giovannoni

Kellie Walker


15 June

Holly Davidson

Jennifer Pimm


16 June

Andrew Henricksen

Kylie Jarvis


19 June

Mila Robertson


20 June

Kym Creighton

Karen Higgins


21 June

Claire Hamilton

Sharon Pole


22 June

Diana Willoughby

Tania Wright


23 June
(last day of Term 2)

Michelle Arvidsson-Smith

Nancy Poldervaart

Shalom Sunday Markets

The Artisan Collective

This unique addition to the Shalom Markets will occur every second Sunday of the month running from 7:00am to 12:00pm in the Sports Centre.

Tuckshop Markets Roster

4 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Paula Cittadella

Kath Clarke

Elizabeth Harris

Shelley Pisani

Alison Reinhardt

Helen Robinson

Nicole Schubel

9.00am - 12.30pm

Steve Cook

Tonyia/Lily Garland

Jackie Orchard

Maryanne Taylor

Michael/Cheri Visona

11 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Glen Boys

Jan Bunn

Roselyn Hunting

Trish Ingall

Susie Mant

Karen Marriott

9.00am - 12.30pm

Jenny Cross

Lynda/Mackenzie Crossett

Helen Glass

Jas Haster

Sheridan McMahon

18 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Linda Adcock

Carol Barazza

Lisa Christiansen

Sally Doyle

Nikki Ellis

Brenda Jay

Penny Green

9.00am - 12.30pm

Sue Sargent

Kathryn Church

Chris Dennien

Jo Leveritt

Maria McMahon


25 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Vince Habermann

Melissa Lancaster

Kate Rehbein

Louise Stallard

Craig Warner

Penelope Wrench

9.00am - 12.30pm

Brendan/Astrid Clancy

Kym Murphy

Jo Medcalf

John Pappalardo

Markets BBQ Roster

4 June

Rugby League Confraternity

11 June

Rugby League Confraternity

18 June


25 June

Cambodia Trip

2 July

Knights of the Southern Cross

Community Notice Board

National Reconciliation Week 2017

Position Vacant

Ecumenical Lunch - Helping the Homeless

Join us in the Shalom College Sports Centre for a special event with International Humanitarian and Global Peacemaker Moira Kelly.

Lunch will be catered by The Waves and additional entertainment and fundraising activities will be ongoing. Tickets will be available at $55pp or $35pp concession (discounted prices are for aged pension and school students only).

All fundraising proceeds will go towards updating facilities to ensure homeless people have access to showers and washing / drying facilities, as well as conversation and connection with volunteers for further support and referral.

The 2017 Ecumenical Committee is underpinned by CentacareCQ as the auspicing body, and has additionally brought together enthusiastic representatives from the Bundaberg Housing and Homeless Forum, Churches, Local Government, Media, Local Business and Service Groups to help identify and implement projects that will have practical outcomes to those effected by homelessness in Bundaberg.

Every night there are more than 19,838 people experiencing homelessness in Queensland alone, that’s 1 in 200 people Australia-wide, so it was not difficult to facilitate a fundraising campaign that is “Helping the Homeless”.

Please click on the link to follow the event on our Shalom Facebook Page 15th Annual Ecumenical Lunch .

National Disability Scheme (NDIS)

Catholica Parish News

Triple P Parenting

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.

2017 Move It Expo and the Ring Road Run

Weekend of 10 and 11 June

Come along to Bundaberg Regional Council’s 5th Annual MOVE It Expo to see a showcase of the region’s local sporting clubs, professional fitness trainers, and health experts.

When: Saturday 10 June, 10am to 2pm
Where: St Luke’s Anglican School, 4 Mezger Street, Bundaberg

Free entry, everyone welcome!

With demonstrations, and a wide range of local stallholders, there is something for everyone interested in their better health and wellbeing at the Move It Expo.

Find out more about the Move It Expo online at:

Run, walk or wheel – join us for this year’s Ring Road Run on Sunday 11 June. Kids 2km Dash or 5km and 10km options. Have some fun with your family and friends and help raise funds for RACQ LifeFlight and Leukaemia Foundation. Register online at:

See the Move It Expo and Ring Road Run poster for more information.