18 May 2020
Principal’s Reflection
It has been very good to have our Year 11 & 12 students back at school last week and, by this time next week, we will have everyone back. On-line learning has been a learning experience for us all. Some aspects of this have been particularly good and will remain part of our practice moving forward. We asked the returning older students for their feedback on how things had worked for them and we were very pleased to learn that, for the vast majority, they found the experience of on-line learning pretty positive.
Teachers have worked very hard in this new environment learning new skills to ensure that students are as engaged as possible. They have done a great job in this. This has given some impetus to look at improving our Learning Management System. Recently, we have done a lot of research in looking at numerous options available. Our aim is to give staff, students and parents a clear and easily navigable site where all school and curriculum materials can be easily accessed with a single log-in. If we purchase the right product, this could make accessing information around your child’s school life, assessment and reporting much easier for you as a parent. It could well replace a Student Diary moving forward. One of the products we are looking at is called ‘Schoolbox’. They have provided us with a virtual sandbox for us to have a play in. The website is in the link below.
and the log-in for parents and students is:
Username: jreed
Password: password
Username: jennireed01
Password: password
I would welcome your feedback on how this compares to our current Parent Lounge and Student Café. If we go ahead with this, we would still need to use some aspects of what we currently do with Parent Lounge for Diocesan purposes.
The Bundy Show Holiday is on Thursday of next week – even without the Show! Enjoy the day off.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
With online learning beginning to fade from the horizon, I can’t help but feel proud of the efforts of our Shalom College staff. Teachers and School Officers have upskilled in order to deliver meaningful lessons for online platforms, whilst juggling the large number of students who have been physically present. Under the circumstances, I believe it has been a success and we have been grateful to the high level of online attendance from our students. It has been a ‘team effort’ and as life begins to return to some normality, the Term Two Tutoring timetable is attached below and will recommence this week.
Maternity Leave
Last week, Mrs Kelsie Schuler began maternity leave. Kelsie is an excellent Business teacher and she will be missed by students who say ‘Mrs Schuler is a good teacher who likes to see her students do well’ and ‘she really likes students’. Michael and Kelsie look forward to the birth of their first child in the coming month and we wish them all the best. Kelsie will return to the College next year.
New Career
Mrs Megan Sheppard recently left the College to pursue a new career in the Queensland Police Service. Megan is almost finished her training and hopes to begin her career in the Wide Bay region in the near future. Megan was a wonderful teacher who gave over 10 years’ service to the Shalom community and we wish her well with her new endeavours.
Mrs Kim O’Shea-Hard
Assistant Principal – Staff
Learner Conferences - Postponed
Due to the uncertain environment at present, the Learner Conferences that were advertised on the School Calendar for 26 May have been postponed. A new date will be decided and communicated when there is greater certainty about the return of students to school.
If you have any questions about your child’s progress, please contact the relevant classroom teacher.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
The Three World of the Text
The Bible is one of the places we seek to find God. However when reading Biblical text it is very important to understand and ask questions about the text being read. We encourage our students to think about the Three Worlds of the Text when engaging with a piece of text.
The first is the World Behind the Text
This requires them to learn about the context in which the text was written. The cultural world at the time, the specific community the text was written for, who wrote it, why it was written, are just some of the important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to fully understanding what the text is communicating.
The World of the Text
This is the actual piece of text. The type and structure of the text, what comes before and after this piece of text, the characters, key words and phrases, who speaks and who is silenced. All of these lead to a greater understanding of the text.
The World in Front of the Text
This is the final aspect and asks who and how this text might be relevant for today. Are there messages we can take from this text and bring them into our own lives? Is there anything in this text that might be open to challenge or questioning by a modern reader? How might gender, culture or life experience affect the way a modern reader might respond to the text? How might a modern reader gain a deeper awareness of the text?
All Three Worlds overlap and interact with each other. Biblical interpretation is incomplete if one world is unduly emphasised or neglected. We bring our questions to the Biblical text and it – the Word of God – in turn questions us.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Finance Office
An updated statement on 2020 Annual Fees will be generated this week and forwarded to families. This statement will reflect your current account balance with the college for 2020. Once finalized, the statement will also be available on Parent Lounge.
Please review this statement upon its arrival and should you have any queries or require assistance with setting up a new payment plan or reviewing your existing payment plan, please phone the Finance Office on 4155 8104 or email finance@shalomcollege.com.
Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer
Year 7 2021
Online Learning Awards
Our online Learning Legends are students who successfully logged on to all four lessons each day of the previous school week and are working productively.
Please click on the link below to view the list of Students who have been recognised as online Learning Legends.
Year 10 Camps
In light of the current situation with Covid-19 our Year 10 Camps that were planned for term two are going to change. At this stage we will still be going to Chaverim each day with a different format of day time activities only. Students will be transported by bus to and from Camp each day and will not be staying overnight.
We have decided to keep year 10 Camps as daytime activities only and move to new dates in Week 7, 8 and 9 of Term 2. The students will be transported to Chaverim by the College bus or by a Duffys bus each day. Students will need to be at school by 8.30 am each morning; they will return to the College on day 1 and day 3 at approximately 2.50 pm, n time to catch buses home. For day 2, please collect your child at 5.00 pm from Shalom as the day 2 activity sessions need more time and will conclude at Chaverim at 4.30 pm. ( if you have an issue with return times – please communicate with your House Coordinator)
If your child is unwell and has flu-like symptoms please keep them at home.
As things are changing with Covid-19 and the Government’s directives we will be in contact further if things do change again.
Due to term 2 being disrupted, as you know, we have had to make the decision to cancel all of our Year 7 Camps this term and keep the Year 10 Camps.
The Year 10 Camp program initiates and promotes our students leadership and teamwork journey into Senior Schooling at Shalom and our House Coordinators are the teachers in charge of these Camps.
Please login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend the Camp.
Please notice that we have had to swap Camp 7 and 8 from previous planning due to one House Coordinators availability.
Please see camp schedule below.
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
Photo Competition
Students learning from home are encouraged to have a family member take a photo showing them in their home workspace and email it to media@shalomcollege.com. The best photos will be posted on the School’s social media pages and appear in the Shalom Newsletter next week. You just have to make sure the Shalom logo is visible in the photo – wear your hat, uniform or be creative!
Photo of the week
Thanks to Year 7 student Lara for sending in this snap of Learning @ Home with Shalom!!
Send in your of Learning @ Home with Shalom photos to media@shalomcollege.com
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
IT Tips and Tricks
Parental controls for iPads
Screen Time lets you know how much time you and your kids spend on apps, websites and more. This way, you can make more informed decisions about how you use your devices, and set limits if you'd like to. Read on to learn how to turn on Screen Time, view your report and set limits, and manage a child's device.
For more info at the link below:
IT Assistance
If any student requires IT assistance, please contact the IT Department by:
Logging a request or using the “Chat” option at the link below:
Emailing shalomit@shalomcollege.com
Visiting us in the IT Office
Calling 4155 8131
We are here to support you!
Ms Stephanie Johnson
IT Service Desk Manager
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
Homework Club
Due to the return of our regular school timetable, the daily tutoring sessions between 2.10 pm to 3.00 pm have ceased. Homework club has recommenced from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm each Wednesday afternoon.
Mr Steve McKay
Learning Enhancement Teacher
Year 13 Expo
During National Careers Week, Year13 will deliver a careers exhibition like no other.
Year13 Expo is a little different than other careers fairs. They have listened to the questions students have had about the future. They understand you’re keen to hear more about the benefits of studying versus working, whether you should take a gap year, if an apprenticeship is right for you, what the perks of working in different industries are and how amazing people got to where they are today.
From May 18-22, you’ll be able to explore exhibits from a host of different universities, TAFEs, colleges, employers and gap year providers. But you’ll also get the opportunity to hear from some amazing career folk who are nailing it in their industry. Through a series of live chats, webinars and online ‘booths’, the Year13 Expo will help you figure out what it is you’re passionate about and what you need to do in order to get there.
Listen to inspiring Influencers
Hear from industry Experts
Get your questions answered in live chats
Enquire about courses, jobs and travel programs
All webinars are run after school in 30 minute time slots between 5.00pm and 8.00pm so everyone can attend. To register, head to the link below:
Here is just a snapshot of some of the amazing webinars on offer
Plus there is $5,000 cash, amazing mentorship opportunities and a heap of other work experience prizes up for grabs. On the Year13 website there are a whole bunch of useful tools to help you find your ideal career path and they are all outlined in the Year13 Passport. Once you complete them all you will be well on your way to finding your passion, plus you’ll be in the running to win $5,000!!!
Find out how here:
If you need any further information about Year13 or the expo, don’t hesitate to contact the Pathways Office.
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Quiet Achiever
Cristian Zandona
Year 10 Student Cristian Zandona is Adams Quiet Achiever. Cristian is always willing to help out when requested and will often put forward ideas to get others motivated. Cristian will always take the time to say hello and always does so with a smile. He has a great academic record and puts in his best effort. I have never had to speak with Cristian about inappropriate behaviour towards others.
Mr Joe O’Driscoll
Adams House Coordinator
Apps and websites for enhancing language learning
Currently, there are so many fun ways to learn a language – just look at some of the apps and sites that are available, you may find several you’ll feel comfortable with your child using!
Google Arts and Culture
This is a google extension and has a range of interactive Japanese culture and art topics for viewing including videos and or presentations. Check out, I especially love the food topics.
DoTalk is a voice-activated translator – invented by a Queenslander! It can translate both words and voice in 90 different languages – and it is free!
Memrise is also a good app (also free) which guides the user through a number of graded lessons for learning vocabulary in more than 200 lessons.
Some sites you or your child might find useful are listed below. As always, you need to use sites (and apps!) appropriately. While they enrich your learning involvement nothing can take the place of actually participating in a lesson.
This is one of the best online dictionaries for Japanese, a must reference for years 9-12
This week with the extra time that has been availed to the junior students we have had some creative fun making clay hiragana figures.
Japan Tour 2020
It is with a heavy heart to inform everyone that the Japan Tour 2020 has had to be cancelled. Depending on Diocesan approval and health advice from the Government there could be a tour arranged for some time in 2021 however that is obviously depending. Please contact Mrs Wilson if you have questions in relation to this. An email has been sent home to the students and families who have paid their deposit.
Culture Corner
I’ve always been fascinated with Japanese Mythology, and while I was in Japan on my last visit I was so fortunate to see the wooden statues that protect the Great budha of Sensoji Temple in Tokyo.
Raijū, the legendary creature who is the companion of Raijin, the Shinto god of lightning.
It can sometimes take the form of a wolf, a cat, a fox, or a weasel. It can shoot and conduct electric bolts, and turn itself into a ball of lightning, but is generally harmless when tame.
It is said that it loves to sleep atop s sleeping person’s belly, and when Raijin needs to wake it up, he shoots a lightning bolt to it, which of course harms the sleeping person too! That’s why in superstition, it is advised to sleep facing sideways or down, especially during thunderstorms.
Which pop culture character does the raijū remind you of?
Ms Simone Wilson
Learning Area Coordinator Japanese
Swimming Champion
Congratulations to Year 11 Student Jaime Krueger who received a letter from the Australian Swimming Head Youth Coach informing her that she would have been selected onto the Junior Australian team to compete at the Junior Pan Pacific Games in Hawaii later this year. Unfortunately the Junior Pan Pacific Games has been cancelled due to Covid 19. Jaime, this is an outstanding achievement, congratulations!!!!
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
Virtual Cross Country
To keep the students of Shalom College active and interested in sport, we have organised an Inter-House Virtual Cross Country event for 2020. Shalom is keen to have as many students as possible PARTICIPATE in this event.
All you need to do is walk, jog or run; record your time and share your time with the School
There will be a Virtual Cross Country Champion House Trophy up for grabs.
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Rowing during Isolation
Shalom Rowing members took part in a four nation indoor challenge from 8 to 12 May. Rowing Canada, Rowing New Zealand, British Rowing and Rowing Australia hosted a One Minute Challenge for indoor rowing machines. Members of the public competed against each nations Olympic and Paralympic teams for individual awards in various age, weight and adaptive rowing categories.
Shalom rowers did very well with Emily Evans finishing second in her age group between two rowers from Great Britain. The leading rower from Great Britain Emily Downer has been in contact with Emily and they have now shared rowing stories via Instagram.
Emily on her rowing machine
The challenge was to row as far as you could in one minute, Emily managed 314 metres a fantastic effort.
Samuel Heinz and Sam Card competed in the male 13-14 years and did very well.
Mr Rod Silcox
Shalom College Rowing Coach
Shalom College is competing in XP Esports Australia High School League!
Esports for Shalom College is wonderful inclusive opportunity for young people of all ages to connect through modern technology. This medium provides young people with the prospect of representing their school in a competitive manner. Additionally, students engaged in eSports grow real life skills to help them in the future. Such skills include critically evaluating information and self-appraisals, increasing social and self-regulatory skills, and providing space whereby young people and their parents can connect.
With five teams in the competition; three teams in the Rocket League and two teams in the League of Legends competition, Shalom College is off to a great start! See below the game report from the Shalom Sharks!
Game Report – Shalom Sharks - League of Legends
On Tuesday 12 May the Shalom Sharks – The College’s first ever League of Legends eSports team played their final match of the regular season for the 2020 UQ High School League of Legends Championship. The following summary was written by Ronan Boylan – the Sharks’ ADC (Attack Damage Carry) who put up an impressive performance to lock in his team’s spot in the finals.
“In week 8 we scored a victory with our team’s hard work and effort. We started extremely well with us picking up the first takedown. We then managed to gain control over the map and the larger objectives which in turn lead to a significant lead over our opponents. With a brilliant end score of 28 to 24 for takedowns the Shalom Sharks managed to breeze to a win over the Northside Christian College Team 1. Of-course with this victory we made it to 2020 UQ League of Legends High School Championship playoffs.”
Shalom Sharks League of Legends Players;
Top Lane: Cooper Knott – Year 9
Jungle: John Stewart – Year 9
Mid Lane: Lochlan Capell – Year 12
ADC: Ronan Boylan – Year 10
Support: Kael Yunus – Year 12
Well done boys!
Mr Gavin Hill
eSports Coordinator
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop remains open with it’s regular hours, Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Orders and payment via phone are most welcome, students will be notified via email when their order is ready for collection from the Uniform Shop.
Phone : 41 558 121
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Term Dates for 2020
Term 1 |
28 January – 3 April |
Term 2 |
20 April – 26 June |
Term 3 |
13 July – 18 September |
Term 4 |
6 October – 4 December |
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!
- Fresh food stalls only – fruit, vegetable & local food products
- No other food stalls – BBQ, tuckshop etc.
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
The running of the markets will be reviewed weekly until further notice.
No volunteers required
Due to the temporary closure of the Shalom Markets Food Stalls we DO NOT NEED volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Community Notice Board
Student Travel Rebates
Catholic Parish Bulletin
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.
Drivers College
Drivers College has returned to provision of pre and novice learner driver education, special provisions have been put in place for the protection of both staff and students training on our complex. Please see below the changes made to ensure safety from transfer of the virus. Currently we are only working with one student per booking, on Saturday or student free days until further notice.
School holidays at present will be one student per educator with the 2 day program being offered on Monday and Friday of both weeks, this will mean we will only have two student places each week so if you are wanting to book please contact us early as they will go fast. A special amended one day program will be available for students with more than 70 log book hours, only 2 places will be available for these.
Pre learners program;- Pathway to Safer Driving is a 2 day comprehensive program from basic car set-up to hazard identification, crash avoidance, skid control and braking on varying surfaces and reverse parking.
The advanced program is based on less of the fundamental driving skills and more on braking, evade and crash avoidance, emergency stopping, reversing and parking.
Dates: |
Monday 29 June and Friday 3 July for the first week |
Monday 6 July and Friday 10 July for the second week |
Dates for the advanced program will be negotiated when the booking is made.
To book please call Diana on 41811773 if the phone is unattended please leave a message and I will call you back.
In the current climate of social distancing and our own concern for the health and safety of our clients and staff, Drivers College has developed and constructed two adapted vehicles and a new safe working procedure for cleaning and sanitizing all facilities and vehicles used in education. All staff are required to report any illness, students are required to fill out a questionnaire on their health and contacts for the 4 week period prior to booking. On the day staff and students along with any family entering the complex will have their temperature taken, anyone above normal will be referred to medical assistance and the booking deferred until they are cleared by their doctors. New measures are in place including more frequent breaks at which time vehicles will be cleaned and sanitized, students will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer in the rest area during the break. No staff is permitted to have any physical contact with the students.
We now have two vehicles being utilized in this new format number one has a clear hard Perspex Screen at head height separating the driver and educator as an extra precaution, this vehicle is being used for steering, cornering, etc. The student and educator will change vehicles to our new Distance Education Controller car. This car has had the front passenger’s seat removed and a special safety control system added for student safety during training in crash and skid prevention, emergency braking and other driving skills taught in our learner driver program. With the removal of the seat it allows the educator to distance themselves from the student and gives a more comprehensive view of hands and feet controls as well as a full view of the road. This is an innovative concept providing the educator with a new teaching method using combined visualization of hands, eyes and feet working in unison.
Drivers College is a not for profit entity built by sponsorship of local business and a small army of volunteers who share our vision. Our ethos is to “save lives on our roads through early intervention education”. The College and our education complex is a living work, operated by professional trained educators, all staff are volunteers and financial input is used to run and expand the complex. On our wall and web site driverscollege.net.au you will find a list of local business who support us please support them when you can as we build a healthier, safer community.
Director of Programs and Administration
Drivers College
Brickworks Circuit, Bundaberg, Qld, 4670
Phone: 0741 811 773