12 October 2020
Principal’s Reflection
I enjoyed my first week back at Shalom last week. I wandered in and out of classrooms and, at one point, ended up in a Yr 8 RE class where the students had been given the task to try and imagine and draw what Heaven might look like! Not sure if I made it any easier for them but I told them I had absolutely no idea what Heaven looks like. Too often, ‘religious people’ have fixated on the next life rather than worrying about how we live this one. I think religions have spent too much time promising eternal rewards or threatening damnation rather than encouraging all of us to live out, now, the Gospel demand to care for each other and the world in which we live.
Pope Francis released last week a letter to the world called ‘Fratelli tutti’ which translates as ‘brotherhood of all’. At a time when we are so conscious of political or economic divisions, Francis reminds everyone that we are connected. That we all have a responsibility to make this life, better for all – not just ourselves. The letter begins by examining the signs of a lack of fraternity in society. The list is long and comprehensive, including the erosion of human rights, the dominance of ideologies of economic self-interest over the common good, the treatment of refugees, the poisoning of public conversation and communication, and the many forms of discrimination. The letter reminds us all that we have a responsibility to demand respect for human beings for their intrinsic value and not for their use. The letter asks everyone to be committed to peace and to reject war. It condemns capital punishment and encourages everyone to engage in processes of forgiveness and reconciliation. I was interested to read during the week that this letter from Pope Francis has been criticized for being too political – particularly in the United States. If what the Pope is saying is political, that is a political party that I would be happy to join.
Yesterday was ‘Sanctity of Life’ Sunday. Bishop Michael sent around a letter on this that is well worth your consideration. Life, at every point, is so important. A society that does not respect that is very unhealthy.
Awards Night this year will be very different and will be offered to the community in a pre-recorded format due to Covid restrictions. More updates on this will be forwarded to you.
Year 12 Graduation, like all else, will also be impacted by current restrictions. At this point, we will hold the Graduation in the Hanger but we can only have two adults present for each Year 12 student. The date has not changed but we are obviously very limited in how many people can be present.
James Ambrey (Adams Year 12 2012) very sadly passed away last week after a battle with Cancer. The thoughts and prayers of this community go out to his parents and his older sisters Katelyn & Tessa. This is an awful time for the family and James is very well remembered at Shalom as a young man who loved life and living by the sea. May a loving God welcome him and hold his family close.
Shalom Sport is fantastic. I have just spent a few days with the four Shalom teams at the Qld All Schools Touch Football championships where they performed brilliantly. Last week we had a team at the Futsal competition and over the holidays had two teams compete at Vicki Wilson Netball and a team at Qld All Schools Basketball. In the last week of Term 3, we dominated the Surf Lifesaving Schools Competition and we also dominated the Bundaberg District Winter Finals day. It is so good to see so many Shalom students so eager to represent the College so well. I am enormously grateful to all of the staff at the College who give their time to make this happen. I don’t think there is any doubt by way of participation and involvement that Shalom is the prominent sporting school in the region.
Covid – Stay home if unwell. Again, it is the world in which we find ourselves but the days of ‘soldiering on’ in the face of colds and flus are not OK anymore. Please, if your child is displaying flu-like symptoms, please keep them home for everyone’s safety.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Student Welfare and Information
- Administration
- Curriculum
- Mission
- Finance Office
- Student Drivers
- Absentees
- Pathways
- Library News
- Culture and Service Team Photos
- Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
- Sport
- Uniform Shop
- Term Dates for 2020
- Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
- Breakfast
- Tuckshop Roster
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Student Welfare and Information
Formal News
Preparation for the Formal 2020 continues.
Last week, an email was sent out to all parents re due date for payment and other information we need for the night. There are links within the email for you to access documents.
Due date for all of this is: 28 October
As stated in the email, we will be live streaming the student arrivals as well as the introductions. We ask that parents do not come down to the Multiplex Centre to watch the arrivals as I don’t want anything to jeopardise the safe running of the Formal.
If you need any further information please contact me here at the College.
Chewing Gum
Chewing gum is banned in the College. Too many of our students are bringing it in to the College. Up until now we have given the students consequences at lunch times but due to the number of students who continue to chew gum we will be moving to community service on a Friday afternoon.
Exception: Students who present an orthodontist’s letter re the chewing of gum after braces have been tightened are given a pass to present to their teachers.
Aerosol deodorant
Important information: Aerosol deodorant is banned in the College. We have several students and staff who are severely asthmatic and the aerosol deodorant spray can be a trigger for an attack.
Please make sure your son or daughter has roll-on deodorant.
I know that it is edging ever-closer to the end of the school year, however, the boys are expected to have hair styles and length of hair that complies with the College grooming policy.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal
Year 12 External Exams
External Exams for Year 12 General Subjects will occur over the period from Monday 26 October – Tuesday 17 November. Attached is some important information about this time including :
- External Assessment Timetable
- Directions for Students
- External Exam Equipment List
Could parents and students please familiarise themselves with these important documents in preparation for the External Exam period?
Please note that normal classes continue during Week 2 and 3 of Term 4 (12 Oct – 23 Oct), however students need only attend school for the exams they are sitting during the External Exam Block (26 Oct – 17 Nov). Students who are required to complete outstanding work may also be required to attend school during the External Exam block as organised by the relevant classroom teacher. More information about activities that will occur on the three days after the External Exam Block (ie 18 Nov – 20 Nov) will be distributed soon.
Good luck with your study and your exams!
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
ROSA Awards
Term 3 ROSA Awards are being finalised; awardees will be presented with them during House Assembly in Week 3. A list of the recipients will be published in the newsletter in Week 4.
Subject Changes
Mr Maher recently sent an email to all students outlining subject change timelines. Current Year 11 students who wish to change a subject for the commencement of Unit 3 should see Mrs Ivers now. Students must change into the subject at the commencement of the unit.
Subject changes for other year levels are closed until later this term. Any subject changes at this stage should be very minimal and you must arrange a parent interview with Mrs Ivers (Year 10) or Mrs Munckton (Year 9) and have valid reasons for wanting a subject change.
Mock Examinations
Year 12 students have now completed their ‘mock’ examinations in preparation for the upcoming external exams. Over the next two weeks students will receive feedback on their progress, analyse their responses and work towards further improvement. It is imperative that all students are present during the two weeks leading up to the examinations to ensure they are sufficiently prepared for success.
Please refer to Mr Maher’s article regarding the organisation of the External Assessments (Monday 26 October – Tuesday 17 November). It is important the students familiarise themselves with their timetable to ensure they know when and where each of their scheduled exams is taking place.
Confirmation of Provisional Marks - Year 12
Event 2 of the QCAA Quality Assurance process has commenced. In the coming weeks the College will receive notification of the confirmed results for students across all General and General Extension subjects. Students will be informed of their ‘confirmed’ result for each subject when available. This information will also be made available to students via their QCAA Student Portal account.
Student Learning Accounts
All Year 12 students by now should have registered for access to their Student Learning account in the QCAA Portal. There are still some students who have not completed this. Please speak with your child to confirm that they have set up their Learning Account. Please check that they have registered using a personal email address and NOT used their Shalom email address. They will not be able to access their Year 12 results/QCE information without having set up their Learning Account. Students need to contact Mrs Ivers if they do not have a Learning Account set up.
Senior School Attendance Expectations
It is the College’s expectation all Year 12 students will be present at school at all required times to ensure they comply with QCAA requirements for QCE attainment. Organisation for this term is as follows:
Weeks 2 & 3 (Oct 12 23) |
Normal Classes – All Year 12 students to attend |
Weeks 4-7 (Oct26Nov20) |
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Year 12 Retreat
The last 3 days of Term 3 Year 12s spent at Alexandra Park Conference Centre at their Retreat. It was a great three days and a wonderful way to end the term. I would like to commend the students on their enthusiasm and behaviour. We had to adhere to lots of restrictions but the students just complied and didn’t whinge. They certainly made the best of the situation. Because ‘what happens on Retreat stays on Retreat’ we can’t say much about what happened but here are a couple of glimpses into our time there.
The Youth Hub
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Finance Office
Families will receive an updated statement on 2020 Annual Fees this week. This statement will reflect your current account balance with the college, now due by 30 November 2020. A copy will also be available on Parent Lounge.
Please review this statement upon its arrival and should you have any queries please phone the Finance Office on 4155 8104 or email finance@shalomcollege.com.
Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer
Student Drivers
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school. You, are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/ Enrolment Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
2021 Additional Learning Opportunities
Year 10 Early Childhood Education and Care student Emerson-Rose McKenzie talks with Mrs Kelly Cory about her Culture Assessment. This two-year qualification allows students to seek employment in a range of early-childhood education and care roles and is also a stepping stone into further qualifications and tertiary study. This is just one of the external qualifications on offer next year.
Students wishing to engage in additional learning such as TAFE and external qualifications in 2021 are now able to register their interest with the Pathways Office. To see the selection of courses on offer click on the link to access the 2021 Additional Learning Opportunities booklet.
TAFE Career Pathways Information Night for Graduating Year 12’s
TAFE will be holding a Career Pathways Information Night at the Bundaberg campus on Tuesday, 20 October from 6.00pm to 7.30pm. The content will be relevant to school leavers. Due to limited spaces and distancing requirements, families must register attendance using below link.
Topics covered:
- Fee Free Courses
- Free Apprenticeships for under 21's
- Enrolment process and general course information
- Engagement with teaching staff and campus tours
This is an ideal opportunity for students and guardians to make informed decisions regarding study with TAFE Queensland.
Bundaberg – Women in Defence Information Session
Defence Jobs are holding a Women in Defence Information Session at the Bundaberg Multiplex on Monday, 19 October from 6.00pm – 8.00pm. All attendees must register. Reserve your seat/s with a simple registration process here:
Year 13
From time to time the Pathways Department are contacted with opportunities for graduated students. We would love to know our current Year 12’s plans for the future, and if they might like to be contacted should opportunities arise. We have created a google questionnaire for Year 12 students to complete so we can capture the relevant data. This has been emailed to all Year 12 students and we ask parents to please encourage their children to complete it.
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Library News
Welcome back students! I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday.
This week we are featuring two very different books that are both fantastic.
Our first book is Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer. This is a retelling of the famous Twilight novel, but from Edward Cullen’s point of view. This is the perfect book for fans of the original series.
Our second book, The Tell by Martin Chatterton, is a fast-paced mafia crime story that will leave you on the edge of your seat! Perfect for any fan of crime mystery thrillers.
A reminder to all students to return any books that were borrowed out over the holidays and to return overdue items ASAP.
See you at the library!
Miss Bella Little
Gap Year Student – Administration
Culture and Service Team Photos
Group photos for all music performance groups, SRC, Dance Performance Team, Relay For Life and Edmund Rice Camp students will be taken in Term 3 – Week 9 & 10 and Term 4 Week 2.
Please check your child/ren allocated day in the below link – please note in Student Record Books as a reminder.
Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
TERM 4 2020
Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.
SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term.
3.00 pm - School lessons
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied)
at College tuckshop and set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various
venues within school grounds)
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return
equipment and picked up by parents at front of school.
SCASA Activities - see below
Monday -
Option 1 - Netball with
Charlotte Boge (SC or Hangar)
Option 2 - ABC’S with Jarrod Burnett (Oval or
Option 1 - Dance with Laura
Helbig (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - e-Sports with Josef Baumgartner (Hogan
classrooms )
Option 3 - Touch Football and OzTag with Molly
Dawson (Oval)
Option 1 - Cross Country with
Mat Grills (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis
Option 3 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (Hogan
* ABC’S = Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed activities in a fun game centred friendly atmosphere.
* e-Sports = electronic Sports
The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for each student.
This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons
This is to encourage participation in SCASA activities.
After completing the SCASA sign on google form, at approx. week 3 of term - you will receive an invitation on Parent Lounge regarding SCASA.
Please wait until week 3 of term then login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend SCASA and pay the $20.00 fee.Once there click on the ‘Tours and Excursions’ tab and you will find a link to SCASA Term 3 - Here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend and pay the fee.
Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed.
It is very important that all information in Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the welfare of your child.
Please make sure that you click SAVE before logging out.
If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the College Office.
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.
This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised physical activities after school.
Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below
REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2. Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections below - so it cannot be selected.
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
Winter Finals Day – Tuesday 15 September
It was so great to witness children playing sport across several venues on Winter Finals Day last term, there was almost a sense of normality it what has been a very ‘different’ year.
Congratulations to all the Shalom students who have participated in the Winter Sport season and especially those involved in Winter Finals Day.
Shalom took home 8 Premierships out of a possible 20 across 6 different sports and finished runners-up in 6 others. Congratulations to the following Premiership winning teams: Year 9/10 Boys Basketball; Division 1 Table Tennis; Open Competitive, Year 9 Competitive, Year 9 Social and Year 7/8 Competitive Netball; and Year 9/10 Boys and Year 7/8 Boys Football.
Special thanks to all the wonderful staff who willingly volunteer their time to coach/manage all the Shalom Sporting teams.
Table Tennis Finals
The finals day for BDSSS Table Tennis was played on Tuesday morning 15 September. Both Shalom teams were involved on the day.
Division 1
Our Division 1 team played their final round game as part of the day, defeating St Lukes to hold on to their unbeaten record and progress straight through to the final.
Shalom faced Bundaberg Christian College in the final, winning with a convincing six matches to three victory. All players – Amelia Tu, Tahia Zia and Braydon Chapman – contributed equally, each winning two of their three matches. This team has backed up their victory in the Division 1 competition last year.
Division 2
Our Division 2 team – Jack Helbig, George Stelmack, Will Martin and Michael Connelly – commenced their day with a semi-final against Bundaberg SHS 1, with the winner going through to the final. This was a closely fought battle, however, Bundaberg SHS 1 proved too strong, beating Shalom five matches to three. A highlight was George Stelmack winning a marathon 20-18 point game.
Shalom Division 2 then played-off against Bundaberg SHS 3 for third place. This was another epic competition, very evenly matched, with Shalom sneaking home to take out the narrowest of wins – five matches to four (11 games to nine)!! Special mention for Will Martin who went through the day undefeated in his five matches.
All Shalom students are to be commended for their gamesmanship and behaviour throughout the season
Thanks also to Mr Dave Delpratt of Bundaberg Table Tennis for his organising and running of the competition.
Shalom Division 1 team – Tahia Zia, Braydon Chapman and Amelia Tu – BDSSS Table Tennis Champions for 2020.
Mr Troy Braund
Shalom Table Tennis Co-ordinator
Surf Lifesaving
Congratulations to Shalom’s Surf Lifesaving Team for winning Wide Bay Surf Lifesaving carnival yesterday.
Congratulations to John Davis, Michelle Moller, Kev Crowley, Mick Harris, Jarrod Burnett and the whole Shalom team.
Congratulations to Age Champions - Tommy Parker, Kasey Krueger and Kobi Holden
Georgie Stephenson – actually tied with Kasey Krueger on points for Age Champ – (but came second on countback)
A special mention to all of our wonderful Year 11 participants who did a fantastic job in leading their fellow team members in the absence of our Year 12 students.
Well done to all.
Many thanks to Craig Holden from SLSQ for running another outstanding carnival !!
Thanks Mr Holden!!
Congratulations to Riley Dingle, Ella Hagan-Jenkins, Taylor Driver and Kharla Hills, the girls all played at the State Touch Football Championships in the second week of the holidays.
Playing for CQ Bulls – all girls made the Grand Final and all played well.
CQ Bulls in both divisions came runners up - but - still did so well to make the Grand Final.
Riley Dingle and Ella Hagan-Jenkins – played for 18 Girls Team
Taylor Driver and Kharla Hills – played for 16 Girls Team
All 4 girls play for our Shalom PRD Touch Team on Tuesday nights and were a part of the Shalom Teams that played in Brisbane last week at the Qld All Schools Touch Carnival.
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
Tennis Success! – Queensland Country Champions - Qld Secondary School Teams Tennis State Finals
After winning the Wide Bay Regional Finals earlier in the year, the Shalom boys and girls tennis teams travelled to Rockhampton on September 17 & 18 to compete in the State Finals of the Qld Secondary School Tennis Teams competition. This is a high quality competition in which the top school from each region plays off for the title of best tennis school in Queensland.
We are fortunate at Shalom to have tennis players of such talent. The girls team of Matilda Gourlay, Frances Corpe, Katie Maher and Caya Akasaka-Marshall, displayed this quality consistently over the tournament to achieve the title of Queensland Country Champions – a title Shalom has not won before. After comfortably disposing of a strong Fairholme College team from Toowoomba, our girls had to beat Cathedral College from Rockhampton to take out this title. The girls dug deep and won the rubber by one game – an excellent achievement. Congratulations to these girls!
The boy’s team is a real team of the future with some amazing young talent. Zain Ali, Lachlan Campbell and Taj Wilson are three quality players who are still only in Year7 & 8 and showed their ability and fighting qualities to each have some good wins over the days. The team was admirably led by the grandfather of the team, Nick Whitelum, who showed impressive leadership qualities in addition to some excellent tennis. The boys achieved a Bronze medal in the Country Championship and have created an excellent foundation for even bigger things in future years.
A huge thank you to Simone Wilson who very capably managed the boy’s team over the tournament and to Richard Gourlay and Craig Marshall who provided transport and accommodation for some of the players – it is very much appreciated.
Mr Brendan Maher
Shalom Tennis Coach
Champion Basketball School of Queensland – Division 2 WINNERS!!
Shalom College Open Girls Basketball Team competed in the Champion Basketball School of Queensland Championships from 17 September – 20 September. Last year the team was undefeated in Division 3 and were promoted to Division 2 this year. The team went into the competition with the goal of finishing in the top 4 but after going through our first 5 games undefeated and top of our pool the goal soon changed to winning Division 2. In the Grand Final Shalom played Varsity College (Gold Coast) which has a basketball excellence program and were the favourites to win the Division. Every player that stepped foot on the court played their role in the team to perfection to secure convincing victory.
Mekkija Redgard was named “players player” in a very close decision at the completion of the Championships. Mekkija may not have been the top point scorer every game but she controlled the team with the ball, passing, rebounding and would always find a way to the basket when we needed a clutch play. Shelby Cass dominated the rebounds and her inside presence was a huge factor in our success. The coach after the Grand Final said Shelby was the defensive player of the tournament!!! Alyssa Cameron played fantastic defense on some of the top point scorers and certainly was a major point scorer for us in most games. Tahlia Glover had a strong carnival both offensively and defensively but her best game was the Semi Final where she was our top point scorer. Avril Davies was a great inclusion thanks to some overseas trips being cancelled. Avril played a big part in lifting the tempo/intensity in every game and frustrating any player she was defending!! She also made some great passes, shots and drives to the basket when the team needed them. Indigo Jenkins certainly plays a lot bigger than what she looks, getting under the basket for a number of rebounds each game, running the floor and driving to the basket every game. Summer Woods the youngest player in our team and probably in the competition showed maturity beyond her years. When Summer stepped on the court she stayed in control, defending well and scored in most games. Sami Nowland was also a member of the team but was unable to go away as she broke her thumb the week before the carnival.
Makayla Mortensen and Tayla Pearson were the only Year 12’s in the team which is fantastic for us next year as it means our player ranks will not be effected that much. Makayla played exceptionally well considering she was injured and did not have an ideal preparation for the tournament. Makayla controlled the game with the ball and every team loves to have a player that is always happy to make that extra pass even when she should sometime shoot it herself!! Tayla is relatively new to basketball but when she got used to the fact that we weren’t playing netball and she could take the ball off people without being called for “contact” and be a little more aggressive she was one of the best rebounders when on the court.
As a result of winning Division 2 this year we will be playing in the Championship Division 1 next year! We would like to thank our valued sponsors for the support in reducing the cost:
Bundaberg Physiotherapy Centre, Mark Haster Painting and The Wax Pot
Shalom College Open Girls Basketball Team with Mr Simon Gills and Mrs Kylie Giles
Pool Games
Shalom College def St
Columban’s College 39-33
Shalom College def Good Shepherd Lutheran College
Shalom College def Chisholm Catholic College
Shalom College def St Peters Lutheran College
Shalom College def Varsity College 63-56
Semi Final
Shalom College def Dakabin SHS 56-38
Grand Final
Shalom College def Varsity College 50-35
Thanks to Shalom for supporting this team!!
Mrs Kylie Giles, Coach
Mr Simon Gills, Manager
Throughout the holidays Charli-Anne Trace competed in the U14 softball state championship in Ipswich, Charli-Anne’s only been playing the sport for a little over 12 months, in the positions of catcher & third base. Catcher being her preferred position.
From this carnival Charli-Anne has been selected in the U14 Qld squad. Nationals are to be held in April 2021 in Hawker ACT.
On the 8, 9, 10 & 11 of October, Charli-Anne was also a member of the Wide Bay 10-12 years School girls team along with Shayla Rayner that competed in Redcliffe.
Charli-Anne Trace and Shayla Rayner |
Charli-Anne Trace |
Shalom College took out the Schools T20 Wide Bay Intermediate (years 7-8-9) Division title for the fifth year in a row by defeating St Luke’s Anglican and Bundaberg State High (BSHS) in the recent District Gala Day round at Kendall’s Flat which were spread over two days due to rain.
Shalom defeated St Luke’s first-up, before BSHS had a 14-run victory over St Luke’s.
The Shalom-BSHS game was rescheduled and Shalom toughed out a win over the star-studded unit, amassing 5-119, then restricting their opponents to 6-96.
Captain Ned Jenner led out from the front for Shalom with 23 from 16 balls, while fellow opener River Felstead anchored the innings with 32 and Beau Marshman hit out for an unbeaten 17 from only 13 balls late in the innings.
Oliver Boge was the most successful Shalom bowler with 2-12 from three overs, but all 12 players contributed, including with twins Simon and Sean Millett each taking superb catches to remove the danger men, but Queensland representative Lucy Hamilton was the Player of the Match with 13 runs at a strike-rate of 100% and leading the attack with 1-10 from four overs.
Beau’s twin Patrick also picked up two wickets late with his spin.
As there were no other Intermediate teams nominated from the other Wide Bay areas, as the Bundaberg champions, Shalom was also crowned Regional champions.
Shalom have also won the Wide Bay open division for the past three years and went on to be beaten by St Joseph’s Nudgee in the State final last year, but there is no T20 state competition this year due to Covid-19.
Intermediate Results: Shalom 2-118 (Ned Jenner 24, River Felstead 21ret) d St Luke’s 1-75 (Lucy Hamilton 3-0-13-1).
Shalom 5-119 (River Felstead 32, Ned Jenner 23, Beau Marshman 17no) d BSHS 6-96 (Lachlan Heycox 21, Patrick Marshman 1-0-8-2, Oliver Boge 3-1-12-2).
Shalom’s T20 cricket Team
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Vicki Wilson State Finals
On the last weekend of the school holidays, our Vicki Wilson teams faced a big weekend of netball action in Brisbane at the State Finals for the Vicki Wilson Netball Competition. This year, Covid-19 forced Netball Queensland to make some changes to the usual competition format. The traditional preliminary rounds were abolished and instead, teams were either given an invitation to participate in the State Finals or earned their place via a ballot system. Because Shalom College had competed in the State Finals competition in 2019, our teams were extended an invitation to this year’s event. Saturday and Sunday were devoted to round robin pool games, with the Top 4 teams in each pool winning through to the Elimination Finals day on Monday.
Junior VW Team – This year the Shalom Junior VW team really exceeded early expectations and played some wonderful netball over the weekend. During the Saturday pool games, the team experienced two very good wins over St Johns College and Calvary Christian College, and a tough draw against Siena Catholic College. This early success put the team into a strong position and on Sunday, the girls came out firing and recorded another two strong wins over Marymount College and Grace Lutheran College. They then faced their two toughest opposition teams in the very well-drilled Brisbane SHS and Southport SHS teams, and they experienced their first defeats of the carnival. Despite this, the team had done enough to place 3rd in their pool and so were successful in winning their way through to the Elimination Finals. On Monday, the team faced All Hallows School in an elimination final, fighting for a place in the quarter finals. After a slow start, the team found themselves down 1-6 during the first quarter, but to their credit, they did not drop their heads, and continued to fight hard and slowly pulled the score back. Unfortunately, shorter quarters and some costly turnovers were their enemy, with the Juniors eventually losing the match by 4 goals! Outstanding effort Juniors – you did your coaches and Shalom College proud with your effort and conduct.
Junior VW Team
Senior VW Team – The Senior VW competition is traditionally very tough, and this year proved to be no different. The Shalom team faced some very difficult competition over the weekend, but the girls played their hearts out and showed real growth and improvement over the carnival. On Saturday, they managed a draw against The Glennie School and then two tough losses to Robina SHS and St Peter’s Lutheran College. On Sunday, the team faced the daunting task of playing last year’s winners Moreton Bay College, who are strengthened by the inclusion of five state-level netball players. While other teams in the pool had experienced heavier losses to MBC, the Shalom seniors played out of their skin to keep the deficit much smaller. A heartbreaking 1 goal loss to Mackay’s Mercy College followed, before the girls finished the weekend on a high note with a win against Wavell SHS. Although the early losses meant that the Shalom team did not progress through to the Elimination Finals day on Monday, the team can hold their head high as their commitment, work ethic and team spirit was outstanding. With a number of Year 10 players getting their first taste of the high level senior competition, the team can’t wait to come back next year and give it another crack.
Senior VW Team with Ms Kelli Blair-Cory
Congratulations to all of our netball players for the way you conducted yourselves throughout the entire State Finals weekend. A massive thank you must also go to the staff who guided these teams throughout the competition – Kelli Corey, Melinda Pearson David Gahan & Kevin Crowley. Without your passion for and commitment to netball, our students would be able to enjoy this competition, or achieve the success they have in 2020.
Mrs Melinda Pearson
Uniform Shop
Uniform Shop Opening Hours – Term Time
Monday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Thursday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Friday – Closed
Boys formal socks
Boys formal socks will be compulsory as of Term 1 2021. These socks are available now, 2 pair to a pack $21.
Year 7 Uniform and Year 10 Girls Formal Uniform Fittings 2021
Appointments are now available for uniform fittings, please click on the link below to book your appointment.
As of Term 4,Tuesday 6 October, after school fitting appointments will be available via the link below.
Esports Jerseys and Leotards are now available for purchase in store or online.
Dance Leotard – Please see below link.
Currently Out of stock – Sports Socks Sizes 2-8 and 8-11 until October
Phone : 41 558 121
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Term Dates for 2020
Term 1 |
28 January – 3 April |
Term 2 |
20 April – 26 June |
Term 3 |
13 July – 18 September |
Term 4 |
6 October – 4 December |
Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.
Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.
For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.
Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).
No experience required!
Click here to book a shift >
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl &
cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks &
Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Tuckshop Roster
Tuesday 13 October |
Isobel O’Brien |
Wednesday 14 October |
Volunteer required please |
Thursday 15 October |
Merna Cook Volunteer required please |
Friday 16 October |
Volunteer required please |
Monday 19 October |
Mila Robertson |
Tuesday 20 October |
Jeanette Tu |
Wednesday 21 October |
Angela Jackson |
Thursday 22 October |
Merna Cook Volunteer required please |
Friday 23 October |
Kylie Jarvis/ Nereda Torok |
Monday 26 October |
Tia Booth |
Tuesday 27 October |
Stacey Tindel |
Wednesday 28 October |
Volunteer required please |
Thursday 29 October |
Merna Cook Melanie Forey |
Friday 30 October |
Jeanette Rand |
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!
- Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
- BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
Markets Tuckshop Roster
We NEED volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 18 October |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Carol Barazza Lisa Christensen Brenda/Colby Jay |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Chris Dennien Jade Law Maria McMahon |
Sunday 25 October |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Kate Rehbein Craig Warner Kylie Walduck |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Brendan/Astrid Clancy Jo Medcalf Nadia Tairiwhiti |
Sunday 1 November |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Andrew Lucht Janelle Test Leah Whalley |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Sharon Anderson Katumaree Nabnili |
Sunday 8 November |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Mary Buchanan Helen/Matthew Mader Steven Schiffke |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Patricia Rochford Clinton/Rebecca Davenport |
Sunday 15 November |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Suzanne Brown Mark Morris Gail/Michael Pimm |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Angela Jackson Wanita Ellis |
Sunday 22 November |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Christine Buwalda-Nicolson Jo Godfrey Trish Sellers |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Isobel O’Brien Nicole Schubel |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 18 October |
Rotary Club Bundaberg Central David Baldry |
Sunday 25 October |
Elliot Heads SLSC Laura McDonald |
Sunday 1 November |
Shalom Rowing Gretta Waters |
Sunday 8 November |
Moore Park Beach State School P&C Diane Patterson |
Sunday 15 November |
St Joseph’s P&F Jess Marsellos |
Sunday 22 November |
Rotary Club Bundaberg Central David Baldry |
Community Notice Board
St Patricks Tuckshop For Sale
Are you looking for a career change in 2021?
Please call into the Tuckshop & have a chat if you are interested in purchasing this business. Alternatively I can be contacted on 0413 483 082 or at the email address below.
Mrs Fleur Wooldridge
Tuckshop Proprietor
Youth Support
Link to Survey below
Find Out More below
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Catholic Parish Bulletin
Mass Timetable
Parish News and Announcements
Mass Seat Reservation
10 - 11 October 2020
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
by Anne Sheehan
I’ve always found the writings of Fr Ron Rolheiser worth reading. My experiences of the last few weeks led me to revisit an article on life after death: “Finding Our Loved Ones After Their Deaths”, 2004.
“As Christians, we believe in the “communion of saints”. We believe that those who have died are not only still alive but that they are, as well, still in a real relationship with us.” Our hope in the resurrection assures us that our loved ones are gone in body but not in soul.
How do we find our loved ones after they have died?
“On Easter Sunday morning, Mary Magdala and some other women went to Jesus’ grave but they didn’t find him there. Instead they found an angel who (in effect) asked them: “Why are you looking in a cemetery for someone who is alive?” “He’s not here,” the angel added, “go instead to Galilee and he will meet you there.”
That instruction is still valid today: When we are looking to meet our loved ones who have died we will find them in “Galilee” more so than in any cemetery. Where and what is “Galilee”?
Galilee, for Mary Magdala and the contemporaries of Jesus, was more than a place on a map. It was also, and especially, the place where Jesus’ spirit had flourished, the place they had first met him, the place of his key miracles, and the place where their own spirits had been stretched, enlarged, and warmed by contact with him.
Now, after Jesus’ death, they were being asked to go back to that place as the privileged spot where Jesus would meet them again.
And our faith says the same thing to us: Like Mary Magdala and the early Christian believers, we can meet our deceased loved ones by going back to “Galilee”, namely, by going to those places where their spirits flourished and where our own spirits were instructed, stretched, and warmed by contact with them. What, practically, does that mean?”
Until recently I had no experience of the death of a family member. We are in the process of arranging a fitting headstone for Teresa’s grave to ensure that her burial site looks well-loved and not forgotten. But the gravesite is not where I will really go to remember my sister. I will meet her each time in those places where her soul most flourished and where she took God’s boundless, beautiful, colourful, life-giving energy and made it real in her way: in the company of friends, each time I eat chocolate or fluff the bear on the end of the bed, listen to the Wiggles or Kermit the frog, sit at the head of the dining table, show kindness to a disabled person, enjoy the laughter of children, sit with my father, Teresa is there. God is present.
“We will honour our dead and honour the cemeteries where their bodies now rest, but our deceased loved ones are met in “Galilee”, in those places where their spirits flourished and where our own souls were stretched, instructed, blessed and warmed in our contact with them.”
St Mary’s Church in Galilee: Using the same analogy, where is the “Galilee” for the St Mary’s community whose central meeting place is no longer? It is in the living, breathing spirit of the St Mary’s faith community who continue to gather, to nurture, to welcome. On Sunday, 29th November, we will meet at the “tomb”, the site of St Mary’s church, and say farewell to the home of many. But that is not the end. The St Mary’s faith community and the welcome found in that small community continues, be it in another place.
When a loved one dies, they remain with us in spirit. When we meet them in “Galilee” our relationship with them does not just continue, it deepens.
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.