Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

16 November 2020

Principal’s Reflection

The first reading from yesterday’s Sunday Mass is one I suggested to Sheridan for our Wedding. It is the one from Proverbs that describes a perfect wife – ‘…she is always busy with wool and flax, she does her work with eager hands….’ etc. I was surprisingly overruled on this choice for the wedding. That said, this reading is one, like so much of the Scriptures, that needs to be read knowing the context of its development. It's only in the context of an agrarian society that the power of this text makes sense.

Until quite recently, women in Palestinian society, and in wider society for that matter, were considered the "possessions" of their husbands. They could be bought, sold, divorced, or killed without any appeal to the law. Wives in this society had no legally recognized human rights. They were expected to serve and shut up.

By contrast, then, this text from the Book of Proverbs, which can seem so old fashioned to us, was a liberating text in its day. A woman's right to work is not only defended, but also extolled. She is praised for her creativity, wisdom, goodness, strength, sense of justice, generosity, joy, and faith. In any age and for either gender this is not a bad list of virtues toward which we should all aspire.

And these days, of course, as God keeps asking us to evolve, we believe that what the Book of Proverbs expects and praises in a capable wife, we should equally look for in a capable husband.

Taking a reading like this, out of context, has contributed to how poorly women have been regarded in society and certainly in the Church. Within the Catholic Church, women have been and continue to be the driving force of faith. Without their leadership, the Church I love, would grind to a shuddering halt. We still have a lot of barriers to break down for women in leadership and I hope to see that happen more quickly. God demands that all of us, women and men equally, use our talents to make the Kingdom of God a reality now.

The Shalom Formal was a great success on Saturday night. It was disappointing that Covid restrictions did not allow for the attendance of parents but it was a great night nonetheless. Huge thank you to Mrs Austin-Campbell for her organization along with Ms Medcalf and the wonderful Dance training skills of Mrs Cutumore and Mrs Wilson.

Enrolments – please remember to advise the College if your child will not be returning to Shalom in 2021.

Covid – Stay home if unwell. Again, it is the world in which we find ourselves but the days of ‘soldiering on’ in the face of colds and flus are not OK anymore. Please, if your child is displaying flu-like symptoms, please keep them home for everyone’s safety.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Student Welfare and Information

Year 12 Formal

The Year 12 Formal was a wonderful night and it seems that the Year 12s enjoyed their night.

We are very grateful to Murray Page for the live streaming of the student arrivals and the introduction of each student. From all accounts it enabled families of the Year 12 students to see this no matter where they lived. There is much behind the scenes setting up for the live streaming.

We look forward to seeing all the photographs. Details will be sent out shortly advising when the photographs taken on the night will be available for purchase.

Information for Years 7, 8 & 9

On Monday 30 November we have organised a day of activities with two sessions – a morning session and then an afternoon session.

Session 1

Intra-House Competition for the coveted Phoenix Cup – Junior Competition.

Sports: basketball, touch football, netball and soccer


The canteen will be operating at school for lunches but not the canteen at the pool. Students may bring their own lunch of course.

Session 2

Swimming at Norville pool. Students will walk to the pool with teachers.

Students need water bottles, towels, sunscreen and need to wear sun safe clothing.

Please direct any queries to me at the College.

Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal


Year 12 External Exams

External Exams for Year 12 General Subjects will occur over the period from Monday 26 October – Tuesday 17 November. Attached is some important information about this time including :

  • External Assessment Timetable
  • Directions for Students
  • External Exam Equipment List

Could parents and students please familiarise themselves with these important documents in preparation for the External Exam period.

Please note that students need only attend school for the exams they are sitting during the External Exam Block (26 Oct – 17 Nov). Students who are required to complete outstanding work may also be required to attend school during the External Exam block as organised by the relevant classroom teacher. More information about activities that will occur on the three days after the External Exam Block (ie 18 Nov – 20 Nov) will be distributed soon.

Good luck with your study and your exams!

Year 10 End of Semester Two Examinations

The Year 10 examination timetable is attached. Please note that Year 10 students must attend school up to and including Thursday 26 November. Students who have taken Digital Solutions have an exam on Friday morning but may leave school after this exam. All other Year 10 students are not required to attend school on Friday although there will be supervision at school provided for those students unable to make alternative arrangements.

Students should expect to sit outstanding examinations and complete other outstanding assessment tasks at the direction of class teachers in any available examination session during the examination block, including the following week if necessary (30/11/20 and 4/12/20).

Please note there has been a minor adjustment to the exam schedule. The Year10 Life Science exam is now to be held in Ri2 and Ri3.

Parent Lounge

A reminder to parents to regularly log on to Parent Lounge to keep involved with your child’s schooling. Here you can find a wealth of information including report cards, assessment results and the school calendar. If you believe there is an error on Parent Lounge in the due dates, completion of assessment etc, please contact the classroom teacher.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration


Class Allocations for 2021

As timetabling for 2021 is not finalised there is no available information about teachers and class allocations. Your student will receive their timetable before the commencement of Term 1, 2021. Due to the size and complexity of our school and timetable structure we cannot cater for individual teacher or class preferences.

Middle School & Senior School

Many Year 10 courses have been adjusted this year to allow a taster of equivalent Senior subjects. Some students may have found that Semester 2 subject choices have caused them to revise preferences for next year. There will be an opportunity to make an application for change from Week 7 this will be communicated in the Daily Notices. It must be noted that timetable construction is based upon choices received this may mean that changes cannot be accommodated due to class or student numbers, or combinations of subjects.

Year 8 and Year 9 students work in elective subjects in Semester 2 may have caused some students to rethink preferences. There will be an opportunity to make an application for change from Week 7 this will be communicated in the Daily Notices.

Senior School

Year 12 Parent Exit Survey

The Diocese of Rockhampton would like to gather data from the parents of our Year 12 students on their experience with the new QCE system. As this is the first cohort to complete the new QCE system your feedback will be very valuable not only to the Diocese but also for us as a College. Obviously Covid-19 has put a different spin on this year, but reflection on your child’s experience with external assessments and the new system would be appreciated. The survey can be completed here:

Year 12 - FAQ’s

Please find attached a copy of Frequently Asked Questions that may be useful for Year 12 students once they have finished school. A copy of this will also be included in their Portfolio which they receive on Graduation Day.

Year 12 - Access to ATAR Scores

ATAR scores will be release at 9am on 19 December into student ATAR Portal accounts. Students who registered with QTAC would have got an email prompting them to create an ATAR Portal account. Unlike OP Scores, ATAR Scores will not be posted to students. Students will need to create an ATAR Portal account to receive their score. The ATAR Portal account can be set up by going to this location:

The following video will outline the very simple process you should follow to set up your portal account: Please note that the ATAR Portal is NOT the same as your child’s QCAA Learning Account. Students will need to be registered for both.

The QCAA Learning Account Portal is for receiving your child’s overall Year 12 results towards their QCE. Your child should have been checking this account regularly all through Year 11 and 12.

Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum


Giving Tree

Shalom students were extremely generous last Thursday for our Giving Tree. Although this year has been challenging we stopped to recall how grateful we are for the many good things in our lives and then the tree was swamped in presents for kids of all ages. We also collected hundreds of dollars in cash and gift cards. St Vincent de Paul will distribute these gifts and use this money to make Christmas more enjoyable for those in the Bundaberg area who are struggling to provide for their families. Thank you!!


This Thursday our Year 12 students will have their Graduation Liturgy. We have finally heard that we can hold the ceremony in the Sports Centre so we are excited that this very resilient group of young men and women can celebrate in comfortable surrounds with their families. The ceremony starts at 10 am and tickets must be presented on arrival. The event will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person.

The Youth Hub

Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission

Student Drivers

Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students

If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school. You, are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.

Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.

Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/ Enrolment Officer



Preferred option is Email or Phone Absentee line 41558181

ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.


Certificate II in Electrotechnology

This year, Shalom was delighted to partner with TAFE Queensland to deliver the Certificate II in Electrotechnolgy on campus. Students were very lucky to have access to this qualification at the College, one day a week with extremely experienced TAFE Trainer, Mr Neville Arbon. We congratulate the students on their dedication and hard work in completing this course.

Names from left: TAFE Trainer, Mr Neville Arbon, Alistair Pappalardo, Tom Martin, Alex Druce, Daniel Diab, Lane Crossley-Price, Harrison Foster, Troy Allen, Bailey Rupert, Bailey Runge, Myles Jacobsen, Mitchell Allen, Harrison Schneider & Joshua Mason

Work Window

The Pathways Department has dipped their toes into the virtual world and are very excited to announce that the new Work Window VR headset is available for students to access during lunchtime sessions. This is a great opportunity for students to delve into the world of virtual reality career exploration. Work Window provides students with insight into the world of work through virtual reality experiences so they make more informed career decisions giving them an experience as opposed to just viewing a video clip.

Work Window claim that the experiences they have created are as close as you can come to a job shadowing experience without actually being there.

Work Experience

With the upcoming school holidays, it is a great opportunity for students to engage in Work Experience. Attached is the Student Work Experience Booklet, which offers advice on how to approach a prospective employer, what to have organised, what to say and what to wear. The booklet also includes the Work Experience Agreement (which acts as the insurance document), which needs to be fully completed and signed by all parties and returned to the Pathways Office before commencement.

The Host Employer Work Experience booklet is also attached which provides valuable information for the employer.

For students who intend to participate in work experience over the Christmas break please note that Work Experience Agreements need to be completed and returned to the Pathways Office no later than 27 November.

If you need any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the Pathways team.

Student Work Experience Booklet

Host Employer Booklet

Gap Year & Uni Guide

The ASTAR website has a great resource for students called the Gap Year Guide to help you sort through the decision-making process of university and gap years and how to stay in touch with your goals. There are twelve episodes to help you sort through your options that cover topics such as money matters, how to stay connected to home, friends and community and the impact of university and a gap year during a pandemic.

QLD Study Scholarships for Graduating Students

We remind students that there are numerous scholarships available to graduating students going into further study. Check out the QLD Study scholarships available here:

The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox

Quiet Achiever

Keeley O’Mara

Keeley O’Mara is one of MacKillop’s Year 12 students this year. Recently, Keeley played an integral role in choreographing, teaching and performing the winning MacKillop Dance on Shalom Day. Keeley has been a valuable member of MacKillop House always being an enthusiastic participant in all House and College activities. She has been a role model to her peers and younger students displaying exemplary behaviour, presentation and cooperation. Keeley’s achievements reward her efforts!

Mrs Michelle Moller
MacKillop House Coordinator

Library News

Unfortunately, we are coming to the end of borrowing books for the year, and all currently borrowed books need to be returned to the Library ASAP!

Also, a special mention to Bailey Kreuger for winning the Essential English Short Story Competition from the beginning of the term. See his work below and check out last week’s newsletter to read the work of our other winners!

Miss Bella Little
Gap Year Student – Administration

Year 11 Tourism - Splitters Farm Excursion and Guest Speaker

Recently Year 11 Tourism was given the opportunity to connect with some local businesses in the tourism industry. On Friday 6 of November, Year 11 Tourism classes travelled to Splitters Farm for a guided tour with the farm’s owner, manager and tour guide, Carly Clark. Splitters Farm is a welcoming home for drought affected, abused, sick, rejected and rescued animals.

Students learnt about their animals, the farm’s plans for development and sustainability practices that are maintained to support the environment and local community, such as sourcing feed from local farmers and businesses. We even got to taste honey that came straight from the bees on the farm!

Splitters Farm will soon also offer an incredible rural farm stay, with family camping and glamping facilities opening soon. It is an environment that perfectly combines agriculture and holiday activities. Students have recently studied hotspots and trends around the world in our Global Getaway Unit. This agricultural destination is best described as one of a kind and will no doubt be an upcoming hotspot for families, individuals, couples and groups looking to travel to intrastate for camping, guided or self-guided tours.

The Tourism class B was also lucky enough to be visited by Suzie Clarke, the mastermind behind Bundaberg Food Tours. She shared her knowledge of food tourism with our class. Did you know that 25% of Australia’s food comes from the Bundaberg “food bowl”? Suzie explained how to attract key tourists to the area, the importance of collaboration and marketing, and inspired us to consider authentic tourism experiences for out of town visitors.

While Covid-19 may have affected the way both Carly and Suzie run their businesses, we are very grateful to them for sharing their expertise with us and can say for sure that the pandemic has not affected their passion for tourism or our local area.

Madison Smith (Student) and Ms Karli Lancaster
English and Tourism Teacher

Year 10 Geography Trip

On Friday 6 November, Year 10 Geography headed over to Monsson Aquatics to check out their coral aquatics farm. The owner Daniel Kimberly explained all the amazing types of coral they collect, grow and spawn there. It was an amazing experience seeing the variety of beautiful corals found around our reefs. As part our current study of the Great Barrier Reef, we were very thankful to see the potential of this coral business in our own hometown.

Mr Brett Parsons
Geography Teacher

Book Hire Opening Hours for 2021 Resources

Years 7, 8 and 12 (for 2021) do not need to collect resources prior to school commencing. 2021 year 12’s should have their resources this term. However, if you have a sibling going into 9, 10 or 11, the couple of resources required for 7 and 8 can be collected at the same time.

Monday 7 December – Wednesday 9 December 2020

8:00am 3:00pm

Wednesday 13 January – Friday 15 January 2021

8:00am- 3:00pm

Monday 18 January – Friday 22 January 2021

7:30am -4:00pm

Closed Monday 25 January 2021

Closed for individual resource issuing Wednesday 27 January 2021

Please note, individual resource issuing after these times will be staggered after school commences. Failure to return 2020 resources will result in no 2021 resources being issued to your student until they are returned.


Volunteers are required to clean, mend and re-shelve resources in preparation for 2021 issuing. If you can spare some time, book hire will be open for volunteers from 23 November 2020. Morning teas and lunches are provided. Please contact me on

Thanking you in advance.

Mrs Krys Rehbein
Book Hire Manager

Central Australia Trip

19 to 30 September 2021


After a year like 2020, with so much happening nationally and internationally, what better, more exciting way is there to celebrate your freedom than giving back to Australia? An incredible trip, spanning the great terrain of the Northern Territory, taking in the sights of or our country’s great beauty, while spending time in the communities that so desperately need our support and want to share with us, their incredible life experiences.

We will start with a flight from Brisbane to Uluru. There, we meet our guide and travel by bus to Uluru and enjoy an orientation walk around the base of Uluru (Mala Walk) and the instagrammable photographs of Uluru on sunset!

Setting up camp for two nights at Yulara, we will also experience a morning walk through Kata Tjuta National Park to experience the Olgas along the Valley of the Winds Walk. The afternoon will be spent at the Uluru Cultural Centre.

Once we have spent time enjoying the incredible centre of Australia, we leave for Lilla, a remote Aboriginal community in the Watarrka National Park. Over the next few days, students will engage in a number of cultural activities with locals, such as guided walks through Lilla exploring the sites of cultural importance such as waterholes, caves, and men’s and women’s areas. Learn about the dreamtime stories of the area, be welcomed to the land in the traditional Luritja way, learn about the development of community sustainability over the years, and try traditional dot painting art.

Students will also walk the famous rim walk of Kings Canyon, with a beautiful swim at this historic site.

After farewelling the Lilla family, we drive to Alice Springs, and on to the Earth Sanctuary World Nature Centre. This time is spent learning about sustainable living, enjoying dinner and a star show, then sleeping in swags around the campfire.

A visit to the Alice Springs School of The Air and to the Royal Flying Doctor Service to see how education and health care is provided to people in these remote communities and cattle stations, is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Also, a visit to Alice Springs Desert Park to meet and connect with the local wildlife that inhabit outback Australia.

We then depart Alice Springs with a brief stop at The Devil’s Marbles and an overnight camp at Daly Waters.

An early departure from Daly Waters, we continue to Mataranka for a welcome swim in the hot springs. Then we travel to the incredible site of Katherine Gorge for an overnight camp, taking in a 2-hour cruise into the gorge and perhaps a canoe ride. Next, we travel northwest to Kakadu. Camp at Cooinda for two nights where we visit the Park Ranger Headquarters and Bowali Visitor Centre to experience…

  • Ubirr Art Site
  • Yellow Waters Cruise
  • Nourlangie Rock

Once we depart Kakadu, we travel to Berry Springs, visit the Territory Wildlife Park and experience this home to thousands of territory animals including mammals, birds, reptiles and fish – several of which are rare or endangered in the wild. Later in the afternoon arrive in Darwin and set up camp.

The price includes all meals, bus travel and plane fares.

Are currently in Year 10 or Year 11 and love Australia?

Do you love wildlife?

Do you love swags, campfires, laughter, history, experiencing Indigenous culture, the company of friends, swimming in the coolest (hottest) places on earth?

If so, then this may be the trip for you. Get in touch with Mr Gahan, Mrs Cory or Mr Brown. It will be the trip of a lifetime, right on our vast doorstep! We look forward to your enquiries. There will be an information evening soon.

Mr David Gahan
Trip Coordinator

Duke of Edinburgh Award Program

Shalom College is currently offering the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award program for Year 9 or 10 students who are 14+ years of age. We are also offering support to any 16+ years students who would like to complete the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award program or any of the Bronze award recipients from 2019 who would like to do the Silver award program.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an international youth development program for 14 – 25 year olds. The program enables young people to step out of their comfort zones whilst:

Learning new skills
Getting active
Exploring new places
Helping out in your community
Meeting new friends
Receiving recognition for doing activities you already do
The award programs can also
Earn credits towards your QCE (1 point for bronze)
Help you find a job – increasingly recognised by employers. The program enables young people to gain experience in many of the skills employers look for – communication, problem solving, initiative, organisation, ability to work both independently and as part of it team.

What’s involved?

To complete the Bronze award program students must complete 4 award sections

Service – get involved in your community and give service to others
Skill – build your skills in something practical or creative eg, drawing, painting, fishing or music
Physical recreation – take part in something active such as football, dancing, swimming, surfing, the gym
Adventurous journey – discover a sense of adventure and do something challenging with your friends – practice and final journeys (2 days & 1 night) The Adventurous journeys for 2021 will be held during semester 2.

Skill, service and physical recreation are 1 hour a week for 3 months for two areas and for 6 months for your major. A lot of what students are already participating in outside school hours can be counted towards these award requirements. Eg. Music , swimming lessons, sports training and playing.


$164.00 - Bronze $169 – Silver $174 – Gold (Prices are expected to increase if you sign up after Jan 2021)

Additional Costs for adventurous journeys (these are kept to a minimum)

camping fees
Canoe hire
Travel costs

For more information on the program click on the attached link to the Queensland Duke of Edinburgh International Award website:

If you are interested in participating in this exciting program please see Mrs Bishop in the Rice block staffroom or email me @

Mrs Debbie Bishop
Duke of Edinburgh Award Program Coordinator


Indoor Hockey - Queensland Selection

Year 9 Student Sam Aitkenhead has been selected in the QLD U/15 Indoor Hockey Team after competing in the State Championships in Maryborough on the weekend of 7 and 8 November.

Sam lead his team undefeated through the championships to win the Division 2 title.

His team scored 45 goals and only conceded 4 goals.

Sam featured heavily in the goal scoring with a personal total of 18 as well as being instrumental in setting up numerous goals for fellow teammates.

This is a huge achievement for Sam and his team considering we do not have an INDOOR hockey surface in Bundaberg to train or play on.

Congratulations Sam!

Sam Aitkenhead

Athletics - Queensland Selection

Year 11 Student Kharla Hills has been announced as part of the All Schools Qld Merit team 2020.

Kharla made the U18 girls Merit team for Triple jump and Long jump.

Congratulations Kharla!

Kharla Hills

Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program

Shalom Rowing

“New Rowers from Year 7-11 welcome!”

Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator

Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop Opening Hours – Term Time

Monday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Thursday 8:00am – 12:00pm
Friday – Closed

Boys formal socks

Boys formal socks will be compulsory as of Term 1 2021. These socks are available now, 2 pair to a pack $21.

Year 7 Uniform and Year 10 Girls Formal Uniform Fittings 2021

Appointments are now available for uniform fittings, please click on the link below to book your appointment.



Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Phone : 41 558 121

Term Dates for 2020

Term 4

Tuesday 6 October

Friday 20 November (Year 12 Concludes)

Friday 27 Novembeer ( Year 10 & 11 Conclude )

Thursday 3 December ( Year 7 -9 Conclude )

Term Dates for 2021

Term 1:

Wednesday 27th January - Thursday 1st April (10 weeks)

Term 2:

Monday 19th April - Friday 25th June (10 weeks)

Term 3:

Monday 12th July - Friday 17th September (10 weeks)

Term 4:

Tuesday 5th October - Friday 3th December (9 weeks)

Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers

At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.

Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.

For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.

Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).

No experience required!

Click here to book a shift >


Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.

Items include

Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk

Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.

Tuckshop Roster

Tuesday 17 November

Jeanette Tu

Wednesday 18 November

Angela Jackson

Thursday 19 November

Merna Cook

Friday 20 November

Kylie Jarvis/Nereda Torok

Monday 23 November

Tia Booth

Tuesday 24 November

Stacey Tindel

Wednesday 25 November

Volunteer required please

Thursday 26 November

Melanie Forey

Friday 27 November

Jeanette Rand

Shalom Sunday Markets

Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!

  • Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
  • BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
  • Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)


Markets Tuckshop Roster

We NEED volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email –

Sunday 22 November

6:00 am – 9:30 am

Christine Buwalda-Nicolson

Jo Godfrey

Trish Sellers

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Isobel O’Brien

Nicole Schubel

Sunday 29 November

6:00 am – 9:30 am

Jeanne Ferguson

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Jo Medcalf

Nadia Tairiwhiti

Sunday 6 December

6:00 am – 9:30 am

Kath Clarke

Danielle Morrish

Helen Robinson

9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Tennille Nagas

Maryanne Taylor

Markets BBQ Roster

Sunday 22 November

Rotary Club Bundaberg Central

David Baldry

Sunday 29 November

Rotary Club of Bundaberg Sunrise

Tony Castro

Sunday 6 December

Shalom ESports

Gavin Hill

Sunday 13 December

Shalom ESports

Gavin Hill

Sunday 20 December

Shalom ESports

Gavin Hill

Sunday 27 December

Shalom ESports

Gavin Hill

Community Notice Board

TOPOLOGY | WE WILL RISE Thursday 19 November

Brisbane-based indie quintet, Topology are already well known throughout Bundaberg from their performances and workshops throughout the Small Halls during the Milbi Festival.

Adult $20.00, Concession $15.00, Child U12 Free

Youth Support

NDIS Information for School Leavers


Link to Survey below

Find Out More below

The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg

Catholic Parish Bulletin

Letter from the Bishop

Mass Seat Reservation

14/15 November 2020

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

FOCUS by: Dan McMahon
Principal Shalom College

My wife’s eyes always start to roll when we get today’s first reading at Mass! It probably won’t be used at the start of the monthly Bundaberg Catholic Feminist society meeting either! That said, as we read this passage from the Book of Proverbs or any part of Scripture, we should try to put in the context of the time in which it was written.

The Book of Proverbs is a distillation of sayings and teachings that had grown up over hundreds of years, most probably from rabbis and scribes. Its world is a vastly different one from ours. This is clearly seen in the tasks of the "capable wife." She is praised for her work with wool and flax, in the vineyard and in real estate. It's only in the context of an agrarian society that the power of this text makes sense.

Until quite recently, women in Palestinian society, and in wider society for that matter, were considered the "possessions" of their husbands. They could be bought, sold, divorced, or killed without any appeal to the law. Wives in this society had no legally recognized human rights. They were expected to serve and shut up.

By contrast, then, this text from the Book of Proverbs, which can seem so old-fashioned to us, was a liberating text in its day. A woman's right to work is not only defended, but also extolled. She is praised for her creativity, wisdom, goodness, strength, sense of justice, generosity, joy, and faith. In any age and for either gender this is not a bad list of virtues toward which we should all aspire.
And these days, of course, through the ongoing revelation of the Spirit, we believe that what the Book of Proverbs expects and praises in a capable wife, we should equally look for in a capable husband.

It is almost possible that Jesus had women in mind when he shared the parable of the talents in today's Gospel. What can often get lost in the debates about who should be ordained in today's church is that women have always and still "lead" the church in powerful and long-lasting ways. From the extraordinary abilities of religious and lay women in Catholic welfare, education, health care, overseas missions, and theological institutions to wives and mothers who daily witness to the fidelity and goodness of God, this all reveals in innumerable ways the power of the parable of the talents. The reality is that if it were not for women's leadership, commitment, and faith, it would be hard how to see how the· church could survive. We would not be able to continue almost any of our ministries.

None of this minimizes the pain and hurt some women have experienced at the hands of the church. Some feel as though their particular contribution to the life of the church has not been fully realized. All we can hope and pray for is that we may find ways to use everyone's talents for the building up of the Kingdom of God, and that we may see that everyone's contribution, irrespective of gender, is precious and worthy of praise.

(Drawn extensively from the writings of Fr Richard Leonard sj)

Photographic Exhibition

For more information…

Charity Golf Day

Register below

Drivers College

Triple P

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.