Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

14 February 2022

Principal’s Reflection

As I mentioned in my letter to parents last week, we had a good first week of school with students. We had some absences among students and staff but not particularly worse than usual. Hopefully this week will be similar but we are confident that we will manage whatever is in front of us. Covid is with us and I doubt there is any sector or workplace that will be Covid free for a while. We will learn to live with this. If students are absent, SIA is a great help. If they are well enough, they are able to keep up with the work their class is doing in every subject. Parents can see their child’s class page. No student who wishes to be successful this year can afford to miss too much classwork.

College Dux 2021 – I’m very pleased to have been able to announce this week that Ethan Wooldridge is our College Dux. Ethan consistently did well at his studies and worked very hard to achieve the success that he did. He is off shortly to study Engineering at the University of Queensland.

Ms Jenny Wedemeyer today celebrates 50 years in Catholic Education! This is a remarkable achievement and so many Bundaberg young people have benefitted from her knowledge, commitment and talent. Well done to an outstanding educator who is still going strong!

Student Pick Up – lots of new picking up and dropping off at Shalom and being introduced to the joys of those times – particularly in the afternoon. Can I remind everyone of a few things –

The only place to collect students in the Admin carpark is in front of Admin. Please, no collection on the vacant land on the right of Br Hogan Drive.

Similarly, please do not impinge on our neighbours by collecting students at the Church opposite us in Fitzgerald St or in Edenbrook Estate.

Be patient in picking up and dropping off. Alternate entry of cars in converging lanes is good for everyone.

If you are able to delay pick up until 3.15pm, both carparks are much emptier

Bus services in Bundy are fantastic and a very efficient way to move students to and from Shalom.

Information about the Bus services for Shalom can be found at the following address

Some clever parents put their children on a bus here in the afternoons and pick them up at St Pat’s or St Mary’s or somewhere else not far away where they don’t have to queue.

Driving - sometimes at Shalom or elsewhere we can see really poor driving on display – not always from young people. The following link is provided by Queensland Police to assist the community to report incidents of bad driving behaviour that they personally observe to the authorities.

Fees – one of our proud boasts at Shalom is that our fee structure is lower than almost any of our competitors. A quick comparison to the fee structures in other independent schools in the State will show that very clearly. We also work hard to support families in financial need. With all of that, this business needs to run effectively. To do that, we need families to meet their financial commitments to the greatest degree possible. Today, we have just over a million dollars in outstanding fees more than 60 days overdue. This is a lot. I sincerely appreciate the efforts of all of those families who do their best to meet the fee commitments. Please speak to me if this becomes impossible and, if your fees are overdue, could I ask that if at all possible, this be remedied as soon as possible?

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Student Welfare and Information

The Year 7s have certainly had a hectic start to their secondary schooling…. a very condensed orientation on that first morning, then off to classes with photo day on the Tuesday. We all seem to have settled in now. If your child does still need some extra assistance, please contact the House Coordinator or me.

Important Notice for Parents

Please name everything – if a student loses an item – hat, jumper etc. – and it has a name on it, we can generally get lost items back to the correct student. For the boys, can I ask you to write the child’s surname on the brim, not large, using a white out pen. Most students have their name on the tag, but the lining can be removed easily. Embroidery on the back of the hat is good as well.

When it comes time to wear the College navy blue jacket can I strongly advise to have the child’s name embroidered on it…surname only is sufficient.

Year 12 Formal Dinner Dance News

Important Notice

I am in the process of organizing the Formal for this year and in my communication with the Multiplex Centre where we hold this function, I have been notified that all parents attending the Formal will need to be vaccinated and show their vaccination status upon entry.

Boys Attire

I have mentioned this to the boys last year about the outfit they need to wear on the night. This is a formal occasion and as such all students wear formal outfits. The girls are in formal dresses, so we expect the same standard of the boys. The boys need to be in a suit with a tie/bow tie (their choice) and socks with good shoes.

Personal Development Education Years 7 - 12

The College, through the P & F, have funded a Personal Development Education Resource Library. Our PDE program will commence on Thursday and will be delivered in year levels so that the content is age specific.

This term the following modules will be delivered:

Year 7

Using the Record Book, Goal setting, Time Management, Study Skills

Year 8

Digital Citizenship – this module looks at the concept of what it means to be a good digital citizen. How what is posted online shapes an image of who a person is and builds an online reputation. It also examines safe online practices.

Year 9

Sexting – this module looks at what sexting is, why it is a problem and how it harms the dignity of the person.

Year 10

The Critical Decade – this module looks at the crucial formative years of adolescence and the power of choices and decisions they make during this time have in shaping their future.

Year 11

Moral Decision – this module unpacks a Catholic understanding of moral decision making and how making a moral decision differs from making other decisions.

Year 12

Three Big Questions – this module looks at the three crucial questions we must ask ourselves before we enter a relationship: Who am I/ Where am I going? Who will travel with me?

Information re all students

Record Books

There have been changes to book for this year.

No parent signatures required anymore, however, I do encourage you to look at their Record Book. PC teachers will continue to sign the Record Book.

Students are to write their 4 subjects per day – the younger year levels need to do this so that they are organized for their day – know what to bring each day for each lesson.

In the back of the book, we now have a Permission to Leave the Classroom form which the student needs to fill out prior to leaving the room, recording the reason and the time they leave; on their return they record the time in.

Students who present to school without the full uniform or in a sports uniform rather than their formal uniform, or whose hairstyle does not meet the College standards as outlined in the Uniform and Grooming Policy (in the Record Book) will be withdrawn from the grounds at both breaks on that day. They will be allowed to buy their lunch or get their lunch from their bag and sit in the open area in the House block. They will have access to toilets and drinks just not out with their friends. The student’s House Coordinator will be supervising the students.

A stamp which states that they have a Uniform and Grooming Infringement will be stamped in their Record Book – this will alert you that they did not follow the College policy in this regard.

At the beginning of each term there is a study planner which is to be filled out by the student in the first week. This is important as students need to manage their time particularly around assessment time.

Other grooming issues

A reminder that the girls are not permitted to have eyelash extensions or acrylic nails.

The boys need to be very aware of hair styles they are permitted – outlined in the Record Book

Boys need to come to school clean shaven.

We thank the parents who always make sure that their son or daughter is well groomed and always wears the correct uniform. It is very much appreciated.

Our Responsible Thinking Classroom continues – this is for those students who disrupt the learning of others in their class. The Year 7s will be informed about this next week.

Punctuality and Attendance

Students need to be at school by 8:25 am each day. The first 15 to 20 minutes of the lesson are crucial and if your child is late, they are missing valuable teaching time. A note of explanation is needed for any late arrivals.

All students do become unwell from time to time; however, some take more days off than are perhaps needed. House Coordinators will be checking punctuality and attendance in their respective Houses and will be in touch with a parent/guardian to see if that student needs extra support. Once again thank in this regard.

Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal


Senior School

LUI Numbers

All Year 10 students now have a LUI number generated for them by the college. Students can view their LUI number on their SIA page by clicking on their photo ID and then select profile. Year 10 students will need a LUI number in term 3 when students set up their QCAA myQCE Learning Accounts.

2021 ATAR Scaling Report

Last week the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) released the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Report. This document provides an overview of the calculations of the Queensland ATAR for the 2021 Year 12 student cohort. This report can be found on the QTAC website in the publications area.

QCAA Portal Account

All Year 11 and 12 students by now should have registered for a QCAA Portal account to enable access to their Student Learning Account. Most Shalom students registered for their account during Personal Futures Day in Year 10.

Students can set up this account by following the link and instructions on the QCAA myQCE page via the link below. Note students will need to have a private email address (not and their LUI number to be able to register. Students can access their LUI number on their SIA page.

If your student has not yet set up their account or is having difficulty please have them contact Mrs Norris at Student Reception for assistance.

Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum


Sia is coming!!

Shalom is very excited to introduce parents to Sia. Sia is a unique all-in-one online community portal and teaching and learning environment. Sia provides the tools for you to take part in your child's learning journey and our school community. Staff, students, parents and groups can communicate in one place improving the flow of information, fostering teamwork and connecting people throughout our school community.

In the coming weeks, you will receive a letter with instructions on how to access Sia. When you login, Sia gives you access to all the information you need including links to your child’s assessment due dates, assessment results and teacher comments, timetables, co-curricular groups and resources such as the school calendar – all with one login.

Best of all, Sia will have a phone app associated with it (a preview is above on the right)! This allows easy access for parents to be able to catch up with school news, see your child’s results, email absences to the school etc, all while having coffee on the lounge!

Our students have been using Sia in their classes in 2021 and we are super-excited about rolling out Sia to parents in 2022. We hope you will be excited as well!

Year 12 Exam Block – 25 February – 1 March

Year 12 students will participate in an exam block from 25 February – 1 March. The Exam Timetable for this exam block is attached. Please note this is a change from the original dates advertised on the school calendar. It was decided to move the exam block a little later to accommodate the delayed start to the school year.

Students participating in this exam block will undergo Unit 3 assessment. This assessment is summative and as such will contribute towards the ATAR score. Students need only attend school for the exams that they are sitting in this period.

During the exam block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.

Please remember that normal school rules regarding uniform and behaviour continue through the exam block.

We wish our students all the best with their studies.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration


Important Dates

Please note the following dates

2 March

Ash Wednesday

10 March

Year 12 Induction, 10 am (new date)

31 March

Easter Liturgy

1 April

Bishop’s Inservice day (new date)

Catholic Youth Groups

Blaze Youth is held every Friday night During the School term. At Blaze youth we provide a delicious dinner catering to different dietary requirements, play some great games and talk about topics of faith and life that are relevant to teens.

Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission

A commitment to the protection of students

While promoting and providing a safe and supportive learning environment is an essential function for all schools, we have particularly strong and clear reasons for doing this as Catholic schools. In Catholic Education the desire to protect children and young people is based upon the belief that each person is made in the image of God and that the inherent dignity of all should be recognized and fostered. Making Shalom a place of safety, a nurturing community of care, is an essential part of our ethos and underpins our commitment to the protection of students. We strive to ensure a culture where all acknowledge and understand that student protection is the responsibility of everyone.

Important in developing this culture is the education of our students about personal safety strategies and a focus by our schools on the safety and wellbeing of students being at the center of every preventative and protective action they take. We believe that student protection is an integral part of student wellbeing and that this focus can inspire hope and a positive vision for the future for our students.

Our commitment to the protection of children is based on our belief that each person is made in the image of God, and our ethos is to provide a safe and supportive environment for all. All children have the right to expect that the school will always act to protect them from any kind of harm.

Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rockhampton complies with all Student Protection legislative requirements.

Under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Regulation 2017 (Regulation 16(3)), Schools administered by Catholic Education (Diocese of Rockhampton) have at least two nominated staff members to whom a student can report behaviour that the student considers inappropriate.

The names of these Student Protection Contacts at Shalom College are:

Mr Dan McMahon, Principal,
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell, Deputy Principal,
Mrs Karen Miller-Smith, School Counsellor (Social Worker),
Mrs Gavin Hill, School Counsellor (Registered Psychologist),
Ms Gretta Waters, School Counsellor (Registered Psychologist),

Other helpful documents can be found in the Student Protection section on the Catholic Education – Diocese of Rockhampton website.

Date Claimers

Important Information for 2022

Parent Lounge

The Parent Lounge is where you will find information such as the school calendar, daily notices, your child’s assessments and school reports. The Parent Lounge will also be used to give permission for excursions and update any contact and medical details (see link below). For new parents and students, you will be receiving an email from our IT Department with your Parent Lounge and Student login details.

Confirmation of Enrolment for 2022 Fees

Thank you to those families who have already completed this form at the end of 2021. It is essential that this form be completed for our Finance Department as soon as possible to both confirm your student’s place at Shalom College in 2022, to advise your method of payment and to ensure that you will receive discounts you are entitled to should you have more than one child at a Catholic School or College in the Diocese of Rockhampton.

Parent Volunteers

We are enormously grateful for parents who are able to offer some time to support the Shalom Parents & Friends Association in their endeavours this year. It would be greatly appreciated if you could volunteer a small amount of your time in 2022, please see link to Google form below. A big thank you to those parents who have previously volunteered and we ask that you fill out the form below if you would like to continue to volunteer in 2022.

2022 Immunisation program for Year 7 and Year 10

COVID vaccines are NOT part of the School Program

School Immunisation Program & COVID-19 Vaccination

Please be advised that the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) have updated their clinical advice regarding the timeframes between the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines, including routine childhood and adolescent vaccines delivered as part of the School Immunisation Program.

The guidance is that there is no longer a required timeframe to wait between the delivery of COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines. This means if your child has a COVID-19 vaccine planned for a similar time to the vaccines given as part of the School Immunisation Program they can be co-administered (that is, given on the same day.)

Please find information below from ATAGI regarding clinical guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccine in Australia in 2022 and timing of administration of other vaccines, including influenza vaccine.

Australian Government Department of Health Clinical recommendations for COVID-19 Vaccines Timing of administration of other vaccines

Visit guidance/clinical-recommendations#timing-of-administration-of-other-vaccines or see copy of information below:

COVID-19 vaccines can be co-administered (that is, given on the same day) with an influenza vaccine. Studies demonstrate the safety and immunogenicity of co-administration of COVID-19 and influenza vaccines.

COVID-19 vaccines can also be co-administered with other vaccines if required. This includes routine childhood and adolescent vaccines. The benefits of ensuring timely vaccination and maintaining high vaccine uptake outweigh any potential risks associated with immunogenicity, local adverse reactions or fever.

There is limited evidence on the safety and effectiveness of co-administering COVID-19 vaccines at the same time as other vaccines. Providers need to balance the opportunistic need for co-administration with giving the vaccines on separate visits. There is the potential for an increase in mild to moderate adverse events when more than one vaccine is given at the same time. Co-administration or near administration (e.g. within days) with another vaccine may also make it challenging to attribute potential adverse events. Providers should ensure that parents/guardians of young children receiving COVID-19 vaccines are aware of the increased potential for local reactions.

If you have any queries regarding this information, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Ozcare School Immunisation Program Team.

Shalom College is participating in Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisations Program. All Year 7 and Year 10 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation schedule to protect against vaccine preventable diseases. In 2022, Year 7 students will be offered human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. Year 10 students will be offered meningococcal ACWY vaccination.

The consent cards will be given to all our current year 7 students via House Coordinators/PC Teachers early in Term 1. Participating students are required to return the completed forms to Student reception by today, 14 February. Any late forms will need to be returned to Ozcare directly. Only students with a signed and completed consent card, indicating ‘Yes to Vaccination’ will be vaccinated.

Vaccines offered in the Queensland School Immunisation Program

School Year


Dose and administration

Year 7

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

Two doses of GARDASIL®9 will be offered, providing protection against 9 types of HPV. The recommended interval for the two doses should be given at least 6 months apart

Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine

One booster dose of adult/adolescent vaccine will be offered. Most students will have received doses previously when they were pre-school age.

Year 10

Meningococcal ACWY vaccine

One dose will be offered.

If you do not wish your child to be vaccinated, or your child has already been vaccinated with the offered vaccines, please complete the ‘No to Vaccination’ section on the consent card and return the consent card to the school within one week.

The Public Health Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student and parent information for eligible Year 7 and Year 10 students to the school immunisation provider if requested. This information will enable the school immunisation provider to determine those who have and have not consented, and directly follow-up with parents of students who have not returned a consent card. This direct follow-up ensures all parents are offered the opportunity for their child to participate in this important school health program. It may also assist you in making decisions about your child’s immunisation needs.

Parents or legal guardians who have indicated ‘No to Vaccination’ will not be followed up by the provider.

School immunisation providers will be bound to comply with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). This Act stipulates the requirements for the secure collection, use, storage and disposal of personal information to be followed by school health program providers.

The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised registered nurses and/or a medical practitioner. Parents or legal guardians are encouraged to ensure their children have an adequate breakfast on the morning of vaccination.

For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13432584) or visit the link below.

The Shalom College 2022 clinic dates are

Round 1 - Year 7 HPV1 & Year 7 dTpa – Tuesday 8 March and Thursday 10 March
(note, due to the large number of students this clinic is over two days)
Round 1 - Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY – Wednesday 9 March
Round 2 - Year 7 HPV2, Term 4, date to be advised

Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.

For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the link below.

The Public Health Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information for eligible year 7 and 10 to the immunisation provider if requested.

Dental Clinic Information

If any children that are currently in years eight, nine or ten and missed receiving a form for dental treatment, please ring the dental admin team on 43038059 to make an appointment. With the impact of the sudden wave of COVID at the end of the year, we wanted to make sure everyone has had the opportunity to receive treatment. These appointments will be scheduled at West Dental Clinic, George Street.

Academic & Sports Awards and Year 12 Graduation Photos

The 2021 Academic & Sports Awards and Year 12 Graduation photos are now accessible via the College Media Store. There is no cost to download these photos.

Instructions for the College Media Store are as follows:

Go to Shalom Media Store >

Students – Please use your Shalom Student Username and Password to log in.

Photos on this website are digital copies only, not a printed photo. Once photos have been ordered, you will receive an e-mail with a link to the digital files. The digital files can then be e-mailed to your family/friends or can be printed at a photo centre if you like.

Parents – The Username is the same as your Parent Lounge login/your registered email with the College. If cannot remember your password, you can reset this by selecting 'Lost your password?' on the login screen. If you do not have an account, please contact the IT Department via

Past Students – Please contact the IT Department via to receive a login to the College Media Store.

Student Drivers

Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students

If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.

Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.

Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/ Enrolment Officer



Preferred option is Email or Phone Absentee line 41558181

ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.


Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)

Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.


Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.


SCASA commences in Week 4 of Term 1 and continues for 6 continuous weeks of Term 1.(due to delayed start of Term 1, 2022)


3.00 pm - School lessons completed.
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at College tuck shop and set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds)
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at front of school.

SCASA Activities - see below


Option 1 - Netball with Eliza Boge (SC or Hangar)
Option 2 - Soccer/ Football with Oliver Collins (Oval)
Option 3 - Running Training with Mat Grills (Oval)


Option 1 - Dance with Keeley O'Mara (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (Computer labs)
Option 3 - Touch Football and Oz-Tag with Riley Dingle (Oval)


Option 1 - Next-Jenner-ation Running training with Rebecca Jenner (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (Computer labs)
Option 4 - Beerarlum Club with Louise Hume and Wendy Egan (Beerarlum Library)

* e-Sports = electronic Sports
* At Beerarlem Club you can read and borrow books and magazines, relax on beanbags, talk about books, play cards and board games, write stories, poems and songs, create comics and much, much more.


The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for each student.
This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons activities.

This is to encourage participation in SCASA activities.

After completing the SCASA sign on google form, at approx. week 5 of term - you will receive an invitation on Parent Lounge regarding SCASA.

Please wait until week 5 of term then login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend SCASA and pay the $20.00 fee.

Once there click on the ‘Tours and Excursions’ tab and you will find a link to SCASA Term 1 - Here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend and pay the fee.

Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed.

It is very important that all information in Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the welfare of your child.

Please make sure that you click SAVE before logging out.

If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the College Office.

Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.

This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised physical activities after school.

Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below

REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 4.

SPECIAL NOTE - Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections below - so it cannot be selected.

Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
After School Activities

Year 8 Outdoor Activity Schedule


We are delighted to kick the year off with almost ninety students enrolled in a diverse range of External Learning, such as Electrotechnology, Automotive, Plumbing, Animal Studies, Engineering, Construction, Salon Assistant, Retail Cosmetics, Tourism, Hospitality, Community Services, Early Childhood Care and Education, Conservation & Land Management, Horse Husbandry, Justice Studies, Dance Teaching and Management and Aviation qualifications. It is also a positive start to the year with a significant increase in school-based traineeships and apprenticeship sign ups in an equally broad range of trades and qualifications.

It’s wonderful to see so many of our students exploring their strengths and potential industry pathways.

2022 sees the continuation of Study periods in Goondeel with Mrs Julia Fox, Study Supervisor, actively supporting our students to maintain success in both their external learning and school subjects. If you have any questions in relation to Study periods do not hesitate to contact us.

CQ University – SUN (Start Uni Now) Program

SUN is a CQ University initiative that gives you the opportunity to get a head start with university study. SUN provides you with an insight into university life and helps you understand the expectations of studying at a tertiary level. This will help you prepare for the transition from high school to university. After successful completion of SUN you may be eligible for direct entry into CQ University.

For more information on the SUN Program contact the Pathways Office or go to

The 2022 term dates are as follows, with Term 1 applications closing soon:

Term 1

7 March

Applications Extended to 25 February

Term 2

11 July – 7 October

Applications Due 17 June

Term 3

7 November – 10 February 2023

Applications Due 14 October

CQU Online Chat Sessions

CQU will be running Online Chat Sessions where you can get answers in real time about your courses of interest across a wide range of on-campus and online options. The first session will run on Thursday, 17 February from 3-6pm AEST. Register here to attend this free event and stay informed about this and future events.

Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance & Certificate III in Aviation Remote Pilot (Drone) Courses

In partnership with Skills Compliance, we are offering the following courses to students interested in obtaining a qualification within the aviation industry or drone skills.

Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance

Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot)

Courses are designed to be delivered and completed in one academic year and are VETiS funded for eligible students.  A fee of $200.00 is paid for students enrolling in the Remote Pilot course to cover the processing fee for the licence and drone purchase.

Students in Years 10, 11 & 12 are eligible to apply however Year 10 students will need approval from the Principal. Please see the Pathways Office to register your expression of interest. Courses are to commence mid-March.

Business Traineeship Opportunity

A local law firm has a vacancy for a 12-month traineeship in Certificate III in Business. Award wages will be paid with duties to include reception and administration. This is a full-time position and would suit a 2021 graduate. Please submit resumes to Mrs O’Donnell as soon as possible.

The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox

Quiet Achiever

Lena Vella

Commencing Damien House in 2022 has been a challenging undertaking – throwing 140 people together to start from scratch. We would like to celebrate the contribution of Lena Vella toward making sure the start of 2022 has been successful. Lena’s smiling face and enthusiasm to help forge the way for both her PC class and the House has been wonderful. She has made major contributions to her PC class in just a few days, as a senior buddy she has supported two year 7 students and generally has made herself available to help anyone who needs support at school.

Lena’s care and thoughtfulness makes her worthy of commendation as this week’s quiet achiever.

Mr Jason Egan
Damien House Coordinator

Instrumental Music

Goodbye, for now!

I am now on maternity leave as we await the arrival of our baby girl. I will miss all of my vocal students terribly but know that the instrumental department has lots of exciting things in store for 2022!

Before I go, I just want to give one last plug to our ever-growing College Choir.

The Choir is open to students of all ages. We rehearse at 7.30am on Monday mornings in the band room and sing fun, modern music. This year the choir will be preparing for the Bundaberg Eisteddfod, the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival and many other exciting concerts and events. So if you love singing and want to be a part of our wonderful group, please come along on a Monday morning!

I look forward to returning to Shalom soon – goodbye, for now!

Mrs Sweetapple
Instrumental Music Teacher

Championship Lifesavers

Over the weekend a number of our Shalom current and former students competed in the State Surf Rescue Championships held at Nielson’s Beach, Bargara. These students were Finn Heads (Year 8), Gabrielle Vaggs (Year 9), Elizabeth Pascoe and Amelia Walsh (both Year 10). Shalom 2020 graduates Jasmyn Theuerkauf and Ky Woods also competed in these events.

The surf rescue events included first aid theory, resuscitation, water and patrol events and involve many hours of training and practice to refine these valuable lifesaving skills. On Saturday, Amelia Walsh was awarded the silver medal for champion lifesaver in the U/15 age group. This is a magnificent result – congratulations Amelia!

Amelia Walsh – silver state medalist, Champion Lifesaver

On Sunday, the patrol team involving both Amelia Walsh again and Elizabeth Pascoe were awarded the gold medal for their group’s performance in the rescue scenario, theory and CPR assessments. This is the first time in the history of the Bundaberg Surf Lifesaving Club that a patrol team has won a Gold medal at this event so again, a wonderful achievement from a fine group of young lifesavers.

Well done to all involved!

L to R: Amelia Walsh, Gabrielle Vaggs, Finn Heads, Elizabeth Pascoe and Jasmyn Theuerkauf with Ky Woods in front.

Queensland Selection

Year 10 Student Cohen Usher has been selected in the Queensland Under 15 Hockey Team after the Queensland Squad trials were held last weekend 4 - 6 February. Cohen will now attend the Australian U15 National Championships in Newcastle, NSW on 7 - 13 April 2022.

Cohen Usher

Indoor Hockey Championships

Ethan Kenny and Tully Dorgan competed in the Under 13 State Indoor Hockey Championships in Mackay in December, from these Championships Ethan and Tully were both selected in the Queensland Squad to participate in a Festival of Indoor in January. This was unfortunately cancelled due to Covid.

Emma Kendall was chosen as a shadow player for Under 13 girls.

Sam Aitkenhead was able to play in the Queensland 18/21/Open teams Festival of Indoor in January.

Congratulations to everyone!!

Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
After School Activities

Rugby 7s in 2022

Any players interested in participating in Rugby 7s at Shalom in 2022, please complete the google doc.

Rugby Sevens Sign On 2022

Ideally this year, we are looking to establish teams in multiple age groups that can compete over a number of tournaments, and participate in regular coaching sessions to keep skills current. A list of proposed tournaments is in the table below.

Shalom College (proposed) Rugby 7s Calendar - 2022




Age Groups

Friday 18 March

Fraser Coast 7s

Xavier College, Hervey Bay

U/18 Boys & Girls

U15 Boys

U13 Boys

Friday 29 July

Caboolture 7s



Friday 5 August

Sunshine Coast 7s


Friday 19 August

Wide Bay 7s

ATW Grounds, Bundaberg

Thursday 6 October

Murgon 7s

Murgon SHS

Saturday 29 October

Central Qld All Schools 7s

St Brendan’s, Yeppoon

Term 4

Bundaberg Secondary Schools

St Luke’s, Bundaberg

Mr Troy Braund

Netball Revolution

Coaching Clinics – 11 – 14 years

Calling all Shalom netball players!

Netball Revolution, a Brisbane-based netball coaching duo are coming to Bundaberg to run a series of netball skills clinics for 11-14 year old players.

All clinics will be held under cover at the Shalom College Hangar.

There's a clinic for everyone:

Friday 18 February: Shooting clinics for (12-14 years) - 6.45 – 8.15pm

Saturday 19 February - Rising Stars clinic (11-14 years) – 4pm – 6pm

Use this link to book your spot:

Mrs Melinda Pearson
Learning Area Coordinator – Physical Education

Catholic Schools Race Day 2022

Tickets are now available for purchase at the link below.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 12:00pm

Friday - Closed

Sale on old style sports shirts – does not apply to new style

Special Price Now $30 were $41

Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Phone : 41 558 121

Term Dates for 2022

Term 1: Monday 7 February - Friday 1 April (10 weeks)
Term 2:Tuesday 19 April - Friday 24 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 11 July - Friday 16 September (10 weeks)
Term 4: Tuesday 4 October - Friday 2 December (9 weeks)

February 2022
















School Photo Day


BDSSS 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Trials (4pm)


Digital Education Workshops (Year 7-9)




National Apology Day





Wide Bay 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Trials

Wide Bay 10-12yrs Golf Trials








BDSSS 13-19yrs Cluster 2 Trials (4pm)





Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers

At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.

Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.

For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.

Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).

No experience required!

Click here to book a shift >



Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.

Please note new photos

Items include

Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50

Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50

Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk

Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.

Shalom Sunday Markets

Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!

  • Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
  • BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
  • Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)


Markets Tuckshop Roster

New volunteers are DESPERATELY required for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email –

Sunday 20 February

6:00am – 9:30am

Help required

9:00am – 12:30pm

Chris Dennien

Maria McMahon

Sunday 27 February

6:00am – 9:30am

Katrina Ashmore

9:00am – 12:30pm

Brendan/Astrid Clancy

John Pappalardo

Sunday 6 March

6:00am – 9:30am

Jeanne Ferguson

9:00am – 12:30pm

Help required

Markets BBQ Roster

Sunday 20 February

Bundaberg Croquet Club

Cal Toft

Sunday 27 February

East Bundaberg Rotary

David Baldry

Sunday 6 March


Melinda Pearson

Sunday 13 March

East Bundaberg Rotary

David Baldry

Sunday 20 March

Shalom Knights RL

Neil Feather

Sunday 27 March

Coral Coast Golf Club

John Fletcher

Community Notice Board

Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory

Community Coach Course


Youth Support


Find Out More below

The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg

Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Ph: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt

Current Parish Bulletin

Letter from the Bishop


CURRENT ROSTER (Term 4 2021)

A bright future for St Mary's site

Norm Whyte

Friday 11th February 2022 marked the second anniversary of the fire which destroyed our St. Mary’s church building. Like many other traumatic events, many of us will always remember the circumstances surrounding that day, where we were when we were first told of the tragedy, our reactions, our emotions and our feelings. Included in the many prayers on that day, and on subsequent occasions, we prayed for the arsonist and for his family.

As part of the process of coping with the sudden and tragic loss of St. Mary’s, we have held several gatherings to console and to consult. Naturally, part of our discussions has been the future of the St. Mary’s site. At our last gathering on 13 June 2021, the majority of parishioners wanted to see the site to continue to be used for community outreach/services. Bishop Michael is in full agreement with this. At that parishioner meeting, the offer to purchase the site by St. Vincent de Paul Qld was also discussed, along with other options.

St. Vincent de Paul Qld, under the banner of Vinnies Housing ( provide a very wide and far-reaching range of services and support into the community. What they want to build on the St. Mary’s site is a perfect fit with what the Parish and the Diocese want to see for the future of St. Mary’s.

Recently, St. Vincent de Paul Qld asked the Parish to draw up a contract of sale for the site. As of this week, our solicitor is in the process of finalising the contract and will forward the completed document to SVdP Qld in the very near future. Contracts of this nature typically include at least a 90-day due diligence period. We therefore do not expect to see any on-site activity for several months. We will keep you informed as matters progress. All our existing tenants are aware of the current situation and are keen to hold discussions with SVdP Qld about the possibility of ongoing tenancies.

The past holds many dear memories of the St. Mary’s church community as it was before the fire. And these memories will never be forgotten. The future holds many bright and exciting possibilities of what can be achieved at the St. Mary’s site, where the love and support of family and friends, a helping hand for those in need, and care for disadvantaged people can continue to flourish through the initiatives and efforts of another Catholic-based organisation in the form of St. Vincent de Paul Qld.


Come on a virtual tour with Bishop Robert Barron to many places including Ireland, Calcutta, Uganda and Jerusalem - places steeped in the rich and deep culture that point to the universality of our Catholic Church.

Come and join us over a ‘cuppa’ and enjoy the powerful words of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, Church Fathers and Doctors, Popes, Bishops and Priests, Saints and Martyrs, mystics and theologians, poets and novelists and others. His second focus, in a complementary way, is to show how artists, architects, sculptors, painters and musicians have used their talents to express and convey the beauty of God and His creation, the glory of the Gospel and the mystery of the Church.

The Catholicism series runs for ten weeks and includes topics from:
Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God becoming One of Us through to
World Without End: The Last Things

Come and enjoy our Catholic Faith, learning together with this engaging and comprehensive series. And if you like, bring a friend. All Welcome.

Please note Government Covid registration and restrictions will apply.

"Good News Magazine 2021"

"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation.

As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.

Catholic Youth Groups

Blaze Youth is held every Friday night During the School term. At Blaze youth we provide a delicious dinner catering to different dietary requirements, play some great games and talk about topics of faith and life that are relevant to teens.

Breast Screen Queensland

Triple P

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.