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- Principal's Reflection
- Administration
- Mission
- Quiet Achiever
- ROSA Awards
- Sport
- Shalom Netball Program
- 40 Years of Shalom Celebrations
- 40 Year Anniversary Merchandise
- Pathways
- Absentees
- Student Drivers
- Expressions of Interest for Cambodia 2025
- Vinnies Christmas - Hamper of Peace Appeal
- Workplace Health & Safety
- Uniform Shop - Book your 2025 New Enrolment Uniform Fitting
- Uniform Shop Hours
- From the Library
- Term Dates for 2024
- Term Dates for 2025
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
- Community Notice Board
Swirling through and around this community over the last six weeks has been more grief than we would have ever expected. The impact of profound loss on the Fish, Marschke and Fleming families has more than rippled through the Shalom community. We can only hope and pray that those families have felt practically, emotionally and spiritually embraced in recent weeks and in the days, weeks and months ahead. Young people here have learned some hard life lessons through all of that. When you take the risk to love someone, pain is a byproduct of that love. But that is a part of life and wouldn’t it be infinitely worse if that did not occur?
Hearts ache
questions hover and surround
and hope seems so fragile and its flame flickers.
In that moment and in that time – reach in and reach out;
to memories, to the heart whisper deep within – your loved ones voice gone deeper to your deepest and most treasured space – your spirit, your core, your essence; you!
Tears, yes tears.
Pain, yes pain.
Reach out, arms around, walk forward together
stronger and more whole and complete because of the gift
of the one we appear to have lost.
Look again, look within, quieten your racing thoughts – to hear their heart message calling you to dance and live, love and forgive
made richer because of your pain,
made stronger because of your loss
made more beautiful, because of the precious love, that right now burns and aches but will
with love and with hope
gift tomorrow with peace!
A few weeks ago, I shared in a Newsletter with you the shortest verse in the New Testament from St John’s Gospel 11:35 – “Jesus Wept”. The God I believe in has shed countless tears with the Fish, Marschke and Fleming families as they navigate their pain. God does not sit on the sidelines of grief but sends people, us and others, to comfort, support, cry and love with them. Thank you to all in the Shalom community who have been the face of God to those grieving families. That is faith in action.
Mr Dan McMahon
Year 12 External Exams
External Exams for Yr 12 General Subjects will occur over the period from Monday 21 October – Friday 8 November.
Attached is some important information about this time including:
- External Assessment Timetable
- Directions for Students
- External Exam Equipment List
- Student Expectations During Exam Block
Could parents and students please familiarise themselves with these important documents in preparation for the External Exam period?
Please note that normal classes continue during Week 1-3 of Term 4 (30 Sep – 18 Oct), however students need only attend school for the exams they are sitting during the External Exam Block. Students who are required to complete outstanding work may also be required to attend school during the External Exam block as organised by the relevant classroom teacher.
Good luck with your study and your exams!
Yr 11 Exam Block – 20 November – 22 November
Yr 11 students will participate in an exam block from Wednesday 20 - Friday 22 November. Students participating in this exam block will begin Unit 3 assessment. This assessment is summative and as such will contribute towards the ATAR score. The Exam Timetable for this exam block is attached. Students need only attend school for the exams that they are sitting in this period.
During the exam block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.
Please remember that normal school rules regarding uniform and behaviour continue through the exam block.
We wish our students all the best with their studies.
Year 10 End of Semester Two Examinations – 20 November – 22 November
Yr 10 students will participate in an exam block from Wednesday 20 - Friday 22 November. All students are expected to be at school for the whole day on Wednesday 20 November.
All students in 10MA04 Specialist Maths and 10SC02 Science are expected to be at school for the whole day on Thursday 21 November.
Students who do not have outstanding assessment or supplementary exams are permitted to stay home on Friday 22 November.
Students should expect to sit outstanding examinations and complete other outstanding assessment tasks at the direction of class teachers in any available examination session during the examination block, including the following week if necessary (Monday 25 - Friday 29 November).
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal - Administration
Year 12 Graduation Ceremony
Parents, families and friends of our Year 12 cohort joined us on Friday 18 October to celebrate their achievements and wish them well on the next stage of their journey. We hope that they see their own value and they use what they have learnt during their years at Shalom, to go forward and make the world a better place. With a backdrop of a garden, drawn from our 2024 theme, our Year 12 students were each acknowledged for their contributions. At the conclusion of the ceremony, students wore their vibrant red sash, a gift from the P&F, through a guard of honour formed by the younger students.
Photos from the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony will be available on the Media Store in the coming weeks. Year 12 Students and Parents will be notified when photos become available.

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission
Connor P is a remarkable yet humble achiever in Chisholm House. He brings joy and a sense of humour to our community, making Chisholm a brighter place. As an enthusiastic participant in both the Intermediate and Senior Bands, which include the brass ensemble and jazz band, Connor's passion for music shines through. His dedication to mastering the trombone is evident as he consistently arrives at school by 7:30 am four out of five days each week. In addition to his musical pursuits, Connor is a diligent student who enjoys mathematics and design technology. His conscientious nature and commitment make him a valued member of Chisholm House and the Shalom community.
Mrs Megan Munckton
Dean of Middle School
If you would like to submit any sporting achievements about your child/children along with a photo, please email your submissions to
Please note photo submissions must only include photos of students from Shalom.
You can also keep up to date with anything sport related via our Facebook page - Shalom College Sport.
Bundaberg District Athletics
Congratulations to Josie P on receiving the Sean Hobson Memorial Shield. The Shield is presented to the Athlete of the Carnival from the Bundaberg District Athletics Carnival.
The student who wins this award:
- Does not necessarily win every event they participated in
- Performed at a level of excellence throughout the carnival
- Achieved a standard of outstanding excellence in one (or maybe two) events (eg new record or State/National qualifier)
- demonstrating a willingness to compete to the best of their ability and earning the respect and support of competitors and officials
The award is voted on, by all School Team Managers/Representatives at the conclusion of the District Carnival.
Josie won the 800m, 1500m, Triple Jump, 2nd in Long Jump and winning High Jump (breaking the record from 2018 – by 4cm, jumping 1.55m) at the Bundy District Carnival.
She also won Age Champion at the Bundy District Carnival and then went on to win Age Champion at the WB Carnival. Congratulations Josie!
Congratulations to Shalom students Courtney K and Sophie A who recently represented the QLD U14 Embers Hockey team that competed at the National Championships in Perth.
The QLD team had a fantastic tournament, advancing through the pool games undefeated.
Both Courtney and Sophie received MVP awards during the tournament and both girls were in the top ten goal scorers with Sophie (7 goals) in 3rd and Courtney (4 goals) in 10th.
QLD Embers took on NSW in the Final. At full time the game was tied up and it went to shootouts. Both Courtney and Sophie converted their shots and at the end of the compulsory 5 shootouts, the game was still tied up. Off to sudden death!! Unfortunately, NSW converted and QLD missed. Both Courtney and Sophie finished with a National Silver Medal!!
Sophie was the recipient of the Coaches Encouragement Award for the QLD team and on the back of her strong tournament, Courtney was added to the QLD U16 squad. The QLD U16 squad members will attend trials in February 2025.
In the short term, Sophie and Courtney switch their focus to Indoor Hockey. Both girls will represent Bundy at the upcoming Indoor Championships with the hope of gaining Qld selection. Good luck girls!!
Rowing - Come and Try
After a very successful season, we are excited to invite interested students to try our oarsome sport. Rowing is a whole-body sport that is described as the ‘ultimate’ team sport. It builds so many important life skills like communication, teamwork, confidence, as well.
A common theme we hear from rowers is they wish they tried it earlier in their schooling. So come along too one or all, of our sessions. All sessions will have our current rowers supporting the new rowers while being supervised by our experienced coaches.
We have sessions for our current Shalom students in Week 6 & then in Week 7 we have sessions for any interested Year 6 students coming to Shalom next year. Please register via the links above or flyers below.
In addition, we have a Rowing Day in the last week of school on Wednesday 4 December for Shalom students. This is essentially a big come and try day. We take out all our big boats and bus any interested students out to Bucca and have a couple of fun sessions on the water. Signs up will be at school in the coming weeks.
Any questions, let us know.
Keep being oarsome.
Ms Teressa Tibbey
HPE Teacher and Rowing Coordinator
Mr Nick Smith
Intad Teacher Assistant and Rowing Coach
Touch Football 10-12 Years
Congratulations to Alex C who is currently attending the School Sport Australia National 10-12yrs Touch Football championships as a student official – referee.
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Congratulations to these talented young athletes, we wish Coaches and Players all the best with their preparations for the 2025 Vicki Wilson and QISSN Competitions ❤
Mrs Nadia Tairawhiti
Shalom Netball Coordinator
40 Years of Shalom Celebrations

On Friday 11 October, Shalom hosted a 40 Year Celebration for the College. These celebrations included Tours of the College, and Musical Acts from past and present staff and students. Following this, there was a Premiere of the 40 Years of Shalom Documentary, in which past and present Students, Staff and Principals were interviewed.
For more photos from the event or to watch the documentary please visit
Shalom also held a photography competition called ‘My Shalom,’ in which members of the community could enter an image they had taken which reflected their interpretation of the theme 'My Shalom'. There were three categories; current students, current parents or staff and past parents, students or staff. Congratulations to the winners;
- Eloise B. | My Peace I Give To You 2024 | Current Shalom College Students ($500 prize)
- Ayla Watt | Zoom Burst 2006 | Past Shalom College Parent, Student or Staff Member ($500 prize)
- Candace Walsh | Raw 2024 | Current Shalom College Parent or Staff Member ($500 prize)
- Charli H. | Casting Shadows 2024 | People's Choice Award ($100 prize)

To conclude the celebrations, on Sunday, a special mass was held at the Holy Rosary to further celebrate the legacy of the College. We enjoyed seeing and celebrating with all members of the community, past and present.

Thank you to those that attended.
Shalom Chaverim,
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
40 Year Anniversary Merchandise
There is shalom College 40 Year Anniversary mugs and glasses available to purchase from the finance office, they are $15 each. See image above. These will be available to purchase until the end of the term, or unless sold out prior!
All students, parents, staff and the wider community are welcome to purchase these items as a celebration of Shalom's 40th Anniversary.
Pathways Information

- Test Drive a Career Today – Applications Open for December school holiday Work Experience (students may also be eligible for work experience during exam block, pending exam schedule)
- Queensland Police Service: Recruiting Seminar Logan – Friday 1 November
- Securing the next generation in farming and food careers – Careers in Agricultural survey
- UQ InspireU STEM Camp for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Year 11 and 12 students
- See the range of part-time, full-time and apprenticeship roles on offer on the Pathways Sia Page
- East Coast Apprenticeship student drop in session – Thursday 7 November 3pm-5pm
- Future Doctors Australia Program – gain medical work experience essential for young people considering a career in medicine
- UQ College’s Bridging Program – study biology, chemistry, maths methods or physics over four weeks and finish in time to apply for January QTAC round
Discover exciting career insights in this week’s Pathways Newsletter
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kim Toll, Mrs Kathryn Laing, Ms Jacinta Cook & Mrs Cristel Simmonds
Preferred Student Absentee Option
Parents are able to inform the College of student absentees via Parent Lounge, using the below pathway:
Parent Lounge> Student Details> Attendance> "+Add Absence Notification"
The Shalom College App has now been updated so when parents select "Absentee" it will re-direct to Parent Lounge for the absentee notification to be added.
For Parents that do not already have the College App please click below:
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student's absence.
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mr Aaron Brown. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Expressions of Interest for Cambodia 2025
Planning is underway for the Cambodia 2025 tour in early December next year. Expressions of Interest are now open for current Year 10 students who would be interested in being a part of the tour.
As part of the tour, students will be expected to undertake fundraising for the community service projects, donating money and goods to a number of Non-Government Charitable Organisations. You will be expected to raise money during the year to spend at these deserving charities. The trip will include major highlights of Cambodia such as Angkor Wat and ancient temples, Mekong Dolphin tour, and many cultural experiences along the way.
We will also hold a meeting for families of interested students in the Main Office Staff Common Room on Tuesday 5 November 6pm.
Interested students, please complete the Microsoft Forms below.
If you have any questions before the meeting next week, please contact Mr McMah ( or Ms Smith (
Vinnies Christmas - Hamper of Peace Appeal
Click on the below link for suggestions of items to donate for the Shalom RE Hamper of Peace Christmas St Vincent De Paul appeal.
Mrs Trish Ingall
Head of Department - Religion
There are four DEFIB locations throughout the College. Please take note of their locations should you need to know in the case of an emergency. We also have one DEFIB at Chaverim, our outdoor education centre, 76 South Bingera Road, South Bingera 4670.
Uniform Shop - Book your 2025 New Enrolment Uniform Fitting
Uniform Fittings – For Year 7 2025 and Year 10 Girls 2025 are by appointment only.
Please book via the link:
Dates available: October 2024-January 2025
All fittings will take place at the Shalom College Uniform Shop until further notice.
For any uniform related enquiries please contact
Uniform Shop Hours
Monday to Thursday: 8.00am to 12.00pm
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 3.30pm to 5.30pm
Friday: Closed
This week we feature the runner up winner for the 9-10 poetry section of our Shalom Literary Wonders writing competition. Gabrielle A. has reminded us that there is great magic to be found in written words, whether they assume the form of a well-constructed story, beautiful poetry, or even lyrics written to be conveyed musically.
The aestheticism of a sentence is informed by the way it successfully flows. Quite different from grammar, which refers to the establishment of coherent meaning, the rhythm and cadence of a sentence gives it beauty, power, a lyrical impact that evokes a mood and tells a story in itself.
“Rhythm. Life is full of it; words should have it, too” – Arthur Gordon
Hidden in a Storybook
A book is a portal to worlds unknown,
A journey to places you’ve never been shown,
With characters that come alive in your mind,
A story that will transport you through time.
The magic of reading is a powerful thing,
It can teach you to laugh, to love, or to sing,
It can make you feel brave, or give you a fright,
As you journey through the words with pure delight.
You can travel to places both near and far,
You can be a princess, or an astronaut on a star,
A wizard or a warrior, a pirate or a knight,
You can be anyone with the words you invite.
The magic of reading will always remain,
A journey of wonder, a story to gain.
By Gabrielle A. (Runner Up Yr. 9-10 Poetry)
Term Dates for 2024
Term 1: Monday 22 January – Thursday 28 March (10 weeks)
Term 2: Monday 15 April – Friday 21 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 8 July – Friday 13 September (10 weeks)
Term 4: Monday 30 September – Thursday 5 December (10 weeks)
Term 1: Tuesday 28 January – Friday 4 April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Tuesday 22 April – Friday 27 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September (10 weeks)
Year 12 Formal: Saturday 6 September
Term 4: Tuesday 7 October – Thursday 4 December (9 weeks)
The Shalom Markets are open every Sunday 6am-midday. Come along to purchase your fresh fruit and vegetables, local food products and handmade items.
Volunteers Required - Markets Tuckshop
We are seeking your help!! We are always in need of new volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop and BBQ. If your child/children would like to gain some work experience, why not get them to volunteer in the canteen. If you have a few hours you could spare to assist in our canteen, please click on the link below to register your assistance or contact Leanne via email at
If we get enough volunteers, it may work out that you only need to volunteer once per term.
Register to Volunteer HERE
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 3 November |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Samantha Kirkland |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 10 November |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Brendan & Astrid Clancy |
Sunday 17 November |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 24 November | 6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 3 November |
Shalom Rugby League |
Sunday 10 November |
Shalom Rugby League |
Sunday 17 November |
Bundaberg Croquet Club |
Sunday 24 November |
Rotary Club of Bundaberg Sunrise |
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Phone: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation. As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.
Stewardship Renewal
As a Stewardship Parish, the Bundaberg Catholic Parish is involved in more than ninety outreaches to all in our community.
Parishioners discern their gifts and talents and then offer these for the pastoral care, support, and service of others.
The outreaches vary from visiting the sick and housebound to grounds and property maintenance; from proclaiming the scripture at Church liturgies to support of relatives and friends of recently deceased; from church cleaning to providing hospitality.
Our schools and College are the educational and faith formation arm of our parish as are St Vincent de Paul, Oz Care, and Catholic Care our charitable and social arm while the Mater hospital is our health arm. Together we strive to make a difference in our community in whatever way our gifts can lead us.
During the next few weeks, we will be renewing our commitment to serve, to be good stewards of the gifts we have been given.
We ask you to join us as together we live out our Christian commitment and our Parish Vision – “to go out, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to share God’s Love respectfully, with all people”.
For further information please email:
Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory
To help assist the Shalom College community in supporting local businesses that are run by Shalom families, we have created our Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory. If you would like to be listed in this directory, please send a copy of your business card to Mr Peter Robinson who will be establishing and developing this directory to
Student Travel Rebates
Would you like to know more about the Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme and eligibility requirements? Click on the link to view the short introductory video here:
Student travel rebate applications open 1-31 October for Semester 2. Please click here to check if you are eligible.