23 July 2018
Principal’s Reflection
Last week we celebrated NAIDOC Week, which was another opportunity for us as a College and a nation to recognise the contribution of our First Nation people. Shalom is a better school for the presence of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. It was also great to have been able to engage the services of Mr Joe Williams, a proud young indigenous man, to speak to most classes over Thursday and Friday. Joe’s message about living a positive life and the need to make good choices was a great one for our students. Joe’s story was confronting in parts as he shared his journey through the highs and lows of life. I truly hope that every student Joe spoke to will remember his very positive messages about the tools we all need to live a healthy life. Joe reminded our students about the need to get rid of the negative people in their lives – they will just drag you down. I am not sure how many read last week’s ‘Weekend Australian’ but there was a piece in the Magazine entitled, ‘Just Go KYS’. I had never heard of ‘KYS’ but when I checked with your daughters and sons on Assembly last Friday, I realised I was very much in the minority! ‘KYS’ is digital short-hand for ‘Just Go Kill Yourself’ and it seems to be a disgracefully common expression. The article is well worth a read and it is embedded here for you. It again highlights the power of on-line bullying. I spoke to the students about never being ‘bystanders’ to behaviour like that. When they see it happen, if they can’t say something to the person responsible, let someone else know who can. The Family Zone product available for every Shalom family will not prevent all bad things happening on the web but it will certainly give parents more control over what young people do. Can I again ask parents to install Family Zone on all devices and desk-tops to which your child has access? Please can you install it on their phones. There is no need for your child to have access to Social Media while at school – whether they are in Year 7 or Year 12.
Welcome to Sakado High School. Students and staff from our sister school, Sakado High School will arrive at Shalom at 3:30pm today. Thank you very much to the families who will open their homes to the Sakado students. This is always a wonderful exchange and I am very grateful to the efforts of Mrs Simone Wilson in organising this event.
Universities Expo @ Shalom – if you have a child in Years 10-12 who might be considering the possibility of undertaking a course at University, can you mark in your calendars Friday August 3 from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. Through the efforts of our Pathways Coordinator, Ms Liza O’Donnell, we have managed to bring to Bundaberg representatives of almost all Queensland Universities. This is a great chance to look at what is on offer in the Tertiary space in one spot on one occasion. This event is open to all students in the Bundaberg region. Please do not miss this outstanding opportunity.
Senior Subject Selection Evening is on Tuesday July 31 in the Theatre commencing at 7:00pm. This is a vital information night for parents and students in Year 10 as they move into a very different Senior assessment phase. Please do all possible to attend this event.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Student Welfare
- Mission
- Administration
- Pathways
- IT
- Quiet Achiever
- P & F Monthly Meeting Notes
- Music
- Sport
- Confraternity Report
- Futsal School Titles Competition
- 2018 - Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
- College News
- Humanities Information History Competitions
- Tuckshop Roster
- Tuckshop Markets Roster
- Markets BBQ Roster
- Community Notice Board
Student Welfare
On Wednesday of the last week of Term 2, the Year 8s and Year 9s attended a live performance titled: Smashed.
Smashed Live tours schools with a theatre performance and interactive workshops all backed up by a comprehensive evaluation framework. Students are engaged creatively in a safe and motivational learning environment, enabling the students to explore the dangers and consequences of underage drinking and equipping them with the facts, skills and confidence to make responsible choices around alcohol at a young age.
Smashed is dedicated to breaking the culture of underage drinking and reducing alcohol-related harm amongst young people around the world. The program first launched in the UK in 2004 and has since been endorsed by the UK government. It is now delivered in ten countries and has directly reached 450,000 young people.
It is worth visiting the website for additional information:
On another note
Once again, thank you to those students who have come back to school this term well groomed. I am impressed with many of the boys’ short haircuts.
I have noticed that a number of our girls have had a growth spurt and need to alter the length of their dresses/skirts. They need to be below the knees please. I would really appreciate this being done as quickly as possible. We have a very proud tradition with our uniform and grooming and very much like to uphold it.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal
NAIDOC Week – Because of her, we can!
Kelli Cory, Christi Chapman & Isabella Bundesen. Absent – Valli Mitchelson
This year the focus of NAIDOC Week was to celebrate the invaluable contributions made by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women. Under the theme “Because of her, we can!” we can identify many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in our area who work tirelessly to make a difference.
At Shalom College we are blessed with Mrs Kelli Cory, Miss Isabella Bundesen, Miss Christi Chapman and Ms Valli Mitchelson who provide ongoing support for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait students. Not only do they assist students with their academic needs, they conduct activities to keep the students in touch with their cultural heritage. So many students are grateful for this support and recognition that has made their experience at Shalom a very positive one.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Acting Assistant Principal – Missions
End Semester One Reports (Years 10-12)
End of Semester One reports for Years 10-12 will be published to Parent Lounge this Friday July 27. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers directly regarding the End of Semester One Report if there are any queries.
The electronic reports are PDF versions of the fully formatted report that can be printed on the home printer if required. The report can be viewed and printed from the Parent Lounge by selecting the Academic Reports tab on the left. Parents who do not have internet access, are experiencing problems with Parent Lounge or do not know your Parent Lounge login details are welcome to contact the College office during business hours.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Shalom College Twilight University Expo
Be sure to mark on your calendar the Inaugural Shalom Twilight University Expo on Friday August 3 from 3pm-6pm in the Sports Centre. This event is free and is open to every high school in the Bundaberg and the wider community. Be excited that this is the first time we have secured most of the big name universities along with residential colleges to gather at once in our regional area.
The timing is perfect for current Year 10s choosing their senior subjects, Year 11s who may have pathway questions and Year 12s in preparation for their QTAC applications. Feel free to share this open invitation with your friends and we look forward to the support of our Shalom and broader community.
Year 10 Subject Selection
Very soon, Year 10s will be bombarded with information to assist them in choosing their senior subjects. The below resource was developed for students and families so they might explore together the possibilities and pathways that relate to their senior subject selection and help to prepare for their SET Plan interview.
Students were given access to the attached document today and we encourage you to make time to go through this together.
Harrison Assessment
The Harrison Assessment is a scientific tool that evaluates student’s strengths and aligns them with career options best suited to them individually. I would suggest the Harrison Assessment to students who may need some guidance in discovering their pathway. There is a minimal cost involved.
Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator
We have had some iPads come into the office recently that have been wiped over the holidays. Please remember students will need to spare up some time to re-enroll their iPad and parents will need to install and sign into the Familyzone app.
Please remember that all student devices including mobile phones that come to school need to have the familyzone app installed and signed in. For Shalom laptops, we have installed this automatically and parents just need to sign into the app.
If you have any issues with familyzone or have lost the setup email, please contact their support team – 1300 398 326
Student Laptops (Yr10-12)
Since we are at Term 3 now, it is important to think about forward planning for the end of the year. With the HP Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) that we purchase for laptops, each device gets access to three replacement parts per calendar year with an excess $60.50 for each claim. We usually perform damage inspection on all laptops for Term 4 to get any damages fixed and parts claimed this year. However, we would certainly appreciate anyone that is proactive and would like to get this done sooner as we only have a small amount of spares to hand out to students. Please remember this is an insurance claim, so we need to report to HP the reason for the accidental damage.
For the start of this term, we have packaged up the latest Microsoft office updates for installation on our Students laptops. These can be installed via the software center at a time that suits the student within the first four weeks of this term. If the students have not installed these updates by the end of Week 4, we have scheduled these updates as a mandatory installation commencing Monday August 13 2018.
As always, if any students or parents need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact the IT Unit between the hours of 7:30am – 3:30pm.
Mr Matthew Mills
IT Manager
Quiet Achiever
It is not too often that we get volunteers to say a prayer, let alone a Year 7 student, in front of 1200 fellow peers and staff onlookers for College Assembly prayer. However, that is exactly what Kyle Blake did at the end of Semester One during Hogan’s College Assembly prayer about ‘the gift of giving’. Not only did Kyle show great confidence and bravery to take this on, he did it in a very distinguished manner.
Kyle is a very exuberant and happy young man, always greeting teachers and peers with a fantastic smile and hello, just what many people need to light up their day. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and be involved in all that he can. This makes him a very worthy recipient of this week’s Quiet Achiever.
Mr Adam Knott
Hogan House Coordinator
P & F Monthly Meeting Notes
The next P & F meeting will be held in the staff common room on Tuesday August 7 2018 beginning at 5:30pm - all parents/guardians are welcome.
Mrs Emma Jansen
P & F Secretary
Term 3 Concerts
As per the performance schedule sent out early Term 1, the first concert for Term 3 is tomorrow, Tuesday July 24. Groups performing will be the choir and all instrumental groups not travelling to Brisbane for the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival. The second concert is Tuesday August 7 and all groups attending the Music Festival will be performing. Both concerts start at 7:00pm in the PAP theatre and students in both groups are to wear their performance uniforms.
Bundaberg ‘groups’ Eisteddfod
On July 17, a letter was emailed providing information regarding performance times and travel arrangements. Please contact me if you did not received this email, as there are many sections performed out of school hours.
Catholic Schools Music Festival
An email regarding travel, accommodation, costs and performance times will be sent out later this week. Payments can be made through Parent Lounge from Thursday July 26.
Middle School Vocal Ensemble
This group have been rehearsing since the beginning of Term 2 and would love to welcome more members. This is an opportunity for boys and girls who sang in their Primary School choirs to rekindle their love of singing in a group where they can learn to sing more advanced work in harmony. Singers for this group do not have to be in the choir. Rehearsals are in the music room each Wednesday morning from 7:45am.
Roll Marking
A reminder to email Mrs McAtee Lynelle_McAtee@shalomcollege.com by 7:45am if your child/ren are not able to attend a rehearsal
Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator
QISSN 2018 Townsville Report
During the first week of the July holiday’s twelve Shalom students and six Shalom staff travelled to Townsville to compete in the 19th annual Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Carnival. Ten girls in Years 9-12 were selected to represent Shalom and two students had been invited to play for St Mary’s College Maryborough. The team comprised of the following students:
Maddelyn Batt – Captain
Taylor-Jane Hussey – Vice Captain
Amy Hamilton
Kelsie Hansen
Jade Tairawhiti
Zoe Hess
Tayla Pearson
Charlotte Boge
Kendal Dodd
Anne-Maree Pohlman
Sarah Nash and Chelsea Brooks represented St Mary’s College Maryborough and were both invaluable assets to this team. The St Mary’s team came 3rd in their division and I am sure that Sarah and Chelsea gained a lot from participating in the carnival.
The group of young women represented Shalom with an incredible amount of grit and determination at the QISSN carnival, as there were numerous times across the week where they had to claw their way back to secure the win to ensure we continued to progress forward. Throughout the carnival we played 10 games, only losing once by 3 points, and every single member of our team can hold their head high because of the invaluable contribution they made to every success we had on the court. We played with intensity, sportsmanship and an immense amount of team spirit, and because of this, we were successful in winning Division Three, the Candice Adams Trophy, a trophy Shalom last won in 2005. In the future it would be good if the girls didn’t leave it until the dying seconds of a game to secure the win. In the Grand Final Kelsie Hansen scored a penalty shot in the final three seconds to prevent us going into extra time with Chanel College, many people watching from the sideline had their hearts in their throats.
Throughout the carnival the coach from each team that we played, as well as the Shalom coach Ms Natasha Cross, nominated at the end of a game a player that they felt was the most valuable player on the court. These votes are accumulated and at the end of the carnival Shalom’s most valuable player is named, this year Amy Hamilton was our MVP. Amy did an excellent job of turning the ball over in defence and preventing many opposition goals from being scored.
We would like to thank the following people for their support in helping us get to QISSN. Firstly Ms Natasha Cross, who has been the QISSN coach for the last three years. Crossy guided us on our QISSN journey and helped us play some great netball in order to secure the win. The coaching that the players received from her will continue to help their netball outside of Shalom for many years to come. Miss Georgia Hamilton, stat girl and assistant coach, was a friend and reassuring voice when the girls needed a boost of confidence on and off the court. Mrs Pearson and Mr McMahon ensured that we reached our destinations on time and mostly in one piece. We discovered the great skills they have as bus drivers and tour guides and we hope that Mr McMahon now knows which button is cruise control and which button opens the door when he is driving.
The way that the Shalom girls played this year shows a lot of promise for 2019 when the QISSN carnival will return home to Bundaberg, where QISSN began. The future of netball at Shalom is looking encouraging with many Shalom girls making an impact on the netball at Shalom and the wider Bundaberg community. Netball at Shalom would not be possible without the support of the Shalom Sports department, Shalom staff, parents and sponsors. The following sponsors were responsible for significantly reducing the cost of to the players The Waves Sports Club, Rum City Foods, A2B Transport, Ross Gray Motor City, Peters Ice Cream, Hinkler Podiatry, McDonalds, Australian National Properties and Zacs Meat.
Looking to 2019, Shalom will be hosting both the QISSN and Confraternity Carnivals where there will be approximately 4000 extra visitors to the Bundaberg area. There are multiple opportunities for Bundaberg businesses to sponsor both of these carnivals. If your business would be interested in perusing the sponsorship packages available please email sponsorship2019@shalomcollege.com or contact Mrs Somerfield.
Mrs Nikki Somerfield
Netball Convenor
Confraternity Report
POWERHOUSE lock and vice-captain Jai Smith was Shalom College’s Player of the Carnival as the boys recorded four wins and two losses at the 2018 Queensland Secondary Schools Rugby League Confraternity Carnival in Charters Towers.
Shalom topped their Pool C in Division 3 after keeping a clean sheet in winning their first three matches, white-washing St Mary’s College Casino 46-0 and Mt Maria College Mitchelton 40-0 on Monday, and outgunning St James College Spring Hill 18-0 on Tuesday morning.
But the loss of blockbusting centre Harrison Bull, who was knocked out late in the match against St James, adding to their growing injury toll, was a telling factor as they were beaten by Chanel College 30-0 in the quarter-finals later in the afternoon.
Even after the rest day on Wednesday, injuries and fatigue again took their toll as Shalom were edged out by Good Shepherd Catholic College Mt Isa 18-16 in their Thursday game, but the boys dug deep to finish the carnival on a high with a 16-4 win against St James on Friday morning.
Jai, who will represent Serbia in the Under-19 European Cup in Belgrade next month, had an outstanding carnival and took out Shalom’s two Player of the Match awards on day one.
But it was unheralded winger Ethan Ennett and Harrison Bull who led the scoring against St Mary’s Casino, each with doubles, with the former striking twice in the first half, including scooping up the ball from a well-placed kick to the corner and touching down for a 26-0 lead at the break.
Our other starting winger Dylan Murphy also finished well for a double against Mt Maria, with Ethan again among the tries in that game.
Inspirational captain and halfback Samuel Tobin was a deserved Man of the Match in the Pool showdown against St James, scoring a try in a signature polished all-round performance, but towering rookie winger Arin Crook also stamped his mark, finishing two team tries very well, and Smith completed one four-pointer in each of their games to that stage.
Shalom also tried hard against Chanel but the Gladstone side were unrelenting and they staked their claim by establishing a 16-0 advantages by oranges and never relenting.
Hard running forward Jobe Lister took out the Shalom Player of the Match with a big-hearted display in a beaten side.
Shalom regrouped and started well against Good Shepherd but the Western Queenslanders struck twice in quick succession to lead 12-0 before the Bundaberg outfit fought back with a four-pointer to centre Will Hema on the stroke of half-time.
Good Shepherd made a perfect start to the second stanza with another try less than 60 seconds after the restart, but Shalom refused to surrender, and they levelled the scores with two tries to pocket dynamo hooker Corey Picaro and two conversions to Will Hema.
Shalom created a couple of great chances to score again but were unable to finish off, and ultimately they were sunk by a last-minute Good Shepherd penalty goal.
Lightweight workaholic front rower Bradley Edwards, who played through a painful wrist injury, received some consolation when he picked up the Shalom Player of the Match gong.
Come the final day and both Shalom and St James were tired and sore but Shalom threw down the gauntlet with first-half strikes to Dylan Murphy and Jai Smith, who emerged as the team’s joint-top try scorers for the tournament with four each, and two conversions by Will Hema.
But both sides became increasingly fatigued, and ultimately St James opened their account midway through the second half, before Shalom rallied again and sealed the result with creative running fullback Jake Bonus touching down in the right corner with seven minutes remaining.
The ultra-consistent Corey Picaro won the Carnival Selectors’ vote for the Shalom Man of the Match, and also wound up second in the College’s Player of the Carnival standings and claimed the coveted Shalom Spirit Award, which was decided by the Players’ Player votes by all team members across their six games over four days.
Shalom coach Neil Feather praised his players’ efforts, even though he said they let themselves down against Chanel and were also far from their best in the first half against Good Shepherd.
“Everyone did their job the best they could but the younger group will have to get stronger and faster before next year, now they know what they have got to prepare for,” Mr Feather said.
He said Jai Smith and Samuel Tobin led the team from the front.
“Jai was really solid in defence, to the point of exhaustion, and he filled a really solid ball playing lock’s role as well, and he ran the ball when he had to on the left edge,” Mr Feather said.
“Samuel, as the smallest man in the team, was also really tough – he was the cornerstone of the team – his knee injury suffered on day two would have ruled a lot of people out but he battled through the pain and took a lot of tough carries – he was typically solid in defence and was brave – he was a great leader and a perfect role model to the rest of the team.
“Also, (interchange front rower) Isaac Coyne was great – for a kid who had never played rugby league before – he had to learn the game in the last 12 months – he did everything asked of him in defence and he was one of our best players in attack.”
Year 11’s filled 13 of the places in the squad of 20, with one year 10 called in as a late replacement, Aaron Cunnington, and Mr Feather said Corey Picaro, Jake Bonus and Harrison Bull were the shining lights among that contingent.
“Corey was the obvious stand-out – for a kid who I moved from centre to a really busy position at hooker, he was really brave and tough – he never shied away from work and he was always a threat to the opposition running away from dummy half,” he said.
“Jake also did really well - he just drove the attack all the time, his kicking in general play was good but maybe his best facet was his jockey running on the edge, and while he was there, Harry got the team on the front foot all the time – we found out how integral he was to our attack when he got injured.
“Jobe Lister, on the left edge, ran good lines – everyone did their job the best they could but fatigue was the problem we got and the young group have got to get stronger and faster before next year now they know what they have got to prepare for.”
Shalom will host 48 teams from throughout the state for the 40th annual showpiece Confraternity Carnival from June 30-July 5 next year.
Results – Pool games: Shalom 46 (Ethan Ennett 2, Harrison Bull 2, Jobe Lister, Jake Bonus, Jai Smith, Dylan Murphy, Samuel Tobin tries; Will Hema 3, Samuel Tobin, Jake Bonus goals) d St Mary’s Casino 0, Shalom Player of Match: Jai Smith. Shalom 40 (Dylan Murphy 2, Arin Crook, Aaron Cunnington, Ethan Ennett, Harrison Bull, Jai Smith, Ben Taylor tries; Jett Grogan 2, Jake Bonus 2 goals) d Mt Maria 0, Shalom Player of Match: Jai Smith. Shalom 18 (Arin Crook 2, Samuel Tobin, Jai Smith tries; Jett Grogan goal) d St James 0. Shalom Player of Match: Samuel Tobin.
Cup quarter-final: Chanel 30 d Shalom 0. Shalom Player of Match: Jobe Lister.
Play-off games: Good Shepherd 18 d Shalom 16 (Corey Picaro 2, Will Hema tries; Will Hema 2 goals), Shalom Player of Match: Bradley Edwards. Shalom 16 (Dylan Murphy, Jai Smith, Jake Bonus tries; Will Hema 2 goals) d St James 4, Shalom Player of Match: Corey Picaro.
Coach Mr Feather’s comments on Other Players:
2 Dylan Murphy: “Dylan is always extremely enthusiastic – he is always looking to get involved and run the ball back. He has also developed a lot of confidence catching balls at the back.”
3 Will Hema: “Will was hampered by a leg injury early on but he learnt to deal with it – he is a classy attacker – it was just a shame he was injured early on – his goal kicking was also very good.”
5 Ethan Ennett: “Ethan scored some great tries, and he was always a really strong first ball carrier, and he made some great runs from dummy-half – he really rolled up his sleeves in our last game and made more carries than any other player.”
6 Darcy Clarke: “Darcy was really good in get-out plays. He played in different positions well and he took some great scoots from dummy-half and helped us get on the front foot when we needed it – Darcy was also really critical organising in defence on the left edge.”
8 Tomasi Tikonilia: “Big Tommy is a dangerous ball runner – damaging – he was the player in our team who other teams worried about and he was just great for the team.”
10 Bradley Edwards: “Bradley is a really good, brave player. He played injured our last few games and he always puts ion 100% in attack and in tackles.”
12 Liam Morrison: “Liam was a critical line runner in attack on the right edge – it was a shame he got injured on the first day – it really affected our attack – but he came back and bolstered the team in our last two games.”
14 Corban Church: “Corban really surprised me and probably himself – he has a lot of footwork and heart and he did his job well running and in defence.”
15 Aaron Cunnington: “Aaron did a really good job for a young player coming into the team late – he showed a lot of brave play in different positions and he earnt the respect of the team – he will be a key member of the team in the next few years.”
16 Ben Taylor: “Ben was good in attack and in defence – he was definitely aggressive in everything he did – for someone who had to play in different positions, he didn’t let anyone down in any of them.”
17 Jett Grogan: “Jett has turned into a classy player – he positions himself well in defence and gets in and does the job, and he runs smart lines – he too is just a great team player.”
19 Maison Keith: “I always like Maison’s aggression – besides Brad Edwards, Maison has the most intent of any forward and he wants to be there when the times get tough, and that is rare in schoolboy football.”
20 Arin Crook: “Besides Isaac (Coyne), Arin was the most improved player in the team – his two tries in game three marked his coming of age and he showed a lot of brave play at the back end of the week – Arin improved to be the best winger in the team and he did all the little things right.”
Most Tries: Dylan Murphy 4, Jai Smith 4, Harrison Bull 3, Arin Crook 3, Ethan Ennett 3, Jake Bonus 2, Corey Picaro 2, Samuel Tobin 2, Aaron Cunnington 1, Will Hema 1, Jobe Lister 1, Ben Taylor 1.
Most Goals: Will Hema 7, Jake Bonus 3, Jett Grogan 3, Samuel Tobin 1.
Mr Vince Habermann
Finance Assistant
Shalom College Sport – NEW Facebook Page
Shalom College now has a separate Facebook Page for all things SPORT! The new page will be used to update current and past students and families on Shalom College sporting results and events as well as student achievements. This new page will also be used for Summer/Winter Sport updates (e.g. game cancellations etc.), Inter-House and Inter-School competitions as well as the SCASA (Shalom College After School Activities) Program. If your child is involved with sport at Shalom College, please make sure you follow the page to keep up to date.
For families involved with Shalom Rowing, there is a “Closed Facebook Group” on the Shalom College Sport Facebook page you can become a member of to stay up to date with everything to do with rowing.
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
Sporting Achievements
Congratulations to Thomas Morcom, who has recently been selected in the QLD Under 12s Schoolboys Rugby League Team that travel to Adelaide in August.
Congratulations to Madison Masterman-Smith on her selection in the Qld Open Girls Football Team. Madison will travel to Victoria in late August to compete at the Nationals.
Table Tennis
JUNIOR GIRLS Shalom (Meg Freeman, Tayla Scott) won in a round robin competition that also included a win over Tahnee Green’s Ormiston College.
OPEN BOYS Shalom (Samuel Freeman, Brendan Connolly) defeated Ormiston College (which included this year’s Bundaberg Open champion Hayden Green) in the final.
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Futsal School Titles Competition
At the end of Term 2, eight Shalom College Students competed in the Futsal School Titles Competition. The students had such a great day and were complimented by the referees and other spectators on their skills, sportsmanship and manners. The boys have now qualified for Champion of Champion’s Tournament (held over July 23-27). Congratulations Boys!
The team pictured here after winning the Grand Final: Joaquin Arriola, Samuel Brillante, Preston Cox, Connor Patterson, Jayden D'Addario, Keanu Crofts, Henry Brophy and Patrick McMahon.
2018 - Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
From 2018 Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers.
SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3:15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4:45 pm.
Days Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 afternoons available for SCASA.(Wednesday is allocated for BDSSS inter school sport and Fridays is not offered due to student fatigue and early departure for weekends affecting attendance) |
Dates SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term. |
Times 3:00 pm - School lessons completed.3:15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at College tuck shop and set up time for coaches 3:30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds) 4:30 pm - Activities/ Coachingfinished 4:45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at school. |
Cost The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for students ( to be added to school fees)This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons activities.This is to encourage participation in the program. |
New activities this term – see below
Monday |
Option 1 Dance with Miss Alisa Boisen (Dance Studio) or |
Option 2 ABCS with Mr Ben Porter (Oval)* |
*ABC’S = Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed activities in a fun game centred friendly atmosphere. |
Tuesday |
Option 1 Netball with Mrs Kelli Cory (Hangar or SC) |
Option 2 Yoga with Ms Tamar Boas (Dance Studio) |
Option 3 Volleyball with Mr Antonio Kaufusi (Hangar or SC) |
Thursday |
Option 1 Cross Country Club with Mr Mat Grills (Oval) |
Option 2 Tennis with Mr Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts) |
Option 3 Athletics (Track and Field) with Mr Ben Porter (Oval) |
Option 4 Dance with Miss Shelley Allen (Dance Studio) |
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g. Rugby League, Netball, Volleyball, Touch Football etc. This program is giving extra opportunities for more students to become involved in physical activities and sports after school.
Please complete student and parent details in the google form below
Please note: No confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2. Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the form - so it cannot be selected.
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
College News
Young Christian Students
Our very own Enviro bags are here!
Earlier this year, the Young Christian Students (YCS) group chose the environment as our focus for discussion. We considered many different aspects of our environment and what could possibly be done to lessen our impact on it. Particularly due to the recent single-use plastic bag ban, we decided to create an awareness campaign in the form of personalised Shalom reusable bags.
Thanks to the support of our P&F Committee, these beautiful bags are now being sold by YCS throughout the school community. Each bag is $5.50 and carries a stunning design created by Year 12 student, Ella Boas. If you would like to purchase your own special little Shalom accessory; stylish and environmentally-friendly, please send the following order form to school with your child to Mrs
Petersen in Student Services!
Mrs Cheryl Petersen
Campus Minister
Cambodia Trip Trivia Night
Humanities Information History Competitions
Students will be offered a range of History Competitions during the remainder of the year. The following are the details of them, if students want to be involved in any of them.
QHTA Historical Writing Competition
Students in Years 7 to 12 may enter this competition by submitting an essay or a written response of some other appropriate genre (a report, diary entries, newspaper article, play, script etc.) or a multi-modal response (Years 11 and 12 only). The topic may relate to any historical period of a topic studied during the student's Core Studies B or History studies (Year Ten, Modern or Ancient) at school and must be the original work of the student, in that the student has not received more assistance than is usually given during the researching and writing of text submitted for assessment.
All entries are due Monday September 3 2018. More information can be viewed at:
Cost is free and the Humanities Department will organise registration and support for students wishing to enter the competition.
National History Challenge
The National History Challenge is a research-based competition for students. It gives students a chance to be an historian, researching world history, examining Australia’s past, investigating their community and exploring their own roots. It emphasises and rewards quality research, the use of community resources and effective presentation.
The theme for 2018 is ‘Turning Points’. Students produce entries in one of three formats: an individual research paper, a museum display, or other formats – such as a multi-media format (audio/video/website), a performance, or any other form of creative representation. Except for the individual (one person) research paper, students work alone or in groups of up to four people.
All entries are free
Due Date: Friday, August 24
Open to all students Years 7-12
More information / registration details at:
Simpson Prize
The History Teachers’ Association of Australia (HTAA), together with HTAA State affiliates, conducts this competition for Year 9 and 10 students on behalf of the Australian Government. The focus of the competition is the Australian ANZAC tradition and students are asked to write an essay of 1200 to 1500 words, or prepare an audio-visual presentation of not more than 10 minutes accompanied by a written explanation of up to 400 words, on a given statement every year.
The 2019 Simpson Prize question is: “To what extent could 1918 be considered a year of victory for Australia and its people?” and requires students to respond to the question using a minimum of three of the sources from the 2018 Simpson Prize Australian War Memorial Source Selection at:
Entries close November 9 2018.
For further details go to:
Premier’s Anzac Prize 2019
The Premier’s Anzac Prize 2019 encourages young Queenslanders to better understand the Anzac legacy and share their knowledge with others. The Premier’s Anzac Prize 2019 is open to eligible Queensland high school students in Years 8-11 (in 2018) and will provide Queensland high school students the opportunity to experience the Anzac tradition first-hand by travelling to the Western Front. Specific details have not yet been posted of this competition but this is the competition Harry Packwood (Year Ten) entered and was successful in his selection to witness the Anzac Day centenary commemorations at Gallipoli and travel to the Western Front battlefields in France and Belgium, over the last two weeks this April. This multimodal task is due usually in September and more information can be found at:
Contact person for extra details and support with entries
Mrs Debbie Bolam
Shalom Sunday Markets
Tuckshop Roster
Monday 23 July |
Leah Whalley, Jess Montford |
Tuesday 24 July |
Fiona Canniffe |
Wednesday 25 July |
Melissa Patterson |
Thursday 26 July |
Jacqueline Read |
Friday 27 July |
Help Needed Please |
Monday 30 July |
Help Needed Please |
Tuesday 31 July |
Help Needed Please |
Wednesday 1 August |
Leanne Grogan, Katrina O’Sullivan |
Thursday 2 August |
Trisha Cahill |
Friday 3 August |
Vicki Saffioti |
Monday 6 August |
Tricia Cooney |
Tuesday 7 August |
Susie Zunker/Emma Appo |
Wednesday 8 August |
Help Needed Please |
Thursday 9 August |
Paul & Caroline Simms |
Friday 10 August |
Jeanette Rand/Robyn & Cameron MacDonnell |
Tuckshop Markets Roster
Sunday 29 July |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Michelle Baumgartner Kirsten Beyer Tracey Clarke Jennifer Obst Ros McCaig |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Chloe Connor Karen Garson Neil Hibberd Jo Medcalf Nadia Tairawhiti |
Sunday 5 August |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Kath Clarke Meagan Dorgan Elizabeth Harris Gabrielle Norman Helen Robinson |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Steve Cook Michelle Haase Tennille Nagas Maryanne Taylor |
Sunday 12 August |
6:00am - 9:30am |
Jan Bunn Lisa Hughes Roselyn Hunting Susie Mant Karen Marriott |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Lynda/Mackenzie Crossett Emma Jansen Jas Haster Rebecca Schneider Marie Walker |
Markets BBQ Roster
July 29 |
Cambodia Trip |
August 5 |
Duke of Edinburgh |
August 12 |
Edmund Rice Camp |
August 19 |
Duke of Edinburgh |
August 26 |
Edmund Rice Camp |
Community Notice Board
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg – News
Bundaberg Athletic Club & West Bundaberg Little Athletics
Season 2018-2019
Come & Try/Sign on/Transition Evenings |
Friday 17th August from 6pm |
Friday 24th August from 6pm |
We will also be holding coaching sessions for any returning athletes affected by the implementation of Age Group changes coming into effect for 2018-2019 season
Bundaberg Regional Athletics Complex
Enid Ethel Drive (behind the Airport)
Season starts Friday 31st August – 5.45pm
All welcome
For further information, please see club Facebook Page
Triple P Parenting
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.