Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

6 August 2018

Principal’s Reflection

On the way home, Friday night, I was thinking about what I would write about this week for the Newsletter. I had just been to a very successful Uni Expo at Shalom. Lots of kids, from all over Bundaberg, who have benefitted from a great education, looking excitedly at the next phase of their lives. From there I went to the celebration of 40 years of Impact Community Services. What a great organisation, doing wonderful things for so many very vulnerable people to skill them into jobs and meaningful lives. At that event, we had the privilege of listening to the Impact Community Choir who were just fantastic, a real tribute to Shalom parent, Mrs Christie McLucas who organises and leads the Choir. After listening to most of an inspiring speech from Mrs Tanya O’Shea who is the Executive Director of Impact and also our Shalom Board Chair, I dashed off to the farewell for Fr Andrew Hogan from our Parish as he prepares to study overseas. We had a beautiful liturgy and celebration with lots and lots of people staying around at the barbecue to wish Andrew well and to thank him for his wonderful ministry in Bundaberg. We have a great Catholic Parish here. It is not focussed on itself but always looking to do great things in the community. We have had just outstanding priests in Bundaberg in my years here. In the middle of all of those reflections, also on the way home and alone in the car which allowed me, for once to wrest control of the radio from my children, I was listening to ABC Classical FM and listened to a great piece conducted by Shalom past student, John Rotar (Year 12 Lingiari 2012). All of the above reminded me what a great place Bundaberg is in which to live. Of course it’s not perfect but it is a great place to live and a sensational place to raise our children. I love Bundy! Saturday morning, enjoying a coffee at the beach at Bargara and trawling through FaceBook, I came across a link to a piece written by Theo Delaney (Yr 12 MacKillop 2016) for a student publication of the University of New South Wales. It is a great article about how Bundaberg has been so important to him.

Somewhere only we know: Bundaberg

Bundy's sun-kissed fields and breezy mornings offer more than just sugar cane and rum

Bundaberg is the place I grew up.

It’s a small city—regional Queensland. People like to think anywhere outside of Brisbane is a one-street ice epidemic. But Bundaberg is a nice place.

The city is surrounded by cane fields on all sides. When crushing season comes, a sweet, yet sulphurous steam from the mill pours into the afternoon air. When they burn the fields, delicate strands of ash rain over the whole town. They turn to dust in your hands if you try to catch them.

The sun shines almost every day. Going outside is a game of finding shade, or else having your mother remark how burnt you are at the dinner table that evening.

I come from two old families. My mother’s father’s parents settled there in the 20s and opened a cafe. They were Greek. My dad’s family were school teachers and cattle auctioneers. They’re Irish and English, and they’ve been there since the early days.

Our house is over a hundred years old, in the Queenslander style. It’s made of timber—cooling in the summer—and has a long verandah. It’s always full of sun and air. When I was a baby my mum painted the house light blue, with yellow walls inside. There are gardens all around, and a backyard that any child would dream of. You could always find shade there.

One of my first memories is of a winter morning in that house, when I walked with my grandmother over the wooden hallway floor into our kitchen. She was living with us at the time. The sight of her hand holding mine frightened me: there were blood spots, and thick violet veins protruding from her delicate skin.

I can remember the feeling of lying on her lap. She was tender and loving, in a way that has always made me want to cry when I think or speak of her. She died shortly after that cool morning in the hallway.

Every Sunday in the summer, my mum would take my two brothers and me to the beach. We’d pull up in the carpark and run across the burning bitumen to the flour-like sand. My auntie Pauline would already be sitting in her fold-out chair. “Jesus, where’ve you been?” she’d ask me as I threw my towel down next to her. She always phoned in advance to see what time we’d get there. Auntie Pauline was my godmother, and she made me laugh. Her hair was tinted black as the night, and she wore thick gold bangles on both wrists.

My grandad’s chair would be next to hers, empty. He would be off strolling up and down the beach, talking to all the regulars. You’d spot him with his walking stick, slowly making his way back. It was as if you could see his deep tan getting darker as he walked. He came to the beach every day. It was where he belonged. My mother says that the ocean is in our blood, from him.

We would migrate between the water and the warm sand, where we’d eat and chat. I loved hearing my grandad talking to his two daughters. “Did you hear old Mrs Briggs died?” someone would say. “Yeah, saw it in the paper. Shame, she was a lovely woman.”

When the sun got too strong, we would go home.

After his heart attack, grandad wouldn’t come to the beach anymore. I think he lost a part of himself because of it. He died when I was in Year 12.

Now that I live in Sydney, sometimes it hurts my mother to think that I don’t miss home. But everywhere I go, I look for it; in the shade of a tree, on cool mornings, when submerged in the ocean and in the words I speak and hear. It is the feeling of being loved.

Family Zone Engagement at Shalom. The College has paid for 1100 families to have Family Zone connected to the family devices. So far, we have 20% of our families who have done so. This is great for those families but could I please encourage those who have not taken up this wonderful opportunity to have a look. If you are ever worried about the amount of time your children are on the Net or worried about what, or who, they might be engaging with, this is your opportunity to put some sensible boundaries on this. Please restrict completely your child’s use of all Social Media from their phones and devices during school hours.

Cambodia Fund Raising – Friday night will see a Trivia night at Shalom to raise funds which will be distributed to very needy groups when our students travel to Cambodia in December. As a part of that night, we are doing a continuous raffle. We would love to hear from any family or business who might be interested in donating a prize for this raffle. Please contact the College office if you are able to help.

School Review Surveys – you will have received an email about these. This is a part of our school review cycle to survey both parents and students about what is going well and what could be improved at Shalom. Thank you, in advance, for taking a few minutes to complete these.

Bundaberg Eisteddfod was completed last week. Shalom had dozens and dozens of students participating in choirs, ensembles and bands. They were fantastic. Just a great opportunity for those young people to perform on a big stage. I was very proud of them all and enormously grateful to the amazing staff we have at Shalom who inspire, challenge, lead and, at times, cajole those young people.

The Shalom College Board provides advice to me at our monthly meetings. I have always found the Board here to be a great support to me and I value their wisdom, interest and advice. In 2019, we will have a few vacancies on our Board and I would welcome any parent who might be interested in finding out more about how the Board operates to contact me. Meetings are once a month on a Wednesday evening from 5:30pm to about 7:00pm.

Shalom Assemblies are on every second Friday and are usually a great showcase of life at the College. We have now began the practice of YouTubing these and parents can watch live or later. Last Friday’s assembly can be viewed at the link below Please note that the Assembly starts at the 20 minute mark.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles


Year 11 2019 Subject Selection

Following a well-attended Senior Subject Selection Information Evening on Tuesday July 31, students were emailed a web link and personal code to use for online subject selection. Once selections are submitted online, a form should be generated for printing, signing and attachment to the (green) Senior Education and Tertiary Plan (SETPlan) form.

SETPlan forms were issued to Year 10 students on their Personal Futures Day. These must be completed as far as possible and taken to the SETPlan interview.

Interviews will be conducted by school staff during Weeks 4 and 5. Times for the interviews will be provided to students on an interview slip, which is shown to teachers to allow exit from, or entry to, the lesson that coincides with the interview time.

Parents are welcome to attend the interview at the time offered. Many students attend alone, with interviewers adding comments to the SETPlan sheet, that is returned to parents for final reading and confirmation.

Parents are welcome to seek further advice regarding pathways or processes if necessary. Please contact Mrs O’Donnell, Pathways Coordinator, or me, if you need assistance after the SETPlan interview.

There will be opportunities to adjust subject selections if required, following advice from interviewers.

To alter selections, students will reuse the emailed web link and password. Therefore, students have been advised to save the email containing their details.

EdvalChoice, the module used for selections, will be closed on Friday, September 7. After this date students would need to contact Mr Maher, Assistant Principal – Administration, to record any subject or preference changes.

Year 9 2019 and Year 10 2019 Subject selection

(Current Year 8 and Year 9 students)

The Middle School Subject Selection Evening is Tuesday August 21. Prior to the evening, the Middle School Subject Selection Guide will be made available.

Ms Katherine Nelson
Assistant Principal – Curriculum


School Results Survey

As part of our ongoing commitment to continuously improving the school, we believe it is critical to seek each parent and guardian’s opinion on a range of issues relating to Shalom College. Your feedback is very important to us as we continue to build a successful school and strengthen our reputation as an ‘educator of choice’.

As such, we have engaged the professional services of MYP Corporation (MYPCorp) to undertake a strictly private and confidential School Results Survey on our behalf. The survey should take approximately 10 - 15 minutes and will need to be completed online between Monday August 6 and Friday August 17. There are no right or wrong answers and we ask that you respond honestly to each statement.

Please note that this survey will be confidential. No member of the Leadership Team at Shalom College will have access to your individual responses. We will be provided with a summary of collated results only.

MYPCorp will undertake the following process to ensure anonymity:

  1. Parents and guardians will be emailed individual survey logins.
  2. Results will be collated externally.
  3. A summary of collated results will be provided to the school Leadership Team.

On the survey start date, survey instructions and a personalised login link will be emailed to all parents. You will continue to receive friendly reminders during the survey period until you have submitted the survey.

If you do not receive your survey instructions on the survey start date, please check your spam and junk email folders before contacting the school. While we strongly encourage you to participate, the survey is not compulsory. If you decide that you do not want to complete the survey, simply click ‘Unsubscribe’ in the instruction or reminder email.

Thank you for your assistance in helping to shape the future direction of Shalom College.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration


Save the Date- Shalom Day

An invitation is extended to Grandparents to come along to celebrate our Shalom Day Liturgy starting at 9:00am, followed by morning tea. Grandparents are more than welcome to stay for ‘Shalom’s Got Talent.’ More details will be provided in the coming weeks.

Mrs Mary Taylor
Acting Assistant Principal – Missions


Year 10 Personal Futures Day

Ahead of Senior Subject Selection, students attended a Personal Futures day on Friday July 27, to gain an understanding of the connection between career pathways and subjects.

Representatives from an array of industry areas gave up their time to come to Shalom and share knowledge of their industry area with the students. Their insight was an invaluable component of assisting and guiding students to make informed subject choices to support their future pathways.

Shalom would like to give a big shout-out and thank you to the following businesses/organisations, for their support of the Shalom College Personal Futures Day: Queensland Ambulance Service, Queensland Police, Queensland Fire Services, Skills Compliance Pty Ltd, Walkers Engineering, Big T Electrical, Murchie Constructions, Bundaberg Tourism, Bundaberg Distilling Company, Sugarland Animal Hospital, CQ University, Acorn Childcare, Catalyst Directions, Wide Bay Health, DGZ Chartered Accountants, Insite SJC, Bundaberg Broadcasters, Greg Frampton, Moncrieff Theatre, Rebecca Hutchins Theatrical Studio, NRL Game Development and Shalom Teaching, IT, AV and Counselling Staff.

Paramedic Immersion Event

On Saturday July 28, nine students attended a Paramedic Immersion Event at the Bundaberg Ambulance Station. Queensland Ambulance Services, Senior Operations Supervisor Mr Martin Kelly, talked to students about the realities of a career in paramedics. Students had the opportunity to have a closer look inside the ambulance and communications room and learn about the tertiary pathway into this career.

Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator

Quiet Achiever

Year 11 Rice 5

This week’s quiet achiever is Year 11 student, Brooke McIntosh. Brooke competently juggles her school workload, a school-based traineeship and a part time job. At her traineeship at a local Vet Practice, Brooke has been described as a dedicated hard-worker who can rise to any challenge. She was also recently named Employee of the Month! A fantastic effort Brooke.

Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator

Taking Care of Business

On Wednesday August 1, four Year 12 Legal Studies students entered the CQU Mooting Competition. Alice Dolinski, Emily Doyle, Tayla Larcombe and Natalie Schiffke competed against three other High Schools from around the district.

Our team acted as the Prosecution in the legal case scenario, R v Lukas Hunt, against the defence team from Isis District State High School. The Chief Adjudicator Her Honour, Magistrate B Merrin, presided over the case together with Mr Michael Waters, Partner MRH Lawyers and CQU Solicitor Mr Wayne Jones. The objective of the competition was to be the team that presented the most compelling arguments on the night.

Being the Prosecution was always going to be a difficult task, however Magistrate Merrin praised our team for their well-structured and succinct summation of the case, their thorough legal knowledge and their ability to work effectively as a team.

It was a fantastic opportunity for our team to become ‘legal eagles’ and present this case in front of a live audience in the Bundaberg Court House. While we did not come away with a win, the students thoroughly enjoyed this learning experience.

Our team had the assistance of two CQU Law students as mentors during the competition. We would like to thank Jennie Soppa and Samantha Harry for their time and commitment mentoring our team leading up to the competition. Many thanks also to CQU for the organisation of this wonderful event.

Our team pictured with the judging panel

ASX Sharemarket Game

The Business Faculty would like to offer any interested Shalom students the opportunity to participate in the Australian Stock Exchange’s Sharemarket Game.

This game is all about learning the skills of investing in the Sharemarket. Students receive a virtual $50,000, which they can invest over a 10 week period from a choice of 200 companies listed on the ASX. It is free to play and as a bonus students can win great cash prizes.

The features of the game gives students the opportunity to:

Choose from 200 stocks
Create their own watchlist
View company charts and latest prices
Play as a team or individually

Game 2 for 2018 commences Thursday August 16. If you are interested in registering to play as an individual or in a group of 4 please see Mrs Norris in POD 2 to register your team.

Mrs Gail Norris
Learning Area Coordinator
Business Education

Lunar Eclipse – Year 7 Science

Bailee Baldwin was the winner of Mr Sheppard’s recent Year 7 Science ‘Lunar Eclipse Photography Competition’. Originally, Bailee did not think the photograph was very good, so her good friend, Sophia Galati, submitted the photo on Bailee’s behalf. The entire year 7 class let out a huge cheer as Bailee’s name was announced. Bailee loves photography, so hopefully this encouragement will be the commencement of a promising career. Bailee states, “I like photography because it’s a way of showing how I feel without using words and just using my creativeness”. The picture was taken on her IPad and resembles a person painting a moon in the sky. Well done Bailee!

Mr John Sheppard
Year 7 Teacher

ROSA Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a Recognition of Student Application Award for Term 2 2018.

Mrs Megan Munckton
Middle School Coordinator

P & F Monthly Meeting Notes

The next P & F meeting will be held in the staff common room on Tuesday August 7 2018 beginning at 5:30pm - all parents/guardians are welcome.

Mrs Emma Jansen
P & F Secretary

Instrumental Music

Pre- Catholic Schools Festival concert will be tomorrow night, Tuesday August 7 starting at 7:00pm. Please come along and hear the Senior groups perform their selections for the Festival which will run from August 17-19 at Villanova College in Brisbane.

Bundaberg ‘groups’ Eisteddfod

All groups performed very well throughout the 2 days of competition. Congratulations to all students and their tutors for spending so much time working together as a team to bring the following results.

Also thank you to all parents who came along and supported their children at the Moncrieff as students love to see their families in the audience.

Choir: Sacred Choral 1st; Advanced Choral 2nd; Music Theatre Highly Commended

Senior Concert Band – 2nd; Intermediate Concert Band – Highly Commended: Foundation Concert – 2nd; Symphony Orchestra – 1st; Chamber Strings – 1st; Rochford Strings – 1st; Intermediate Jazz Band – 1st; Junior Jazz Band – 2nd; Senior Jazz Band – 2nd.

Eisteddfod adjudicator

This year, we were very lucky to have Professor Peter Roennfeldt who for many of our own music tutors, was one of their lecturers at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. Peter has recently retired but continues sharing his vast knowledge as an adjudicator and guest lecturer. He was extremely supportive of all groups and made mention a number of times of the value of music particularly for the way that it can be carried through a person’s entire life. Peter is well known in the music world for his high quality work in both instrumental and choral music (particularly Renaissance and Baroque) and encouraged all instrumental music students in particular, to join a vocal group as it is so important to their aural skills and overall musicianship. Lovely to hear someone of that level saying the same things as our music staff, in particular me – but what do I know!

Catholic Schools Music Festival

Thank you to all who are paying for the trip so quickly also for the prompt return of permission and medical forms. Could I please ask that families who that accommodation and travel be arranged by Shalom staff, to not pull out at this stage as all accommodation and travel etc, has been paid for and the costs divided between those who took that choice. Withdrawal still means that these costs still have to be met by the names on this list. Emergencies are the only exception.

Middle School Vocal Ensemble

A great opportunity for our younger instrumental students to develop aural skills and musicianship by singing which was encouraged by our recent groups Eisteddfod adjudicator (see story above). This group have been rehearsing since the beginning of Term 2 and would love to welcome more members. This is an opportunity for boys and girls who sang in their Primary School choirs to rekindle their love of singing in a group where they can learn to sing more advanced work, in harmony. Singers for this group do not have to be in the choir. Rehearsals are in the music room each Wednesday morning from 7:45am.

Roll marking

A reminder to email Mrs McAtee by 7:45am if your child/ren are not able to attend a rehearsal.

Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator


Shalom Tennis Success - Qld Secondary School Teams Tennis Regional Finals

On July 30, Shalom entered two Boys team and one Girls team to compete in the Regional Finals of the Qld Secondary School Tennis Teams competition at Rotary Park in Bundaberg. Shalom did exceptionally well on the day with the Shalom Black Boys team winning their division to qualify for the State Finals, the Shalom Red Boys team finishing fourth while the Shalom Girls team were narrowly beaten to finish runners-up.

The girls’ team consisted of Hannah Allen, Frances Corpe, Dakota Parker and Kaitlin Maher played their final against a strong Hervey Bay High team. Hannah and Frances played some high quality tennis eventually narrowly losing to Hervey Bay High’s top players in impressive matches. Wins to Dakota and Kaitlin in the singles kept Shalom in touch with the winning school having to be decided by the doubles rubbers. Shalom lost both doubles and Hervey Bay were declared the winners by 18 games to 17. Heartbreakingly, the girls were only one game away from claiming two of their matches which would have given Shalom the win overall. The girls should be extremely proud of their efforts.

The boys team of Hamish Corpe, Simon Rathbone, Ethan McMillan and Isaac Coyne continued their impressive record of winning the Regional Finals holding off strong challenges from St James’ (Hervey Bay) and St Luke’s. The boys only lost five sets against five other schools in a dominant display throughout the day with a combination of impressive skills by the players and depth in the squad. Particularly impressive was the never-say-die attitude of our players when behind on the scoreboard, with a number of our wins coming when the opposition had early leads.

Shalom is extremely fortunate to have such depth as evidenced by Shalom’s ‘young guns’ team of Brendan Ryan, Ciaran Ryan, Nicholas Whitelum, Ty Rushton and Bayley Herwig who came a creditable fourth overall showing some fantastic skills. These boys will take over the mantle as Shalom’s top team when some of our Year 12s finish this year.

The Shalom Black boys will go to the State Titles in Rockhampton on September 20-21 to take on the best of the schools from all over Queensland. Good luck to these boys!

Tennis is a sport you can play for life. If you are interested in knowing more about tennis, from beginners to advanced players, please contact Mr Maher. All are very welcome.

Mr Brendan Maher
Shalom Tennis Coach

All Schools Oztag Carnival

Shalom was again fortunate enough to be able to enter two teams into the Oztag All Schools Carnival on the weekend of, July 27 -29, held at the Sunshine Coast Stadium. This was a massive weekend of Oztag games with over 160 teams competing in the various year levels of girls, boys and mixed teams.

A very enthusiastic Year 9 Mixed team made it into the quarter finals of the competition even though they came up against some very competitive all boys teams throughout their Pool games. The team improved over the three days of the carnival and they never gave up in any of their games. The mixed team played against; Caloundra Seahawks, Meridan State College, Mountain Creek High, Unity College, Capalaba State High School and Murrimba State College. After each game, the Shalom players nominated their ‘players player’. After the tallying was complete, Fletcher Ace and Taila Saint were named as the two MVPs for the Year 9 Mixed Team. Well Done!

Year 9 Mixed Players-

Taila Saint, Sarsha Leeson, Courtney Stupart, Chantal Winkler, Baylee Holden, Annabel Roelofs, Ash-Lee Clarke, Charleigh McNamara, Taylah Gough, Josephine Clarke, William Zahn, Oliver Collins, Benjamin Wood, Coen Broadfoot, Fletcher Ace, Jo-Seth Sheppard

The Year 11 Boys team were on fire from the very start of their first game defeating Unity College 8-3. They did tend to go slow against St Brendan’s in their second game to finish off with a three all draw. From there it was all systems go defeating Coombahbah, Clairvaux MacKillop , Xavier College and Meridan State High School to progress into the semi-finals and then to win the grand final.

Year 11 Team members-

Aaron Cunnington, Xavier Doolan, Caileb Dimes, Bradley Clarke, Braden Henricksen, William Stupart, Tooma Fennessy, Darcy Clarke, Jake Bonus, Rylee Johnson, Riley Emmitt, Liam Morrison, Corey Picaro, Dylan Murphy, Harrison Bull.

Throughout the carnival a number of selectors move around to the various games, watch players and teams, then after the carnival a ‘Merit’ team is selected. Shalom College had a number of players selected in this Merit team. Players named were Jake Bonus, Liam Morrison, Bradley Clarke, Braden Henricksen, Tooma Fennessy, Corey Picaro and Rylee Johnson. Congratulation to these players for their selection in the Merit Team for Year 11 Boys for 2018.

A special thanks for all players from both teams for the manner in which they conducted themselves over the three days, the sportsman/woman behaviour they displayed on and off the field was impressive. Also, a special thanks to Christie Palmer (Development Officer/Coordinator for Oztag Bundaberg) and Erin Mitchell (parent) for their expertise and availability to coach the teams each Friday throughout term 2, along with Taylor Bower who assisted with the mixed team at the All Schools Carnival. Their coaching skills allowed all players to learn more about the game and be very competitive throughout the carnival. Thanks to Di Collins for taking numerous photos of the players throughout the carnival as well as the other parents who made the trip to Kawana to support the Shalom teams.

Thanks to Mr Simon Gills and Miss Kelsey Henricksen for coming along and assisting the teams throughout the weekend.

Mr Chris Roelofs
Team Manager

Sporting Achievement

2018 World Stars of Junior Golf - Las Vegas USA

Amara Burns competed in the World Stars of Junior Golf in Las Vegas USA playing in extremely hot conditions of 47-48 degrees each day. With over 2,000 golfers from around the world. Amara finished 17th in her 13-14 Girls Age Division.

2018 AAU Junior Olympic Games - California USA

Amara went into the 3rd day of the Championships, 5 shots behind the current leader, and played her way back into the lead to finish tied for first place for the 3 day Championships, and was forced into a play-off for the Gold Medal. Unfortunately, Amara lost the play-off by 1 shot to take home the Silver Medal.

Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator


Years 9 & 10 Girls

The Shalom girls only had 7 players this week (the minimum amount of players for an 11-a-side game). Gin Gin generously gave us some of their subs to get us to 11.

Shalom were very competitive from the beginning, showing an ability to take control of the play with accurate passing and composure on the ball. They transitioned between defence and attack well and this, along with some great shots on goal, saw them beat Gin Gin with an impressive 4 goals to 1. A fabulous start to the season!

MVP (s) for the game: Olivia Zunker and Cloee Spooner-Wells

Katharine McLennan
Soccer Coach


Shalom 0 V Kepnock 1

Shalom Senior boys were punished for a first half of wasted opportunities. They played excellent football, with the centre of the team dominating. Ashley Franklin and Sebastian Matebau dominated at the back, with Dylan Goni and Joshua Clarke excellent as full backs. Kenneth Thompson and Angus McDonald controlled the midfield, with a particularly good performances from Sebastian Foglia and Quinlan Wormington, creating several goal scoring opportunities. Unfortunately, chance after chance in front of goal was squandered. This came back to haunt the boys in the second half as Kepnock defended excellently and managed to secure the victory with a scrappy goal, punishing a lack of concentration. The whole team played well. There were some really positive performances. With a more ruthless edge in front of goal, the boys will go from strength to strength.

MVP (s) for the game: Kenneth Thompson and Ashley Franklin

Mr Aaron Brown
Soccer Coach

9/10 Boys

Shalom College V Kepnock State High School

A closely fought match with a strong Kepnock side finishing in a 2-2 draw. Shalom showed great hustle and aggression on the ball led by a strong midfield of Seth Day and Tom Martin. This team has great individual talent and showed great skill and spirit.

MVP for the game: Seth Day

Week One Netball Results



Most Valuable Player

7 Red

Win vs North

Josephine Clark

7 Black

Win vs Kepnock

Sarah Brown

7 Blue

Loss vs BSHS

Mercy Popoola

8 Black

Win vs Shalom White

Tahlia Rach

8 White

Loss vs Shalom Black

Isabelle Taylor

8 Blue

Win vs Discovery

9 Black

Loss vs Kepnock

Mikayla Condon

9 Blue

Win vs Gin Gin

Allegra Thompson

10 Blue

Win vs Kepnock

Courtney Stupart

10 Red

Win vs Shalom Black

Makayla Matt-West

10 Black

Loss vs Shalom Red

Abby McMillan

Open Black

Loss vs BSHS

Georgia Cutmore

Open Blue

Win vs Kepnock

Jordyn Mason


Year 7

Shalom 47 vs North 0

The girls went out hard and fast scoring just under 20 goals in the first quarter. They displayed excellent teamwork, not only assisting the other team by playing for them, but helping each other out with encouraging words and back up. Excellent start to the season!!

MVP for the game: Josephine Clark

Rhys Crook
Netball Coach

Year 10

Shalom Red V Shalom Black

Shalom Red won the game 31-8. Zoe Hess and Tahlia Rach put their hands up and volunteered to umpire our game. Very impressed with great sportsmanship shown by both teams and although obviously a bit one sided on the scoreboard, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and having a bit of a laugh with each other.

From Shalom Red I would give most valuable player to Makayla Matt-West as she was shooting well but even more importantly was very supportive and encouraging with other team members.

Mrs Julia Fox
Netball Coach

Year 9 Cup

Shalom 9 V Kepnock 16

Grateful to year 8 players who played up to ensure we had 7 players on the court.

MVP for the game: Mikayla Condon

Mrs Jo-Anne Thompson
Netball Coach

Year 7 Cup

Shalom 20 V Kepnock 17

The Year 7 Shalom black team had a successful win against Kepnock State High School. The coaches Jenna Mason and Elizabeth Godfrey were very proud and happy with the girls’ effort for their first game together as a team. They all worked well and kept their heads up for the entire game. We would like to thank Emma Stack for going over and helping the other Shalom team for a quarter before the remainder of their players turned up.

MVP for the game: Sarah Brown

Jenna Mason and Elizabeth Godfrey
Netball Coaches

Hockey Results



Most Valuable Player


Shalom Red 0 V BSHS 2

Millee Flanders


Shalom Red 0 V Shalom Black 2

Jackson Rielly

Mrs Debbie Bolam
Hockey Coach

College News

Cambodia Trip Trivia Night

Shalom Sunday Markets

Tuckshop Roster


6 August

Tricia Cooney


7 August

Susie Zunker/Emma Appo


8 August

Help Needed Please


9 August

Paul & Caroline Simms


10 August

Jeanette Rand/Robyn & Cameron MacDonnell


13 August

Student Free Day


14 August

Cathy Duffield


15 August

Lily Bradshaw


16 August

Christie Thwaite/Eve Deveraux

17 August

Kylie Jarvis


20 August

Mila Robertson


21 August

Steph Hughes


22 August

Melissa Patterson


23 August

Jacqueline Read


24 August

Help Needed Please

Tuckshop Markets Roster


12 August

6:00am - 9:30am

Jan Bunn

Lisa Hughes

Roselyn Hunting

Susie Mant

Karen Marriott

9:00am – 12:30pm

Lynda/Mackenzie Crossett

Emma Jansen

Jas Haster

Rebecca Schneider

Marie Walker


19 August

6:00am - 9:30am

Linda Adcock

Carol Barrazza

Lisa Christensen

Nikki Ellis

Brenda Jay

9:00am – 12:30pm

Chris Dennien

Jade Law

Jo Leveritt

Maria McMahon

Jacqueline Read

Sue Sargent


26 August

6:00am – 9:30am

Valentin Burbano

Melissa Lancaster

Rachel Lynch

Kate Rehbain

Craig Warner

Penelope Wrench

9:00am – 12:30pm

Brendan/Astrid Clancey

Jo Medcalf

John Papalardo

Vicki Saffioti

Tracey Shears

Markets BBQ Roster

August 12

Edmund Rice Camp

August 19

Duke of Edinburgh

August 26

Edmund Rice Camp

Community Notice Board

The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg – News

Triple P Parenting

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.