29 October 2018
Principal’s Reflection
Principal’s Reflection
I’m a ‘Halloween Grinch’! I hate the advertising and the adopted American traditions around Halloween. Other than not wanting to give out lollies to random children who come to our door on the evening before Nov 1, I hate that the Christian celebration of both All Saints (Nov 1) and All Souls (Nov 2) gets lost. I think they are wonderful days to celebrate as people of God. All Saints is the celebration of all those who have gone before us and whose lives were marked by obvious courage and commitment. This year, we can celebrate Cardinal Oscar Romero who was only recently declared a Saint by the Church. A man who spoke truth to power in El Salvador and gave his life for that – murdered by an oppressive Government. We can celebrate all the other great men and women who we can look to for inspiration – St Francis, St Mary MacKillop, Edmund Rice – among lots of others. Personally, I really like the feast of All Souls as well celebrated the next day. All Souls recognizes all the ‘ordinary Christians’ who lived their lives as well as possible and who, we believe, are enjoying the companionship of a loving God. For me, people like my Mum & Dad and my younger brother Tim. All of us have friends and family who are no longer with us but whose memory and whose lives touched ours. On All Souls, we celebrate them. On the edge of my desk at work, I have my ‘friends under glass’. I have about 20 small obituary cards of people who have meant a lot to me. Besides my family members, I have cards from people who were colleagues and friends. I have obit cards of a couple of people who taught me. These people had a significant impact on me in many different ways. I want to keep their memory alive so they are under a glass sheet on my desk. They remind me of who I am and of the values that are important to me. Their memory is important. That’s why I really value the celebration of both All Saints and All Souls. We need to be inspired and encouraged by those who have gone before us. That’s why I hate seeing these days elbowed out by lighted pumpkins, scary costumes and lollies! It’s why I won’t be giving any out and my kids, to their dismay, won’t be wandering our street extorting the neighbours for treats. I’m a Grinch!
The Celebration Season is upon us with Sports Awards on this evening and next week, we have the College Awards Night on Monday Nov 5. These two nights celebrate the hard work and achievement of so many of our students. We should never be frightened of striving for excellence and we will celebrate that. Congratulations to all of those whose efforts will be recognized. Parents will be duly proud of the achievements of their children. Both Bishop Michael and the Director of Catholic Education, Ms Leesa Jeffcoat have sent their apologies for Awards Night but wish us well for the event. All are most welcome to come to both events.
Enrolments 2019 – could I ask parents whose child might not be continuing at Shalom next year to contact the office to let us know. Again, we have a degree of enrolment pressure for next year with quite a number of young people wanting to come to Shalom but waiting for a vacancy to arise.
Exam Stress
Students in their final year of school are considered a high-risk group for depression and anxiety. Sleep deprivation, diet and social media are some of the biggest issues faced by this group of teens. Therefore, it is vitally important that a student's mental health is looked after as well as their physical health.
Keeping things in perspective for students and parents alike, can help prevent everyone getting overwhelmed. Although this final year is important, it is not necessarily the most important year of your child's life.
There are many strategies that students can implement to help themselves. Parents can provide support, not only emotionally, but also practically by keeping their child well-nourished and encouraging physical activity.
In this special report, parents will find useful tips to support their child during this often stressful time. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered here and we always welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about your child, please contact our school counsellors for further information.
Here is the link to the special report
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Administration
- OP Range Estimates
- Mission
- ROSA Awards
- National Chemistry Quiz
- Information Technology
- Where are they now?
- Finance Office
- Quiet Achiever
- Technology
- State Chess Finals
- Sport
- Taking Care Of Business
- Instrumental Music
- Dance Night - 2 & 3 November
- Pathways
- Container Refund Scheme
- Uniform Shop
- Textbook Collection 2019
- Year 7 and 10 School Immunisation Clinic
- Year 12 Slide Presentation Night
- P& F News
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Tuckshop Roster
- Community Notice Board
Year 12 End of Semester Two Examinations
The Year 12 examination timetable is attached below and has been posted on the College Intranet (‘Assessment & Reporting’ tab), the College Website (Curriculum/Senior School/Forms and Publications) and Daily Notices (pushed to students via Student Café).
Expectations Throughout Exam Block
Attached below are the expectations for student attendance, uniform, behaviour etc throughout the exam block. Please take the time to read this thoroughly.
Expectations throughout Exam Block
- Need to be on time for all exams
- here by 8:20am for a Session 1 exam
- here by 11:00am for a Session 2 exam - You do not have to be in attendance in the morning if you have a Session 2 exam only.
- You may leave after a Session 1 exam if you don’t have an exam in Session 2.
- If you have exams in both Session 1 and Session 2 you are not allowed to leave the school in the break between the two.
- Library and the senior eating area are provided if you have only one exam session and have to come to school/remain at school. Please do not use the sports centre or hangar for games in between sessions.
- You must be in FULL SCHOOL UNIFORM not sports uniform.
- Girls: no extra jewellery (rings, bangles or extra piercings); no additional makeup other than foundation which is permitted; no handbags in lieu of College bag; no nail polish; College jumper/jacket only
- Boys: you must be clean shaven; you must use the College bag; you can only wear the College jumper or blue jacket
- You will need your hats
C36 will be given to those who breach uniform code/policy. - You cannot bring in coffee and takeaway food (MacDonald’s etc.) – the College canteen is to be used; you cannot have people deliver takeaway food either.
Good luck with your exams.
Studiosity – Free Online Study Help
Shalom students are lucky to receive free access to Studiosity, for after-hours, one-to-one help with homework and study questions. This is a fantastic tool to help your child apply themselves to their study and improve their grades.
The Studiosity service can help your child in two ways:
Writing Feedback: Your child can upload any draft piece of writing and receive feedback that will help them think about and improve their own work. There is a very impressive 24- hour turnaround on this feedback.
Connect Live: Your child can ask a question or draw a diagram and get immediate help via a live chat system with a qualified Subject Specialist, across all core subjects.
Studiosity can help with your child’s study after school, on weekends and during holidays.
How to get started
Students can log into their account via the Studiosity link on the Shalom Intranet or by visiting link below to get started today.
Your child can also download the Studiosity mobile app, available in the app store and Google Play store, and link it to their account for extra features like saving a question for later, snapping a quick photo of a problem or using voice-to-text technology.
Happy studying!
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
OP Range Estimates
OP Range Estimates were issued to Year 12 students at the beginning of Week 3. The accompanying letter indicated that students were welcome to discuss data with me if they needed to do so. Students are encouraged to refer to their teachers in the first instance. They are advised to seek information about their current position in the subject and how the final assessment task might consolidate or alter their position.
Mrs Katherine Nelson
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Giving Tree
“It is in giving we receive.”
Each year Shalom students give generously to our annual Giving Tree Appeal and this year we will once again be participating in this worthy cause. On November 2 we ask that all students bring a gift, gift card or money to donate to St Vincent de Paul through our Giving Tree. These items will be distributed to families in the Bundaberg area who otherwise could not provide these extras for their families over Christmas.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Acting Assistant Principal – Mission
ROSA Awards
ROSA (Recognition of Student Application) Awards are presented to students each term. This award program recognises student application to their studies. Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 are nominated by their classroom teachers and then certificates are presented to students.
We value the importance of acknowledging students who are motivated, show perseverance and work diligently to reach their potential. The ‘goal posts’ for all our students are different, however all students are capable of achieving their own success targets.
Our Term 3 ROSA Awards have been announced and students have received their certificates at House Assembly. A full list has been included below:
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Samuel Aitkenhead |
Liam Bury |
Kyan Arnold |
Megan Munckton
Middle School Coordinator
National Chemistry Quiz
Year 11 and 12 Chemistry students competed in the Australian National Chemistry Quiz again in 2018. A truly international competition with papers translated into seven different languages, the Quiz attracts students from across Australia and 17 neighbouring countries as well as Austria and Germany. It provides an opportunity to promote chemistry and for the Chemistry teachers to gauge the understanding their students have of the subject. Students who perform well in the Quiz are awarded certificates of merit.
Awards are awarded as follows:
HD Excellence - Award of Excellence for outstanding performance
High Distinction - The top 10% of students in the state
Distinction - The next 15% of students in the state (10% - 25%)
Credit - The next 15% of students in the state (25% - 40%)
Shalom students have been successful with 18 certificates of merit being awarded to our school.
Two students have achieved High Distinctions awards with these presented on school assembly by Mrs Hillocks (HOD – Science).
The winners of the merit awards are as follows:
High Distinctions:
Year 11
Josef Baumgartner
Year 12
Zane Haster
Year 11
Samuel Freeman
Year 12
Oscar Birznieks, Lucy Bowden, Patrick Harris, Chelsea Powis, Joshua Roebuck, Justin Todd
Year 11
Thomas Conquest, Molly Hore, Bella Little
Year 12
Charlotte Blackwell, Elise Green, Grace Lloyd, Anish Pathak, Grace Voss
Participation certificates are to be presented to the remaining students.
Congratulations to all award recipients
Mrs Debbie Bishop
Competition Manager – Shalom College
Information Technology
Yr12 Laptops
For the Yr12 students who have been leasing a Shalom Laptop since the beginning of Yr10, your laptop is yours to keep. Please note the software information below before the device leaves the College.
For those students who are leasing a Shalom laptop and were not a Shalom Student at the beginning of Yr10 in 2016, you will have the option to buy out the laptop by paying the remaining balance on the lease. Please enquire with the College Finance team as to the buyout value of your laptop. If you choose not to the buy out the device, it will need to be returned prior to Graduation Day.
As most of the software is licensed to Shalom College, we cannot let the laptops go home without them being wiped. We will re-load Windows 10 onto these devices in which you can claim a free license key from the following location – Intranet > Utilities > Software web store.
Note – Windows 10 does not come with Microsoft Office.
We do not want to chase you however we will be keeping a list of those who have had their Shalom laptops wiped. If you do not bring in your laptop, please be aware that Windows, Office, Adobe and other software licenses will expire and therefore become unusable.
Final Warranty and Repair claims
Please note the HP warranty and Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) ends on 30 November 2018. If your device has an issue and needs to be looked at, you will need to bring it to the IT Unit before 28 November so we can assess it and get it repaired. If you bring your laptop to the IT Unit after 28 November, there is a high possibility of this not being logged due to limited resources available.
Just a reminder the HP ADP excess is only $60.50. If you have not claimed any of the three parts this year, you will be able to utilise them up to 30 November for any claims.
Please remember it is your responsibility to get the device fixed. After you graduate, the ownership of the device will change from Shalom College to yourself and therefore the College will not be responsible for any damages or will we be assisting with wiping the devices after this time.
Yr10 & Yr11 Shalom Laptops
Final Warranty and Repair claims
With all school laptops, the College purchased 3yr HP warranty and Accidental Damage Protection (ADP). The ADP covers each user with up to three parts per calendar year which you can claim from and get fixed for $60.50 per claim. As the device belongs to Shalom College until you graduate, we require ALL damages to be repaired this year. For example if you only have a cracked screen, this normally is quite an expensive part ($500-$800) that can be fixed under ADP for $60.50 if it’s deemed an accident.
We would certainly appreciate if students can be proactive and bring devices into the IT department as we will be performing class checks soon and we will keep a list of all devices we have seen.
We would appreciate if all final 2018 Repair/Warranty claims can be performed before the 14 December 2018 as we will not be able to guarantee the device can be processed after this time.
The IT Unit is here to work with all students and we would like to get as many devices fixed as possible before the specified dates.
Mr Matthew Millls
Technical Officer
Where are they now?
John Borland
Name: John Borland
Graduating year: 2006
Subjects studied: HPE, Drama, Multi-Strand, English, IT, Religion & Ethics, Maths, Photography, Woodwork
Current role: CEO – ISACORP Limited
What qualifications and work experience have you gained since graduating high school?
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor of Policing (Investigations), Advanced Diploma of Policing (Investigations), Diploma of Loss Adjustment, Diploma of Security and Risk Management, Diploma of WH&S, Diploma of Business and Diploma of Policing
One of the youngest appointed detectives in QLD Police at age 26 (2016)
Qld Police Commissioners certificate for investigations and helping solve Operation North Mizzen (Tialiegh Palmer Homicide) (2017) featured on 60 minutes
World’s Best Insurance Investigator Award – youngest ever recipient and only winner in Oceania
What has been the most rewarding, challenging and interesting experience in your study or work so far?
The most rewarding accolade has been being voted the best insurance investigator in the world at 28 years of age. The most challenging experience would be the mental health toll of completing sensitive homicide investigations as a detective in the QPS. Furthermore, the most interesting experience has been the transition from a government role (detective) to the corporate sector where I founded my own company and grew it organically to New Zealand’s best in 12 months.
How did your senior studies contribute or impact on your tertiary study and/or career choices?
My senior years at Shalom forged friendships I still keep to this day in respective professions (lawyers, etc) which are great networking for my company. I didn’t necessarily take my studies as seriously as I wish I could have but that was my development as an immature high school student. Drama was a great subject as it taught me the importance of addressing crowds and giving confidence when networking. Also HPE for installing the importance of exercise in combatting stress and mental health.
Can you identify one invaluable thing that you learned at Shalom?
Mr Baulch, Chaverim in Year 8 or 9 gave me an absolute verbal spray when I was bullying a student. I never did it again and I am incredibly thankful for that. I am very thankful for the ‘advice’ as bullying is the causation for so many suicides in this world. They wouldn’t know it but ‘Baulchy’ and ‘Mr. Alexander’ were two of my biggest role models through high school whom I have tremendous respect for.
Notable mentions: Mrs Stanley – guided me through high school like a second mum and wasn’t afraid to put me in my place.
What advice can you offer to current students interested in your field?
Learn and understand coding. The world is evolving at a rapid place and technology is the future. As investigators whether police, journalism, legal secretaries or otherwise automation will be the norm and field investigations will become very niche. If you are technologically advanced you will succeed when older generations will succumb to the reduction of analogue investigative methods.
Mature at your own rate – I was 25 before I took study seriously, I have turned out alright. Don’t put pressure on yourself because others are ahead of you in the study race. Write your own story but make sure each chapter has purpose, as long as you do that, when the book closes you will have a fantastic novel to look back on with no pages wasted.
Where are they now? Is semi-regular feature where we hope to profile many ex-students to learn more about their successes and achievements post-Shalom. If you, or someone you know, might be interested in being featured in Where are they now? please email Georgia Halpin at Georgia_Halpin@shalomcollege.com
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
Finance Office
A reminder to all families that Term 4 School Fee payments are due today, Monday 29 October 2018. A copy of the current statement may be accessed through the Parent Lounge.
Families with any queries please kindly contact the Finance Office on 4155 8104 or email finance@shalomcollege.com.
Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer
Quiet Achiever
Patrick Harris
Patrick Harris recently competed in the Queensland State Chess Titles in Brisbane. Despite facing some very talented opponents, Patrick was able to win five out of six of his games and was named as the regional board one champion. This is a fantastic achievement given the high standard of chess played at state level.
Mr David Magner
Makerspace Timetable Term 4
Monday Lunch |
Crafts |
Tuesday Lunch |
Design Challenge |
Thursday Lunch |
3D Printing |
State Chess Finals
On the weekend of the 20 and 21 October, Shalom College took part in the Queensland Inter-School State Chess Finals. The event was held at St Joseph’s Gregory Terrace in Brisbane, with the winning schools from each region across the state coming together to compete for the prestigious title of State Chess Champions.
Shalom took four players to the tournament, with Patrick Harris, Courtenay Parfitt, Nicholas Whitelum and Demetri De Florian all having earned a spot on the team. While wins were naturally very hard to come by at this level, the students all acquitted themselves admirably. In fact, Shalom board one player Patrick Harris was extremely successful, taking out the top position in the regional board one standings. This was an outstanding achievement given the extremely high standard of chess played at State level.
Nicholas Whitelum, Courtenay Parfitt, Patrick Harris, Demetri DeFlorian
Mr David Magner
Chess Coordinator
Sports Awards Evening
This year, we are very fortunate to have been able to secure Mr Damien Thomlinson as guest speaker at our Annual Sports Awards evening, which is being held tonight at 6:30 in the Performing Arts Precinct.
The story of Damien, an Australian veteran of the war in Afghanistan, is one that continues to evolve and inspire people around the world.
Inspired by the military history of his Grandfather, Damien joined the Australian Defence Force and at the age of just 24 achieved his dream of becoming a Commando. This elite group is tasked with the most physically demanding, mentally challenging and dangerous roles in the armed forces.
It was while serving in Afghanistan with the 2nd Commando Regiment that Thomlinson’s life was changed forever. In April 2009, whilst on night patrol in Southern Afghanistan, Damien’s unit drove over an improvised Taliban bomb. Damien suffered horrendous injuries in the explosion, which resulted in both of his legs being amputated. The damage to his body was so severe his medical team claim it is a miracle he was not killed, and there were many times throughout his immediate treatment and beyond that, medical staff did not think he would pull through.
With no time for self-pity, Damien threw himself into his rehabilitation and set about re-claiming his life, on his terms – a testament to his incredible drive and determination. With a great deal of commitment and hard work, he taught himself to walk again with state of the art prosthetic legs.
Today, Damien uses his experiences, passion for life and journey to inspire and motivate. He also commits time to causes important to him as an ambassador for DefenceCare, Soldier On, The Commando Welfare Trust and other initiatives that aim to raise awareness and funds for injured soldiers and their families.
While much of Damien’s work has been in the public eye, for the last three years he has studied acting behind the scenes. His big break came in 2016 blockbuster Hacksaw Ridge, where Damien was cast alongside Andrew Garfield, Vince Vaughn and Sam Worthington in the Mel Gibson-directed movie. Hacksaw went on to be nominated for Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards. Damien continues to act and is President of the Australian Veterans Film Festival.
Most recently, Damien competed against able-bodied contestants on Australian Survivor.
His collective experiences all feed into Damien’s motivational speaking, an area in which Damien has carved out a successful career. His triumph against adversity, positive attitude and ambition for the future continues to resonate with people from all walks of life. Above all, Damien’s incredible journey stands as proof that no challenge is too great and that the ANZAC spirit truly is alive and well.
Ms Claire Stallard
House Co-ordinator- Rice House
Vicki Wilson Championship
The Vicki Wilson Championship is the premier netball competition for state and non-state high schools across Queensland, with teams competing in either the Vicki Wilson Shield (grade 7 to 9) or Vicki Wilson Cup (grade 10 to 12) divisions. Queensland high schools play off against other schools in their school sport region in preliminary rounds. The top 20 schools in Vicki Wilson Cup and Vicki Wilson Shield from across the state then enter the Vicki Wilson Cup finals series for the chance to be crowned state champion.
Over the first weekend of Term 4, the Junior and Senior Vicki Wilson teams travelled to the Gold Coast to compete in the State Finals, after winning their way through the earlier rounds played in Term 3. Both teams faced some tough competition over the weekend, playing against some very strong netball schools. Saturday games consisted of a round robin competition within pools to determine playoff positions. The Junior Vicki Wilson team experienced two wins in the round robin against St Ursula’s and Wavell SHS, putting them through to the playoff for positions 9-16. The Senior Vicki Wilson team had one win, and two narrow losses) in the round robin, but still qualified for the playoff for positions 9-16 in their division.
The Sunday playoffs saw the Junior team win 2 out of 3 games to finish in a very credible 10th place overall. After losing their first two playoff games, the Senior team finished with a hard-fought two goal win against Brigidine College to finish in 15th place overall. All of the players should be commended for their sportsmanship and effort over the weekend.
Thank you to the coaches of the Junior team – Kelsey Henricksen & Taleigha Batt, Junior Manager and scorer Kelli Cory and David Gahan, who got the teams to the Gold Coast and back in one piece. Special thanks also to Mrs Kellie Hansen, who volunteered her time all weekend to score for the Senior team.
Junior Team |
Senior Team |
Senior Team |
Senior Team |
Melinda Pearson
Physical Education
Congratulations to Frances Corpe and Katie Maher, who were both chosen to represent the Western Region at the Queensland JDS Finals which were held in Rockhampton 20 and 21 October. To represent at this carnival is quite an achievement as the participants are invitees only and are the top two players from each region around Queensland. These players come together once a year to determine the top players in the State from the JDS series as well as to battle to determine which is the top region in Queensland.
Frances’ achievements on the weekend were spectacular. Despite being only 13 years old, Frances made the final in the 15 and under girls. Her much improved serve, reliable groundstrokes in addition to her fighting spirit was impressive as she defeated all-comers from other regions to reach the final, only to lose to one of her training partners, also from Bundaberg. It is clear that Frances could potentially have quite a future in tennis.
Katie was chosen to represent in the 17 and under girls, despite having only just turned 14. Katie never seemed out of place with the older girls from the other regions displaying her vastly improved groundstrokes and court movement. With the improvement in Katie’s game in 2018, she also has the potential to achieve good things in the future.
Shalom is very lucky to have such tennis talent, however tennis is a game for all, whether playing at State level or just having fun with friends. If you would like to know more about how to get into tennis, please contact me. The more the merrier.
Frances Corpe |
Katie Maher |
Brendan Maher
Shalom Tennis Coach
Following an exciting Head of River series in the first semester of 2018, Shalom Rowing team members have gone on to compete in a number of regattas in the last half of the year.
During the last weekend in June, a number of rowers from Shalom competed in the Central Queensland Schools Regatta at Bucca. The Rowers competed in a field of 237 athletes from a number of schools from Mackay through to Brisbane. In the Year 11 boys double, Joshua Pole and Hamish Young came away with a silver medal in the finals. The Year 8 girl’s quad of Sarah Waters (rowing up from Year 7), Allie Wenning, Kaitlyn Rochford and Anna Nicolson, coxed by Tallan Foster, rowed strongly to score a Bronze medal in their final. Kaitlyn and Allie backed up after their medal-winning effort to make the final of the girls Year 8 doubles. In a massive weekend, Kaitlyn also showed marked improvement in her first year of rowing, winning her heat in the girls Under 14 years singles, coming third in her semi-final and making the final. Matthew Parker rowed well, winning his heat and gained a finals berth in the under 14 years’ boys singles, Timothy Chaplin also rowed strongly to make the final of the under 15 years’ boys singles. Claire Barber and Grace Pashley also scored a finals berth after a strong row in the heat of the Year 10 girls double. Grace rowed well to make the final of the girls Under 17 years singles. Ryan Barber gained a finals berth in the boys open singles, and improved on his time in the finals. All of our rowers conducted themselves well and had a great weekend.
Two Shalom students went on to row in the Pine Rivers regatta on 8 September. The course was tight due to low water levels, with overcast conditions throughout the day. Kaitlyn Rochford rowed a personal best to win her singles event against much older rowers. She also competed in a double scull event with former Shalom student Rebecca Markwell. Ryan Barber rowed well to gain third place in his single scull race. Shalom worked well with the contingent from St Lukes to get boats on and off the water.
A small but strong group of rowers headed to the Queensland Schools Championship Regatta in the first weekend of the school holidays from 22-24 September. Windy weather conditions across the weekend challenged all rowers. A number of Shalom students competed in Wide Bay teams comprised of students from across Bundaberg. These students included Denyin Rose, Timothy Chaplin, Grace Pashley and Ryan Barber, competing in quad sculls in their respective age groups. Shalom’s best result of the weekend was Lincoln Dwyer’s strong row in both his heat and semi-final of the boys Under 14 single sculls, with Lincoln being the only Shalom student to make a final in this competition. Tallan Foster gained a semi-final berth with a strong row in the heat of the boys Under 14 single scull, and Denyin Rose also gained a semi-final place with his effort in the heat of the boys Under 15 single scull. Kaitlyn Rochford rowed well in tough conditions to make the semi-final of the girls Under 14 singles sculls, and narrowly missed out on a finals berth. Jayde Bradshaw and Anna Nicolson put in a strong effort in the Year 8 girls double scull to make a semi-final. Again, our Shalom rowers conducted themselves well, showing good sportsmanship to work in with rowers from other Bundaberg schools and cheer them on. Thank you to Petrina Pashley for organising a dinner get-together for the team, as it was a great way to bring everyone together.
Shalom Rowing is hoping to make 2019 an even better year, and we would love to hear from anyone of any age group who would like to have a go. Thank you to Rod Silcox for all his efforts throughout the year, as we would not have been able to do it without you. Thank you to all coaches, parents, grandparents and supporters for their efforts. Thank you also to Shalom Rowing Supporters Group, and we look forward to next year. More information on Come-and-try rowing days will appear in future newsletters, keep your eye out for an opportunity to be part of the best sport in the world.
Anna and Jayde
Grace and Claire |
Grace |
Timothy |
Ryan |
Year 8 girls squad |
Year 8 boys squad |
Athletics Singlets
We currently have a number of athletics singlets needing to be returned to the Sports Office as soon as possible.
The following is a list of students needing to return their singlets.
Jada Brown |
169 |
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Co-ordinator
Taking Care Of Business
Over the coming weeks the Year 10 Business Enterprise students will be conducting their Business Ventures at the College. This term sees a variety of businesses trading in both the goods and services areas. The following is a summary about each of the businesses:
Name: Decoration Creation |
Name: House Bandies |
Products: Crafted Christmas Decorations |
Products: House Coloured Wrist Bands |
Trading date: Monday 5th November |
Trading date: Wednesday 7th November |
Trading location: Junior Eating area, near Loyola |
Trading location: Near Rose Garden between Junior & Senior eating areas |
Mrs Gail Norris
Instrumental Music
This term is proving to be very busy with lots of opportunities to perform. See What’s next followed by details for each concert.
What’s next
Tueday 30 October Vocal (5.00pm) & Piano (6.30pm) concert both in PAP band room;
Sunday 4 November Pleasant Sunday Afternoon - Year 12 Farewell Concert (1.30);
Monday 5 November Awards Night.
Tuesday 30 October – this date has been set aside for a short concert for the Vocal and Piano students. The vocal students will begin at 5.00pm and the piano students at 6.30pm. These concerts will be held in the band room and are a great opportunity for the students to gain performance experience in front of an audience, particularly their families.
Pleasant Sunday Afternoon – scheduled for Sunday 4 November. This will be our final concert for the year where we like to acknowledge and officially farewell our year 12 music students. A certificate and small token of appreciation for their contribution during their 5 years in the instrumental music department is also presented. A Christmas raffle and afternoon tea is organised but we need donations of items for both. Therefore, could I please ask each family to donate an item for the Christmas raffle and / or food for the Pleasant Sunday Afternoon, afternoon tea. Raffle items can be left with Mrs Medcalf in the office or delivered to one of the music tutors. Afternoon tea goodies to be brought in on the day.
Awards Night – scheduled for 5 November will also have an extravaganza of entertainment. This will include vocal ensemble, jazz vocals, symphony orchestra, dance and a lovely duet sung by senior students Lucaeja Morrison and Jordan Nio.
Please email the applicable conductor by 7:45am if your child/ren are not able to attend a rehearsal.
If your child is unable to attend a group rehearsal, please email the applicable conductor, NOT Mrs McAtee, as she now has a new role within the College. A phone call or email will still be sent to the student’s family if no apology has been received.
Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Dance Night - 2 & 3 November
Limited tickets still available!
Online Ticket sales will close off at 3pm Thursday 1 November – IF there are any tickets still available, tickets will be available to purchase on the door on the night ($11.50 General/ $8.50 Student/Pensioners) – No EFTPOS facilities available.
If you have having issues purchasing tickets for Dance Night, please follow the below instructions;
- Click this link https://www.flexischools.com.au/FM/FM.aspx
- Select the night you wish to attend Friday 2 Nov or Saturday 3 Nov “Book Tickets”
- Select your seats (“save and continue” between seat selections)
- Once seats have been selected for your chosen night click “Next: Check”
- Complete Purchase screen;
IF you have a Shalom College Flexischools account select Option 1 “Existing Users – Login”
IF you are not a Shalom Parent, Student or Staff member OR you do not want to set up an account please select the Option 3 “Buy now without Registering”. Complete your details and select “Purchase for myself” then “Select a Class” drop down menu - Select “Guest” - Click “Next: Check Order”
- Complete the remaining prompts to complete your purchase (you can pay via your Flexischools account, paypal or credit card)
- If you are still having issues with ordering please contact Flexischools 1300 590 044
Additional Learning Opportunities
Enrolments and expressions of interest are now open for the following additional learning opportunities for 2019 Year 11 & 12 students (2019 Year 10 students will need to see their House Coordinators or Mrs O’Donnell). Places can fill quickly so please see the Pathways Office as soon as possible.
Cert II in Health Support Services
Cert II in Salon Assistant
Cert II in Applied Fashion Design & Technology
Cert II in Horticulture
Cert II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
Cert II in Community Services
Cert II in Electro Technology
Cert III in Information, Digital Media & Technology (fee applies)
Cert III in Visual Arts (2D/3D Arts) (fees and conditions apply)
(These courses will require a minimum number of students to run so students will be adding their names to an expression of interest list)
Cert II in Agriculture
Cert II Aircraft Line Maintenance
Cert III in Aviation Remote Pilot Visual Line of Sight (Drone)
Cert III in Early Childhood Education & Care (delivered at Shalom one day a week) (Shalom College price $125 usually $2520 via TAFE)
Unless otherwise stated courses are VETiS funded. VETiS is government funding which renders a course fee-free for eligible students. Students can only complete one VETiS funded course whilst enrolled at school. Not all courses are VETiS funded and this can be confusing so please see the Pathways Office to confirm your eligibility.
Certificate II Courses attract 4 QCE points on completion, Cert III Courses attract 8 QCE points on completion.
Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator
Container Refund Scheme
On 1 November the Container Refund Scheme kicks off in Queensland and the Shalom Reef Guardians have taken it upon themselves to recruit this great initiative into the College. At a time when the relationship between humans and the environment has become critical, it is only right that we do our bit. For every water bottle, soft drink can, flavoured milk carton, or fruit juice between 150mL and 3L that we recycle, we will be refunded 10c. At Shalom, we will be starting off with having 2 large yellow bins in each eating area specifically for bottles. You’ll be doing your bit for the environment, and raising money. The money raised will be donated to a selected charity each term.
Briege Taske and Rory Delaney
College Captains
Uniform Shop
Monday - Thursday 8am - 12pm
Shalom is looking to fill fitting times for our incoming Year 7 students for 2019, as well as current Year 9 girls going into Year 10 in 2019, new students and current students looking for new uniforms in 2019 – see dates below. Please call the main office on 07 4155 8111 to secure your fitting time.
Female students moving from Year 9 to Year 10 MAY choose to replace the dress uniform with the skirt and blouse OPTION. IF a change is planned, please make a fitting appointment for the skirt and blouse.
For all uniform fittings please call 07 4155811 for an appointment.
Mrs Sharon Stevenson
Uniform Shop Manager
Textbook Collection 2019
Please note the dates and times for collection of textbooks for 2019. These textbooks may be collected from Book Hire in the Goondeel Library during these periods. Also, please note that textbooks will not be issued to students who have not returned their 2018 resources. If these hours are unsuitable, collection can be arranged before school ends by contacting me on 4155 8100 – extension 8270 or by email rehbeink@shalomcollege.com.
There will be NO COLLECTION OF TEXTBOOKS FOR YEARS 7 AND 8. However, if you have students in the higher grades needing textbooks, novels (year 7) and English workbooks (year 8) can be collected at the same time.
Collection Dates and Times: -
Tuesday 11 December - Thursday 13 December 2018 - 7:30am - 4:00pm
Tuesday 15 January – Friday 25 January 2019 - 7:30am – 4:00pm
Krys Rehbein
Book Hire Co-ordinator
rehbeink@shalomcollege.com .
Year 7 and 10 School Immunisation Clinic
Ozcare will be conducting the final round for the 2018 School Immunisation Clinics at Shalom College on Wednesday 7 November.
This clinic will be vaccinating Year 7 students for HPV Dose 2 and students who may have missed the first Round 1, HPV Dose 1 and dTpa.
The year 10 students that completed and returned the consent form for the Meningococcal ACWY vaccination but did not attend the Round 1 clinic, may attend this clinic. Eligible students will receive an email and would be required to present to Ozcare staff before the Year 7 clinic commences in Period 1.
For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit link below or click on the following links; immunisation through the school program.
Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.
Year 12 Slide Presentation Night
On the night of Wednesday 14 November (the night before year 12 Graduation) there will be a slide presentation for the year 12 students and their parents. The slides will be about the students’ time at Shalom College. The Slide Presentation will be held in the Performing Arts Precinct starting at 7:00pm. Free entry
Brother GP Rochford
College Minister
P& F News
Next Meeting
All P&F Members (all parents) are welcome
Date: Tuesday 6 November 2018
Time: 5:30pm
Location: Staff Common Room
Shalom Sunday Markets
New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 4 November |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Murray/Michelle Flick Andrew Lucht Clarissa Pointon Janelle Test Leah Whalley |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Sharon Anderson Terry/Leanne Emmitt Sandra Killer Katumaree Nabnili Warren Vaschina |
Markets BBQ Roster
4 November |
Cambodia Trip |
11 November |
Australian Bobsled Team (Joseph Williamson) |
18 November |
Elliott Heads SLSC |
Tuckshop Roster
Monday 29 October |
Help Needed |
Tuesday 30 October |
Help Needed |
Wednesday 31 October |
Help Needed |
Thursday 1 November |
Trish Cahill |
Friday 2 November |
Vicki Saffioti |
Monday 5 November |
Tricia Cooney |
Tuesday 6 November |
Susie Zunker/ Emma Appo |
Wednesday 7 November |
Leanne Grogan / Katrina O’Sullivan |
Thursday 8 November |
Paul & Caroline Simms |
Friday 9 November |
Jeanette Rand / Cameron & Robyn McDonnell |
Monday 12 November |
Bronwyn Grills |
Tuesday 13 November |
Cathy Duffield |
Wednesday 14 November |
Help Needed |
Thursday 15 November |
Christie Thwaite |
Friday 16 November |
Kylie Jarvis |
Community Notice Board
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg – News
Student Travel Rebates
NOVEMBER 4, 2018
3.00 – 5.00PM
NETSETGO (non-competitive, skill development) AGES 7 – 10
ALLOWAY – “The Friendly Club”
LYN NEWPORT 41 528 298
Triple P Parenting
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link below, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.