4 February 2019
Principal’s Reflection
Principal’s Reflection
It’s been great to have young people back at Shalom this week. Schools are sad places without young people! Since the end of 2018, we’ve had a bit to celebrate. We had some excellent Year 12 results when the data was released in December. We are very proud of Josh, Cara & Emilee for achieving an OP 1. More than 50% of our eligible students achieved an OP score between 1-10. We were just as proud of the many students who have already secured Apprenticeships and Traineeships. I was also very proud to read recently that Shalom had the best attendance rate of all schools in Queensland last year. Attendance is really important and something we stress at Shalom. I think this statistic says something positive about the culture created at the College. I also think it is a great testament to parents who prioritize the education of their children. If we, as parents believe something is important and valuable, our children pick up on that. Just as they do the opposite. Thank you for your support in this area and I hope we only build on that in 2019. Every single day at school is valuable.
This week we welcomed over 300 new members to the Shalom community – 270 Year 7 students, 37 new students from Years 8-11, 12 new teachers and 13 new support staff. They will all play their part and Shalom will be a better school for their presence. The start of the year is not without some nerves for many. Be assured that we will do all that we can to smooth out the path for our new students and staff. If you have any concerns about how your child is settling in, please do not hesitate to contact your House Coordinator, or myself.
100 Years of Christian Brother Education in Bundaberg – Christian Brothers High School Bundaberg opened its doors in February 1919. The last Christian Brother, Br G P Rochford, retired from the College at the end of last year. That marked 100 years of continuous service to education and this community from the Brothers – first at CBHS from 1919 to 1984 and then at Shalom. To mark this very significant occasion there will be a Dinner held at Brothers Sports Club on Saturday Feb 23 and Mass the following morning at 8am at Holy Rosary. Tickets for the Dinner are $45 and available from the College office. All are welcome and I would ask that you could share this information with any past students of CBHS or Shalom. We are looking forward to having quite a number of the Brothers back with us for the weekend and particularly, Br Rochford.
Pick Up and Drop Off was, as usual, busy in week one. Please remember that our bus companies do a great job transporting our students which would negate the need for parents to queue getting into and out of carparks. That said, if you choose to collect your child in the afternoons, please remember that pickups are only to be done from the designated car parks. No collection please on the other side of Br Hogan Drive.
School TV is an excellent production that our Parents & Friends subscribe to for the College. The link to such wonderful and relevant video presentations can be found on the Website. The two latest clips added are on ‘School Transitions’ and ‘Surviving Year 12’. Both are worth a look for so many parents for whom these will be particularly relevant.
Cyber Safety – one of the best things we did for parents last year was to offer Family Zone to every family at Shalom free of charge. One of my biggest disappointments in 2018 was how few families took up this option. If you are worried about how much time your child/ren spend on the internet, what they are accessing or who, this App provides an easy solution. There is a link to the App on our website. Someone sent me the attached article that appeared recently in the ‘Australian Financial Review’ – well worth a read for any parent.
Shalom After School Activities – is another initiative offered to Shalom families for virtually no cost. Mr Robinson has again organized a great range of after school activities for our students. These are outlined later in the Newsletter.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Curriculum
- New Staff
- Sporting Achievments
- 2019 - Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
- Year 8 Camp Schedule
- School Photo Day – Tuesday 12 February
- 2019 Immunisation Program for Year 7 and Year 10
- Pathways
- Instrumental Music
- Shalom Facebook Page
- P & F
- Tuckshop Menu
- Tuckshop Roster
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Welcome to 2019!
This is a significant year for our Senior students, some of whom will be the last working in the OP system and completing the final QCS Test. Our Year 11 students are part of the exciting new changes in education in Queensland which have been the focus of department and teacher preparation over the past two years. Our Middle School students will see some changes as we broaden efforts to address 21st Century skills within the classroom; to embed further the use of technology to improve learning experiences; and to increase collaborative learning.
Key staff supporting students through the year will be Mrs O’Donnell (Pathways Coordinator), Mrs Ivers (Senior School Coordinator), Mrs Munckton (Middle School Coordinator) and Mrs McKeown (e-Learning Coordinator). Mr Robinson, Student Welfare Coordinator, connects with the team through his support of students who have high-level study or sport commitments outside Shalom.
Assessment Calendar
At this stage, Learning Area Coordinators are adding assessment tasks to the Assessment Calendar for Semester One. The Assessment Calendar (referred to as “Curricular Activities” in our learning management system) will be available via the Parent Lounge. To access the Parent Lounge, you will need to know your Parent Lounge login details, which were emailed by the IT department. Please contact the College if you are unable to locate these details. Once logged-in, click on Student Details and then Curricular Activities. You may select a child using the top right drop-down, if you have more than one child at Shalom. Other filters are available: you may wish to explore these.
The completed Calendar will include information about all assessment tasks for students including: Activity Name; Group (subject area); Start Date; Draft Date (only appears for electronic submissions – see task sheets for more details); Due Date; and Activity Status.
Learning Area Coordinators manage and provide initial entries for the Calendar. These entries will be updated by the class teacher. Please contact the appropriate class teacher, or Learning Area Coordinator, for more information about assessment tasks if required.
Please note that the Curricular Activities within a student’s allocation of subjects may not be spread evenly through the semester. Across the College, many assessment tasks are assigned during Semester One and each of these is timed according to particular subject requirements. This makes intervention to spread assessments impractical. However, teachers will suggest timelines to help students manage their time when a task is set. Students (with your support) are encouraged to use this information, in conjunction with the Forward Planner 2019 (pages 122 – 125) in the Student Record Book, to help spread their workload and to meet deadlines. It is not unusual for assessment loads to be heavy around peak times such as the weeks leading up to the end of term. Our students must develop the capacity to manage their time and we all have a part to play in this. Please contact your child’s pastoral care teacher or class teacher if you would like assistance in helping your child to develop time management and assessment management skills. The Homework/Study Plan pages 120, 121) are recommended for use by all students.
Information for Year 12 Parents and Students
Year 12 OP Range Estimates
The first in a series OP range estimates for this year will soon be distributed to all OP-eligible Year 12 students. The date of distribution will be communicated via Daily Notices.
Year 12 QCS Test
Please note that the QCS Test Practice will be on February 15th, not February 8th as appears in the calendar. Students have been advised that, if they are OP-ineligible and have parent support, they may return a Memorandum of Understanding that exempts them from test practices and allows alternative curriculum arrangements when preparation sessions occur in the timetable.
The Memorandum of Understanding can be accessed here:
Information regarding the upcoming QCS Test practice, including details of necessary equipment, is provided in a document accessed through the link below:
Information for Year 11 Parents and Students
This week I sent an email to students and parents that emphasised some changes in arrangements for students in the 2019 new QCAA system. These relate to the management of assessment at Shalom and to arrangements for students with particular needs. You will, no doubt, have noted that no examination blocks appear on the College Calendar for Year 11 students.
The message can be accessed via this link:
Katherine Nelson
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Email: nelsonk@shalomcollege.com
New Staff
We welcome to Shalom our new staff members along with 314 new students this year. Welcome to Shalom College.
Bernice Davis Year7 PBL CSB |
Cassie Holberg Dance Performing Arts |
Holly Hess Finance Administration |
Kaylah Fox English Humanities |
Brett Parsons Goegraphy Humanities |
Craig Sologinkin PBL Core A |
Jarred Burnett Teacher Aide |
Nathan Caldwell IT Support Officer |
Kylie Giles Physical Education |
Samar Osseiran Library |
Anna Forrest Learning Support |
Larissa Scoles LAC Senior Science |
Nicole Anderson Jnr Japanese and Health |
Stephanie Ray PBL Core B Coordinator |
Sue Kendall Learning Support |
Wayne Godfrey Facilities Manager |
Justine Blinco PBL Core B |
Danielle Stranieri Dance Performing Arts |
Antony Aplin Grounds and Maintenance Manager |
Gap Year Students
Connor van Cooten, Dominique Rotar, Jordan Nio, Chelsea Powis, Madeleine Krebs, Maddelyn Batt, Molly Dawson, Anna- Jane Vaschina, Sam Tobin, Simon Rathbone, Matthew Addock, Angus McDonald.
Absent Madison Masterman-Smith
Sporting Achievments
2019 Summer Down Under
Nathan Donaldson recently attended a ten day competition called the Summer Down Under, which is an international wheelchair racing event held annually. Three nights of racing in Canberra followed by racing in Sydney’s Blacktown, finishing with the Oz Day 10km race through the rocks in Sydney.
Nathan accomplished 3 personal bests in the 100m, 200m and 800m as well as winning the Junior category of the 10km Oz Day race knocking five minutes of his previous time despite getting a blow out half way and completing the last 5km on a flat tyre.
Nathan is heading back to Canberra 8 February for another race meeting and a further chance to qualify for the World Junior Para Athletic Championships held in Switzerland later this year.
2019 Queensland Junior Track Championships
Brody Allison competed at the 2019 Queensland Junior Track Championships in Brisbane from 9 – 13 January.
As a first year under 17 rider he placed
3rd in the sprint finals
3rd in the 500 metre time trial
1st and state champion in the Keirin Final
Brody was the only 1st year rider to get an individual Gold medal, at the end of the event
Brody also gained selection in the 11 man Under 17 State Team to compete at the National Track titles at the end of March.
Brody is looking forward to defending his Keirin title at the
Bundaberg Cycle Fest International at his home velodrome 15 – 16 February 2019.
Australian All Schools Athletic Championships.
Congratulations to Matthew Otto who has been selected in the 2018-19 Queensland Athletics’ A-Squad.
Matthew has been selected based on his achievements in placing in the top 8 at the recent Australian All Schools Championships.
2019 - Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers.
SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the 4 available afternoons for SCASA.
(Fridays is not offered due to student fatigue and early departure for weekends affecting attendance)
SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term.
3.00 pm - School lessons
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied)
at College tuck shop and set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various
venues within school grounds)
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return
equipment and picked up by parents at school.
The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for students ( to be
placed on the student account - to pay later)
This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two, three or all four afternoons
This is to encourage participation in many SCASA activities.
Activities - see below.
Option 1 - Dance with Alisa
Boisen (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - ABC’S with Ben Porter (Oval)*
Option 3 - Basketball with Kylie Giles (SC or
Option 1 - Dance with Maddy
Batt (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - Cricket with Vince Habermann (Oval
and/or Cricket Nets)
Option 1 - Triathlon training with Rebecca Jenner ( Oval and or Gym)
Option 1 - Cross Country Club
with Mat Grills (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis
Option 3 - Football/Soccer with Paul Ash and
Madison Masterman-Smith (Oval)
*ABC’S = Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed activities in a fun game centred friendly atmosphere.
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc. This program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in physical activities after school.
Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below
REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive a online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2. Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections below - so it cannot be selected.
Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
Do you have a child aged 5-17 who lives in Queensland?
Would your child like to participate in Sport?
Are you a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card holder?
You can apply for up to
$150 for your child's sport or
active recreation participation.
Visit www.qld.gov.au/recreation/sports/funding
and follow the link 'for parents and kids'
or call 13 74 68 to find out more.
Get Started Vouchers
are part of the Queensland Government's
Get in the Game initiative.
Round 13 will open for application on 6 February 2019
In to social media? Please share the Get Started Vouchers Facebook Post with your friends
Year 8 Camp Schedule
School Photo Day – Tuesday 12 February
All students will receive an order envelope from their House Coordinator/PC Teacher during Week 2. The order envelopes are printed uniquely for each student. The order and payment instructions to students and parents can be found on the envelopes. Spare envelopes for new enrolments can be collected directly by the students from Student Reception.
IMPORTANT: Every student must present their envelope directly to the photographers on photo day, even if not purchasing a photo. These photos will also be used for the 2019 Student IDs.
Please note, the ‘composite group’ option includes composite photos of all the students in the same year level as your student.
If you would like a photo of siblings together (that are currently enrolled at Shalom) you may order a ‘Family photo’. These order envelopes are to be collected directly from our Front Office or Student reception prior to photo day.
All students to wear the full formal uniform including the School Tie (for our male students)
The ‘catch up Photo day’ is now on Wednesday 20 February (moved from 18 February)
This day is a second opportunity for students that missed School photo day due to Camp or unplanned absence.
2019 Immunisation Program for Year 7 and Year 10
Shalom College is participating in Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisations Program. All Year 7 and Year 10 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation Program to protect against vaccine preventable diseases. In 2019, Year 7 students will be offered human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. Year 10 students will be offered meningococcal ACWY vaccination.
The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised and registered nurses from OzCare.
The consent cards are distributed to all our current Year 7 and 10 students via House Coordinators/PC Teachers in the first two weeks of Term 1. They need to be returned to Student Reception by Monday 11 February, any late forms will need to be returned to Ozcare directly. Only students with a signed and completed consent card, indicating ‘Yes to Vaccination’ will be vaccinated.
The Shalom College 2019 clinic dates are:
Round 1 - Year 7 HPV1 &
Year 7 dTpa - Wednesday 20 March and Monday 25
(note, due to large number of students this clinic is
now over two days)
Round 2 - Year 7 HPV2 – 16 October
Round 1 – Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY – 23 April (note changed date)
Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.
Ozcare will contact all guardians directly if a student (with a completed and returned consent form) did not attend the Shalom clinic session.
Year 7 Catch Up Clinic is scheduled at Ozcare for
Wednesday 3 April 2019.
Year 10 Catch Up Clinic is scheduled at Ozcare for Wednesday 15 May
Term 4 Catch Up Clinic date TBA.
For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the website below or click on the following links; immunisation through the school program
The following resources are also available for you:
The Public Heatlh Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information to the eligible Year 7 and 10 immunisation provider if requested.
Welcome back for the 2019 school year. The Pathways department supports the needs of all students and provides advice and information about additional learning opportunities, such as TAFE, and work experience as well as assisting students with the transition from school to employment and higher education.
The 2019 Pathways team is Mrs Liza O’Donnell (PATHWAYS Coordinator), Mr Peter Robinson (Student Welfare, High Performance Program, Tertiary Studies Guidance, After School Activities) and Mrs Kathy Laing (Pathways Administration).
We are very excited to announce that we now host a Careers Hub (located within the Shalom College website, Career & Vocational Education tab) to provide students and parents with information to assist with making decisions about career pathways and life beyond school. We strongly encourage taking the time to explore the wealth of information provided on this site such as Study Information, Free Online Courses, Career Quiz and Resume Templates as well as links to all major universities and the Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website.
Congratulations to Year 12 student, Sophie Maughan, who was awarded Queensland Trainee of the Month (from 150 trainees) in December 2018 through the AFL Sports Ready Program. Sophie is currently undertaking a Cert II in Retail Services through K-Mart. A great achievement Sophie, well done!
Sophie Maughan
Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator
Instrumental Music
Welcome back to school and in particular all new students to Shalom College. A special welcome to all music students and I hope you enjoy all that we have to offer – lots of groups for you to join.
Rehearsals – all commence this week in preparation for another very busy year of performance opportunities here at school, community and away. If you’re unsure of which group/s you are in, please see lists posted on the wall near the band room. A performance schedule will be sent out later this week.
Lessons - Tutors have finalised their teaching schedules and have emailed lesson schedules. Please write your lesson times in your diaries and be prompt in attending your lesson on time. Please contact me if you haven’t heard from your tutor or if you would like to learn to play and instrument or sing.
Concerts – first concerts for the year will be a Senior Jazz Band lunchtime concert scheduled for Thursday 21 March followed by the Autumn concert scheduled for Wednesday 27 March in the PAP theatre starting at 7.00pm. Most groups will be performing.
Do not hesitate to contact me for any query in relation to the Instrumental Music Department.
Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Shalom Facebook Page
For existing and new parents to the College, please follow our Facebook pages to stay up to date with everything Shalom!
P & F
P & F AGM Tuesday 5 March 2019
Tuckshop Roster
Tuesday |
Help Needed |
Wednesday |
Help Needed |
Thursday |
Merna Cook |
Friday |
Help Needed |
Shalom Sunday Markets
New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 10 February 2019 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Roselyn Hunting Susie Mant |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Emma Jansen Jas Haster Rebecca Scneider Marie Walker |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday |
Relay for Life V Habberman |
Sunday |
Europe Trip P Allen & P McKewon |
Sunday |
Duke of Edinburgh D Bishop |
Sunday |
QISSN M Pearson |
Sunday |
Edmund Rice Camp M Taylor |
Community Notice Board
Back To Rock Performing Arts Acadamy
BTR Performing Arts Academy invites you to celebrate with us at our Open Week!
For one week only we open our doors to you for FREE!
Come and try a class or 2 or 3 for free. Simply click here to find out more BTR Open Week or simply call Eunice on 4151 4144 or 0422 432 097
When: Monday 4 February to
Saturday 9 February
Where: BTR Performing Arts Academy, Cnr Woongarra
and Targo Streets, Bundaberg
Bookings are essential to secure your place!
Simply click here to register! BTR Open Week Registration
Register and attend a class during Open Week and go into the draw to win a month’s free tuition and more! The more classes you attend the more entries you receive.
Begin creating your treasure chest of memories with:
Kindermusik (newborns to 7 years)
Private Instrumental Music Lessons: Students can
experience a 15 minute introductory lesson (timetable permitting) on Drums,
Guitar, Strings, Vocal, Piano or Ukulele!
New group instrumental lessons! More information to come!
Meet our BTR Team, families and students.
There will be raffles, themed days and so much more!
Book Now! BTR Open Week
A special something for you!
Receive a bonus gift from our heart to yours upon enrolment! Valued at $85.
At BTR we are passionate about being the shining light in
children's lives. Empowering them to extend little wins into lifelong
Amanda Roche - Director BTR Performing Arts Academy
THE Bundaberg Model Railway Club Inc.
The Bundaberg Model Railway Club Inc. welcomes visitors to their clubroom and Ho & N gauge layouts.
New members are always welcome.
Clubroom situated in the old Bundaberg Showgrounds, Walker Street end entry via Kensington St end. (opposite rear of Doctors surgery.)
OPEN DAY - March 9, 2019
All welcome 9.00am to 3.00pm - FREE ADMISSION
We would love to see all ages visiting from Bubs to Grandies. Please come and enjoy this hobby.
Vocal Affinity
Celebrating 100 Years of Bundaberg Christian Brothers
Celebration Dinner – 6:30pm Saturday 23 February at Brothers Sports Club - $45pp (RSVP and Payment required to Shalom College by 18 February)
Parish Mass – 8am Sunday 24 February at Holy Rosary Church (No RSVP Required).
For payment and RSVP please see link to invitation;
All welcome!
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P Parenting
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.