Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

20 May 2019

Principal’s Reflection

I always love election nights. I enjoy watching the picture of voting patterns emerge and the ebb and flow of the nights. This one was certainly interesting! As someone who takes more than a passing interest in the political machinations of our nation, I have found myself worrying more in recent years about the increased level of ‘toxicity’ that seems to pervade nationally. It seems that there is very little chance for ‘reaching across the aisles’ for the good of the country and we will be a much poorer nation for that. But, given all of that, one of the things that I love most about Australian election nights is that, despite who wins and who loses, we all get up the next morning and we get about our business. There are no tanks in the streets or riot police or violence. We live in a magnificent country and I hope that none of us ever takes that for granted. The other thing that gives me hope in the future are some of the speeches on the night from those who lost and those who won. Regardless of how you feel about Tony Abbott or Bill Shorten or Scott Morrison, I thought they all gave wonderful addresses to their supporters and the nation. Abbott and Shorten were gracious and generous in their remarks. Morrison was never gloating or triumphalist. Undoubtedly, every one of them wants what’s best for the country and you and me and our families. I’d like to think a bit of that sentiment is tied into the Gospel we heard at Mass yesterday. The words of Jesus were something of his ‘last will and testament’ just before his death. After his years with him and hundreds of years of Jewish faith and some pretty tough Old Testament views of life, Jesus summed it all up by saying, “I give you a new commandment: love one another; just as I have loved you. By your love for one another, everyone will know you are my disciples.” – an entire life summed up in a couple of lines. Imagine if more of us would take that couple of lines a little bit more seriously! Wouldn’t, among other things, that change the political discourse in this country?

In following the Federal election, I was very conscious that two Shalom families were particularly involved. Congratulations to Federal member for Hinkler, Mr Keith Pitt, on his election victory. Congratulations also to Mr Richard Pascoe who represented the Labor Party. Richard and Keith are two men who were prepared to put themselves forward to serve. They took on the cost to their families, their private lives and a gruelling and unforgiving schedule. I hate hearing people complain about how good politicians have it. Anyone who thinks it is an easy gig should have a go at that instead of knocking those who do. Both of those individuals, along with so many others who sought to represent the community through service to Parliament, deserve an enormous amount of appreciation – whatever the outcome of an election.

Guest Speakers I hope that you will make time in your busy schedules for –
Monday May 27 – Madonna King – Fathers & Daughters (Building Unbreakable Bonds) 6pm
Thursday June 13 – Samuel Johnson – Love Your Sister

Both of these events are provided by our Parents & Friends and open to all in Bundaberg.

Student Leadership 2019 – regrettably, for health reasons, one of our two School Captains, Emma Moonie, has chosen to step down from this position. Emma will continue to be one of our House Leaders this year. Rhys Crook (McAuley) was voted by the Yr 12 Leaders to step into the role of School Captain for the remainder of 2019. I am very grateful to both Emma and Rhys for their maturity and generosity.

Combined Shalom & St Luke’s Concert on Saturday night was outstanding. This was an initiative of the School Leaders from both schools and all funds raised – over $1500 – will go to farmers in Western Queensland suffering from drought. Congratulations to all students from both schools who pooled their time and talents for a very worthwhile cause.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Year 12 Retreat

Last week all of Year 12 headed to Alexandra Headlands for their Retreat. Even though the weather was a bit dreary the students certainly weren’t. It was a jam packed few days of laughter, cheering and for some a few tears. Students had the opportunity to meet and engage with classmates they hadn’t got to know before and they were encouraged to step outside their comfort zone in a number of ways. Can’t say too much as it will spoil the surprise for future years. There were a lot of happy students boarding the buses when it was time to return on Wednesday.

Thank you to the staff who accompanied us. The days were long and sleep limited but we couldn’t do this if people didn’t give their time so generously.

Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission

Learner Conferences

Learner Conferences (Formerly Parent/Teacher Interviews) – 28 May - 3.30-6.30pm

Learner Conferences (for all subjects other than Year 7-9 Core Studies) will be available on Tuesday 28 May from 3.30pm-6.30pm in the Sports Centre. The aim of the Learner Conferences is to provide an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers to discuss the progress and learning needs of their children. Interviews will be of ten minutes duration. Students are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. Your child’s progress is crucial to all of us and it is a significant benefit in this process if your child can be a part of the discussion.

Learner Conferences may be arranged online via Parent Lounge at any time from 8:00am Tuesday 14 May until 3:00pm Wednesday 22 May using the Parent Teacher Interviews tab in the menu on the left-hand side.

Please note that Christian and Mary Taylor are not available for interviews.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration

Student Welfare and Information

Year 12 Formal Dinner Dance

Invitations for the 2019 Year 12 Formal Dinner and Dance were mailed on Friday, 3 May 2019. Thank you to those parents who have purchased their tickets and returned the introduction and dietary requirements cards.

Parents are invited to organise a group table and can submit the list of names to Ms Jo Medcalf at the College office. A table will be allocated for your group. Tables are for ten (10) people. The location of the table will be dependent upon final numbers and will be indicated to you by ushers and table cards on the night. People who have no preference for seating arrangements will be allocated appropriate seats.

Due Date for payment and submission of Introduction cards is May 22. Please be mindful that the caterers, the decorators as well as the Multiplex Centre need our final numbers on May 24. I have said to the students if there is an issue please contact me.

The following articles were written by clinical psychologist, Andrew Fuller – topical subject matter that I thought you may find helpful as you “navigate the waters of teenage children rearing”.

10 Strategies to help kids develop resilience

Resilience is the ability to ‘bounce back’ from life’s difficulties. For many young people it is vital to help them develop resilience strategies that promote well-being and develop coping mechanisms. Many resilient teenagers are seen as resourceful and are emotionally and mentally balanced.

Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist and Generation Next speaker - he describes resilience as “the happy knack of being able to bungy jump through the pitfalls of life – to rise above adversity and obstacles.”

Tips for building resilience in children*

1. Make connections

Teach children how to make friends and develop empathy. Encourage them to be a friend in order to get friends. At school, watch to make sure that one child is not being isolated. Connecting with people provides social support and strengthens resilience.

2. Teach children to help others

Children who may feel helpless can be empowered by helping others. Ask for help with a task they can master. At school, brainstorm with children about ways they can help others.

3. Daily routine

Following a routine can be comforting to children, especially younger children who crave structure in their lives. Encourage children to develop their own routines.

4. Take a break

Although it is important to stick to routines, endlessly worrying can be counter-productive. Show children how to focus on something besides what’s worrying them.

5. Self-care for children

Teach child the importance of making time to eat properly, groom themselves, exercise and rest. Children need ‘down time’ to relax, so make sure that not all free time is filled with a scheduled activity.

6. Goals

Teach children to set reasonable goals and move toward them one step at a time. Moving toward that goal and receiving praise for doing so will focus children on what they have accomplished.

7. Nurture a positive self-view

Help children remember ways that they have successfully handled hardships in the past and how this can help them handle future challenges. Help children learn to trust themselves to solve problems and make appropriate decisions.

8. Be optimistic

Even when children are facing very painful events, help them look at the situation in a broader context. A positive outlook enables children to see the good things in life and keep going even in the hardest times.

9. Self-discovery

Change and tough times are often when children learn the most about themselves. Help children to see that this is a good time to find out “what they are made of.” Change can be scary for young people, help them to see that change is part of life.

10. Make home a safe haven

In high school, taunting and bullying can intensify – home should be a haven, especially as your teen encounters more freedoms and choices and looks to home to be a constant, safe and emotionally secure place in his or her life.

Some teen support tips for parents of students in Years 11 & 12

In this article Andrew outlines how to map out an ideal week. Without this plan, he says, teenagers are simply left with doing what they like when they feel like it – and generally this does not include studying.

Not surprisingly, he notes, teens may also need to discuss minimising distractions – excessive social media use, listening to music while studying, multi-tasking or chatting with friends online.

Here are a few ideas for coming through these years flourishing, and having everyone’s dignity intact.

Develop a System:

Parents have a vital role in helping students:

  • manage time
  • manage energy
  • manage stress
  • manage to get everything in at the right time and in the right place.

In addition to this you have to manage yourself.

Developing the System

Regular planned times for study throughout the year creates better results. Short regular sprints of learning are more effective than long study marathons. To create this, you need to work out a system.

Sit down with your teenager and map out an ideal week, including:

  • times for sleeping (at least eight hours a night)
  • times for unwinding and relaxing
  • best breakfast foods
  • the best times for study
  • the best time of the week for consolidating notes and extending memory
  • time to catch up with friends
  • required school hours
  • time for part-time work (less than 10 hours a week)
  • how to handle invitations around exam times

Without a plan, you are simply left with doing what you like when you feel like it, and often, feeling like studying is not probably the most likely emotion in teenagers’ lives.

Study sprints should be ideally 20 minutes long and never longer than 50 minutes, with a 10 minute break between study sessions.

Usually on the weekend, have some time set aside for organising information and testing memory of new information.

Patiently, talk through the system until you all feel that you have the best plan. Ask them how often you should remind them of the system when they don’t seem to be following it.

You may also need to discuss minimising distractions – excessive social media use, listening to music while studying, multi-tasking or chatting with friends online is not compatible with studying. Multi-tasking is just splitting your attention and means you’ll need to study four times longer than you need to.

As a parent of a Senior student, keep yourself informed. Come to information sessions and parent-teacher meetings yourself. Stressed students don’t always store detailed information well, so take notes of key dates and requirements.

Steering Students Back to the System

It is hard to get through Year 11 or Year 12 without some meltdowns. When a meltdown occurs, rather than starting a long conversation about it or providing a motivational pep talk, think about what your student needs. Food? Rest? Exercise? Some social time? Try to quietly arrange for this to occur.

How to Deal with the Catastrophic Thinking

Pacifying or reassuring the unsettled Senior student is a fine art. Acknowledge to yourself in advance that anything you are likely to say is probably going to be heard as the ‘wrong thing’.

Generally, what you do is more important than what you say. Providing meals, comfort and for some, reassuring hugs is often more powerful than words.

Some teens ‘freeze up with fear’ and want to avoid schoolwork completely. Try to avoid getting into lengthy debates about the merits of the current educational system or their own intellectual ability. Instead, go back to basics. Feed them. Hydrate them. Rest them. Then gently bring them back to the topic.

Ask them to tell you what they do understand about an issue. They will initially begin with, ‘I know nothing’. Say to them, ‘Well, tell me what you think you know.’ Slowly rebuild confidence.

What to do when the System Breaks Down

When you are planning the system, develop a rule of ‘never miss twice’. We know there are days when even the most well thought through system falls into tatters. Accept this but also plan never to miss twice. For example, I can take a complete break from my study routine for one day but not for two days in a row.

Around August is the most common time for students to become disheartened and lose motivation. However, the work done in August and September probably adds more to the final results that any other stage of the year. The reason is that by this time most of the basics have been covered and we are now able to add the higher order thinking and deepen understanding.

If taking on new information seems too much at this time, go through the process with them of organising information, drawing up flow charts, making memory aides and consolidating notes.

What if my Teenager won’t Listen to me?

Have a confidential chat with one of their key teachers so that they can have a conversation with your teenager directly about their progress and study strategies.

How to Deal with the Build up to Exams

Here is the time to trust the system. Keep things as calm and consistent as you possibly can. Ensure that your teenager has enough sleep, good food, exercise and social time.

Consider ceasing part-time work in the lead up to exams. Also discuss not using or at least lessening the use of social media sites.

If your family has major birthdays during this period it may be worth delaying celebrations until after the exam period.

It is not the end of the world.

Your teenager’s Year 12 result is not their future. There are many other more important determinants of success and happiness in life.

Many people who did not get the Year 12 results that they wanted find careers where they thrive.

Above all, remain calm and believe in your teenager. Adding an anxious parent to a panicking teenager is always a recipe for disaster.

Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist specialising in wellbeing of young people and their families. Copyright Andrew Fuller

Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal

Finance Office

A reminder to all families that Term 2 School Fees were due for payment on Friday 17 May 2019. A copy of the fee statement is available through Parent Lounge.

Payment options include:

Parent Lounge – a convenient and secure method for payments of both school fees and excursions using credit card
BPAY – for school fees only
Personal/Internet Banking Transfer – using the account number as the reference
DDF Direct Debit – the Finance Office can assist with setting this up
PayWay recurring billing – an automatic deduction through your credit card
Credit/debit card in person at the finance office
Cash – only in person at the finance office

Families with any queries please kindly contact the Finance Office on 4155 8104 or email

Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer

Year 7 Camp

Our Year 7 students are getting excited for camps starting this week at our Chaverim Campus! The photos above of our Year 7 camp 2018 is what they can expect over the three days. Do not forget the equipment list and program can be found on our website.

ROSA Awards

ROSA (Recognition of Student Application) Awards are presented to students each term. This award program recognises student application to their studies. Students from Years 7, 8 and 9 are nominated by their classroom teachers and then certificates are presented to students.

We value the importance of acknowledging students who are motivated, show perseverance and work diligently to reach their potential. The ‘goal posts’ for all our students are different, however all students are capable of achieving their own success targets.

Our Term 1 ROSA Awards have been announced and students have received their certificates at House Assembly. A full list has been included below:

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Neha Alex
Zain Ali
Lily Austin
Mia Bielenberg
Ella Bigg
Lawson Bignell
Vivian Blemings
Patrick Bond
Samuel Brosnan
Sam Card
Riley Clarke
Bellah Cornale
Zye Cory
Pascale Crawford
Alexander Curtis
Reece Davies
Jack Dickson
Charlie Dove
Joseph Doyle
Xander Driver
Declan Fitzgerald
Joshua Garland
Seth Gayton
Jack Greenwood
Millie Greig
Riveyra Groszmann
Ava Halloran
Lucy Hamilton
Marissa Harris
Melinda Hawe
Oren Heininger
Samuel Heinz
Leah Herbert
Ricky Holt
Kay Hu
Ryan Jarick
Logan Jarvis
Malaya Jensen
Lailani Johnson
Ella Keech
Hailey Kendall
Erin Kitchen
Olivia Klowss
Hunter Lane
Helaina Lisciotto
Poppy Loeskow
Kaelan Longford-Banks
Liam Loudon
Karen Lu
Sophie Maher
Harrison Maher
Jett Maher
Christina McMahon
Simon Millett
Sean Millett
Elizabeth Pascoe
Emilie Petts
Jaslyn Phillips
Taya Powis
Steven Pozzebon
Eloise Radley
Bailey Reid
Luke Richters
Bella Rogers
Mila Rose
Hannah Russo
Tia Saint
Lachlan Scott
Zali Shield
Seth Slater
Oliver Smith
Ruby Smith
Hayley Smits
Coco Suosaari
Emerson Taylor
Harper Tindel-Dimes
Kaydyn Vollmerhause
Nathan Voss
Montana Weder
Alexandra Whitehurst
Chloe Williams
Benjamin Wilson
Summer Woods

Irene Abraham
Samuel Aitkenhead
Brooke Andrewartha
Julia Balchin
Isabella Baldry
Lachlan Bates
Kyle Blake
Libby Boas
Ashlee Bock
Gabrielle Bonanno
Tori Bowden
Natalie Bowtell
Ethan Brennan
Samuel Brillante
Ariarna Brooke-Meyers
Henry Brophy
Charlotte Browne
Mia Cameron
Ashlynne Chapman
Patrick Connolly
Kirra Cram
Keanu Crofts
Paige Davis
Taylor Driver
Jiorgie Duggan
Tia Edwards
Caiden Everingham
Lily Fenton
Olivia Freney
Stella Garnham
Ashleigh Geyer
Weston Giovannoni
Harmonie Green
Bailey Grigg
Mackenzie Harwood
Lucy Horton
Ned Jenner
Ella Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Kaitlyn Johnson
Hannah Juillerat
Tara Keightley
Cooper Knott
Alice Lu
C-Jay Mackinnon
Liam Mader
Kate McFarlane
Christopher McRae-Watson
Tai-Marie Meade
Amber Meech
Thomas Morcom
Lana Munckton
Keira Nagas
Mia Neilson
Ella Nicholson
Connor O'Neill
Thomas Parton
Jayde Piggott
Lani Plath
Molly Prosser
Stacey Ruthenberg
Jacob Rutledge
Katia Saffioti
Allyssa Samways
Mercedes Schneider
Molly Sellers
Bryce Sewell
Elissa Shears
Will Shield
Baxter Simmons
Bailey Simpson
Jorja Smith
Nate Sologinkin
Emma Stack
Shanon Stacpoole
Lilly Steindl
John Stewart
Alexis Thwaite
Jake Troy
Amelia Tu
Jemma Waghorne
Candace Walsh
Thanushi Weerasinghe
Alyssa Wise

Lucy Alcorn
Charlize Ardente
Joaquin Arriola
Charlie Aslett
Faith Asubonteng
Bradley Balchin
Alex Barazza
Bria Blunt
Eliza Boge
Sophie Bond
Joshua Booth
Maegan Bowden
Ronan Boylan
Jessica Brooks
Amara Burns
Liam Bury
Holly Cahill
Bailey Canino
Briana Carroll
Amelia Carter
Shelby Cass
Tia Church
Jack Clair
Sophie Clair
Makayla Cook
Xakhai Cooney
Frances Corpe
Angel Cory
Sarah Dalla Rizza
Iliana De Paoli
Brogan Dell
Amelia Diab
Liam Dorgan
Ashling Dorgan
Austin Ellery
Lara Emmitt
Claire Fava
David Felstead
Tecoda-Faith Groszmann
Kaitlin Hall
Lucy Halloran
Will Hamilton
Dane Harris
Emma Hawe
Nina Hilton
Kody Hunting
Hope Jarvis
Indigo Jenkins
Brendan Jensen
Harrison Johnson
Lekesha Johnson
Pelenatita Kaufusi
Madison Lavender
Charlotte Law
Owen Lawson
Steven Loadsman
Jorja Logan
Oscar Lowe
Munashe Machekera
Josephine Manski
Tamae Marschke
Erika Marshman
Cody Mather
Kayleb Matteschek
Jake McCaig
Molly McEldowney
Breanna McIntosh
Emerson-Rose McKenzie
Patrick McMahon
Nicholas McMahon
Jack Meissner
Alani Morley
Alex Murray
Emma Nash
Owen Nash
Anna Nicolson
Elyse Packwood
Nathan Pappalardo
Zak Pearson
Kayla Perham
Makayla Plate
Tahlia Rach
Jackson Rand
Zahara Reeves
Isabelle Rehbein
Jordan Roebuck
Annabel Roelofs
Tayla Scott
Meghan Skerman
Austin Soni
Mikayla Soppa
Lachlan Stevenson
Holly Stone
Isabelle Taylor
Benjamin Toft
Maddison Torok
Ben Trebbin
Tokoia Tuitoma
Abbie Walker
Jake Weldon
Jai Wheat
Alexander Wilkinson
Samuel Wooldridge
Paige Zardus

Mrs Megan Munckton
Middle School Coordinator



Preferred option is Email or Phone Absentee line 41558181

ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.


2019 Bundaberg Business and Careers Showcase

The Bundaberg Business and Careers Showcase will held at the Bundaberg Multiplex on Thursday 23 May. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with a range of exhibitors and learn about career pathways. Exhibitors will represent the following industries: Agriculture, Business and Finance, Childcare, Disability and Health, Fitness, Defence, Universities, TAFE, Training, Employment, Manufacturing, Police, Retail and much more.

Registered Year 10 and Year 12 students will have the opportunity to attend during the school day (11.20am – 12.30pm). Students should register their interest with urgency to secure their seat on the bus. The number of seats are limited to 33 for each Year level, with 5 reserves for cancellations. Please add your child’s name to the google sheet. Once numbers are finalised, you will be emailed with an invitation to accept the excursion through Parent Lounge. There are still a few places remaining, so please register your name by Tuesday 21 May.

The Showcase will run until 6.30pm so students who do not secure a seat on the bus can attend with their parents.

Brisbane Careers & Employment Expo

The Brisbane Careers & Employment Expo is on at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday, 24 May, 9am – 3pm and Saturday, 25 May, from 10am – 4pm. This is the leading careers, training and education event in Queensland. The event offers the opportunity for students, job seekers and career changers of all ages to connect with organisations for guidance, clarity and opportunities in relation to career options. Show highlights will include interactive displays in automotive, bricklaying, carpentry and hairdressing, just to name a few as well as free resume workshops and free career advice and seminars as well as representation from major universities and TAFE. Entry to the event is free. For more information go to the website.

CQ University Bundaberg Year 10 Uni Experience Day

Uni Experience is a valuable opportunity for Year 10 students to experience a day on campus in the life of a uni student and get a taste of post-school study. This is particularly relevant, considering our Year 10 students will be choosing their senior subjects next term.

Students will have the opportunity to explore two study options of interest and participate in interactive, hands-on sessions delivered by CQUni teaching staff.

Study areas available to choose from include:

  • Aviation
  • Business and Accounting
  • Digital Media and Professional Communication
  • Education (Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary)
  • Engineering
  • Health (Including, Nursing and Occupational Therapy)
  • Psychology
  • Science and Environment
  • Social Work
  • Transport Safety Sciences (Including Accident Forensics and Occupational Health and Safety)

Other highlights of Uni Experience include hearing about pathways to university and in-school study options, plus students will get a glimpse into the social and cultural aspects of uni, find out about study support and scholarships, and get all their questions answered by our friendly CQUni staff and students.

Shalom will be running a bus to this event on Wednesday, 19 June. Details of how to register will soon be emailed and advertised in an upcoming newsletter.

Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator

2019 Science and Mathematics Competitions

This year Shalom College students have the opportunity to participate in the following national and international competitions:

ICAS Science Competition: Thursday 5 September
Australian Mathematics Competition: Thursday 1 August

Students are assessed against other students in the same school year, state and country. The competitions are designed to be a fun event, removed from the pressures of formal assessment with problems and questions designed to stimulate the interest of students. All students receive a certificate showing their level of achievement and a detailed report outlining their performance.

If your student would like to participate in either the ICAS Science Competition or the Australian Mathematics competition parents need to complete the appropriate nomination form and students then submit it to Student Reception. Parents make the required payment online through Tours and Excursions in the Parent Lounge Portal by Monday 10 June (Maths competition) and Friday 6 August (Science Competition).

Competition Fees:

ICAS Science Competition $14.50 per student
AMC Competition $6.50 per student

If you have any questions regarding any of the above competitions please contact me via email:

Mrs Debbie Bishop
Competition Coordinator

Exciting Science Opportunities

There are three exciting external opportunities available for students to explore the world of science.

University of Queensland’s Heron Island Experience for year 11 and 12 students;
12-20 October, $850 (incl: accommodation, food, transport to/from island)
Data collection and analysis of coral reef health and plankton diversity
Scientist presentations
Further details via the link below or email

Engineering Link Project for year 11 and 12 students; and 1-2 July, Rockhampton
Working in teams with real engineers to complete engineering projects designed to showcase the career as it really is
Accomodation is available for regional students

The ConocoPhillips Experience for year 9 and 10 students
3-4 day hands on science – activities in laboratories, interactive lectures and visits to scientific sites
Meet current University students and gain an understanding of future study and possible careers
$190 – 3 days, $260 – 4 days
Rotary supported – opportunity to be sponsored
Further details via the link below or email

Two of these are for senior students, one focusing on Ecology, the other on Engineering and one for year 9 and 10 students wishing to explore career and study opportunities in the field of science. Further details at or email are available for the Ecology camp and Year 9 and 10 experience. For anyone considering a career in Engineering, the Engineering Link Project is a wonderful opportunity to work with real engineers to complete engineering projects designed to showcase the career as it really is. Further information can be found via the link below.


Applications are currently open for Year 11 students who are excited about maths and science. The science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) camp provides Year 11 students with an opportunity to attend a 5-day camp, and engage in solving some of the major challenges facing society and the planet today. The camp is free to attend, and accommodation and transport options for rural and regional students are also provided.

The camp runs in the September school holidays (Monday 30 Sept to Friday 4 Oct). Applications are now open and close midnight on Monday, 20 May. The camp offers students a unique opportunity to form bonds and networks with like-minded students from around Queensland. All STEM camp students are also inducted into the QUT STEM Scholars program. This program offers:

  • Access to the STEM Scholars virtual Facebook hub
  • QUT STEM Ambassadors career advice
  • Invitations to exclusive STEM Education events and activities
  • Research assistance for extended essay projects
  • Opportunities to assist QUT with user-testing of programs and workshops.

For students to be eligible they must:

  • Be a current QLD or northern NSW Year 11 student
  • Demonstrate they have 2 x VHAs in STEM Subjects (Year 10 reports)
  • Be able to attend the full camp week from Sunday 29 September to Friday 4 October
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from a Teacher, HOD or Principal

Ms Larissa Scoles
Senior Science Coordinator

Quiet Achiever

Coco Suosaari

Coco Suosaari has been doing exceptionally well with her dancing commitments this year. Her successes include being the Bundaberg 12 and under Classical, Tap and Modern Championship Winner.

Future Stars Intermediate Champion - Bundaberg, Sunshine Coast Junior Bursary Winner as well as winning the Bundaberg Junior Bursary and then being named the 'Performer showing most potential at the Bundaberg Eisteddfod'. Last year Coco was the GTB Junior Champion of Champions for 2018. The prize for winning this competition is a free trip to America in late June this year. Coco was also the GTB Junior Top Five, where this prize is a Trip to Singapore to dance with the Dream Dance Company this year at the beginning of June.

With all the travel and dancing Coco does each week, she is still able to juggle all her schooling commitments, and when she is at school, she always has a smile and is willing to help out. Congratulations Coco on all of your successes in your performances.

Mr Chris Roelofs
Walsh House Coordinator

Library News


Free access to ebook library via Overdrive for all Shalom Students

All Shalom students now have access to Overdrive – a huge and free library of ebooks and audiobooks. Items can be borrowed and read on laptops or tablets and students can borrow 2 books at a time.

Overdrive is an amazing resource and a great option for when a hardcopy book is not close by.

To access Overdrive on a computer or laptop follow these instructions.

To access Overdrive through the Sora app on tablets of smartphones follow these instructions.

If you have any difficulty logging into Overdrive or Sora with your school login and password please come and see the library staff.

Miss Wendy Davis
Teacher Librarian/English Teacher

Taking Care of Business

Year 7 Business

Year 7 Business students have been learning about Goal Setting and SMART goals to help plan them for future success. Mrs Schuler’s class incorporated the use of ICT’s and used the graphic design application ‘CANVA’ to create an infographic that included information they had learnt about goal setting and their own goals they want to achieve both in the short and long term. The whole class did a fantastic job and Mrs Norris had a very difficult time trying to select the two most effective posters. Well done to Lani Sologinkin and Evie Martin for their creative and information designs!

Evie Martin

Lani Sologinkin

Year 11 Certificate III in Business

Throughout Term 1, Mrs Schuler’s Year 11 Certificate III in Business class has been working closely with Mr Page to design and plan an advertisement for the QISSN and QISSRL carnival to be shown on Shalom TV. The collaboration between the class members has been fantastic and this Term they will continue to work towards shooting footage and then editing the advertisement alongside the watchful (and skilful) eye of Mr Page. The students have been working hard and we are so proud of their efforts in this project. Stay tuned to Shalom TV to view the final product!

CQU Business Challenge

Year 12 students Rhys Crook, Jordan Condon, Eamon Vincent and Cassidy James made up the Shalom team for this year’s Business Challenge held at CQU. The team competed against 5 other local high schools in answering questions on the topics of Business Management, Accounting, Economics & Law and General Knowledge. The highlight of the night was our team obtaining 10/10 on the first round of questions on Accounting. This sent all the teams into a spin! Shalom was the only team to get a perfect score on the night, unfortunately they did not receive the gold or silver medal at the end of the night.

ASX Sharemarket Game

For the past 10 weeks Mrs Norris’s Year 9 Business class have been playing the ASX Sharemarket Game. Students formed trading syndicates and together invested $50000 in shares on the Australian Stock Market. Unfortunately, with the recent dive in share prices all the syndicates took a hit on their investments when the game finished on Wednesday 15 May. This has been a great lead in activity as we embark on this terms topic of Personal Finance – Managing Risk and Rewards

Mrs Gail Norris
Learning Area Coordinator – Business

Madonna King – Parent Evening

Through the efforts of our Parents & Friends, Journalist and author, Madonna King will be at Shalom on the evening of Monday 27 May at 6.30pm. Madonna has recently released a very popular book, ‘Helping Dads Build Unbreakable Bonds With their Daughters’. This book follows up Madonna’s previous book, ‘Being 14’, which was very popular. Any parent with adolescent, or soon to be adolescent children, this night is for you.

What do our girls think about their fathers? And what are fathers struggling with when it comes to their relationship with their teenage daughters? The bestselling author of ‘BEING 14’ now tackles the complicated father/daughter relationship.

Monday 27 May
Shalom College Performing Arts Precinct

Book purchase and signing will also be available on the night.

‘Helping dads build unbreakable bonds with their daughters’

FREE EVENT, No RSVP Required – All Parents Welcome

Internet Safety

Naidoc Week

Instrumental Music

Showcase 2019

Join us for Showcase 2019!

With an extravaganza of Shalom College’s best dance, drama and musical acts along with a contemporary visual art display in the Performing Arts Precinct foyer, Showcase 2019 is an arts night not to be missed!

Hear from the 2019 Shalom Choir along with other big band performances. See an array of dance and drama acts, including solo performances and the newly created Shalom Elite Dance Performance Team. The night will conclude with a spectacular musical theatre act!


Showcase 2019 is not to be missed!

Friday 7 and Saturday 8 June 2019 at 7.00pm at the Shalom College Performing Arts Precinct.

TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW! $15 Adults & $12 Students/Concession.

Tickets are on sale now until 3pm Thursday 6 June (unless sold out prior!).

Tickets are only available online through Flexischools:

IMPORTANT: it is recommended to use a DESKTOP when using the Flexischool’s site to purchase tickets – it is easier to select your preferred seats. You can use your mobile to purchase tickets, however make sure you select “Full Site” on your mobile browser.

Please save the digital tickets on your phone or print out for entry to the event on the night.

Diocesan Music Camp

There was a mistake in the ‘reminder’ email sent last week. The cut-off date should have read 24 May, NOT 16 May.

Rhapsody Rotorua 2020

I have sent out information and an expression of interest form to all music students. I would like to take a vocal group of 20 - 25 students but need the expression of interest form returned by 7 June before a meeting is call to answer all questions re the tour. This hopefully will be our 5th tour since 2004 to this Secondary School music festival in Rotorua. Please contact me if you didn’t receive the information email and would like to know more about this wonderful opportunity for our students.

Queensland Catholic Schools Festival

Information will be emailed soon in relation to this annual trip to Brisbane for Senior Instrumental Groups and Choir.

Shalom News

Watch out for the new edition of Shalom News as you will find news about the music department including The Treble Makers who won the small instrumental ensemble section at the recent Eisteddfod.


If your child/ren are unable to attend a rehearsal, please send an email to the conductor or to myself and I will forward.

Mark O’Sullivan visit

Thank you to those students, parents and administration staff who spoke to Mr O’Sullivan in relation to a renewal of our department. We value your comments and feedback all of which was very positive but also outlined where we can make improvements. Very excited to put these in place as soon as we can.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any query in relation to the Instrumental Music Department.

Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator

QISSN 2019

Training preparations for this year’s QISSN team are heating up with the players eager to prove themselves after being elevated to a higher division for this year’s tournament. As part of their preparation, the QISSN team will again play their traditional grudge match against the Shalom Confraternity team. On Friday 24 May (Week 5), during the lunch break, the girls and guys will face off against each other in the battle for netball supremacy and bragging rights.

Then, on Friday 14 June (Week 8), the QISSN team will play another training match, this time against an unheralded Shalom Staff team. Nineteen eager staff, all netball fanatics will take the court to test their skill against Shalom’s best netballers.

Students and staff are encouraged to come down to the Sports Centre to support the teams and witness the incredible netball skill that is sure to be on display.

Mrs Melinda Pearson
Learning Area Coordinator – PE


Congratulations to Year 8 student Kate McFarlane, who won the Qld Country Ladies Golf Championship played last week. Kate won by 1 stroke after rounds of 77 (at Bargara Golf Club) and 75 (at Bundaberg Golf Club).

Kate McFarlane

Polo Cross

Jasmine Bowden was selected in a Queensland team for the Cooper's Cup that has been playing every year since 1989. Jasmine travelled to New Zealand in late March to compete in the Cooper’s Cup which is a test match between New Zealand and Queensland.

Jasmine and her team played on New Zealanders horses; the team arrived on Thursday but could not ride the horses until Friday. Jasmine says the horses in New Zealand are not as good as Australian horses.

The first game Queensland won 22-18 and lost the second by 1 in extra time but won the Cooper’s Cup overall.

Jasmine Bowden

Rugby League

Lane Crossley-Price, Junior Tuitoma and Brynn Harrap each notched two tries in the Year 10 team’s big win over North.

SHALOM made a perfect start to the 2019 BDSSS Broncos Secondary Schools Rugby League competition, with our two teams which competed in round one both recording big wins over Bundaberg North State High, with the Year 8 side romping home 56-4 and the Year 10 team triumphing 38-0.

The Year 8s put their stamp on the game with five tries in the first 11 minutes to lead 26-0 but they did not score again until two minutes into the second half, and they never relented, also finishing with five tries in the second stanza, all of which were converted.

Queensland representative powerhouse forward Tom Morcom and dynamic halfback Dawson Hess were both at their brilliant best with the former bagging a double in a signature robust all-round performance and the latter amassing 18 points with one try and seven goals.

Coach Mr Halford said that fullback Ethan Brennan, hooker Ethan Norman and lock Toby Kelly were other stand-outs in a “good all-round team effort”, while Taylan Manttan also crossed twice.

The Shalom Year 10 outfit also impressed, leading 18-0 at the break and going right on with the job despite rain setting in.

Winger Brynn Harrap, centre Junior Tuitoma, a Year 9 student who stepped up with his team having the bye, and blockbusting second rower Lane Crossley-Price each also notched two tries but coach Mr Kaufusi named rampaging Year 9 front rower Coen Searl as their best, ahead of halfback Sunny Beatson.

Year 8: Shalom 56 (Tom Morcom 2, Taylan Manttan 2, Toby Kelly 2, Ethan Brennan, Dawson Hess, Noah Law, Zander Evans tries; Dawson Hess 7, Sebastyn Brennan goals) d North 4.

Year 10: Shalom 38 (Junior Tuitoma 2, Brynn Harrap 2, Lane Crossley-Price 2, Mitchell Allen, Kyran Barrow tries; Sunny Beatson, Wil Simmons, Dylan Gorman goals) d North 0.

Date Claimers

Tuesday 21 May

Year 7 Camp 1

Year 7 Camp 2

Wednesday 22 May

Year 7 Camp 1

Year 7 Camp 2

Year 7 Camp 3

Thursday 23 May

Year 7 Camp 2

Year 7 Camp 3

Friday 24 May

Year 7 Camp 3

Monday 27 May

Year 7 Camp 4

Winter Sports Sign-ons Year 9-12

Tuesday 28 May

Year 7 Camp 4

Learner Conferences

Romeo and Juliet – Year 10

Winter Sport Sign-ons Year 7 & 8

Wednesday 29 May

Year 7 Camp 4

Year 12 Formal Rehearsal Period 4

Thursday 30 May

Bundaberg Show Holiday

Tuesday 21 May

Year 7 Camp 1

Year 7 Camp 2

Wednesday 22 May

Year 7 Camp 1

Year 7 Camp 2

Year 7 Camp 3

Thursday 23 May

Year 7 Camp 2

Year 7 Camp 3

Friday 24 May

Year 7 Camp 3

Monday 27 May

Year 7 Camp 4

Winter Sports Sign-ons Year 9-12

Tuesday 28 May

Year 7 Camp 4

Learner Conferences

Romeo and Juliet – Year 10

Winter Sport Sign-ons Year 7 & 8

Wednesday 29 May

Year 7 Camp 4

Year 12 Formal Rehearsal Period 4

Thursday 30 May

Bundaberg Show Holiday

Term Dates for 2019

Term 1

29 January – 5 April

Term 2

23 April – 28 June

Term 3

15 July – 20 September

Term 4

8 October – 6 December


Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.

Items include

  • Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
  • Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
  • Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
  • Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc)

Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk

Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.

Tuckshop Roster

21 May

Jeanette Tu

22 May

Help Needed Please

23 May

Jacqueline Read

Merna Cook

24 May

Jeff Freeman

27 May

Help Needed Please

28 May

Help Needed Please

29 May

Help Needed Please

30 May

Bundaberg Show Holiday

31 May

Help Needed Please

21 May

Jeanette Tu

22 May

Help Needed Please

23 May

Jacqueline Read

Merna Cook

24 May

Jeff Freeman

27 May

Help Needed Please

28 May

Help Needed Please

29 May

Help Needed Please

30 May

Bundaberg Show Holiday

31 May

Help Needed Please

Shalom Sunday Markets

New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269

Markets Tuckshop Roster

Sunday 26 May 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Lisa Andreoli

Christine Buwalda- Nicholson

Trish Sellers

9:00am – 12:30pm

Joanne Godfrey

Teresa Cowell

Markets BBQ Roster

Sunday 26 May

Jenny Hawe

Sunday 2 June

Relay for Life
Vince Habermann

Sunday 9 June

Europe Trip
Trish Allen & Penny McKeown

Sunday 16 June

Cane 2 Coral
Vince Habermann

Sunday 23 June

Jenny Hawe

Community Notice Board

Breast Screen Queensland

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.