Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

22 July 2019

Principal’s Reflection

I don’t often get jeered when I give a talk but that happened to me last week. My audiences are usually pretty friendly. Looking back, I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. For various reasons, I ended up on Tuesday afternoon making a verbal submission at a public hearing hosted by the Parliamentary Committee’s inquiry into Aged Care, End-Of-Life and Voluntary Assisted Dying. I was one of 30 that were given three minutes to make a presentation. There was standing room only in the room and all but three of the presentations were largely unreservedly in favour of legalizing VAD (Voluntary Assisted Dying). This is a hugely emotional issue particularly for those who have had to watch loved ones die difficult and painful deaths. It is not a ‘black & white’ issue and, like Tuesday’s meeting, can become very emotionally charged. Whether we like it or not, it is never good to make decisions, let alone law, based on emotional reactions. Personally, I believe that we, as a community, are on very dangerous ground when we choose to take life away – whether that be in war, or abortion or euthanasia. These are not decisions to be taken lightly and there are always contexts to be accounted for and many mitigating circumstances. I was very unpopular in the room on Tuesday after putting forward my presentation. I suspect that many in the Shalom community might not agree with me either. I have attached my talk for your interest below. My hope would be that before Queensland follows Victoria and other jurisdictions around the world and allows people to end their lives, we would make a really concerted effort to improve the quality and access to really good Palliative Care. The Parliamentarians on Tuesday heard that in this region, we have nowhere near enough beds or adequately trained professionals to meet the needs of those in the final stages of their lives. This has to be addressed. Given appropriate access, it should almost be impossible for anyone in Australia to die in pain, but sadly, at the moment, that is not the case. This is a really important issue for our State and I hope that more people will be prepared to have their voices heard on this issue. It goes to the heart of the quality of society we will leave for our children.

Catholic Education Week is next week. Shalom is proudly a Catholic school. The week focuses our attention on why we open the doors every day. Catholic Education is a universal mission of the Church and one of the best outreaches of the Catholic faith. Thanks for being a part of that.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Subject selection of Year 11 subjects 2020

Message for current Year 10 students and parents

Parents of Year 10 students, and the students themselves, are invited to the 2020 Senior Subject Selection Information. This will be held on Tuesday 30 July at 7pm.

The evening will be in two parts:

I shall give a presentation that will explain: the new (2019) arrangements; the implications for students in relation to QCE and ATAR; the subject selection expectations; and subject selection processes.

After the presentation, parents and students will have the opportunity to discuss with Learning Area Coordinators the different subjects offered in Year 11, to assist with decision-making.

Prior to the information evening, Year 10 students will have worked through their Personal Futures day on Friday 26 July. The day is designed to allow students to find out about: a variety of future study and employment pathways; the courses and processes surrounding the new syllabuses; and completion of their Senior Education and Training Plan (SETPlan).

Students will register subject choices online during July and August. Information about the online selection and deadline dates will be communicated at the information evening and during the Personal Futures day.

The information evening is an important part of the careful selection of suitable courses leading to an appropriate program of study for each of our Year 10 students.

I urge you to keep the evening free to allow your attendance.

Ms Katherine Nelson
Assistant Principal – Curriculum

Year 10 and Year 12 End of Semester One Reports

End of Semester One reports for Year 10 and Year 12 will be published to Parent Lounge on Friday 26 July. The reports can be viewed and printed from Parent Lounge by selecting the ‘Academic Reports’ tab on the left. Parents are encouraged to contact teachers directly regarding the End of Semester One Report if they have any queries.

Please also remember that the report card is an indicator of student progress in subjects studied over a semester. More specific details regarding student assessment can be accessed through Parent Lounge.

Parent Lounge

Our teachers work hard to ensure Parent Lounge contains useful and current information. Shalom would like to encourage every parent to regularly log on to Parent Lounge to keep involved with your child’s schooling. If you believe there is an error on Parent Lounge in the due dates, completion of assessment etc, please contact the classroom teacher.

If you need further information about Parent Lounge, feel free to contact me on the email address below.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration

Catholic Education Week

Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal - Mission



Preferred option is Email or Phone Absentee line 41558181

ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.

Year 12 Formal Photos - Shalom College Media Store

New Year 12 parents have received an email from IT with new account details for the Media Store.

Year 12 students have received an email from IT with new account details for the Media Store.

Existing parents should have received an email with their account details (in 2018)

If you can’t find the email or have forgotten your password;

Login into Parent Lounge/ Student Café
Find “Year 12 Formal Photos” in Daily Notices, click on the link
Sign in (using your e-mail address – select “forgotten password” and an e-mail will be sent for you to reset your password if required.
Click on Shop and choose Year 12 Formal 2019

Digital copies are $3 each- no hard copies are available, families can print themselves once they have purchased the digital copy.

Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer


CQU Experience Day

On Wednesday 19 June, 175 Year 10 students from 4 private schools in the region attended the Year 10 CQU Experience Day at the Central Queensland University, Bundaberg Campus. This was by far the biggest Year 10 University Experience to date. Shalom College had a record attendance of almost 70 students who took advantage of the opportunity to explore the university and attend information sessions. The psychology session proved to be the most popular, followed by Accident Forensics and then Nursing. 95.6% of students said that the day was helpful with their decision making for entry into University life.

Work Experience

It’s great to receive positive feedback from parents after their student attends a work experience placement and we wanted to share a recent email.

“We encouraged our son to do work experience as it provides an opportunity to gain practical experience, develop workplace skills and increases his understanding of a particular field, while also getting an insight of what work life is like. It is a great way to sample and explore different career options and jobs, while helping to identify his own skills and highlight the areas he might want to work in.

Being out in the workplace he can see that what he’s studying in school does relate there, while developing key skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication and time management. Hopefully this will help him to be more successful when job hunting . He has been very fortunate that where he has undertaken work experience, they have given him opportunities to take on some interesting tasks and challenging responsibilities.

We really appreciate and thank the local businesses who offer these placements and would recommend work experience to other students and parents who are considering it.”

Work experience is a great opportunity for students to explore their passion and understand what is expected in the workplace, while developing skills outside the classroom. It is also an opportunity to understand what they may need to do to prepare for the future. We would strongly encourage all students to engage in work experience. Please see the Student Work Experience Booklet attached for further information and instruction.

University Open Days

Open Days

27 July

Australian Catholic University, Brisbane

27 July

Bond University Gold Coast

27 July

University of Southern Queensland, Springfield

28 July

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane

QUT (Queensland University of Technology) News

QUT Scholarship Opportunities - Scholarships make a big difference to the lives of students, and there are many scholarships available. Explore QUT Excellence Scholarships (academic and creative industries), Sport Scholarships and Law Founders’ Scholarships, or check out the full range.

Creative Industries Course Updates

Applications for creative industries courses with auditions or portfolios close at 5pm on Friday 20 September. Be aware that entry to double degrees with secondary education and visual arts, music or dance is based on OP/selection rank as well as audition/portfolio. The online course information has been updated with details about this process so students can start preparing.

Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator

SCASA - Term 3 - 2019

Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.


Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.

(Wednesdays is for BDSSS Interschool Sport)

(Fridays are not offered due to student fatigue and early departure for weekends affecting attendance)


SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term.


3.00 pm - School lessons completed.
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at the College tuck shop and set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds)
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at school.


The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for students ( to be placed on the student account - to pay later)

This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two, three or all four afternoons activities.
This is to encourage participation in many SCASA activities.

Activities - see below.



Option 1 - Dance with Geraldine Belluz (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - ABC'S* with Antonio Kaufusi (Oval and Hangar )
Option 3 - OzTag with Erin Mitchell (OzTag Development Officer) (Oval)


Option 1 - Rugby Union with Noel Flowers (QRU Development Officer) (Oval)
Option 2 - Boxing training with Jackson Ramsay (3b'z Fitness) (Hangar)
Option 3 - Netball with Kelli Cory (Hangar or SC)


Option 1 - Cross Country Club with Mat Grills (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - Football/Soccer with Madison Masterman-Smith (Oval)

* ABC'S is for Agility, Balance, coordination and Speed minor games.

Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc. This program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in physical activities after school.

Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below

REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive a online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2. Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections below - so it cannot be selected.

Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities

Family Zone Assistance Stall

Internet Safety

Vinnies School Sleepout

When: Friday 26 July from 4pm to Saturday 27 July 8am

Where: Shalom Sports Centre

What: Homelessness is one of the leading social issues facing Australians each day.

On average over 116,400 people experience some form of homelessness every single day, with over 1.4 million Australians having experienced homelessness within the past10 years.

Shalom students are invited to join the St Vincent de Paul Society QLD to offer a hand up this winter. Vinnies School Sleepout is a fun and interactive way to raise awareness about the issues and effects of homelessness. By taking part in the School Sleepout, you are taking action against the homelessness crisis Australia is facing. This is a great opportunity for students to engage in advocating for change, whilst making a difference to the lives of people in their local community. It also gives students the opportunity to experience what it might be like for someone sleeping rough.

If you are interested in attending this activity, see Mrs Petersen in Student Services for more information.

Mrs Cheryl Petersen
Campus Minister

Quiet Achiever

At our last House Assembly, we recognised Year 7 student, Christina McMahon with a brand new Rice House award. The “True Impi Spirit” Award is for students who go way above and beyond in their efforts for RICE HOUSE. Christina went in every single event that was a part of the Athletics Carnival program - that included races from 100m to 3000m, and every throwing and jumping event. Christina earned Rice an incredible number of points towards our Inter-House Carnival total, but MORE IMPORTANTLY she demonstrated the spirit that we hope every student feels. We are in awe, Christina—your true Shalom Spirit is a wonderful example to us all.

Christina McMahon

Ms Claire Stallard
Rice House Coordinator

Gym Closed Wednesday Afternoons-Term 3

The gym will be closed to students of a Wednesday afternoon for the duration of Term 3. This is due to Oztag, All Schools Touch and Winter Sport commitments for coaches and supervisors. We do encourage students wishing to be active of a Wednesday afternoon to participate in the myriad of sports being offered at Shalom College. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.

Mrs Kim O’Shea-Hard
Assistant Principal Administration – Staff

Shalom Social

First Draft Festival

Attending the Festival costs $5.00 per student and can be paid to the Finance Office.

For more information please talk to Mrs Hume or Miss Davis at school or email them

Miss Wendy Davis/ Mrs Louise Hume
Festival Organisers

Instrumental Music

Pre Eisteddfod concert

The students from Rochford Strings, Foundation and Intermediate concert and jazz bands will be performing tomorrow night in the PAP theatre from 7.00pm. It won’t be a long concert, and the students really need you to support them as they work together as a well drilled team. When players are missing from any team, this affects the whole group who in this case, then have to make up the sound or try to play the notes that are missing.

Bundaberg Groups Eisteddfod

A letter re travel and performance times was sent last week. Please contact me if you didn’t receive the email as I’ve had a couple bounce back. Also contact me if you find the table difficult to follow particularly re travel arrangements. A vast number of students are performing outside school hours and I have therefore requested that they be dropped off or picked up by private transport. Please attend at the performance times on the letter if you can.

QCMF (Queensland Catholic Music Festival)

A letter re travel, accommodation and performance information has been sent to all parents and students. Payments are to be paid through Parent Lounge. The medical information form must be returned before departure. If there is anything that needs further explaining, please do not hesitate to contact me by email.

Primary School music day

On Thursday 20 June, Shalom instrumental music department welcomed 43 young musicians from our Catholic primary schools to join in playing various scores in our fabulous PAP facility. These days are also enjoyed by the students and their tutors and hopefully will stimulate the young musicians to continue their music making when they come to the College for their Secondary Educations. Many thanks to Shalom music tutors and students who helped, Megan Hoban from St Mary’s/St Joseph’s and Kate Hardisty from St Patrick’s.

Music camp 2019

A record 41 students attended the Diocesan music camp this year during the last week of Term 2. All had a fantastic time not only meeting new music friends from various Catholic schools within the Diocese, but staying in the boarding house. The latter is a novelty for our students and they embraced it very well. The students were spread out into all band and string groups as well as choir, learning a number of pieces over the 3 days and playing these works at the camp concert. If you wish to see the concert again, the link can be found on TCC (The Cathedral College) website.

2019 Music Camp


If your child/ren are unable to attend a rehearsal, please send an email to the conductor or to myself and I will forward.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any query in relation to the Instrumental Music Department.

Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator


Table Tennis

State Championships

The 2019 Queensland School Table Tennis Championships were held on 28 June at the Brisbane Table Tennis Centre in Windsor. Braydon Chapman and Liam Bury took Gold in the U15 division whilst Amelia Tu and Tahia Zia also took Gold in their U15 division.

Braydon Chapman and Liam Bury

Amelia Tu and Tahia Zia

National Championships

Congratulations to Tahia Zia, Amelia Tu, Braydon Chapman, Leah Scott and Tayla Scott who recently competed at the National Table Tennis Championships in Woollongong NSW on 7-13 July. All states competed including teams from New Zealand.

Touch Football

Congratulations to these Shalom students who were recently named Bundy Touch rep players of the year 2018/2019 season.

14 Year Girls - Lana Munckton
14 Year Boys - Nick Mason
16 Year Girls - Ella Hagan-Jenkins
16 Year Boys - Jack Ellis


Year 7 student Coco Suosaari recently travelled to the USA to dance, her results are listed below.

‘Radix USA Nationals’

  • 5th highest scoring junior solo
  • GTB Senior Australian Team received 3rd place overall teen lyrical group

‘KAR USA Nationals’

  • 1st in Modern Solo
  • 2nd in Jazz
  • 3rd in contemporary and lyrical
  • 5th Runner Up Miss Teen Dance
  • GTB Australian Senior Group Awarded 1st Highest Scoring Elite Teen Group

‘ATOD International Awards’

Dance Exams and Syllabus

  • 1st in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hiphop, Lyrical and Contemporary
  • Gold medals for Ballet,Tap and Jazz Syllabus Solos
  • Most Outstanding Performer
  • Most Promising Performer
  • Student Aggregate Highest Scoring Points winning her a trip to Thailand to perform there next year

Amazing results Coco !!!

Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities

Gardening Club

Sustainable Garden Club

Does growing plants interest you?
Are you concerned about the environment?
Would you like to learn to turn rubbish into soil?
Does building worm farms and insect habitats sound interesting to you?

If this sounds like something you’d like to be involved in, come over and chat to Mrs Bishop, Teacher Assistant at Student Services. In Term 3 the Sustainable Garden Club will be a new club every Tuesday during the whole lunch break.

Be part of caring for the environment.
Be the change you want to see!

Mrs Kay Bishop
Teacher Assistant

Uniform Shop

Navy Jackets

Thank you Students and Parents for your patience regarding the Navy Jackets. We now have in stock size 10 – size 20.

Payment options include: - Cash, Eftpos or Credit Card via phone.

Students will be emailed when their uniform is available for collection.

All enquiries please call Leanne on 41 558 121 at the Uniform Shop.

Dental Van

Message from Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service – Mobile dental van coming to Shalom

The Mobile Dental Clinic will be starting at Shalom College in about three weeks’ time. The School Dental Service will be offering a free dental examination and dental treatment to all students that return their offer of Treatment form to the allocated return box at Student Reception. All forms must be completed in ink. Once the form is returned an administration officer (from Bundaberg School dental service) will send the parent/legal guardian a contact letter to arrange an appointment.

Please note: A PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST ATTEND the first appointment as the way this service is delivered has changed.

Your student will be provided with a dental form (handed out during PC) in the next few days.

Note from Shalom College: Students and guardians, to avoid unexplained absence from class alerts, please notify Shalom prior to each appointment in the manner you would any other appointment, dental van staff will not communicate to the school regarding student appointments. Students are required to report to Student reception before and after each appointment.

Date Claimers

Tuesday 23 July

Pre – Group Eisteddfod Concert

Friday 26 July

Year 10 and 12 Reports Issued

Year 10 Personal Futures Day

Monday 29 July

Catholic Education Week

Tuesday 30 July

Catholic Education Week

Bundaberg “Groups” Eisteddfod

(Moncrieff Theatre)

National Chemistry Quiz

2020 Senior Subject Selection

Information Evening

Wednesday 31 July

Catholic Education Week

Bundaberg “Groups” Eisteddfod

(Moncrieff Theatre)

Winter Sport – Week 1

Thursday 1 August

Catholic Education Week

Bundaberg “Groups” Eisteddfod

(Moncrieff Theatre)

Australian Mathematics Competition

Vicki Wilson Regional Finals

– Northern District (Hervey Bay)

Friday 2 August

BDSSS 13-19 yrs T&F Pre-Events

Catholic Education Week

Sunday 4 August

Bundaberg Sugar Cane2Coral Fun Run

Monday 5 August

BDSSS 13-19 yrs T&F

Year 10 Set Plan Interviews

Term Dates for 2019

Term 1

29 January – 5 April

Term 2

23 April – 28 June

Term 3

15 July – 20 September

Term 4

8 October – 6 December


Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.

Items include

Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc)

Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk

Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.

Tuckshop Roster

Tuesday 23 July

Help Needed Please

Wednesday 24 July

Help Needed Please

Thursday 25 July

Jacqueline Read

Merna Cook

Friday 26 July

Help Needed Please

Monday 29 July

Help Needed Please

Tuesday 30 July

Help Needed Please

Wednesday 31 July

Help Needed Please

Thursday 1 August

Merna Cook

Melanie Forey

Friday 2 August

Help Needed Please

Monday 5 August

Bethany Swadling

Shalom Sunday Markets

New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269

Markets Tuckshop Roster

We are in need of more volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop, if you are available to help out please contact Leanne via email –

Sunday 28 July 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Tracey Clarke

9:00am – 12:30pm

Neil Hibberd

Jo Medcalf

Nadia Tairawhiti

Sunday 4 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Kath Clarke

Meagan Dorgan

Danielle Morrish

Gabrielle Norman

Helen Robinson

9:00am – 12:30pm

Michelle Haase

Tennille Nagas

Maryanne Taylor

Sunday 11 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Lisa Hughes

Roselyn Hunting

Susie Mant

9:00am – 12:30pm

Emma Jansen

Jas Haster

Rebecca Schneider

Marie Walker

Sunday 18 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Carol Barrazza

Lisa Christensen

Brenda Jay

9:00am – 12:30pm

Chris Dennien

Maria McMahon

Jacqueline Read

Sue Sargent

Sunday 25 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Kate Rehbein

Craig Warner

9:00am – 12:30pm

Brendan/Astrid Clancy

Jo Medcalf

John Pappalardo

Vicki Saffioti

Tracey Shears

Sunday 28 July 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Tracey Clarke

9:00am – 12:30pm

Neil Hibberd

Jo Medcalf

Nadia Tairawhiti

Sunday 4 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Kath Clarke

Meagan Dorgan

Danielle Morrish

Gabrielle Norman

Helen Robinson

9:00am – 12:30pm

Michelle Haase

Tennille Nagas

Maryanne Taylor

Sunday 11 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Lisa Hughes

Roselyn Hunting

Susie Mant

9:00am – 12:30pm

Emma Jansen

Jas Haster

Rebecca Schneider

Marie Walker

Sunday 18 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Carol Barrazza

Lisa Christensen

Brenda Jay

9:00am – 12:30pm

Chris Dennien

Maria McMahon

Jacqueline Read

Sue Sargent

Sunday 25 August 2019

6:00am – 9:30am

Kate Rehbein

Craig Warner

9:00am – 12:30pm

Brendan/Astrid Clancy

Jo Medcalf

John Pappalardo

Vicki Saffioti

Tracey Shears

Markets BBQ Roster

Sunday 28 July

Edmund Rice Camp

Mary Taylor

Sunday 4 August

Shalom Rowing

Gretta Waters

Sunday 11 August

Duke of Edinburgh

Debbie Bishop

Sunday 18 August

Edmund Rice Camp

Mary Taylor

Sunday 25 August

NET Team

Vince Habermann

Sunday 1 September

Blanket Buddies

B Donovan

Sunday 8 September

East Bundaberg Rotary

David Baldry

Community Notice Board

Help Sienna Fight Leukaemia

Moore Park Beach Scout Group family is asking the community to come together to raise funds for beautiful young Sienna as she fights for her life against Leukaemia. All proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to Sienna and her family.

Saturday 27 July 2019

Moore Park Beach Community Hall

Commencing at 1:00pm
Rides (2:00pm – 5:00pm), raffles, sausage sizzle, cold drinks & a movie followed by fireworks.
Admission: $10 per Child, unlimited rides and movie ticket.
$5 per person for general admission and movie ticket.

Catholic Parish Bulletin

Breast Screen Queensland

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.