12 August 2019
Principal’s Reflection
Principal’s Reflection
For all of us long-suffering supporters of the Wallaby’s, Saturday night’s win against the All Blacks was a real treat. Even better that they were able to play as well as they did in the ‘post Israel Falou’ era. Israel has given us plenty to think about this year beyond his Rugby – freedom of religion, freedom of expression, contract law. All of this following his social media post where he claimed that most of us are headed for Hell. In that post, Israel listed a range of sins and human failings and claimed that anyone guilty of these and who did not repent, would burn in Hell. In fairness, the fact that he included Homosexuality in the list, probably attracted the most attention. Beyond the original post, the aspect of this episode that offended me most was that there were many, like Alan Jones on 2GB, in defending Israel’s right to say what he did, argued that he was just quoting Scripture and that all Christians would support him. I find that really offensive. I profess to be Christian and I have a passing interest in Scripture. I find Israel’s interpretation of Scripture to really lack any serious scholarship. I do not want to be grouped, as a Christian, with an interpretation of Scripture that would permit someone to treat others disrespectfully or stand in judgement on them. Last week this issue was inflamed by the actions of Israel’s cousin, Josiah, who was employed at a Catholic school in Sydney and described the Catholic Church as “the synagogue of Satan”. Reportedly, he went on to say, “Look at Catholic doctrine, almost 100 per cent of it is false and is filled with lies,” Josiah wrote. “The blasphemous Catholic Mass is a paganistic ritual rooted in hearsay, evil and devil worship. Roman Catholicism is masked devil worship.”
It would just make God weep to see those who say they want to embrace the teaching and life and inspiration of Jesus not be able to sit with each other and find what is common rather than focus on differences. Sr Joan Chittister, Benedictine nun and author said, “Beware the religion that turns you against another one. It's unlikely that it's really religion at all.”
I have no doubt that both Israel & Josiah are really good men and love God. I hope that in their study of scripture that they spend as much time reflecting on The Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Prodigal Son as they do studying the Old Testament texts of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
External Exams will be a part of life for us all in 2020. The introduction of external assessment in General subjects is a key feature of the new QCE system. To give school communities a sense of what external assessment will be like, the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) has published sample papers on its website at the link below:
They're located in the Assessment tab on each syllabus page.
We will incorporate these sample resources in our teaching and learning program to help our students prepare for next year. In the meantime, students and parents are encouraged to view the sample papers. An information sheet for parents and students is also available on the QCAA website.
Relay for Life saw well over 100 Shalom students join thousands of other Bundaberg community members at the Showgrounds last weekend. It is great to see so many young people prepared to give their time and energy for a wonderful cause – one that touches so many of us. Very grateful for the staff who gave their time to make this event happen especially coordinators, Mr Vince Habberman and Ms Cheryl Peterson.
Remember to Invite all Grandparents to Shalom Day on August 22. Our Liturgy will commence at 10am and will be followed by Morning Tea.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Shalom Day
- Absentees
- First Draft Festival – 9 August
- Shalom College on Instagram
- Year 12 Formal Photos - Shalom College Media Store
- Pathways
- Internet Safety
- Quiet Achiever
- Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award – Practice Adventurous Journey
- Science Week
- UQ Pokémon Seminar
- Gym Closed Wednesday Afternoons-Term 3
- Shalom Social
- Queensland Team Selection - Cycling
- Equestrian
- Shalom Tennis Success - Qld Secondary School Teams Tennis Regional Finals
- BDSSS Athletics Carnival
- Winter Sport
- Uniform Shop
- Date Claimers
- Term Dates for 2019
- Breakfast
- Tuckshop Roster
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Shalom Day
Shalom Day is on Thursday 22 August. Have you asked your grandparents to come along? The arrangements for the day have changed as Bishop Michael is keen to attend. The Liturgy, that grandparents are invited to, will now be at 10 am. This will be followed by Morning Tea and the Jazz Band performing their favourite pieces.
Students are able to wear free dress for the day as there will be no classes. We ask that everyone bring a gold coin for the privilege and this money will go to charities and causes decided by each House. Appropriate dress please – no short shorts, crop tops or singlet tops. Closed in shoes need to be worn also.
Program for Shalom Day
8:40 to 9:50 |
House Dance Practice |
10:00 to 11:00 |
Liturgy followed by plaque presentations for long serving staff |
11:00 to 11:30 |
Distribution of Cake then tuckshop will be open and we will be entertained by the Jazz Band. |
11:30 to 12:30 |
Shalom’s Got Talent |
12:30 to 1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00 to 1:50 |
Rehearse dance in House areas |
1:55 to 2:50 |
Dance Competition |
Date changes
Due to changes that had to be made within our academic program we have moved the date of our Academic Awards evening to Wednesday 13 November.
The Year 12 Graduation Liturgy and Morning Tea is as stated in the calendar, Thursday 14 November. Traditionally we have started the Liturgy at 9am but this year we will commence at 10 am, followed by a Morning Tea in the Performing Arts Precinct.
The Year 9 and 10 Reflection Days, with David and Katie Kobler from Choicez, are now on 4 and 5 September and the Parent Information Night is Wednesday 4 September. Year 10 will attend on 4 September and Year 9 on 5 September.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
First Draft Festival – 9 August
Shalom’s First Draft Festival was held on Friday with just over 90 students participating in a full day of author talks and interactive workshops with four wonderful visiting authors.
We were extremely fortunate to be visited by writers, AJ Betts, Kate McCaffrey, Rachel Noble and Glenn Ryan who were extremely generous in sharing their stories of their own writing journeys to becoming published authors.
AJ, Kate, Rachel and Glenn also asked our students to try some creative writing activities during their sessions, and gave wonderful advice and tips for improving their writing. Students also had the opportunity to ask questions of the authors and it was fantastic to hear so many insightful thoughts and ideas flowing back and forth. The day flew by which we all know is the sign of fun being had!
Finally, we also announced the winners of the First Draft Writing Competition.
The winners for 2019 are:
Year 7-9 Poem – Nicholas McMahon
Year 7-9 Short Story – Lucy Alcorn
Year 10-12 Poem – Bella Little
Year 10-12 Short Story – Hannah Hayes
Congratulations to those students and to all the students from years 7 -12 who entered their writing in the competition. Well done! It was very difficult for our judge, Jaala Beauchamp, Youth Services Librarian at Bundaberg Regional Libraries to choose the winners.
Huge thank you and rounds of applause to the following:
Bundaberg Regional Libraries and Dymocks Bundaberg for providing the prizes (books and gift vouchers) for the writing competition.
Shalom College’s P and F for supporting the First Draft Festival, in particular in assisting us to bring the authors to Bundaberg for the day.
Mr Brown for supervising students and attending sessions with our students during the day.
Administration and Finance staff for assisting with the behind scenes set up, marking of rolls and keeping track of attending students
AV and IT staff for helping us to make sure all the presentations were ready to go in the Theatre, Loyola and Beerarlem.
AV staff for interviewing and filming during the day
The staff in the tuckshop for keeping our authors well fed
The Gappies who assisted with set up the day before the Festival
Special shoutout to AJ Vaschina for her willing help and generous assistance over the last few weeks
And last but not least, thank you to Kim Toll for her organisation and attention to every detail, ensuring that the day ran smoothly and successfully.
Our authors with First Draft Festival students
Year 8 Students with AJ Betts
Miss Wendy Davis and Ms Louise Hume
Shalom College on Instagram
Shalom College is now on Instagram!
Make sure you follow our page to stay up to date.
Year 12 Formal Photos - Shalom College Media Store
New Year 12 parents have received an email from IT with new account details for the Media Store.
Year 12 students have received an email from IT with new account details for the Media Store.
Existing parents should have received an email with their account details (in 2018)
If you can not find the email or have forgotten your password ;
- Login into Parent Lounge/ Student Café
- Find “Year 12 Formal Photos” in Daily Notices, click on the link
- Sign in (using your e-mail address – select “forgotten password” and an e-mail will be sent for you to reset your password if required.
- Click on Shop
- And choose Year 12 Formal 2019
Digital copies are $3 each- no hard copies are available, families can print themselves once they have purchased the digital copy.
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
Year 12 QTAC Information Session
Year 12’s please mark this very important date in your calendar. QTAC specialist staff will conduct an information session at Shalom, designed particularly for Year 12 students and their parents. The presentation will be held at 3.30pm on Monday 19 August in the Performing Arts Theatre. Year 12 students considering a tertiary pathway should make this a priority to attend.
Topics will include:
- How to apply through QTAC
- Entry requirements
- Ordering preferences
- Pathways
- Important dates and deadlines
- EAS scheme
- Adjustment factors
- For further information see the QTAC website https://www.qtac.edu.au/
The Rise of Female Tradies
When thinking of mechanics, carpenters or electricians, many of us will find ourselves picturing well-built men sporting coveralls and work belts, which isn’t surprising considering that women account for just around 2% of tradespeople in Australia.
But although men still greatly outnumber women in most skilled trades jobs, the number of female tradies has been slowly rising in recent years, which is a good thing not just for women, but for Australia’s economic growth too.
Local employment organisation East Coast Apprenticeships are working towards addressing this issue with their ‘Females in Trades’ mentorship program. See more information at the following link.
Shalom is very proud of our own ‘Tradie Lady’, Delvina Stewart who graduated in 2018 and is now completing her full time Certificate III Engineering Apprenticeship.
Below is a link to some interesting facts, resources, information and tips for making it as female tradie in a male dominated industry.
Delvina Stewart
ADFA Open Day VIP Experience Winner
Year 11 student, Jack Brophy, has won an Australia wide competition in the ultimate Australian Defence Force Academy Open Day VIP Experience in Canberra on 23-24 August. With over 3,800 entries, Jack was chosen as one of the lucky three winners.
As part of the jam-packed prize, Jack will tour UNSW Canberra’s world-class facilities, fire a weapon on an indoor simulation range, take a ride in a military helicopter, view various aerial displays, spend one-on-one time with ADFA students, get his hands on ADF equipment as well as lots of other amazing activities.
Jack Brophy
Congratulations Jack, we hope you have a fantastic time and enjoy this incredible experience!
University News
Open Days |
16 Aug |
Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour |
17 Aug |
Southern Cross University, Lismore |
18 Aug |
Southern Cross University, Gold Coast https://www.scu.edu.au/openday/ |
18 Aug |
International College of Hotel Management, Adelaide https://www.ichm.edu.au/ |
18 Aug |
University of Queensland, Gatton https://future-students.uq.edu.au/open-day |
18 Aug |
University of Southern Queensland https://www.usq.edu.au/events/2019/07/usq-open-days-2019/toowoomba-open-day |
Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator
Internet Safety
Quiet Achiever
Emilie Petts
Emilie Petts
Our Chisholm Quiet Achiever this week is Year 7 student Emilie Petts. Emilie is a delightful student with a desire to do her very best in everything she does. Apart from excellent academic results, she has supported all events as a house member. Emilie’s musical endeavours are clearly impressive, including her recent attendance as a musical ‘buddy’ at a local primary school music camp. Talented, kind and modest, we are proud to have Emilie as an integral teammate in Chisholm House.
Mr Aaron Brown
Chisholm House Coordinator
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award – Practice Adventurous Journey
On the first weekend in August, 4 shalom students from years 9 & 10 joined with 4 Kepnock SHS students to complete their practice Adventurous journey.
The journey started early Saturday morning with students setting up their campsite by the river at Chaverim Outdoor Education and Environment Centre.
Students had to erect tents and set up cooking areas. Saturday afternoon was spent on the river learning important canoeing skills such as paddling skills and righting a capsized canoe.
Saturday night participants worked in pairs to cook their evening meal on trangias before settling in around a roaring campfire of their own making. A big thank you to Mr Adrian Stallard for his tuition on building fires and his generous supply of firewood. Roasting marshmallows and making smores ended the day perfectly.
Sunday morning found students up bright and early to cook a hearty breakfast and pack up the camping site before heading off up the river. An 8 km canoe up the Burnet River was on the agenda. Beautiful weather made for a lovely day with a well-earned lunchbreak at the halfway point. The trip back was a little harder with a slight headwind against us for most of the way.
Students departed for home at 3pm weary but looking forward to completing their final Adventurous journey in early October at Monduran Dam. A big thank you also to Janet Lindsay, our volunteer award leader and canoeing instructor. Without her the program would not be possible.
Mrs Debbie Bishop
Duke of Ed Co-ordinator
Science Week
Let us Celebrate…..
National Science Week is the annual opportunity for Australians from all walks of life to meet scientists, do science, discuss the hot topics and celebrate discoveries.
Students will have the opportunity to celebrate National Science Week from 10 to 18 August.
At school we will be running “Brain Break” activities for students which include:
- The opportunity to test their science general knowledge daily for great Science prizes
- A brain break activity on Wednesday in which students can create their own edible biscuit cell. Who will create the best model?
For all community members:
Pokémon™ - are they biologically possible?
16 August 2019 4-5pm
The weird and whimsical world of Pokémon™ is filled with colourful, animated characters, many of which draw inspiration from animals and plants of the natural world. Through a comparison of anatomy and physiology, we will be challenged to identify the living representatives of certain Pokémon™, and determine if they are biologically possible.
About the presenter
Dr Gurion Ang is a teaching-focussed Associate Lecturer with the UQ School of Biological Sciences.
For more information about other events and activities on offer, visit the National Science Week website via the link below:
Mrs Larissa Scoles
Learning Area Coordinator Science (Senior)
UQ Pokémon Seminar
Gym Closed Wednesday Afternoons-Term 3
The gym will be closed to students of a Wednesday afternoon for the duration of Term 3. This is due to Oztag, All Schools Touch and Winter Sport commitments for coaches and supervisors. We do encourage students wishing to be active of a Wednesday afternoon to participate in the myriad of sports being offered at Shalom College. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Mrs Kim O’Shea-Hard
Assistant Principal Administration – Staff
Shalom Social
Queensland Team Selection - Cycling
Brody Allison
Brody Allison
Brody Allison has been selected in the QLD Junior Road Cycling team to compete at the National titles in September. Brody was one of five riders selected in the Under 17 team and the only rider from outside of Brisbane.
Brody will compete in the Individual Time trial and the Criterion at the event to be held on the Gold Coast.
Brody was also invited into the QAS Junior Sprint Track Squad, this squad works with Queensland’s best Sprint Track Athlete’s. Brody has already completed his first training camp and will travel to Brisbane monthly for this training.
Congratulations Brody!!!
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Year 8 student Tori Bowden competed at the Show Horse Council QLD – QLD Country Hack Championships in Toowoomba on 26-28 July. Tori had achievements on both of her horses throughout the duration of the Championships.
Tori and Arinlea Classic Composer (Stan)
- Champion Preliminary Large Pony
- 1st place - Amateur Owner Open Large Pony
- 2nd place - Childs Large Pony (Qualified for Grand Nationals 2020 in Sydney)
Tori and Alpine Park Extravaganza (Zac)
- 5th place – Childs Large Galloway
- 5th place - Intermediate rider 12-u/15
- Top 10 Open Large Galloway
Tori and Stan
Tori and Zac
Congratulations Tori !
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Shalom Tennis Success - Qld Secondary School Teams Tennis Regional Finals
This year, Shalom entered three boy’s teams and one girl’s team to compete in the Regional Finals of the Qld Secondary School Tennis Teams competition at Rotary Park in Bundaberg.
The girl’s team of Frances Corpe, Katie Maher, Poppy Loeskow and Sophie Maher were crowned the Regional champions by default, which was a little disappointing for the girls who were keen for a game, but good news and a credit to our school for having four players of quality to represent Shalom.
This left the three boy’s teams to battle it out with other Wide Bay schools on 5 August in order to become Wide Bay Regional champions. Shalom Red did exceptionally well on the day with the team of Hamish Corpe, Zain Ali, Lachlan Campbell and Nicholas Whitelum (pictured below) winning their division to qualify for the State Finals.
Mr Maher, Nicholas Whitelum, Zain Ali, Lachlan Campbell and Hamish Corpe
The Shalom Black team of Lachlan Royan, Joshua Parry, Ty Rushton and Reece Davies finished fourth while the Shalom White team of Laurin Roser, Tye Harbourne, Mithrran Karthick and Jacob O’Brien finished fifth. With almost all these players in Year 7 and 8, the future looks bright for Shalom tennis. The quality of tennis played as well as the competitive and sportsmanlike conduct that our players displayed on the day made our school proud.
The contest between Shalom Red and a strong St James’ Lutheran from Hervey Bay was a highlight of the day, with the winner of these closely-matched schools to be crowned champions. With Shalom 2 rubbers to 1 down, our prospects looked grim until a never-say-die effort from Nicholas ‘Houdini’ Whitelum, saving four match points before winning his singles, put the teams back on even terms. Impressive singles wins by Zain Ali and Lachlan Campbell sealed the title for Shalom – a fantastic effort. Once again, Shalom was led by the inspirational and very talented Hamish Corpe who continues to demonstrate why he is one of the top players on the tennis tour.
The Shalom Red boys and the Shalom girl’s team will go to the State Titles in Rockhampton on the 19-20 September to take on the best of the schools from all over Queensland – always a fun trip. Good luck to these players!
Tennis is a sport you can play for life. If you are interested in knowing more about tennis, from beginners to advanced players, please contact Mr Maher. All are very welcome.
Mr Brendan Maher
Shalom Tennis Coach
BDSSS Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to all our Shalom College athletes that contributed to us winning the Overall Champion School in both Junior and Senior School divisions at BDSSS Athletics Carnival last week. Congratulations to Kharla Hills and Thomas Morcom for earning Age Champions. What a great 2 days of Athletics!! Congratulations and thank you to Mr Gills for all his hard work and many hours in preparation and organisation for our Shalom athletes to participate in the BDSSS Athletics Carnival.
Paige Hogan, Matthew |
Paige Hogan and |
Taylor Driver and |
Thomas Morcom |
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Winter Sport
Ten Pin Bowling
Shalom is off to a great start with 2 teams playing in the junior winter fixtures. Teams are displaying great sportsmanship as they take on the challenge against other high schools. Some standout scores so far are:
- Week 1: Jackson Rand with a top score of 96 pins followed closely by Max Hore on 86 pins and Jack Meissner on 83 pins.
- Week 2: Ricky Holt with a top score of 101 pins in his second game followed by Max Hore with a second game of 83pins.
Keep up the good work boys.
Max Hore, Jack Meissner, Ricky Holt, Adam Beveridge, Jackson Rand & Seth Gayton. Absent - Nicholas McMahon
Mrs Debbie Bishop
Ten Pin Bowling Coordinator
Shalom Open Red
On a very rainy afternoon the girls fought a tough battle against St Lukes Blue and although leading for most of the match, ended tying 17-17 when St Lukes scored a goal with less than 30 seconds to go.
MVP Kendal Dodd
Mrs Julia Fox
Shalom 9 Red
The Shalom 9 Red Netball team won against BSHS 36 – 1 on Wednesday.
MVP Angel Cory
Mrs Melinda Pearson
Shalom 7 Blue
Despite the rainy conditions, last Wednesday, Shalom 7 Blue Netball Team displayed a positive team effort to take the win 12-11 against Shalom 7 Red Netball Team. It was a close competition with both teams showing great skill and determination. Congratulations go to the following team members who under pressure, kept their cool and scored goals: Rylee Lavaring, Summer Woods, Maya McCrystal and Kendall Ace. Isabella Howard showed great defence with a commitment to block passes and the energy of Lily Austin and Georgie Stephenson playing centre, gave the other team plenty of reasons to keep up the pace. Well done to all of the girls!
Mrs Justine Blinco
Years 7/8
- Girls- Bye
- Boys (Shalom team 1)- 3-0 VS BCC, Shalom Win.
- Boys (Shalom team 2)- Game 1: 9-0 VS BSHS, Shalom Win.
Game 2: Gin Gin SHS forfeit, Shalom Win.
Years 9/10
- Girls- Forfeit (pulled out of the competition)
- Boys- Bye
- Girls- 3-1 VS North SHS, Shalom Loss.
- Boys- 2-1 VS Kepnock SHS, Shalom Win.
Shalom Black
A very depleted Shalom Black team took on Kepnock SHS this week in a shortened 30 minute game due to the rain. To the team’s credit, they did not let the fact that the majority of the team this week consisted of Year 7’s. The smallest member of the team, Ruby Smith, performed very strongly in defence alongside her older brother Ben. Shalom Black opened the scoring with a cracking Goal from this week’s MVP Ryley Stevens. All members of the team gave their all. William Canniford (goalie) was peppered with many shots, but foiled all opposition attacking opportunities bar one. Shalom Black drew 1-1 with Kepnock SHS. Well done Shalom Black.
Our Shalom Hockey Teams
Ms Sue Kendall
Years 7/8 Boys
Week 1 - 31 July
Shalom 57 defeated BCC A 9.
All players contributed very well, with great positional play and support in both attack and defence.
Week 2 - 7 August
Shalom 42 defeated BCC B 18.
Despite only having five players, and a distinct size disadvantage, Shalom played very well. Thomas Parton and Dillon Zielke were key in providing support and options throughout the game; Keenan Mullaney defended well with some incisive attacking raids; Bryce Sewell was aggressive under the net and secured the ball to score many points; while Flynn Barber was consistently strong in both attack and defence.
Mr Troy Braund
Uniform Shop
Girls Socks
All girls socks are now in stock and are $8.50 per pair.
Appointments are now open for Year 9 girls to be fitted for their Senior Formal Uniform, please book online via the link below.
Payment options include: - Cash, Eftpos or Credit Card via phone.
Students will be emailed when their uniform is available for collection.
All enquiries please call Leanne on 41 558 121 at the Uniform Shop.
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Manager
Date Claimers
Tuesday 13 August |
BDPSS 10-12 yrs Boys Cricket Trials Year 10 Set Plan Interviews Year 11 Leadership Day 2 |
Wednesday 14 August |
Year 10 Set Plan Interviews Winter Sport – Week 3 |
Thursday 15 August |
Year 10 Set Plan Interviews |
Friday 16 August |
Year 10 Set Plan Interviews Queensland Catholic Music Festival (Villanova College Brisbane) |
Saturday 17 August |
Queensland Catholic Music Festival (Villanova College Brisbane) |
Sunday 18 August |
Queensland Catholic Music Festival (Villanova College Brisbane) |
Monday 19 August |
QTAC Year 12 Information Session BDPSS 10-12yrs Boys Cricket Trials |
Tuesday 20 August |
2020 Middle School Subject Selection Information Evening |
Wednesday 21 August |
Winter Sport – Week 4 |
Thursday 22 August |
Shalom Day |
Friday 23 August |
Saturday 24 August |
Regional Opti-MINDS at Shalom |
Term Dates for 2019
Term 1 |
29 January – 5 April |
Term 2 |
23 April – 28 June |
Term 3 |
15 July – 20 September |
Term 4 |
8 October – 6 December |
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include:
- Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
- Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
- Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
- Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Tuckshop Roster
Tuesday 13 August |
Cathy Duffield |
Wednesday 14 August |
Katrina McCallum |
Thursday 15 August |
Help Needed Please Merna Cook |
Friday 16 August |
Kylie Jarvis Nereda Torok |
Monday 19 August |
Mila Robertson |
Tuesday 20 August |
Jeanette Tu |
Wednesday 21 August |
Help Needed Please |
Thursday 22 August |
Merna Cook Jacqueline Read |
Friday 23 August |
Help Needed Please |
Monday 26 August |
Help Needed Please |
Tuesday 27 August |
Help Needed Please |
Shalom Sunday Markets
New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269
Markets Tuckshop Roster
We are in need of more volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop, if you are available to help out please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 18 August 2019 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Carol Barrazza Lisa Christensen Brenda Jay |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Chris Dennien Maria McMahon Jacqueline Read Sue Sargent |
Sunday 25 August 2019 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Kate Rehbein Craig Warner |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Brendan/Astrid Clancy Jo Medcalf John Pappalardo Vicki Saffioti Tracey Shears |
Sunday 1 September 2019 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Andrew Lucht Janelle Test |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Sharon Anderson Katumaree Nabnili |
Sunday 8 September 2019 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Mary Buchanan Helen/Matthew Mader Cassie Savage Steven Schiffke |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Katie Davis Patricia Rochford |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 18 August |
Edmund Rice Camp Mary Taylor |
Sunday 25 August |
NET Team Vince Habermann |
Sunday 1 September |
Blanket Buddies B Donovan |
Sunday 8 September |
East Bundaberg Rotary David Baldry |
Sunday 15 September |
Shalom Cricket Vince Habermann |
Sunday 22 September |
NET Team - Ken Thompson Vince Habermann |
Sunday 29 September |
Edmund Rice Camp Mary Taylor |
Sunday 6 October |
St Joseph's P & F Gemma Bush |
Community Notice Board
Youth Group
Catholic Parish Bulletin
Breast Screen Queensland
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.