Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

3 February 2020

Principal’s Reflection

We all love Christmas. The holidays, the presents, the meals, the family gatherings. Christmas is that but much more. We celebrated the birth of Jesus the Christ who brought so much promise to the world. Christmas day is one day. The ‘work of Christmas’, if we are up for a challenge, goes on every day.

Week 1 is now behind us and things will get really busy very quickly. It was a privilege to welcome so many new faces to the College. 273 energetic Year 7 students arrived last Tuesday along with 45 other new students from Years 8-12. Thirteen new members of the teaching staff got under way along with two new support staff and thirteen ‘Gappies’. We will continue to do all that we can to make all of these new members of the Shalom community feel very welcome. We didn’t get a chance to farewell two very long serving members of staff at the end of the year as they both made late decisions to retire from Shalom. We are very grateful to both Mr Tony Hutchins and Mrs Janeen James for their very committed service to the young people of Shalom over many years and wish them every success and happiness in the next phase of their lives.

Pick Up After School

Both car parks have been very busy last week. I hope that more families will decide that making use of the bus routes will be easier than queuing in our carparks which will assist in easing congestion. If parents use the carpark off Br Hogan drive, please be aware that it is not permissible to wait for students on the other side of the drive. Please use the designated pick up area in the carpark. For those using the Eggmolesse St carpark, we are trying to make that a little more user friendly and would ask everyone to be patient and to allow alternate merging from the right to allow everyone to exit the carpark in a timely manner.

Australia Day Honours

It was a real pleasure to win the ‘Best Community Event for 2019’ on Australia Day for the Confraternity Netball & Rugby League Carnival that the College hosted in July last year. So much work went into that and it was carried on the backs of so many volunteers and supporters. The Carnival brought 1500 students into Bundaberg and about as many families and coaching staff. It was a great economic boom for Bundy. I am very grateful particularly to Ms Melinda Pearson and Mr Simon Gills who coordinated both carnivals.

Confro Organizing Committee members Antonio Castro, Vince Habberman, Dan McMahon, Melinda Pearson & David Batt MLA

Also on Australia Day it was wonderful to see recognized, Simon Rathbone (2018 Senior & 2019 Gap Year staff member) acknowledged as Bundaberg’s ‘Young Australian of the Year’ in recognition for all the effort Simon has put into community events like Headspace, Relay for Life and Sport. Australia Day also saw Reshma Ruban (Lingiari Year 11) and Rose Jose (McAulay 2019 Senior and off to study Medicine at JCU) welcomed as Australian citizens.

Vince Habberman, Simon Rathbone, Reshma Ruban, Rose Jose and Dan McMahon

School TV

School TV is a great product that is provided for Shalom Parents by our P&F. It has so many great clips and information for parents. The link to this website is on the College homepage. Please make sure you have a look at this. Under their ‘Special Reports’ tab, there is some excellent information on ‘Moving to a New School’.

Making new friends, learning new routines, discovering new environments, accepting new cultures and adjusting to new learning practices is all part of the process. Some children will sail through this period of change, whilst others may need a bit more guidance. It is important to give your child the chance to feel comfortable in their new space. This may take a few months, but ensure you keep the lines of communication open and check in regularly with your child to see how they are settling in.

In this Special Report, parents and care givers will be presented with a number of strategies that can be deployed to help ensure a smooth transition. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.

Parent Start of Year Checklist

Last week all families received a text message from the School with a link to Parent Lounge.

Thank you to those families who have already responded to this. We still have many students outstanding so could you please login to Parent Lounge? Once in Parent Lounge, please go to Parent Details, Emergency Contacts and Medical Details and update any information as required. Once completed, please go to Tours and Excursions and accept the following:

I have checked my Parent Details
I have checked the Emergency Details for my child
I have checked the Student Medical Details for my child
I have read and agree to the ICT Code of Practice
I have read and agree to the Activities and Excursion Permission

The ICT and Activities and Excursion Permission will need to be read and accepted for each Student attending the college and I urge you to attend to this as soon as possible. If these are not accepted, your student/s MAY NOT be able to use their devices at school or participate in Activities or Excursions.

Parent Volunteers

We are enormously grateful for parents who are able to offer some time to support the Shalom Parents & Friends Association in their endeavours this year. It would be greatly appreciated if you could volunteer a small amount of your time in 2020, please see link to Google form below. A big thank you to those parents who have previously volunteered and we ask that you fill out the form below if you would like to continue to volunteer in 2020.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Student Welfare and Information

Student Information

A warm welcome back to school to everyone but a particular welcome to our Year 7 parents with their first child in the school, our Year 7s and a special welcome to the parents and students who have joined the Shalom community in Years 8 - 12.

I hope the first week has gone well particularly for the Year 7 students. I know their Year 12 buddies have been working alongside them guiding them through the first week.

The Year 12 students are in the process of working out some Inter-House activities for the junior grades and then the senior grades – these will be undertaken in some lunch breaks.


A number of young men in Years 10 - 12 have returned to school with their hair much too long and so have been asked to have their hair cut as soon as possible. Our policy on haircuts is outlined in the students’ Record Book. Please take the time to read this so that your student complies with the College policy. I do appreciate your support in these matters.

Responsible Thinking Process

All students in their individual year level have been given a presentation on this process and what it means for our students. Now that the presentations are completed, the room is running.

Mr McMahon made it very clear to the students that “Teachers have the right to teach, students have the right to learn.” Hopefully, this process will have the students making better choices and not impacting on the learning of their classmates.

All parents had a very detailed letter on the process emailed to them.

The Year 12 Formal Dinner Dance: 30 May

Planning is now underway for this function and a letter will be emailed to parents next week with details you need to know at this stage. The Formal Dinner Dance will be held at the Multiplex Centre.

I do hope your son or daughter had a good start to the school year.

Please let us know if you do have any concerns.

Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal


Welcome to 2020!

This is a significant year for all our Senior School students with the second cohort of Year 11 students engaging in the new senior curriculum. While in Term 4 our Year 12 students will sit subject-based external assessments, something we have not seen in Queensland since 1972.

Our Middle School students will see some changes as we broaden efforts to address the use of cognitive verbs within the classroom; and we will continue to embed the use of technology to improve learning experiences; and increase opportunities for collaborative learning.

Key staff supporting students through the year will be Mrs O’Donnell (Pathways Coordinator), Mrs Ivers (Senior School Coordinator), Mrs Munckton (Middle School Coordinator) and Mrs McKeown (e-Learning Coordinator). Mr Robinson, Student Welfare Coordinator, connects with the team through his support of students who have high-level study or sport commitments outside Shalom.

Assessment Calendar

At this stage, Learning Area Coordinators are starting to add assessment tasks to the Assessment Calendar for Semester One. The Assessment Calendar (referred to as “Curricular Activities” in our learning management system) will be available via the Parent Lounge. To access the Parent Lounge, you will need to know your Parent Lounge login details, which were emailed out by the IT department. If you were a late enrolment to the College, the IT department will be sending these out shortly. However, if you would like your login details before receiving this email our office staff are very happy to assist you. Please contact the College if you are unable to locate these details. Once logged-in, click on Student Details and then Curricular Activities. You may select a child using the top right drop-down, if you have more than one child at Shalom. Please ensure you select 2020 as the year. Other filters are available: you may wish to explore these.

The completed Calendar will include information about all assessment tasks for students including: Activity Name; Group (subject area); Start Date; Draft Date (only appears for electronic submissions – see task sheets for more details); Due Date; and Activity Status.

Learning Area Coordinators manage and provide initial entries for the Calendar. The class teacher will update these entries as required. Please contact the appropriate class teacher, or Learning Area Coordinator, for more information about assessment tasks if required.

Please note that the Curricular Activities within a student’s allocation of subjects may not be spread evenly through the semester. Across the College, many assessment tasks are assigned during Semester One and each of these is timed according to particular subject requirements. This makes intervention to spread assessments impractical. However, teachers will suggest timelines to help students manage their time when a task is set. Students (with your support) are encouraged to use this information, in conjunction with the Forward Planner 2020 (pages 124 – 125) in the Student Record Book, to help spread their workload and to meet deadlines. It is not unusual for assessment loads to be heavy around peak times such as the weeks leading up to the end of term. Our students must develop the capacity to manage their time and we all have a part to play in this. The Homework/Study Plan (pages 122, 123) in the Student Record Book is a tool recommended for use by all students to assist in developing time management and assessment management skills. Please contact your child’s pastoral care teacher or class teacher if you would like assistance in helping your child to develop time management and assessment management skills.

Information for Year 11 Parents and Students

This week I will send an email to students and parents that emphasises some further information that relates to changes in arrangements for students under the new QCAA system. These relate to the management of assessment at Shalom and the arrangements for students with particular needs. You will no doubt, have noted that no examination blocks appear on the College Calendar for Year 11 students.

Information for Year 12 Parents and Students

This week I will send an email to students and parents with a reminder about the management of assessment at Shalom and arrangements for students with particular needs (same process as in 2019). I will include information relating to the confirmation process involved with the Year 12 summative internal assessment under the new QCAA system. You will note that the College Calendar identifies when the QCAA External Examination are scheduled for all Year 12 students in Queensland (Term 4, 26 October – 17 November). The timetable for these exams is due to be released by QCAA during Term 1.

Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum


When we pray we often start with the Sign of the Cross. This prayer mentions the 3 persons in our one God. The Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit – the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is often the forgotten member of the Trinity. That is because the Holy Spirit is not so easy to visualise and that is how it is meant to be because we should not aim to see the Holy Spirit, but feel or sense the Holy Spirit.

We can call on the Holy Spirit when we need strength or courage or wisdom or understanding, and many other things. But often we don’t think about what the Holy Spirit can offer us and instead we just tough it out on our own. When we are finding it tough we should take the time to stop and think about this aspect of God that is available to us.

The Holy Spirit is represented in different ways, for example, a flame, a dove and the wind. But this is so we can try to understand something we can’t see.

Why am I talking about this?

Each year we choose a theme to guide us in our prayer life at Shalom. This year our inspiration or theme will be kites. Kites need some wind, not too much, to lift them into the sky. So, just as a kite needs the wind to lift it, so too do we need the Holy Spirit to lift us. In turn we can lift others so as a community we support and give life to each other. We have seen thousands of examples of people lifting others during this terrible bush fire season. Let these people be our inspiration this year.

Year 12 Induction

Please note the Liturgy for the Year 12 Induction will be held on 27 February at 11:30am in the Sports Centre. Parents and care caregivers of Year 12 students are invited to attend.

Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission


Year 12 Exam Block – Term 1 Week 4/5

As a consequence of the new ATAR system for Senior students, there will be an exam block for Year 12 students at the end of Week 4 and beginning of Week 5 in Term 1. Final dates and exams are yet to be finalised, however, they will be communicated in the next newsletter. Please note that in this exam block, students are permitted to stay home to study at times that they do not have an exam.

Studiosity – Free Online Study Help – Now Live Chat Available 24/7, 365 days

Year 10-12 Shalom students are fortunate to receive free access to Studiosity, for after-hours, one-to-one help with homework and study questions. This is a fantastic tool to help your child apply themselves to their study and improve their grades.

The Studiosity service can help your child in two ways:

Writing Feedback: Your child can upload any draft piece of writing and receive feedback that will help them think about and improve their own work. There is a very impressive 24- hour turnaround on this feedback.

Connect Live: Your child can ask a question or draw a diagram and get immediate help via a live chat system with a qualified Subject Specialist, across all core subjects.

Studiosity’s live chat support service is open 24/7, 365 days a year. The writing feedback service is open as usual, 24/7.

Students - if you haven’t accessed Studiosity to experience the benefits, ensure you make use of it next time you need help with questions or require feedback on your written assignments. The link to Studiosity can be found on the Shalom Intranet page.

Happy studying!

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration

School Photo Day – Tuesday 11 February

All students will receive an order envelope from their House Coordinator/PC Teacher during Week 2. The order envelopes are printed uniquely for each student. The order and payment instructions to students and parents can be found on the envelopes. Spare envelopes for new enrolments can be collected directly by the students from Student Reception.

IMPORTANT: Every student must present their envelope directly to the photographers on photo day, even if not purchasing a photo. These photos will also be used for the 2020 Student IDs.

Please note, the ‘composite group’ option includes composite photos of all the students in the same year level as your student.

If you would like a photo of siblings together (that are currently enrolled at Shalom) you may order a ‘Family photo’. These order envelopes are to be collected directly from our Front Office or Student reception prior to photo day.

Students absent on 11 of February, including students at Camp, will have a second opportunity on the ‘Catch up’ photo day on 19 of February.

2020 Immunisation program for Year 7 and Year 10

Shalom College is participating in Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisations Program. All Year 7 and Year 10 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation Program to protect against vaccine preventable diseases. In 2020, Year 7 students will be offered human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. Year 10 students will be offered meningococcal ACWY vaccination.

The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised and registered nurses from OzCare.

The consent cards have been distributed to all our current year 7 and 10 students via House Coordinators/PC Teachers in the first week of Term 1. They need to be returned to Student Reception by the 7th of February, any late forms will need to be returned to Ozcare directly. Only students with a signed and completed consent card, indicating ‘Yes to Vaccination’ will be vaccinated.

The Shalom College 2020 clinic dates are

Round 1 - Year 7 HPV1 & Year 7 dTpa – Monday 16 March and Tuesday 17 March
(note, due to large number of students this clinic is now over two days)
Round 2 - Year 7 HPV2 – Monday 12 October and Wednesday 14 October
Round 1 – Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY – Monday 30 March

Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.

Ozcare will contact all guardians directly to if a student (with a completed and returned consent form) did not attend the Shalom clinic session.

Year 7 and 10 Catch Ups Clinic will be scheduled at Ozcare, date to be advised.

For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the link below or click on the following links; immunisation through the school program

The following resources are also available for your

The Public Heatlh Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student ant parent, legal guardian or authorised person information for eligible year 10 immunisation provider if requested.

Finance Office

A reminder to families that if you have more than one student in a Catholic School or College within the Diocese of Rockhampton and you wish to receive a Family Discount on your 2020 school fees and levies account, please ensure that the 'Confirmation of Enrolment - 2020' form has been completed, signed and returned to the Finance Office. Should you be unable to download the form, please call to the Finance Office to obtain a copy.

Families with any queries please kindly contact the Finance Office on 4155 8104 or email

Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer



Preferred option is Email or Phone Absentee line 41558181

ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.

Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)

Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.


Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.

Wednesdays are not offered due to interschool sport. Fridays are not offered due to student fatigue and early departure for weekends affecting attendance.


SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term.


3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at College tuck shop and set up time for coaches

3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds)

4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished

4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at school.


The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for students (to be placed on the student account.)

This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.

This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons activities.

This is to encourage participation in many SCASA activities.

Activities - see below


Monday -

Option 1 - Volleyball with Seini Tupaea (SC or Hangar)
Option 2 - ABC’S with Jarrod Burnett (Oval or Hangar)
Option 3 - Basketball with Kylie Giles (SC or Hangar)


Option 1 - Dance with Laura Helbig (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - Cricket with Vince Habermann (Oval and/or Cricket Nets)

Option 3 - Boxing Training with Jackson Ramsay (Hangar)


Option 1 - Cross Country with Mat Grills (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (TBA)

*ABC’S = Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed activities in a fun game centred friendly atmosphere.

Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.

This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised physical activities after school.

Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below to register for SCASA TERM 1 2020.

REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an automatic online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2.

Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections - so it cannot be selected.


Shalom College will introduce an Esports program under SCASA on Thursdays from 3:30pm to 4:30pm. This program will commence on Thursday 6 February. The purpose of this program is to give students an opportunity to create a community based around electronic sporting. Through this program we aim to grow students’ personal skills such as social etiquette, responsibility, respect, attitude and being kind throughout loss. This will be achieved through applying teaching materials develop by Riot Gaming, the developers of League of Legend, and will be complimented with the expectation that students attend to their physical health by going to the gym once per week. By the end of Term1, we aim to enter multiple teams to complete in the QLD competition that commences in week 6. This competition will see our players verse other schools across the state with the opportunity to compete nationwide. As the program evolves, we will look to introduce roles such as game casting to provide opportunities for those who don’t play, but still share the interest of Esports. Should you have any questions please contact the Esports coordinator Gavin Hill on 4155 8111.

Mr Gavin Hill
Esports Coordinator

Sports News

Welcome back to Shalom Sport for 2020!!! Shalom College is renown for its enthusiasm, spirit and will to win and this is only achieved by encouraging maximum participation in all sports. I am looking forward to a ‘bumper’ year in sport.

Summer Sport Season

The interschool summer sport competition will start on the week beginning 17 February. ALL Sport is played AFTER school on Wednesdays for 6 weeks (usually from 4-6pm, depending on draws) with a Finals Day scheduled for the last day of term. Students are required to find their own way to sport and picked up after sport, however, for the first time in 2020, Shalom will be offering to take students by bus out to (only) Touch Football and Cricket. Students are encouraged to bring their own equipment however the school does have kit bags for most sports and Shalom also provides playing uniforms (shirts) for most sports. Students should wear their Shalom Sports Shirt until the coach gives them a playing shirt (if available). Some of these Sports may incur a cost but this is yet to be confirmed until ALL the schools meet to determine team nominations, draws, venues etc. Shalom sign-ons have been held (digitally) in the first week of school with the following sports offered to the students for this year.

Summer Sports include


Yr 7/8, Yr 9/10, Yr 11/12 (usually played at Kendal Flats)


(Venue TBC – but likely to be Bundaberg Golf Club)


Div A, Div B (Venue TBC)

Ten Pin Bowling

Yr 10,11 and 12 only (Bundy Bowl and Leisure)

Table Tennis

(Bundy Table Tennis Centre)

Touch Football

Yr 7/8, Yr 9/10, Yr 11/12 (Venue – Bundy Touch Football Complex)


Yr 7/8, Yr 9/10, Yr 11/12 (Venue – TBC)


Yr 7/8, Yr 9/10, Yr 11/12 (Neilsons Beach)

Lawn Bowls

(Burnett Bowls Club – George St)

Trials for these school teams (if required) will take place in week 2. Please listen to the daily school notices for more information.


There will be Cluster 1 Bundaberg and District sport trials for Cricket (19yrs Males), Golf (Males & Females), Softball (Males & Females), Tennis (Males & Females), Rugby Union (U15 & Opens Males), AFL (U14 Males & Females) after school on Monday 10th February. Details and medical forms must be collected from me (after Wednesday Feb 5) at the SPORTS OFFICE. The signed medical form will need to be presented to the coach at the trials. Students will be given all details of the Wide Bay trials for this season, which will also appear on the BDSSS web page at the link below in the next couple of weeks.

Your Sporting Fanatic
Mr Simon Gills
Shalom Sports Co-ordinator

Choral and Instrumental Music 2020

This week we are back for another wonderful year of making great music. All ensemble rehearsals and lessons start this week. If you are unsure of when you have lessons or rehearsals please come and see us or email

There are new things happening all around the music department at the moment. Mrs Helbig is launching a new Male Vocal Group which will rehearse Wednesdays during lunchtime in the music classroom. This is a no-pressure group for guys who enjoy singing and want to learn some modern and fun music in two or three parts. Tell your mates! Email Mrs Helbig for more information.

Mrs. Sweetapple will also be starting a new Year 7 vocal group and already has some wonderful modern songs to sing with you on Thursday mornings in the music room starting in week 3. Read your school messages this week for updates on how to join! Mrs Sweetapple will also be available for singing lessons, along with Mrs Edgar.

We are always thrilled to welcome new or returning students to our music program so if you are interested in having a go at singing lessons or learning an instrument come have a look at what we have available. Students who learn outside of school are also welcome to join our ensembles. Please come and see us in the back of the PAP through the white doors.

Mrs Megan Hoban
Instrumental Music Coordinator

Japan Cultural Exchange 2019

At the end of last year, three brave students participated in a full immersion, cultural exchange program to Japan. During December 2019, they went to Seibu Bunri High School in Saitama Prefecture, in Japan. During the week-and-a-half they were there, they experienced Japanese school life, staying with three different host families and attending all of their classes at school.

These students share their thoughts and memories…..

Hannah Medcalf - When I visited Japan, it was like visiting a whole new world. There were so many things that didn’t exist in Australia that they had in Japan. It was so vibrant and colourful, and there were always tons of people wherever you went. My host families were very welcoming and hospitable, and we did many fun activities together while I stayed with them. Going to school was really interesting, as it was much different to school in Australia, and even though my Japanese is not the greatest, everyone tried their best to include me and make me feel welcome. Listening to lessons and answering questions helped me learn a lot of new words in Japanese. I learned a lot about Japanese culture and customs, as well as improving my Japanese and learning many new words. As well as that, I got to travel around Tokyo and go shopping and try many different and interesting foods, and buy lots of souvenirs. Overall, my trip to Japan was breathtaking, exciting and a great learning opportunity.

Jordan Blunt - During my stay, I met many new, interesting and unique people. Although Japanese and Australian culture are very different from each other, it was very interesting to learn that Japanese and Australian people are not that dissimilar. Many students that I talked to shared my taste in music and TV shows, had similar hobbies, or just shared a lot in common with me in general. I think that it is a very important lesson for not only me, or people my age, to learn, but for every person to know that we are all like one another.

It was slightly difficult adjusting to school in Japan, and getting over the culture shock. However, there was not one student I met that was not extremely kind and welcoming of me. Many even gave me gifts to show how appreciative they were that I went to their school and was in the same class as them. Though I learnt a lot about Japanese culture and schooling during my exchange, above all else, I found it thoroughly enjoyable. If I had the chance to choose between this exchange or the Japan Trip, I would not hesitate in choosing the exchange. If this opportunity arises in the future, I would recommend everyone interested to take it, and I will be personally recommending to everyone I know.

Morgan Medcalf - This year’s trip to Japan was exciting and nostalgic for me. I got to eat Katsudon and bought lots of Anime merchandise. My host family was also super nice, and bought gifts for me (including a pocket wifi). Going to school was also really fun! I didn’t really understand what was going on, but I thought it was funny and endearing when the biology teacher would turn to me in the middle of class, point to a set of Kanji, and say the English word for it – I figured that class was learning about cells and body systems. I hope I’ll be able to go to Japan again in the future!!!

Mrs Nicole Anderson
Learning Area Coordinator - Japanese

Year 8 Camps


Welcome back for the 2020 school year. The Pathways department supports the needs of all students and provides advice and information about additional learning opportunities, such as TAFE, and work experience as well as assisting students with the transition from school to employment and higher education.

The 2020 Pathways team is Mrs Liza O’Donnell (Pathways Coordinator) and Mrs Kathy Laing (Work Experience Coordinator/Pathways Administration). This year, we also welcome to our growing team, Mrs Julia Fox, who is the new Study Supervisor and will be actively supporting and assisting students in maintaining success in both their external learning and school subjects.

The Pathways Department has also had a change in location. We are now located in the Goondeel Resource Centre, where the students will take their study lessons.

We would also like to remind students and families about the Careers Hub (located within the Shalom College website, Career & Vocational & Education tab) to provide students and parents with information to assist with making decisions about career pathways, further education and life beyond school. We strongly encourage taking the time to explore the wealth of information provided on this site such as Study Information, Free Online Courses, Career Quiz and Resume Templates as well as links to all major universities and the Australian Apprenticeship Pathways website.

The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox


Australian Champion

Congratulations to Year 11 student Hannah Leggett, Hannah played for the 16 years QLD team in Melbourne in January 2020. Hannah and her 16 years QLD softball team won the National Championship.

Go Queensland!!

Hannah is hopeful to soon be invited to Kochi City, Japan in August this year, as QLD Softball is taking a QLD team.

Hannah Leggett


Congratulations to Year 8 student Coco Suosaari. Coco will be away in Bangkok, Thailand for the International ATOD Dance Awards on the 3-11 February. In 2019, Coco won the Australian Teachers of Dance - Student Aggregate Award - for her Dance Syllabus.

The ATOD have sponsored Coco to go over and compete in Bangkok.

Coco Suosaari


Congratulations to Year 11 Student Brody Allison who competed at the State Track Cycling Championships during the holidays. Brody won gold in the team sprint accompanied by Samuel Davies also from Shalom and another rider from Darling Downs, this was against a Brisbane team and a Townsville team.

Brody also won bronze in both the 500m time trial and the 200m sprint event.

Brody was also selected in the QLD team to compete at the Nationals in Brisbane in March 2020.


Congratulations to Year 8 Student Lucy Hamilton who has been selected in two QLD Cricket teams !!

Throughout the holidays, Lucy played for Wide Bay in U/15 Girls Cricket and was selected into the QSS Cricket team to play against NSW in April 2020. Lucy is an all-rounder – bats at 4 for Wide Bay and opens the bowling and is a fast bowler.

The school cricket guru says “Lucy is like a young Elise Perry” – which is high praise!!

The second carnival Lucy represented Coastal Burners which is Wide Bay and Sunshine Coast joined together (CLUB Cricket).

Lucy had another great carnival and was selected into the U/15 QLD Girls Cricket team (Club) which will play every State at the Nationals in Feb/March 2020, in Canberra.

(An U/15 Australian Squad is being selected from these Championships)

Lucy Hamilton

Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program

Duke of Edinburgh

Shalom College is currently offering the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award program for Year 9 or 10 students who are 14+ years of age. We are also offering support to any 16+ years students who would like to complete the Duke of Ed. Gold award program or any of the bronze award recipients from 2019 who would like to do the Silver award program.

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an international youth development program for 14 – 25 year olds. The program enables young people to step out of their comfort zones whilst:

Learning new skills
Getting active
Exploring new places
Helping out in your community
Meeting new friends
Receiving recognition for doing activities you already do

The award programs can also

Earn credits towards your QCE (1 point for bronze)

Help you find a job – increasingly recognised by employers. The program enables young people to gain experience in many of the skills employers look for – communication, problem solving, initiative, organisation, ability to work both independently and as part of it team.

What’s involved?

To complete the Bronze award program students must complete 4 award sections

Service – get involved in your community and give service to others
Skill – build your skills in something practical or creative eg, drawing, painting, fishing or music
Physical recreation – take part in something active such as football, dancing, swimming, surfing, the gym
Adventurous journey – discover a sense of adventure and do something challenging with your friends – practice and final journeys (2 days & 1 night) The Adventurous journeys for 2020 will be held during semester 2.

Skill, service and physical recreation are 1 hour a week for 3 months for two areas and for 6 months for your major. A lot of what students are already participating in outside school hours can be counted towards these award requirements. Eg. Music, swimming lessons, sports training and playing.

Costs: $164.00 - Bronze $169 – Silver $174 – Gold

Additional Costs for adventurous journeys (these are kept to a minimum)

camping fees
Canoe hire
Travel costs

For more information on the program click on the attached link to the Queensland Duke of Edinburgh International Award website below:

If you are interested in participating in this exciting program please see Mrs Bishop in the Rice block staffroom or email me @

Mrs Debbie Bishop

Uniform Shop

Normal trading hours have resumed at the Uniform Shop

Monday – Thursday 8am – 12pm

School Scrunchies are avaliabe for purchase at $4 each (cash only).

New! Shalom College Supporter Polo!

Available now from the Uniform Shop for $40.00 - available in Mens XS to 3XL and Ladies size 6 to 22. Perfect for parents supporting their child in sport or other College activities.

Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator

Catholic Schools Race Day 14 March 2020

Tickets on Sale Now

Tickets are now on sale for the 2020 Catholic Schools Race Day, please click on the link below to purchase your tickets online.

Our 2020 Race Day event will be our 15th. How time flies. For those who are new to our Schools and aren’t aware of our annual event, a committee of past and present Parents and Teacher representatives from our three Catholic Primary Schools and Shalom College combine to organise a relaxed and classy get together at Thabeban Park Racecourse.

The day is full of activity with the running of five local Races, Fashion Parade, Fashions of the Field competition, a huge Raffle with a bundle of excellent prizes, all under the comfort of our Private Marquee area with two bars catering for our 500 guests. Food supplied throughout the day is catered for by students, staff and volunteers from Shalom and the Bars and Gate are manned by volunteers from all four Catholic Schools. It is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends from the past and present of our Catholic School community and all money raised on the day is donated directly to the four schools for special projects of their choice. We have many very generous sponsors, some who have been supporting our event for its entire 14 years, and without them, along with our many volunteers, the day would not be the success it is.

At our upcoming event, the past students from Shalom, the 2010 and 2000 Year 12 cohorts are celebrating their 10 and 20 Year Reunions. Past students from the 1990 cohort are celebrating their 30 Year Reunion a week later here in Bundaberg, but also are welcome to double up on their celebration and join us at Thabeban Park.

I can be contacted on my Mobile 0419787279, or alternatively Mrs Teresa Cameron at Shalom College on 41558137 if there are any enquiries in relation to our Race Day regarding sponsorships, volunteering or ticket sales. Any past students looking for information in relation to their 10, 20 or 30 year reunions can contact the following representatives through the Facebook pages set up for their event or phone:

2010 Kurt Dempsey 0498 066 555
2000 Nadine Zunker 0409 060 366
1990 Claire Lawrence (nee Woods) 0418 147 035

Mr Peter O’Beirne
Catholic School Race Day Committee
Mobile 0419787279

Date Claimers

Monday 3 February

Summer Sport Sign-On (All Year Levels Online)

Tuesday 4 February

Term 1 SCASA Program Starts

Wednesday 5 February

Thursday 6 February

Friday 7 February

Saturday 8 February

Sunday 9 February

Monday 10 February

BDSSS 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Trials

Year 8 Camp 1

Tuesday 11 February

School Photo Day

Year 8 Camp 1

Year 8 Camp 2

Wednesday 12 February

Year 8 Camp 1

Year 8 Camp 2

Year 8 Camp 3

Thursday 13 February

Year 8 Camp 2

Year 8 Camp 3

Friday 14 February

St Valentines Day

Year 8 Camp 3

Monday 17 February

Shalom Swimming Carnival (Inter-House) (All Day)

Tuesday 18 February


Bishop’s Inservice Day

Wednesday 19 February

Catch Up Photo Day

Shalom Swimming Carnival (Championship) (1pm-3pm)

Summer Sport – Week 1

Thursday 20 February

Wide Bay 10-12 yrs Golf Trials

Wide Bay 13-19yrs AFL, Cricket, Golf, Rugby Union, Softball and Tennis Trials

Friday 21 February

Term Dates for 2019

Term 1

29 January – 5 April

Term 2

23 April – 28 June

Term 3

15 July – 20 September

Term 4

8 October – 6 December

2020 Tuckshop Menu


Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.

Items include

  • Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
  • Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
  • Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
  • Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
  • Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk

Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.

Tuckshop Roster

Tuesday 4 February

No volunteer help required

Wednesday 5 February

No volunteer help required

Thursday 6 February

Merna Cook

No volunteer help required

Friday 7 February

No volunteer help required

Shalom Sunday Markets

New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269

Markets Tuckshop Roster

We are in need of more volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop, if you are available to help out please contact Leanne via email –

Sunday 9 February 2020

6:00am – 9:30am

Roselyn Hunting

Susie Mant

9:00am – 12:30pm

Emma Jansen

Jas Haster

Marie Walker

Sunday 16 February 2020

6:00am – 9:30am

Carol Barazza

Lisa Christensen

Brenda Jay

9:00am – 12:30pm

Chris Dennien

Maria McMahon

Sunday 23 February 2020

6:00am – 9:30am

Kate Rehbein

Craig Warner

9:00am – 12:30pm

Brendan/Astrid Clancy

Jo Medcalf

John Pappalardo

Vicki Saffioti

Tracey Shears

Sunday 1 March

6:00am – 9:30am

Andrew Lucht

Janelle Test

9:00am – 12:30pm

Sharon Anderson

Katumaree Nabnili

Sunday 8 March

6:00am – 9:30am

Mary Buchanan

Helen/Matthew Mader

Cassie Savage

Steven Schiffke

9:00am – 12:30pm

Katie Davis

Patricia Rochford

Markets BBQ Roster

Sunday 9 February

Shalom Rugby Laegue

Neil Feather

Sunday 16 February

Moore Park Beach State School P & C

Diane Patterson

Sunday 23 February

Relay for Life

Vince Habermann

Sunday 1 March

Shalom Rowing

Gretta Waters

Sunday 8 March

Blanket Buddies

B Donovan

Sunday 15 March

Shalom Rugby Laegue

Neil Feather

Sunday 22 March

Relay for Life

Vince Habermann

Sunday 29 March


David Gahan

Sunday 5 April

Shalom Rowing

Gretta Waters

Community Notice Board

Movie Premiere

Breast Screen Queensland

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.