10 February 2020
Principal’s Reflection
I love this cartoon because it reminds me of my children! That said, the point I would really like to make is around communication. I hope that Shalom families will always feel able to communicate freely with the College. I will always try to make myself as available as possible to parents and students. Emails are great. I will always try to respond to emails at least within 24 hours. If something is not going well, please let me know. It is always so much easier to deal with issues as they arise rather than letting things stack up. Good, and timely, communication is so important. It is so hard to respond well to situations when the ‘trail goes cold’. Please don’t think your concerns aren’t important. Similarly, I would always encourage parents to feel comfortable contacting your child’s teacher. Many of you have already received email contact from those staff as they touch base at the start of the year. We will work very hard to ensure that every child at Shalom has an awesome 2020.
Bishop’s In-Service Day is on Tuesday 18 Feb. This will be a student free day for all students in Catholic schools in Bundaberg.
Catholic Schools Race Day is on Saturday 14 March. This is always a wonderful event and we hope to have another outstanding day. All tickets will be sold on-line this year. Click on the link below.
Congratulations to Mr Keith Pitt MP on his elevation to Cabinet. Keith & Allison are Shalom parents and great supporters of the College. It is great to see another parliamentarian from regional Australia in Cabinet.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Student Welfare and Information
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Mission
- Senior Induction 2020
- Tutoring
- Finance Office
- School Photo Day – Tuesday 11 February
- 2020 Immunisation program for Year 7 and Year 10
- Year 7 2021
- Absentees
- InspireU Camp
- Pathways
- Aquatic Practices Excursion to Lady Musgrave
- Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
- Big Bundaberg Bass Day
- Year 8 Camps
- Japan Tour
- Sport
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Uniform Shop
- Catholic Schools Race Day 14 March 2020
- Date Claimers
- Term Dates for 2020
- 2020 Tuckshop Menu
- Breakfast
- Tuckshop Roster
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Student Welfare and Information
I have included the following article written by Andrew Fuller, a clinical Psychologist who is noted for his extensive work re the mental health and well-being of young people.
He has outlined some excellent tips for our students, particularly for Years 10 – 12.
Set yourself up for a great year - Andrew Fuller
Make this the year that you will remember for the rest of your life as the time you really set yourself on the pathway to success. There are several sure-fire ways to make this a great year.
- Build positive relationships with everyone you know
Parents, teachers, friends, everyone! One of the ways of reducing your stress levels is to set out to have as many positive friendships this year as you can. - Challenge yourself
You are much, much smarter than you know. If you practise doing your best in life, you will succeed because very few people ever practise doing their best. To do your best you have to get out of the habit of predicting that things will not go well for you. If you look for what is going to go wrong, you will always find it. If you look for what works, life just gets a lot easier. - Prepare yourself for learning
Thinking positive is not enough for successfully achieving goals. Implement ways to reduce distractions, at least for a few hours at a time, else learning will become a frustrating experience. Human nature is such that not everyone in your life will be a well-wisher in your self-improvement and learning plans. They may intentionally or subconsciously distract you from your goal. - Get enough sleep
Getting enough sleep helps you to manage stress, stay happy and increase your marks. You need at least 8 hours and sometimes as much as 9 and a quarter hours a night. - Eat breakfast
Many people skip breakfast, but you often learn best at school in the morning and it helps to have some protein in you to feed your brain. A lack of protein can actually cause headaches. - Do the most important things first
Get into the habit of being effective. Write a to-do list each week. Ask yourself the question, “What is the one thing I could do this week in each subject area that would improve my results?” Then do it. - Use your time well
Many people muck around in school and then wonder why they have to do so much work outside of school. If you can focus and listen well while at school, you can save yourself endless hours. Some people find if they sit at the front, they are less distracted. Teachers want their students to do well. Watch your teachers closely. Observe the things that they emphasise or repeat. Take notes of these things. It is a fair bet that these things will feature in tests and exams. - From little things big things grow - do a little bit often
Succeeding at school can be easy if you do a little bit each day. The best learning occurs when you do repetitive interval training. This means do a little bit of practice every day. Interval training is especially powerful in subjects like maths and the sciences. - Focus and immerse yourself
For at least some time every day switch all forms of technology off and focus on whatever you are studying. Do not try to watch TV, listen to music or gaze at a screen at the same time as learning something. Technology is not going to be there in exam rooms so you need to be practised at performing without it. - Don’t try to predict the future
Most students are bad at predicting how well they are going to do. In fact, they are hopeless at it. So do not spend the year thinking how awful your results could be. Just do the most important things first and do them regularly. - Be curious
Think of someone you know who always seems to know interesting things- weird facts, strange occurrences, funny jokes, and whacky stories. Try to be one of these people. Look out for and learn things that are fun and interesting. - Play more - get active, break out into a sweat now and then
Lack of blood flow is a common reason for lack of concentration. If you have been sitting in one place for a while, stand up and stretch or bounce one of your legs for a minute or two. It gets your blood flowing and sharpens both concentration and recall. Even if you are really busy three twenty minute bursts of exercise a week makes a massive difference to your stress levels, happiness and sleeping. - Decide to be happy
Many people wait to be happy. They wait for the situation to be right. Alternatively, they wait for the right friends to show up. Some people spend their entire lives waiting to be happy. Decide to be happy now. Have a look at the things in your life you can feel lucky that you have. Appreciate the people who like you and love you. Make the most of the moment and seize the day.
Have a fantastic year.
Copyright Andrew Fuller
I hope all students have had a great start to the school year and are now very settled – particularly all our new students.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal
Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA)
Shalom College is committed to reducing barriers to success for all students. AARA are actions taken by the school to minimise, as much as possible, barriers for a student whose disability, impairment, medical condition or other circumstances may affect their ability to read, respond to or participate in assessment.
Students in all year levels make applications for AARA using a form issued by the class teacher. For Year 11 and 12, the College follows the processes as outlined in the QCE and QCIA policy and procedures handbook available from the link below:
For senior subjects in Year 11 and 12, Mrs Norris (Principal’s delegate) manages all approval of AARA for students. While Mrs Munckton manages Years 7 – 9 and Mrs Ivers manages Year 10 AARA approvals.
All AARA applications must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documentation (outlined in Section 6.5.1) and made as far in advance as possible to meet the QCAA timelines.
Students are not eligible for AARA on the following grounds:
unfamiliarity with the English language
teacher absence or other teacher-related issues
matters that the student could have avoided
matters of the student’s or parent’s/carer’s own choosing (eg: holidays)
matters that the school could have avoided.
Applications for unforeseen illness and misadventure
Students and parents/carers must contact the Principal’s delegate (Assistant to the Principal – Curriculum) as soon as possible and submit the relevant supporting documentation.
A copy of the confidential medical report template is available via the school website using the following link:
While students are encouraged to collect a copy of the form from their teacher a copy of the AARA application form is available on our website:
Reading Plus: an initiative for Years 7 to 10
Students at Shalom will again be using Reading Plus in Years 7 – 10 to improve reading and comprehension levels. Core Studies and English teachers are currently allocating time to the completion of diagnostic testing for students to establish reading levels and needs. Subsequent to the testing, subject teachers across all departments will allocate time to Reading Plus tasks once per cycle (i.e. each fortnight). The exception to this is classes where only three lessons are timetabled each cycle. Reading Plus is an online, individualised program that your child will be able to show you, and in which it is possible to see achievements and development in their reading and comprehension skills.
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Yr 12 Exam Block – Term 1 Week 4/5
As a consequence of the new ATAR system for Senior students, there will be an exam block for Yr 12 students at the end of Week 4 and beginning of Week 5 in Term 1. Final dates and exams are yet to be finalised, however, they will be communicated in the next newsletter. Please note that in this exam block, students are permitted to stay home to study at times that they do not have an exam.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administratio
My Year 9 RE class are discussing prayer. When I was preparing for one of my lessons I came across this article called “The Importance of Prayer” by Deacon Doug McManaman. I thought it was worth sharing.
Prayer is “…the lifting of the mind up into the presence of God. So much takes place during prayer. When we pray, we enter into the deepest region of the self where God alone dwells. No one is permitted to enter into that deepest region of your self, only God dwells there, and there He awaits you and me, individually, and it is there that He speaks to us in silence. When we enter into that region often, life becomes much richer, far less anxious; and life becomes much more tolerable.
What happens is that we are given a new pair of eyes to see the world. The world begins to look differently. We begin to see the beauty of the world around us. And we begin to see other people from God's point of view, and when that happens, they begin to look better. And we see ourselves from God's point of view, and we begin to look better to ourselves and we feel better about ourselves.”
Senior Induction 2020
Please note the Liturgy for the Year 12 Induction will be held on 27 February at 11:30am in the Sports Centre. Parents and care caregivers of Year 12 students should receive their invitations in the mail shortly. Please RSVP through the link below.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Term 1 tutoring begins today please refer to the updated tutoring timetable below.
Finance Office
Families will receive their 2020 Annual Fees Account this week. A copy of the statement is available through Parent Lounge.
The College moved to Annual Billing in 2020 for Years 7-12. Families do have the option of paying the 2020 Fees and Levies in a single annual payment, due within 30 days of the date of the Statement or they may choose to set up a monthly, fortnightly or weekly payment schedule.
In order to secure the discount on the $100 Administration Levy, families who have just a Year 12 student at the College are asked to pay all fees by the end of September 2020 and those with other students from Years 7 to 11 are asked to have fees paid by the end of November 2020.
Should you have any queries or require assistance with setting up a new payment plan or reviewing your existing payment plan, please phone the Finance Office on 4155 8104 or email finance@shalomcollege.com.
Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer
School Photo Day – Tuesday 11 February
All students should now have received an order envelope from their House Coordinator/PC Teacher. The order envelopes are printed uniquely for each student. The order and payment instructions to students and parents can be found on the envelopes. Spare envelopes for new enrolments can be collected directly by the students from Student Reception.
IMPORTANT: Every student must present their envelope directly to the photographers on photo day, even if not purchasing a photo. These photos will be used for the 2020 Student IDs.
All students are to wear the formal uniform on school photo day, this includes the school tie for boys.
Please note, the ‘composite group’ option includes composite photos of all the students in the same year level as your student.
If you would like a photo of siblings together (that are currently enrolled at Shalom) you may order a ‘Family photo’. These order envelopes can be collected from our Front Office or Student Reception prior to photo day.
Students absent on the 11 of February, including students at Camp, will have a second opportunity on the ‘Catch up’ photo day on the 19 of February.
Late payments can be handed in to the College office by Tuesday 18 February, these orders will be collected directly by Academy School Photography the next day.
2020 Immunisation program for Year 7 and Year 10
Shalom College is participating in Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisations Program. All Year 7 and Year 10 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation Program to protect against vaccine preventable diseases. In 2020, Year 7 students will be offered human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. Year 10 students will be offered meningococcal ACWY vaccination.
The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised and registered nurses from OzCare.
The consent cards have been distributed to all our current year 7 and 10 students via House Coordinators/PC Teachers in the first week of Term 1. They need to be returned to Student Reception by the 7th of February, any late forms will need to be returned to Ozcare directly. Only students with a signed and completed consent card, indicating ‘Yes to Vaccination’ will be vaccinated.
The Shalom College 2020 clinic dates are
Round 1 - Year 7 HPV1 & Year 7 dTpa – Monday 16 March and Tuesday 17 March
(note, due to large number of students this clinic is now over two days)
Round 2 - Year 7 HPV2 – Monday 12 October and Wednesday 14 October
Round 1 – Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY – Monday 30 March
Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.
Ozcare will contact all guardians directly to if a student (with a completed and returned consent form) did not attend the Shalom clinic session.
Year 7 and 10 Catch Ups Clinic will be scheduled at Ozcare, date to be advised.
For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the link below or click on the following links; immunisation through the school program
The following resources are also available for you
The Public Heatlh Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student ant parent, legal guardian or authorised person information for eligible year 10 immunisation provider if requested.
Year 7 2021
Please note the change of date for the College Open Day – this event will now take place on Friday 20 March.
Students at our Catholic Primary Schools will receive a personalised enrolment package in early March.
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
InspireU Camp
During the school holidays, Year 11 student, Jessie Zammit attended the InspireU Senior Engineering Camp which is provided specifically for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students in Year 11 and 12 who have an interest in studying Engineering.
This camp is coordinated by staff from the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Unit at the University of QLD (UQ) at the St Lucia campus and is held over 5 days of the school holidays and is created to provide students with a practical insight into Engineering and the opportunities for study and careers in this field.
Jessie had the opportunity to participate with other Indigenous students from around QLD in Interactive workshops, lectures, Workplace visits and experience college life by staying on campus. Jessie was the first Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander student from Shalom College who has taken up this opportunity and I’m sure he will be a proud advocate of the program for future Shalom Indigenous students who may be interested in participating in one of the Programs provided by InspireU, UQ.
Jessie Zammit
Programs available during the year are: Law, Education, and Health Sciences.
Junior STEM
Students entering Years 9 and 10 in 2020 that have an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), take part in a range of activities designed to provide a practical insight into the STEM field and the many opportunities for study and careers in this industry.
Senior Engineering
Students entering Years 11 & 12 in 2020 that have an interest in an Engineering degree.
All reasonable costs for the camp including all travel, flights, accommodation, meals and excursions are paid for, by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Unit from UQ. Places are restricted and there is a criteria to be met.
Please Contact Kelli Cory for further information on upcoming 2020 Camps.
Mrs Kelli Cory
Indigenous Coordinator
We are delighted to kick the year off with 73 students enrolled in Additional Learning Opportunities such as TAFE courses in Electrotechnology, Automotive, Plumbing, Engineering, Salon Assistant, Health Support Services and Information, Digital Media & Technology, Crime & Justice and Aviation qualifications as well as school based traineeships and apprenticeships.
Within this group, we are very pleased to announce that we have secured a partnership with TAFE to have 14 students undertake Electrotechnology here at Shalom under the guidance of experienced trainer, Mr Neville Arbon. The Pathways team will enhance this qualification with job ready training, resume building and work experience.
We are also excited to continue the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care course, delivered here at the College by Mrs Jody Richter.
It’s wonderful to see so many of our students exploring their strengths and potential industry pathways.
2020 sees the return of Study periods with Mrs Julia Fox, the new Study Supervisor, who will be actively supporting and assisting students in maintaining success in both their external learning and school subjects.
CQ University – SUN (Start Uni Now) Program
SUN is a CQ University initiative that gives you the opportunity to get a head start with university study. SUN provides you with an insight into university life and helps you understand the expectations of studying at a tertiary level. This will help you prepare for the transition from high school to university. After successful completion of SUN you may be eligible for direct entry into CQ University.
For more information on the SUN Program contact the Pathways Office or go to
The 2019 term dates are as follows, with Term 1 applications closing soon
Term 1 |
9 March - 5 June |
Applications Due 14 February |
Term 2 |
13 July – 9 October |
Applications Due 19 June |
Term 3 |
9 November – 12 February 2021 |
Applications Due 16 October |
Date Claimer - Defence Careers Information Session
Are you considering a career with the Navy, Army or Air Force? A defence careers information session will be held on Monday 16 March from 6.00pm – 8.00pm at the Bundaberg Multiplex, 1 Civic Avenue. This session will help you to learn more about the various roles available and chat to defence personnel to find out first-hand knowledge.
Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance & Certificate III in Aviation Remote Pilot (Drone) Courses
In partnership with Skills Compliance, we are offering the following courses to students interested in obtaining a qualification within the aviation industry or drone skills. The three course options as proposed are:
- Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance. A weekly class, minimum of 15 students. Course is 12 months duration. VETiS funded.
- Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot – Drone). A weekly class, minimum of 12 students. Course is 12 months duration. Payment plan of $125.00 per month.
- Certificate II & Certificate III combined. Course is 2 years duration VETiS funded. A small fee payment of $155.00 to cover the processing fee for the AVI30419 - REPL licence and drone purchase.
Students in Years 10, 11 & 12 are eligible to apply however Year 10 students will need approval from the Principal. Please see the Pathways Office to register your expression of interest. Courses are to commence mid March.
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Aquatic Practices Excursion to Lady Musgrave
Year 12 Aquatic Practices students have recommenced their Great Barrier Reef module following the Christmas break. On Tuesday 4 February, students had the opportunity to visit Lady Musgrave Island and see the reef first-hand. The ‘Weather Gods’ were smiling that day, with calm winds and clear skies for the five hours we spent at the Lady Musgrave lagoon. The full-day excursion included an island walk, glass bottom boat outing, and snorkelling on the reef within the lagoon. While turtles were not plentiful on this trip (only a few students managed to see them when snorkelling), there was an outstanding array of corals, reef fish and other marine life.
Students will now apply this information to their assessment task, looking at the importance of the Great Barrier Reef, how humans use and manage the reef, as well as potential threats and possible solutions.
Students watched a reef documentary by ‘The Bro’ (Sir David Attenborough) on the way out to Lady Musgrave.
On deck as Lady Musgrave Island comes in to view.
Year 12 Aquatic Practices students waiting for the glass bottom boat after the island walk.
Olivia Zunker took this great shot of a hawksbill turtle getting a ‘clean’ while resting on coral in the lagoon.
Mr Troy Braund
Aquatic Practices Teacher
Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.
Wednesdays are not offered due to interschool sport. Fridays are not offered due to student fatigue and early departure for weekends affecting attendance.
SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term.
3.00 pm - School lessons completed.
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at College tuck shop and set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds)
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at school.
The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for students (to be placed on the student account.)
This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons activities.
This is to encourage participation in many SCASA activities.
Activities - see below
Monday -
Option 1 - Volleyball with Seini Tupaea (SC or Hangar)
Option 2 - ABC’S with Jarrod Burnett (Oval or Hangar)
Option 3 - Basketball with Kylie Giles (SC or Hangar)
Option 1 - Dance with Laura Helbig (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - Cricket with Vince Habermann (Oval and/or Cricket Nets)
Option 3 - Boxing Training with Jackson Ramsay (Hangar)
Option 1 - Cross Country with Mat Grills (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill (TBA)
*ABC’S = Agility, Balance, Coordination and Speed activities in a fun game centred friendly atmosphere.
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.
This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised physical activities after school.
Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below to register for SCASA TERM 1 2020.
REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an automatic online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2.
Once an activity is full - I will omit it from the selections - so it cannot be selected
Big Bundaberg Bass Day
On Saturday 1 February Shalom hosted the Big Bundaberg Bass Day…a day of connection, music, learning, sharing and professional development. The actuality of this event even happening is an example of the power of face-to-face connection and professional networking, so critical for our students to learn, and which they can develop as a life skill through music education.
One of Australia’s prominent double bass players and educators, Marian Heckenberg, travelled to Bundaberg to share her expertise with 14 students and 9 teachers from around the region. Marian is a bassist with Brisbane chamber orchestra Camerata and the Queensland Symphony Orchestra and also teaches at the Griffith Conservatorium of Music. To have a musician of this calibre come to our town and share her knowledge is a rare honour.
The Bass Day was organised by Shalom instrumental music teacher Alison Vercoe, who met Marian when Camerata performed in Bundaberg last year. Through this professional contact Marian offered to visit Bundaberg for a workshop. A funding grant was also obtained through connections… Physiotherapist Angela Lathouras (mother of past Shalom captains Rory, Theo and Michael Delaney) was asked to attend the bass workshop to run a session on body-care awareness. Angela put Alison in contact with the Carl and Ruth Neilson Cultural Trust to apply for a grant. Without the subsequent grant, the workshop would not have been possible, along with Shalom’s kind donation of the venue.
It was wonderful that our very own Shalom alumni Connor Bishop (whose mum is Shalom Teacher Assistant Kay Bishop) was also able to attend the workshop as a tutor. Connor just graduated with a BMus in Performance from the Conservatorium and we congratulate him on the upcoming internship he was successfully awarded with Camerata for 2020!
Students and teachers spent the Bass Day learning, sharing and making new connections with other bass players and professionals. The day was so successful that parents were already asking when the next workshop would be, and students left talking about the day and feeling encouraged with improved skills.
Year 8 Camps
Japan Tour
Mrs Nicole Anderson
Learning Area Coordinator - Japanese
In 2020, Shalom Netball has taken a different approach with the selection of a 16-player Training Squad that will begin training this week for both the QISSN (Queensland Independent Secondary Schools Netball) Carnival and the Vicki Wilson Senior Netball Competition.
This year, QISSN will be held in Brisbane from 28 June – 3 July, hosted by Clairvaux Mackillip College. The Shalom team will be looking to improve on their performance in the 2019 carnival. The state-wide Vicki Wilson Netball Competition has been brought forward for 2020 and will begin with the Wide Bay Preliminary Round Robin competition in early June. Should the team qualify, the State Finals for the Vicki Wilson competition will then be held in the middle of Term 3.
The training squad will continue to train for both competitions until early in Term 2, when a 10-player team will then be selected from the squad.
Congratulations to the following players for their selection in the 2020 Training Squad
Year 12 |
Year 11 |
Year 10 |
Tayla Pearson |
Evette Land |
Holly Crossley-Price |
Sarah Nash |
Charlotte Boge |
Annabel Roelofs |
Zoe Hess |
Kasey Hess |
Alani Morley |
Kendal Dodd |
Macey Egan |
Mekkija Blogg-de Haan |
Angel Cory |
Holly Kitchen |
Pelenatita Kaufusi |
Isabella Mullaly |
Coach - Mrs Kelli Cory
Manager - Mr Kevin Crowley
If there are any supporters of Shalom Netball that are interested in sponsoring this year’s QISSN and Vicki Wilson team, please contact Netball Convenor, Melinda Pearson on 4155 8123.
Mrs Melinda Pearson
Netball Convenor
Wide Bay 10-12Yrs Schools Swimming
10-12yrs 23-25 March – Chandler, Brisbane.
50-metre events (all strokes / all age groups – ie. 10 years to 12 years – born 2010, 2009, 2008)
100 / 200 metre events - 100 metre events (all strokes / all age groups), 200 metres Individual Medleys (all age groups), 200 metres (all strokes / open age), 400 metres Individual Medley (open age), 400 metres Freestyle (open age)
Nominations must be received from District Secretaries/Convenors ONLY.
NO Individual nominations will be accepted ie individuals will submit nominations to their respective school which will then forward nominations on to the District Secretary/Convenor for verification.
Times must have been recorded at a QSA sanctioned meet in a 50m pool during the current season (ie. swum in 2019 / 2020)
ALL Nominations should have a Team / Meet Manager printout attached and verified by Club Secretary’s signature for verification.
Parents MUST complete EMAIL Address on Nomination form to receive all team information.
There are no Regional Carnivals in 2020.
Regional Nomination Forms will ONLY be available at Schools and MUST be completed and returned via individual schools to the District Secretary/Convenor if a swimmer wishes to nominate for Regional Selection.
Due Date to Schools / District Secretaries / Convenors : Wednesday 19 Feb 2020.
Swimmers should be attaining Qualifying times when nominating. (Not Attached use 2019 Qual times as a guide)
ALL Nominations MUST have a Team / Meet Manager printout attached for verification
It is the responsibility of the District Convenor or Secretary to send all completed Nomination Forms to the Reg. School Sport Officer by close of Nominations on Friday 21 February 2020.
Important Dates
Individual Nominations to Schools/District Secretaries/Convenors: Wednesday 20 Feb
District Secretaries/Convenors Nominations to Sport Office : Friday 21 February
Enquiries: Contact Justin Lane (Regional School Sport Officer) – Ph. (07) 4122 0875
Wide Bay 13-19Yrs Schools Swimming Team
Regional Carnival / Time-trials will NOT be conducted in 2020. Districts can conduct their own swimming carnivals / time-trials. Regional selections will be based on results (times) from District carnivals for 50-metre events OR Times recorded at a QSA sanctioned meet in a 50m pool during the current season (2019/2020). District Secretaries will be requested to send ALL NOMINATIONS to Wide Bay School Sport for purposes of regional selection. Swimmers may nominate their best times for selection in 50/100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1500 metre events from QSA sanctioned event.
In Summary
(a) Swimmers nominating for Wide Bay selection in 50-metre events can nominate using either their District Carnival Times OR Times recorded at a QSA sanctioned meet in a 50m pool during the current season (2019/2020).
(b) Selections for 100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1500 metre events will be based on times nominated by swimmers at a QSA sanctioned meet in a 50m pool. The times nominated must have been swum in 2019 /2020 (current season).
(c) ALL times must have a copy of Meet/Team manager printout attached to verify times UNLESS Times from a District 50m carnival are used
(d) Ages are calculated on Year of Birth – Maximum age is 19 years (Born 2001)
(e) Parents MUST complete EMAIL Address on Nomination form to receive all team information.
To avoid confusion and misplacing of nomination forms, Regional Nomination Forms will be available on the day of the District Carnival OR through SCHOOLS.
Nomination Forms must be completed by the swimmer / parent and submitted to the District Convenor / Secretary via their respective school FOR RETURN TO WIDE BAY SCHOOL SPORT (NO individual nomination forms will be accepted).
ALL Nominations for 50/100 / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1500 events MUST have a Team / Meet Manager printout attached and verified by Club Secretary’s signature for verification
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare
High Performance Program
Duke of Edinburgh
Shalom College is currently offering the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award program for Year 9 or 10 students who are 14+ years of age. We are also offering support to any 16+ years students who would like to complete the Duke of Ed. Gold award program or any of the bronze award recipients from 2019 who would like to do the Silver award program.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an international youth development program for 14 – 25 year olds. The program enables young people to step out of their comfort zones whilst:
Learning new skills
Getting active
Exploring new places
Helping out in your community
Meeting new friends
Receiving recognition for doing activities you already do
The award programs can also
Earn credits towards your QCE (1 point for bronze)
Help you find a job – increasingly recognised by employers. The program enables young people to gain experience in many of the skills employers look for – communication, problem solving, initiative, organisation, ability to work both independently and as part of it team.
What’s involved?
To complete the Bronze award program students must complete 4 award sections
Service – get involved in your community and give service to others
Skill – build your skills in something practical or creative eg, drawing, painting, fishing or music
Physical recreation – take part in something active such as football, dancing, swimming, surfing, the gym
Adventurous journey – discover a sense of adventure and do something challenging with your friends – practice and final journeys (2 days & 1 night) The Adventurous journeys for 2020 will be held during semester 2.
Skill, service and physical recreation are 1 hour a week for 3 months for two areas and for 6 months for your major. A lot of what students are already participating in outside school hours can be counted towards these award requirements. Eg. Music , swimming lessons, sports training and playing.
Costs: $164.00 - Bronze $169 – Silver $174 – Gold
Additional Costs for adventurous journeys (these are kept to a minimum)
camping fees
Canoe hire
Travel costs
For more information on the program click on the attached link to the Queensland Duke of Edinburgh International Award website:
If you are interested in participating in this exciting program please see Mrs Bishop in the Rice block staffroom or email me @ bishopd@shalomcollege.com
Mrs Debbie Bishop
Uniform Shop
Normal trading hours have resumed at the Uniform Shop
Monday – Thursday 8am – 12pm
School Scrunchies are avaliabe for purchase at $4 each (cash only).
New! Shalom College Supporter Polo!
Available now from the Uniform Shop for $40.00 - available in Mens XS to 3XL and Ladies size 6 to 22. Perfect for parents supporting their child in sport or other College activities.
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Catholic Schools Race Day 14 March 2020
Tickets on Sale Now
Tickets are now on sale for the 2020 Catholic Schools Race Day, please click on the link below to purchase your tickets online.
Our 2020 Race Day event will be our 15th. How time flies. For those who are new to our Schools and aren’t aware of our annual event, a committee of past and present Parents and Teacher representatives from our three Catholic Primary Schools and Shalom College combine to organise a relaxed and classy get together at Thabeban Park Racecourse.
The day is full of activity with the running of five local Races, Fashion Parade, Fashions of the Field competition, a huge Raffle with a bundle of excellent prizes, all under the comfort of our Private Marquee area with two bars catering for our 500 guests. Food supplied throughout the day is catered for by students, staff and volunteers from Shalom and the Bars and Gate are manned by volunteers from all four Catholic Schools. It is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends from the past and present of our Catholic School community and all money raised on the day is donated directly to the four schools for special projects of their choice. We have many very generous sponsors, some who have been supporting our event for its entire 14 years, and without them, along with our many volunteers, the day would not be the success it is.
At our upcoming event, the past students from Shalom, the 2010 and 2000 Year 12 cohorts are celebrating their 10 and 20 Year Reunions. Past students from the 1990 cohort are celebrating their 30 Year Reunion a week later here in Bundaberg, but also are welcome to double up on their celebration and join us at Thabeban Park.
I can be contacted on my Mobile 0419787279, or alternatively Mrs Teresa Cameron at Shalom College on 41558137 if there are any enquiries in relation to our Race Day regarding sponsorships, volunteering or ticket sales. Any past students looking for information in relation to their 10, 20 or 30 year reunions can contact the following representatives through the Facebook pages set up for their event or phone:
2010 Kurt Dempsey 0498 066 555
2000 Nadine Zunker 0409 060 366
1990 Claire Lawrence (nee Woods) 0418 147 035
Mr Peter O’Beirne
Catholic School Race Day Committee
Mobile 0419787279
Date Claimers
Monday 10 February |
BDSSS 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Trials Year 8 Camp 1 |
Tuesday 11 February |
School Photo Day Year 8 Camp 1 Year 8 Camp 2 |
Wednesday 12 February |
Year 8 Camp 1 Year 8 Camp 2 Year 8 Camp 3 |
Thursday 13 February |
Year 8 Camp 2 Year 8 Camp 3 |
Friday 14 February |
St Valentines Day Year 8 Camp 3 |
Monday 17 February |
Shalom Swimming Carnival (Inter-House) (All Day) |
Tuesday 18 February |
STUDENT FREE DAY (ALL STUDENTS) Bishop’s Inservice Day |
Wednesday 19 February |
Catch Up Photo Day Shalom Swimming Carnival (Championship) (1pm-3pm) Summer Sport – Week 1 |
Thursday 20 February |
Wide Bay 10-12 yrs Golf Trials Wide Bay 13-19yrs AFL, Cricket, Golf, Rugby Union, Softball and Tennis Trials |
Friday 21 February |
Term Dates for 2020
Term 1 |
28 January – 3 April |
Term 2 |
20 April – 26 June |
Term 3 |
13 July – 18 September |
Term 4 |
6 October – 4 December |
2020 Tuckshop Menu
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Tuckshop Roster
Tuesday 11 February |
No volunteer help required |
Wednesday 12 February |
No volunteer help required |
Thursday 13 February |
Merna Cook No volunteer help required |
Friday 14 February |
No volunteer help required |
Monday 17 February |
No volunteer help required |
Tuesday 11 February |
No volunteer help required |
Wednesday 12 February |
No volunteer help required |
Thursday 13 February |
Merna Cook No volunteer help required |
Friday 14 February |
No volunteer help required |
Monday 17 February |
No volunteer help required |
Shalom Sunday Markets
New Stallholders Welcome – Please contact Peter Barone 0438 446 269
Markets Tuckshop Roster
We are in need of more volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop, if you are available to help out please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 16 February 2020 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Carol Barazza Lisa Christensen Brenda Jay |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Chris Dennien Maria McMahon |
Sunday 23 February 2020 |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Kate Rehbein Craig Warner |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Brendan/Astrid Clancy Jo Medcalf John Pappalardo Vicki Saffioti Tracey Shears |
Sunday 1 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Andrew Lucht Janelle Test |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Sharon Anderson Katumaree Nabnili |
Sunday 8 March |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Mary Buchanan Helen/Matthew Mader Cassie Savage Steven Schiffke |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Katie Davis Patricia Rochford |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 16 February |
Moore Park Beach State School P & C Diane Patterson |
Sunday 23 February |
Relay for Life Vince Habermann |
Sunday 1 March |
Shalom Rowing Gretta Waters |
Sunday 8 March |
Blanket Buddies B Donovan |
Sunday 15 March |
Shalom Rugby Laegue Neil Feather |
Sunday 22 March |
Relay for Life Vince Habermann |
Sunday 29 March |
Cambodia David Gahan |
Sunday 5 April |
Shalom Rowing Gretta Waters |
Community Notice Board
Catholic Parish Bulletin
Movie Premiere
Breast Screen Queensland
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.