27 April 2020
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Mission
- Family Zone
- Year 7 Camp
- 2020 Immunisation program for Year 7
- Year 7 2021
- Absentees
- Learning Support Tutoring Sessions
- Pathways
- Instrumental Music
- Japanese
- Quiet Achiever
- Sport
- Uniform Shop
- Term Dates for 2020
- Breakfast
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Principal’s Reflection
Principal’s Reflection
Historians can be really hard markers! It is often very easy in hindsight to ask why people didn’t handle things better when they had the chance. In twenty or a hundred years’ time, I wonder how we will be judged on the handling of the Covid crisis. Already we can see some of the mistakes made but we can also see, particularly in Australia, that we are doing a lot of things pretty well. I love America and Americans but we are not seeing protesters in the streets carrying guns! We celebrated some of our history last week with ANZAC Day. It is a great tradition to remember the sacrifice of so many over so many years. We are very grateful to those who have served and who continue to serve. Another historical milestone will pass on Wednesday when some will recall that it will be 250 years since James Cook rowed ashore from the Endeavour to set foot on land at Botany Bay. In the history of this land since that date, we have so much of which to be proud but we also should recognise that there are so many things that could have been done so much better. In this Covid crisis, it would seem that the vast majority of Australians are treating each other respectfully and our government is working hard to care for those in need. Maybe we have learned something from our history from the times when that did not occur particularly for the original custodians of this land. Lest we forget.
Week 1 Term 2 went pretty well – all things considered. Thank you for the feedback we have been given on this from the Google Form sent out on Friday. One of the challenges reported by parents was that teachers at Shalom use different platforms for e-learning – Teams, OneNote, and Google Classrooms. Some find it tricky to navigate these differences. Teachers are very aware of this but, before this Covid thing hit us, these were the tools being used in different classes. It was too late to change that last term. On the upside, there was some benefit last week in everyone not relying on one mode of delivery in case one ‘crashes’. We had to deal with a bit of that last week.
“We’re In This Together” is, perhaps, one of the more overused phrases we have heard in the last few months. That said, it is true. I have said this before but I want every family to know that this community will do everything possible to support families through this period. The Diocese has outlined additional financial support available through Concession cards. I am very conscious that other families, who are not eligible for that support will need assistance. That is only a phone call or an email away. Let us help.
Carmel Nash is the Executive Officer for the Catholic Parents Association. She has written a really good letter to all parents in Catholic schools. Please take a moment to have a read.
Friday May 1 is in our diary as Student Free for Parent Teacher meetings. Obviously, these won’t go ahead and teaching will continue for all classes on Friday.
Yr 7 2021 Enrolments close on Friday May 8. If you have a child in Year 6 or know someone who does and wishes to enroll at Shalom for next year, please ensure that you have your enrolment forms in. Please remember that because you might already have a child at Shalom, enrolment processes must be fully completed for all siblings.
Student attendance, please edit the Google form below update your Students attendance - multiple edits can be made or resubmit the Google form with the updated attendance. The Google form will be printed each morning at 7.45am and used as the roll for the day.
Mr Dan McMahon
Welcome back to Term 2. What a different term this one is shaping up to be for us all.
I would like to thank our students and parents for the cooperation and support shown as the College moves to our online learning mode. Our staff have been working tirelessly to prepare lessons for all their classes, as well as having to master new technologies and learning platforms. We are all on a learning curve but we are all in this together.
If you would like to give feedback on the Learning@Home/School program, please complete our survey: Learning @ Home/School With Shalom - Survey
QCAA External Examination Timetable
All Year 12 ATAR pathway students will sit external examinations from Monday 26 October – Tuesday 17 November. A copy of the timetable is included here. You can also locate it on the QCAA website using the following link:
ROSA Awards Update
Due to the circumstances surrounding the COVID 19 virus, we will put the ROSA awards on hold until further notice. Teachers continue to use other means to reward and motivate our students to learn. We do have a plan in place to recognise our online learning legends…keep an eye out, as there will be more to come on this!
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Interim Report Cards – Will be published 1/5/20
As a consequence of the current remote learning environment, Interim Report Cards will now be published on 1 May 2020, a week later than the date advertised on the school calendar. The report cards will show indicators for Application and Progress for each of the student’s subjects however will not contain the usual PC comments. This was done to afford teachers time to adapt to the current new remote learning environment.
Core Studies Learner Conferences – Cancelled
1 May on the Calendar is a Student Free Day for Core Studies Learner Conferences. These conferences have been cancelled due to Covid-19, 1 May is no longer a Student Free Day.
Studiosity – Free Online Study Help - Reminder
Year 10-12 Shalom students are fortunate to receive free access to Studiosity, for after-hours, one-to-one help with homework and study questions. This is a fantastic tool to help your child apply themselves to their study and improve their grades and may be particularly useful in the remote learning environment.
Students - if you haven’t accessed Studiosity to experience the benefits, ensure you make use of it next time you need help with questions or require feedback on your written assignments. The link to Studiosity can be found on the Shalom Intranet page.
Studiosity’s live chat support service is open 24/7, 365 days a year. The writing feedback service is open as usual, 24/7.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Anzac Day
ANZAC Day looked very different this year. Not just for us but everyone. Normally we would have over 200 hundred students attend dawn services in various locations and/or the parade through town. This year however, many students got up at 6 am and stood in their driveways to remember those who served, and are serving, our country. We asked students to send in photos and here are a few of those.
If you would like to view our ANZAC Liturgy please click on the link below.
Prayer during this time of crisis
I feel like I am living in a time warp or dream. Some of my routines and ‘normals’ are not there. I find myself getting stressed easily and at times I feel frightened. Prayer is my refuge. If in all this craziness you have not thought to pray maybe give it a go. You may have noticed that each morning we post a Morning Prayer. These were filmed last term and I thank the School Leaders for doing this. These can be found on Facebook, on our website and on YouTube. Also on the Learning@HomewithShalom page on the website there is a Wellness tab that contains apps recommended for Meditation.
Could I also ask you to please pray for our teachers? This is not the educating they signed up for. Our staff are working long hours, learning new technologies and creating relevant work that can be delivered with minimal contact, but teachers do not go into this job for minimal contact. They are missing interacting with the students. That’s the bit of our job that outweighs the constant planning and marking. When it is safe to do so, we are looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Family Zone
School Online
Since most students are learning from home, we will not be doing school filtering on devices that are not connected to our network. Students have therefore been placed into having a “Rest Day” which allows parents to decide what filtering they would like for their children while at home. This may change if we see a large increase in students returning to the college.
Zone Manager App
Zone Manager is an app that can be installed from the App Store and Google Play to make managing student’s Internet access even easier.
Download Zone Manager for free via the App Store or Google Play
What can I do in Zone Manager?
Log in to your online account
Add, edit or remove family members and their devices
Update routines and calendars
Allow device borrowing
Monitor alerts more frequently
Timely response to Access or Quick Time change requests
Change your PIN or passwords
Seamless linking to the online account
Is there anything that Zone Manager can’t do?
At the moment, you will still need to log in to your online account to:
Manage Home Zone
Complete school registration
Purchase additional products and services
Cancel Family Zone
Managing devices in the home - the Family Zone solution
Cyber Safety speaker and author Brett Lee will outline the reasons and benefits for using parental controls to guide where our children go and what they do online. In a real-time demonstration, Jess Hill of Family Zone covers everything a parent needs to know to implement and use this software to create a safe online experience.
If you've never heard of Family Zone before, check out the intro video above. If you'd like to learn more about FamilyZone and see a demo, register for the webinar below.
Join Brett and Jess on Wednesday 29 April
Time - 7:30pm AEST
Register anytime by clicking on the link below:
Become part of our Facebook community to stay up to date and ensure you don't miss out on future events. @internetsafeed
The Internet Safe Education Team
About Brett Lee
The unique quality and aspects of Internet Safe Education’s approach are a result of the experience of former detective Brett Lee who worked as a Queensland Police Officer for 22 years, 16 of which as a detective in the field of Child Exploitation.
Brett has been personally involved with the interview, location, arrest and prosecution of hundreds of online criminals and predators. Nobody else in Australia can offer programs with this level of credibility or insight whereby the learning outcomes can not be denied.
Ms Stephanie Johnson
IT Service Desk Manager
Year 7 Camp
Due to the obvious Covid-19 disruption to schooling – for the first 5 weeks of schooling this term, we have decided to cancel all of the Year 7 Camps – in Term 2 2020.
At this stage there is no time in 2020 at Chaverim to reschedule the whole camps due to other bookings.
We may, if dates become available, later in the year be able to reschedule these camps – but at this stage we are cancelling all of the year 7 Camps.
Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
After School Activities
2020 Immunisation program for Year 7
Shalom College is participating in Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisations Program. All Year 7 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation Program to protect against vaccine preventable diseases. In 2020, Year 7 students will be offered human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. 10
The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised and registered nurses from OzCare.
The Shalom College 2020 clinic dates are
Round 2 - Year 7 HPV2 – Monday 12 October and Wednesday 14 October
Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.
Ozcare will contact all guardians directly to if a student (with a completed and returned consent form) did not attend the Shalom clinic session.
Year 7 Catch Ups Clinic will be scheduled at Ozcare, date to be advised.
For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the link below or click on the following links; ; immunisation through the school program
The following resources are also available for you
The Public Heatlh Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student ant and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information for eligible year 10 immunisation provider if requested.
Year 7 2021
Year 7 2021 Applications Close Friday 8 May
Enrolment forms must be submitted with a copy of the birth certificate and latest report card.
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
Learning Support Tutoring Sessions
The Learning Support team are offering online tutoring sessions for core subjects such as Maths, English, Humanities and Science. These will run from 2pm to 3pm each day, the sessions started in Week 1 and will continue until the end of Week 5. These sessions will be supported by a Learning Support Teacher and Teacher Assistants. These sessions are available for students who are learning from home or at school. If your child is present at school, they are to come to SS2 for the session.
If your child has some learning support requirements and would benefit from these sessions, please complete the Google Form below. Your child will then be added to a Microsoft Team which will be used to communicate with your child.
Mrs Keryn Staley
Learning Enhancement Unit Co-ordinator
Next week we will be providing more information on how you can register for the upcoming Year 13 Digital Career Expo. For a sneak peak to find out more about this exciting first-ever event go to the link below:
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Instrumental Music
Welcome back to a very different Term 2 for Instrumental Music!
All classes at Shalom have made the transition to online learning and Instrumental Music is no different. Each week students will work with their teachers to progress through practical and theoretical aspects of music to improve their knowledge and skill with their chosen instrument/s.
Teachers have emailed all students to schedule Zoom lessons and help them join the relevant Google Classroom to allow for easy communication, distribution of learning materials and collection of recorded performance pieces. If there are any students who have not yet responded to these emails, please do so as soon as possible.
Please be aware that lessons will be presented at the start or end of the day and not interfere with the school’s academic schedule.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at Megan_Hoban@shalomcollege.com
“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.” B.B. King 1925 – 2015
Mrs Megan Hoban
Instrumental Music Teacher
I’m back. In my absence Anderson Sensei has done an admirable and outstanding job running the Japanese department and I can’t thank her enough for her inventiveness and passion to teaching. Another thanks to Kurosawa Sensei for his efforts in furthering the language learning in the senior grades.
It was with deep sadness that I had to return home amongst these extraordinary times to face moving classes online, it has been uplifting especially reconnecting with my students. With a happy face this week in Japanese we have seen remarkable attendance in the majority of classes and full attendance in the senior classes. Well done students.
As a department, myself, Kurosawa Sensei and Anderson Sensei will be using Google classroom. All students studying Japanese this term are already accessing Google classroom and TEAMS for attendance.
I would like to take this chance to remind parents to check their students TEAMS and Google classroom accounts and discuss their student’s language and communication. I was witness of several younger students using disrespectful and inappropriate language in Teams General chat. Unfortunately, this has been addressed and I ask parents and caregivers to remind their students of the Colleges policies on Online etiquette. I endeavor to contact parents accordingly in this matter. The link to the college online learning tips and advice has been shared below.
There are so many apps and Japanese learning programs that students can access, so if there are any students either studying Japanese or not, feel free to download or source these for some learning fun.
Culture corner
I always like to share a little bit of extra culture. I was so very fortunate to spend time in Taiwan who have a rich historical link with Japan. The Japanese occupied Taiwan for close to 50 years and their culture and language has remained in many aspects of Taiwanese society. The one thing that stood out in Taiwan were the beautiful delicate Cherry Blossoms. I have attached an article and pictures of the Cherry Blossoms – Sakura and how Japan looks this year in Cherry Blossom season.
Ms Simone Wilson
Japanese Department
Quiet Achiever
Zoe Ellis-Lindley
Year 12 Student Zoe Ellis-Lindley has been an excellent organisational and caring role model this year. Zoe continues to be an amazing buddy – filling in for most of the other Year 12s in PC1 whilst the College is engaged in remote learning. Keep up the great work Zoe, you’re a wonderful asset to Lingiari House.
Mr Jason Baulch
Lingiari House Coordinator
School Sport
The BDSSS Management Group has made the decision to cancel the District Cross Country, BDSSS Rugby League and BDSSS Head of River Rowing Regattas all scheduled for Term 2.
All representative school sport has been cancelled indefinitely.
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Shalom rowers took part in the 2020 Indoor Interstate Regatta hosted by Rowing Australia from the 6 April to 20 April. Many of our rowers joined the Queensland team to post a massive score in the main event Total Metres rowed.
The online ergo challenge, held to keep rowers active during the coronavirus shutdowns, finished on Monday with Queensland posting 22,483,408metres. Shalom Rowing had 20 members on the Queensland team.
All rowers were rested before tackling the ANZAC DAY challenge on Saturday, which saw how many lots of 2504m's each rower could row from dawn to dusk.
Mr Rod Silcox
Rowing Coach
Uniform Shop
The Uniform remains open with it’s regular hours, Monday – Thursday
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Phone : 41 558 121
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Term Dates for 2020
Term 1 |
28 January – 3 April |
Term 2 |
20 April – 26 June |
Term 3 |
13 July – 18 September |
Term 4 |
6 October – 4 December |
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!
- Fresh food stalls only – fruit, vegetable & local food products
- No other food stalls – BBQ, tuckshop etc.
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
The running of the markets will be reviewed weekly until further notice.
Community Notice Board
Catholic Parish Bulletin
Breast Screen Queensland
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.