22 February 2021
Principal’s Reflection
Someone asked me recently why is the new building called ‘Waterford’. The questioner wondered if it has something to do with ‘Waterford Chrystal’! It doesn’t. At Shalom, our House patrons are important and the story that they have for our young people is really important. Rice House is named in honour of Blessed Edmund Rice who began the teaching Order of Christian Brothers in 1802. Edmund was a well off business man who lived in the port city of Waterford in Ireland.
Edmund saw the poor kids in that city had no hope of getting out of poverty without education. He decided to open a school to teach poor kids. That school, ‘Mt Sion’ still operates today. As well as teaching young men, Edmund had a baker and a tailor shop set up in the school. He knew then some things that are still true today. If kids are really hungry, they won’t learn well and, if they wanted to get a job, they needed to have some decent clothes to wear to an interview. The schools of the Christian Brothers spread throughout Ireland and the world. The Brothers came to Bundaberg, led by Br Joseph Hogan, in 1919. Hogan House is named in honour of Br Hogan. The lives of these two great men are stories that we can tell all of our students at Shalom – especially those in Rice and Hogan Houses. These two Houses now have their ‘home’ in the Waterford building. Edmund Rice recognized that education is a preeminent action of social justice. Just as true today as it was in the 1800s. We will combine the official blessing and opening of the Waterford building, along with the Solar farm with our Year 12 Induction Liturgy on Thursday 4 March.
Bingo Volunteers – through the efforts of the Carswell family, Shalom and Surf Lifesaving receive significant financial support from the Bingo conducted at the RSL Club. Shalom always provides volunteers for the weekly event. If you are able to support the College by volunteering an hour or two on a Wednesday evening, it would be greatly appreciated. Please complete the form below:
Use of SIA for absent students – all of our students are very much aware of our new Learning Management platform known as ‘Sia’ at Shalom. On this platform, every class and every subject will have clearly outlined the work being done currently and the weeks ahead. We believe that this will be a significant improvement for us in curriculum delivery. As staff get more accustomed to using the platform, we will open it to parents and introduce a mobile App for parents. We think this will really improve and streamline our communication with parents. More about that later. One of the immediate benefits is that students who are away for some days with illness or other activity will not need to contact their teachers and ask for work to be emailed to them. They can simply log on to their Sia Class page to see the work that they have missed. Whilst we have not yet given parents log on details, feel free to ask your child to log on to Sia to view the work posted by their teachers.
Christian Taylor has been a fantastic gift to Shalom and Catholic Education. Christian has taught for a total of 38 years and 25 of those at Shalom. He was a long serving Assistant Principal Curriculum and over the last few years has transitioned to retirement. His last ‘official’ day at Shalom was last Friday. We have lost one of the really best educators with whom it has been my privilege to work. I hope and pray that there are graduate teachers of his quality just starting their careers. Good luck Christian and every best wish. We are very lucky to still have Mary Taylor with us for lots of years yet (I hope!).
Tired of queuing in Shalom Carparks? One solution is greater use of the bus services. Quite a number of buses offer a short trip to another venue where traffic is much lighter. The following list are services provide by Duffy’s buses.
Morning Services to Shalom –
Pick Up Point |
Bus Number |
Time |
St Mary’s |
52 |
8:00am |
St Mary’s |
50 |
8:10am |
St Patrick’s |
81 |
8:05am |
Bundy High |
80 |
8:15am |
Bundy High |
81 |
8:15am |
Woongarra St |
41 |
8:10am |
Afternoon Services from Shalom –
Drop Off Point |
Bus Number |
Time |
St Mary’s |
52 |
3:15pm |
St Mary’s |
51 |
3:20pm |
St Patrick’s |
81 |
3:15pm |
St Patrick’s |
88 |
3:15pm |
Bundy High |
41 |
3:20pm |
Bundy High |
80 |
3:20pm |
Bundy High |
5 |
3:20pm |
Bundy High |
51 |
3:20pm |
Woongarra St |
41 + 5 + 51 |
3:25pm |
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Student Information
- Curriculum
- Year 12 Exam Block22 – 24 February
- Mission
- Year 7 2022 Information Night
- Year 7 2022 Open Day
- Year 7 2022 Applications Close MONDAY, 19 APRIL 2021
- Student Drivers
- Absentees
- 2021 College Calendar
- Shalom College P&F AGM
- Boys Formal Socks
- 2021 Immunisation program for Year 7 and Year 10
- 2021 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection
- Pathways
- Power of Enginaeering – STEM Workshop
- Quiet Achiever
- IT Department
- Read Write Wonder
- Achieving excellence in Music!
- Duke of Edinburgh –Bronze Award Recipients
- Aquatic Practices Excursion to Monsoon Aquatics
- Aquatic Practices Excursion to Lady Musgrave
- Tourism Excursion to Bundaberg Rum
- Shalom Road Safety Campaign – PROTECT THE P-PLATER COMPETITION
- State Champions
- Wide Bay Selection
- Touch Football Achievements
- Summer Interschool Sport
- Year 8 Camps 2021
- Catholic Schools Race Day
- Uniform Shop Opening Hours
- Term Dates for 2021
- Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
- Tuckshop
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Student Information
Mr McMahon spoke to our students at length about bullying on our last assembly and he wrote about the same issue in the last newsletter.
To recap
Bullying has 3 main features:
It involves a misuse of power in a relationship
It is ongoing, deliberate and repeated
It involves behaviours that can cause harm
Conflict is something that we do have to deal with at times – these are single incidents of conflict or fight (not physical, but verbal) between equals.
Behaviours that do not constitute bullying include:
Mutual arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)
Not liking someone or a single act of rejection
One-off acts of meanness or spite
Isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence
At times our young people need assistance if conflict occurs so that it can be resolved and so this situation is addressed and resolved.
Mr McMahon spoke to the students about reporting bullying to someone in the College. This is very important as it won’t stop. However, we do need to be mindful of the language we use – I often hear that the person does not want to “dob” on people and therefore is reluctant to speak out. Using this word is not helpful as it implies that the person being bullied is doing something wrong if they speak up and ask for help to solve the situation.
We need our students to speak up.
The process: In the first instance of bullying being reported we do meet with the student/s and they are given a warning that whatever they are doing must stop. We go through the policy so that they are in no doubt that the situation will become worse for them should they bully the student/s any more. All situations are thoroughly investigated.
The second thing those of us who deal with bullying stress is that if it doesn’t stop then the person must come back and let us know – this is crucial.
The Anti-Bullying Policy can be found on Page 13 of the Student Record Book.
If you have any queries please contact me at the College.
Year 12 Formal Dinner Dance
Planning is underway now. We have much paperwork to do around being COVID safe again this year but we pray that our Formal can go ahead as planned on the 29 May.
Our numbers are capped at 700 for students and parents so we will need to make sure that we don’t exceed this number. I have allowed 30 places for staff.
We will have a letter out in the next week or so. Most of the details we need will be done online again this year.
It is important that students arrive on time for their classes. A number of students arrive at least 10 minutes or more after the bell for the start of the day.
Just a little late doesn’t seem much but……If your son or daughter is 10 minutes late every day that equals 50 minute of valuable lesson time per week. Over a year that is one and a half weeks.
Can I ask that you write your son or daughter a note if they come in late? Signing in without this explanation appears on their report card as an unexplained absence. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal
Senior School
QCAA Portal Account
It is essential all Year 11 and 12 students register for a QCAA Portal account to enable access to their Student Learning Account. Most Shalom students registered their account last year. If your student has not set up an account, please have them contact Mrs Ivers (Senior School Coordinator) for assistance. Students can set up this account by following the link and instructions on the QCAA myqce page: https://myqce.qcaa.qld.edu.au/. Please note that students will need to have a private email address (not shalomcollege.com) and their LUI number to be able to register. Please contact either Mrs Ivers or Mrs Norris for student LUI numbers if your student is unsure.
Year 11 Information
On Friday an email was sent to students and parents outlining information relating to changes in the management of assessment for students under the new QCAA system. Please take the time to discuss this information with your student so that they are clear about the expectations around assessment, QCE and ATAR attainment.
All Year 11 students are expected by now to have completed the online Academic Integrity Course in their QCAA Student Learning Account. Students were to have this course completed by the end of last year in preparation for entry into Year 11. In the coming weeks Mrs Ivers will contact students who have not yet completed this course. Your support in making sure your student has completed this task is much appreciated.
Year 12 Information
On Friday an email was sent to students and parents with information relating to the confirmation process involved with all Year 12 summative internal assessment under the new QCAA system. Unfortunately, some of the table at the end was missing due to a formatting issue. The complete table is included below for your reference:
Term 3, Week 10 |
Mock Exam Block |
Term 4, Week 1 |
Mock Exam Block |
Term 4, Week 2 |
Teacher feedback on Mock Exams, further preparation for EA |
Term 4, Week 3 |
Further preparation for EA |
Term 4, Week 4-7 |
External Assessment Block |
The College Calendar identifies when the QCAA External Examination are scheduled for all Year 12 students in Queensland (25 October – 16 November). It is important to realise that the external assessment block is compulsory for all students studying General and General Extension subject. No ‘make up’ examinations are offered by QCAA if students are absent. Please make sure these dates are locked into your calendar.
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Year 12 Exam Block 22 – 24 February
There will be an Exam Block in Week 5 of Term 1 (22/2/21 – 24/2/21) for Year 12 students. The Exam Timetable is attached. Year 12 students need only attend school for the exams they are scheduled for. Full school uniform and normal behaviour expectations are required when students enter the school during this time.
During the Exam Block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.
We wish our students all the best with their studies.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
On Wednesday we participated in Ash Wednesday Liturgies that were a bit different. Instead of marking ourselves with crosses in ash the COVID crisis meant ashes were sprinkled on our heads. In the time of Jesus sinners were marked with ashes, a very public humiliation, so these ashes are a symbol of our awareness of our imperfection. Even though the ashes were less visible this year they brought to mind the fact we can do better and Lent is a time for us to reflect on how we can do this.
Pope Francis invites us to ‘take advantage of Lent as the privileged time to purify ourselves in order to experience the consoling presence of God in our lives.’
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Year 7 2022 Information Night
WEDNESDAY, 3 MARCH 2021 7pm-8:30pm
For prospective parents and students for 2022 enrolments.
Hear from the College Principal Mr Dan McMahon on the high quality and very affordable education offered at Shalom College.
RSVP is not required to attend the Information Night. Attendees must sign in on the night via QR code/paper form (COVID19 protocols).
Students and Parents welcome!
Year 7 2022 Open Day
FRIDAY, 12 MARCH 2021 9:15am-11:30am
For prospective parents and students for 2022 enrolments.
The College Principal Mr Dan McMahon will introduce the morning, then you will receive a personalised tour of the school from Shalom College’s Year 10 students.
All students will receive a complimentary goodie bag on arrival. The morning will conclude with a sausage sizzle for all guests.
RSVP is not required to attend the Open Day. Attendees must sign in on the day via QR code/paper form (COVID19 protocols).
Please arrive at 9:15am for a 9:30am start at the Shalom College Performing Arts Precinct.
Students and Parents welcome!
Year 7 2022 Applications Close MONDAY, 19 APRIL 2021
All applications receive an interview
May - June 2021 - Appointments for interviews allocated & interviews commence
By 31 July 2021 - Notification sent to advise of acceptance outcome
Online Enrolment Form:
For more details go to the link below:
Student Drivers
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school. You, are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/ Enrolment Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
2021 College Calendar
The 2021 College Calendar has been handed out to one student per family (youngest sibling). Please note the two change below that are incorrect in the printed calendars;
Year 10 Immunisation Date Change
- Old date (cancelled) 19 April (Day 1 Week 1 Term 2)
- New date (add to your calendar) 12 July (Day 1 Week 1 Term 3)
Shalom College P&F AGM
All parents, carers and guardians are welcome to attended Shalom College P&F AGM on Tuesday 9 March at 6pm. The meeting will take place at the Shalom College Staffroom – see map below.
Shalom College P&F
Secretary - Nicole Heinz
Boys Formal Socks
Boys formal socks are now a compulsory part of the College Uniform. These socks are available now at the Uniform Shop, 2 pair to a pack $21.
2021 Immunisation program for Year 7 and Year 10
Shalom College is participating in Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisations Program. All Year 7 and Year 10 students will be offered free vaccinations as recommended on the National Immunisation Program to protect against vaccine preventable diseases. In 2021, Year 7 students will be offered human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccination. Year 10 students will be offered meningococcal ACWY vaccination.
The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of authorised and registered nurses from OzCare.
The consent cards have now been distributed to all our current Year 7 students via House Coordinators/PC Teachers. Participating students are required to return the completed forms by Friday 5 February, any late forms will need to be returned to Ozcare directly. Only students with a signed and completed consent card, indicating ‘Yes to Vaccination’ will be vaccinated.
Shalom College 2021 Clinic dates
Round 1 - Year 7 HPV1 & Year 7 dTpa – Monday 8 March and Tuesday 9 March
(note, due to the large number of students this clinic is over two days)
Round 1 - Year 10 Meningococcal ACWY – Monday 12 July (moved from 19 April) Consent forms will be distributed closer to date.
Round 2 - Year 7 HPV2 and Year 10 Catch up – Monday 18 October and Tuesday 19 October
Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of the vaccination.
Missed Vaccinations
Ozcare will contact all guardians directly if a student (with a completed and returned consent form) did not attend the Shalom clinic session.
Year 7 students from 2020 still requiring vaccinations will be contacted by Ozcare and offered an appointment at a Catch-Up clinic to be held at Ozcare, 73 Woongarra Street on Wednesday 5 May 2021.
Year 10 students from 2020 still requiring vaccinations will be offered an appointment at a Catch- Up Clinic to be held at Ozcare on Thursday 6 May 2021.
For further information about the School Immunisation Program please call 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) or visit the link below:
The Public Health Act 2005 requires the school principal to disclose student and parent, legal guardian or authorised person information for eligible year 7 and 10 to the immunisation provider if requested.
2021 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection
Student residential addresses are collected annually by the Australian Government and used to inform school funding calculations.
The Government has announced that the 2021 Student Residential Address and Other Information Collection will open on Monday, 15 February 2021 and will close on Friday, 12 March 2021.
Please find attached the 2021 Student Residential Address and Other Information collection notice distributed by the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment. This data is routinely used to inform Commonwealth school education policy, and to help ensure that Commonwealth funding arrangements for non-government schools are based on need, and are fair and transparent.
Could you please ensure that your address and contact details are up-to-date through the Parent Details tab in Parent Lounge to ensure accurate collection of this data?
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance & Certificate III in Aviation Remote Pilot (Drone) Courses
Drone Pilots are in demand and the range of industries that are using drones is fast expanding. Recent reports predict that drones will create 5,500 full time jobs every year for the next 20 years! Start preparing now to get into this exciting and growing career space!
Some of the areas that you can work in may include:
Film Sets - If you have a passion for film, consider becoming an aerial cinematographer. The film industry has fallen in love with drones - they are used the get beautiful aerial shots in most blockbuster films these days such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Aquaman and Westworld.
Photographers - If you are already a photographer, getting a drone and adding aerial photography and videography to your list of services is a natural progression for your business. In Real Estate, aerial Photography has become an integral part of most property marketing campaigns.
Inspecting Assets - There are thousands of structures across the country and they often require a maintenance inspection at least once a year. Examples include buildings, roofs, communications towers, and bridges, all of which can be assessed with drone photography.
Search & Rescue and Disaster Management - Drones can be used to locate lost hikers in a national park, assist life savers in patrolling beaches or aid firefighters in inspecting the stability of roof structures. Drones are also used to access hard-to-reach areas in natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods.
Mining and Construction Sites - Drones fly over construction and mining sites to measure and digitise many aspects of the site such as distances, areas, slopes and cubic metres of stockpiles.
Agriculture - Crop farmers use drones to fly over their crops with a special sensor and then generate maps that shows what areas of the crop require more water, nitrogen or other treatments.
Defence Force – Fly the latest generation unmanned surveillance aircraft by remote control, to provide battlefield intelligence and the information required to direct troop movements.
In partnership with Skills Compliance, we are offering the following course to students interested in obtaining a qualification within the aviation industry or drone skills.
You can complete not ONE but TWO Certificate courses worth over $13,000.00 for only $200 to be paid in the second year of course, and obtain 10 QCE points?
This Joint Course option includes the Certificate II in Aircraft Line Maintenance course (4 QCE points) where you will complete practicals such as:
drilling/lock wiring |
removing/installing aircraft components |
fibre-glassing |
refuelling aircraft |
as well as the Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) Drone course (6 QCE points) - where you will learn about remote pilot technical and non-technical aviation skills and learn to fly your own drone throughout the course!
Students can also choose to complete the Certificate II or Certificate III on their own as both courses are VETis funded!!! For more information, check out the brochures and attached.
Our courses are a pathway into the engineering, aviation, military and drone industries and careers.
Students in Years 10, 11 & 12 are eligible to apply however Year 10 students will need approval from the Principal. Please see the Pathways Office to register your expression of interest. Courses are to commence mid-March. See the attached flyers for further information about the courses.
Community Services – Parents’ Webinar
The Community Services sector serves as an entrance to a range of diverse careers that provide a wide range of services across many industries, including:
Home and Community Care
Disability Support
Homelessness Support and Social Housing
Mental Health Services
Foster Care and Out of Home Care
Child Safety and Support
Aged Care
Employment Services
Early Childhood Education and Care
Family and Domestic Violence Services
Community Education
Multicultural Support Services
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Services
Community Health
Youth Support
Community Legal Services
Financial Counselling
Health Promotion
The Australian Industry and Skills Committee reports that the Health Care and Social Assistance industry is the largest employing industry in Australia. In 2020 there were approximately 1.7 million people employed in this industry, which is projected to increase to more than 1.9 million by 2024. Community Services related industry sectors and occupations form one part of the overall Health Care and Social Assistance industry.
Child Care Services (one of the industry sectors within the broader Health Care and Social Assistance industry) and Preschool Education are both industry areas where employment has increased substantially since 2000 and is projected to increase further up until 2024.
This year Shalom has joined the Community Services Gateway to Industry Schools Program and their Project Parents’ Webinar will assist you to find out more about the types of pathways are available, what jobs are available locally and where there is the biggest job growth. The webinar will be held Friday, 26 February 2021 from 12.00-12.30pm. Find out more and register to attend here:
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care
This year, Shalom continues our very successful partnership with TAFE offering Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care here at the College one day a week. Experienced TAFE trainer, Mrs Jody Richter, currently has 15 students in Years 11 and12 enrolled this year.
As part of the Community Services Sector, early childhood roles are predicted to have significant growth and employers will continue to seek qualified staff across a wide range of settings. Certificate III Early Childhood Education and Care is the base level qualification required for employment in this industry, so students will be able to confidently seek employment in a range of entry-level early childhood education and care roles as well opening up options for further studies in this field.
This year’s class have enjoyed personalising and decorating their learning space with a jungle theme. Year 11 student, Lekehsa Johnson shows her artistic talent
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Power of Engineering – STEM Workshop
Last Friday 25 enthusiastic Year 9 Students and Mrs Rachael Reece from Shalom joined BCC, Kepnock and BSHS to become Engineers for the day attending a STEM workshop run by the Power of Engineering.
The day started with a keynote from David Fulton a Civil engineer from Bundaberg Regional Council, followed by a Q & A session where students posed questions to David and past and present QUT Engineer student volunteers. Following on from morning tea they rotated through four different workshops collaborating with students from the other schools focusing on different challenges faced by engineers on a daily basis.
The workshops involved, chocolate chip cookie mining with paperclips where students were fined if crumbs escaped to pay for damages to the environment facilitated by Ashley McCarthy-Griffiths an engineer from BHP. Another was the design thinking and prototype development with Emerson Ysayama from Tikkun Olam who works out of the Community Lifestyle Support makerspace here in Bundaberg and the final two were workshops run by QUT students to design a bionic hand capable of picking up a ping pong ball and a working water filter. The last one almost started a new world war as each team was given a country, a budget based on the GDP and scrambled instructions. There was some charitable donations and sneaky trading going on, but it was amazing to see what Uganda was capable of with just $20!
The day ended, after a very filling lunch, with an industry site trip to Quay Street Bridge where students looked at hand drawn structural designs from the 1800’s, pinpointed damage to the bridge and discussed problems associated with the refurbishment as a heritage listed bridge with Bundaberg Regional Council engineers.
It was a long but rewarding day, everyone who attended left with a better understanding of what a career in engineering entails and design thinking skills to apply to problems they face on a day to day basis both inside and outside of the classroom.
Ms Larissa Scoles
Science (Senior) Learning Area Coordinator
Quiet Achiever
Mia Citadella
Mia Citadella assists in every aspect of organisation in Lingiari House.
Apart from being an intelligent student and versatile sportsperson, Mia offers great support to our House Captains. As a Year 12 student she sets a quiet example of service leadership and we will miss her and our other Year 12s when they finish their time at Shalom.
Mr Jason Baulch
Lingiari House Coordinator
IT Department
I hope everyone’s start of year has gone well. Over the last few weeks, we have been ironing out any unexpected issues. Please see an update here and if any students are still experiencing issues, this information will help point them in the right direction.
No sound on Year 7 & Year 10 Laptops
We have found quite a few of the new laptops did not get the sound driver when the device was loaded with Windows over the holidays. This is an easy fix and requires the laptop to come back so we can spend 10 minutes installing it.
Software Center issues
When new operating system updates come out for phones and computers, more new features get introduced. We found a new feature in the Windows power settings that was putting the software center and other applications to sleep in the background. We have since pushed out a setting to resolve this and all the students needed to do is restart their laptop while here at Shalom. If any student has restarted their laptop and they are still experiencing software center issues, please get them to come see IT.
Family Zone – New Family Information
Shalom College has teamed up with Family Zone to offer parents the ability to filter Internet content on their children’s devices while at home while also providing the school the ability to filter content during school hours. The school has made it mandatory for the Mobile (Family) Zone app to be installed on all devices that come to Shalom including student mobile phones. All new families should have received an activation email so please advise us if this has not occurred. Family Zone have recently launched a new portal (Details coming soon!) which will provide additional information for setting up devices and changing settings to apps to be cautious of, etc. Nothing takes away the importance of talking with your children and encouraging them to make great online choices, this application just provides additional support.
As always, we are here to assist anyone so please contact us to any IT issues you have.
Mr Matthew Mills
IT Manager
Read Write Wonder
A place for English teachers to respond to texts they have encountered during the previous week.
Staff member: Louise Hume
Text: Hag-Seed by Margaret Atwood
Text type: Novel (re-imagining of William Shakespeare’s The Tempest)
Most of you will be familiar with the author, Margaret Atwood, particularly after the recent success of the television series adaptation of her dystopian novel, The Handmaid’s Tale. Unfortunately, Hag-Seed has not enjoyed the same popularity as the aforementioned novel and it is a huge shame.
Hag-Seed is a modern re-telling of the Shakespearean play, The Tempest. Known for the exploration of magic and themes of redemption, power and revenge (classic Shakespeare), The Tempest serves as a multifaceted stimulus from which Atwood re-imagines a modern tale with similar themes. We have been exploring both texts in year 12 Literature over the past few months and I particularly enjoy the levels of meaning gleaned from the metatextuality in both texts.
The most interesting part of this novel is how Atwood has skilfully woven parts of the original text into the fabric of her own manuscript. The layers and complexity of references to the original text seem infinite, however, the most refreshing example is within the novel’s setting. Shakespeare’s play explores the ways protagonist, Prospero, is imprisoned quite literally on a hidden island and figuratively by his past. To help modern readers relate to this concept, Atwood chose to set the majority of her novel in a prison where the protagonist, Felix, teaches Shakespeare to inmates at a correctional centre in Canada. At the same time, Felix is also imprisoned by his guilt for his participation in the death of his own daughter, Miranda. This choice in setting forced me to draw parallels between the literal and figurative forms of imprisonment as well as really considering the treatment and preconceptions of prisoners in our own society.
Further to this, I love that this novel highlights how empowering education is and, in particular, how mastering language and studying texts builds empathy. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and teaching this novel and I hope the year 12 Literature students agree.
Ms Louise Hume
English Learning Area Coordinator
Achieving excellence in Music!
In late 2020 Robert Grey completed the Clarinet Level 1 Standard of Excellence program after successfully learning over 150 exercises and performing 50 of them under assessment conditions. He has continued to develop his skills and knowledge this year as he works his way through Level 2. Congratulations Robert!
Robert Grey
Libby Boas started learning the flute at the beginning of 2020 and has now successfully completed Level 2 of the Standard of Excellence program. Her dedication to practice, consistent attendance at lessons and band rehearsals has seen Libby quickly advance through the levels. She has learned over 300 exercises and performed nearly 100 of them under assessment conditions. Well done Libby and keep up the great work!
Libby Boas
It is never too late to learn a new skill and if you are interested in music please visit the Shalom Music Education website or contact Megan_Hoban@shalomcollege.com to find out more.
Lessons are available for:
Strings: |
Violin |
Viola |
Cello |
Double Bass |
Woodwind: |
Flute |
Oboe |
Bassoon |
Clarinet |
Saxophone |
Brass: |
Trumpet |
Trombone |
French Horn |
Euphonium |
Tuba |
Other: |
Piano |
Vocal |
Electric Bass |
Guitar |
Percussion/Drums |
Music Theory |
Mrs Megan Hoban
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Instrumental Music Teacher – Woodwind & Brass
Duke of Edinburgh –Bronze Award Recipients
Congratulations to Joshua Booth and Connar Harris for completing their awards in the Duke of Edinburgh program in 2020.
Joshua has completed the silver award and as such is the first student to do so under the Shalom Award Unit. Joshua completed 6 months of physical recreation in swimming, skills in bee keeping and volunteering in surf lifesaving. His adventurous journey was a sailing trip. Joshua has now started his Gold award.
Joshua Booth
Connar Harris completed the bronze award. Connar completed 3 months of dog walking for his physical recreation, growing a vegetable garden for skills and helping an elderly neighbour for volunteering. He participated in the school canoeing adventurous journey at Chaverim.
Connar Harris
If you are interested in signing up with the Duke of Edinburgh awards for 2021 the age cut offs are below:
14 years – Bronze, 15years – Silver, 16 years – Gold.
If you would like to know more about the award click on the link below or email Mrs D Bishop (bishopd@shalomcollege.com)
Mrs D Bishop
Duke of Edinburgh Coordinator
Aquatic Practices Excursion to Monsoon Aquatics
As part of their Great Barrier Reef unit of work, Year 12 Aquatic Practices students were fortunate to visit Monsoon Aquatics at Burnett Heads on Friday 12 February. Monsoon Aquatics is licenced to harvest small pieces of coral from reefs around Australia, which they propagate in their tanks, before selling to markets around Australia and the world. Zoe, one of the Marine Biologists who manage their facilities, explained the intricacies of maintaining perfect growing conditions for the wide variety of corals and other reef marine creatures. Zoe also explained to students how Monsoon Aquatics are now collecting coral spawn from their own tanks, and growing these in to new coral – without the need to harvest from wild sources. Eventually, they hope to produce enough ‘IVF’ coral to be able to return some to damaged sections of the Great Barrier Reef.
A huge thank you to Zoe for being our enthusiastic tour guide and passing on her wealth of knowledge, and to Dan Kimberley, owner and founder of Monsoon Aquatics for allowing us the opportunity to explore his aquaculture facility. More information on Monsoon Aquatics can be found at the link below:
Year 12 Aquatic Students at Monsoon Aquatics
Mr Troy Braund
Year 12 Aquatics Teacher
Aquatic Practices Excursion to Lady Musgrave
On 5 February the Year 12 Aquatics class took a two-hour boat trip to Lady Musgrave. The trip consisted of taking a glass boat to Lady Musgrave Island for a guided tour and walk around the Island. On the island, students were able to see turtle tracks, reef sharks and thousands of Noddy Tern Birds. After the tour the class went Snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. The class swam with turtles, fish and viewed a large variety of corals. The guides on the trip offered talks and information that helped the Year 12 Aquatics class with their assessment. Overall, it was a fantastic trip and the students were grateful for getting the opportunity to experience this natural wonder on our doorstep.
Year 12 Aquatic Students exploring the Great Barrier Reef
Sarsha Leeson
Year 12 Aquatics Student
Tourism Excursion to Bundaberg Rum
Year 12 Tourism students are currently undertaking their Tour Guiding unit. As part of the assessment for this unit, students will plan and conduct their own ‘virtual’ tour. This provided the perfect opportunity for the students to check out one of Bundaberg’s most famous tourist destinations to get an insight to tour guiding! Both classes (some 34 students) attended the excursion and began by exploring the Bundaberg Rum museum. From there they moved to the cinema for a short movie, and also met their tour guide, Paula, who provided a brief health and safety induction (an important part of the tour as determined by the student’s risk management). Paula did a great job demonstrating exceptional tour guiding skills – although her tried and true jokes met a dead-pan audience! After the tour, Paula, along with Shannyn (HR Manager for Front of House Operations) and Scott (Visitor Experience Brand Manager) spoke with students about how the scripts for the tour are developed, the process they follow in training new tour guides, and the key role tour guides play in conveying the ‘brand’ of a business or tourist region. Students gained valuable knowledge in determining how delivering content, appealing to the target audience, maintaining safety, and reflecting your ‘brand’ in all elements of your tour (dress, body language, tone, jokes!…) are combined to create an engaging tour experience. We look forward to seeing what the students develop!
Year 12 Tourism Classes at the Rum Distillery
Mr Troy Braund & Mrs Kylee Johnstone
Year 12 Tourism Teachers
Last week the Senior Health class launched their road safety campaign with a 21-Day-Challenge between Student Drivers and Parents of P-Platers. Both teams are earning big points but only one can be the winner! The current points tally is 3,668 for the STUDENT team and a whopping huge 5, 703 points for the PARENT team. Come on Shalomie P-Platers, join up now and help your team to victory….and possibly some great prizes!
Safe road use is everyone’s responsibility and we can all do our part to keep each other safe. The link below is a video produced by Senior Health student Claudia Luczka, with help from classmates. P-Plate drivers are considered high risk of being involved in a road accident and although the reasons are many, there’s one factor that all of us can help change – role modelling GOOD driving behaviours. Click on the link below and take note of the reasons why:
And don’t forget to join the challenge!
Safe driving and happy travels!!!
2021 Year 12 Health Class
State Champions
State Surf Rescue Championships
Three of our current and one ex-Shalom students travelled to the Gold Coast to compete in the State Surf Rescue Championships at Broadbeach on 13 February.
The championships focus is not only on the athleticism of lifesavers, but also on their knowledge and the vital skills required to excel as a patrolling member. Lifesavers compete in three areas including patrol, first aid and the Champion Lifesaver competition. Competitors combine a challenging theory paper with water events and beach sprints for the Champion Lifesaver event.
These were Year 9 students Elizabeth Pascoe and Amelia Walsh, Year 10 student Summer Woods and Shalom 2020 Senior, Ky Woods from Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club and Year 10 student Caiden Everingham from Elliott Heads Surf Life Saving Club. All of these students are active lifesavers and have trained hard for this competition completing their preparation. They all volunteer as patrol members and spend many hours training at the beach.
It was a great result for Amelia Walsh to achieve a silver medal in the Under 14 age group – that is the second highest points in the state! Congratulations also to Elizabeth Pascoe also in Under 14 who came in 4th position. Summer Woods achieved 4th place in the Under 15 category whilst Caiden Everingham achieved 7th position. Ky Woods placed second place for the silver medal in the Under 19 years category.
Lizzie Pascoe and Summer Woods getting First Aid ready
Silver Medallist Amelia Walsh
Congratulations to all these students – your efforts and hard work has paid off.
State Track Cycling Championships
Brody Allison competed at the QLD State Track Championships in Brisbane last week.
On day 2 he achieved a PB in the 200m Sprint qualifying, riding 11.3 sec and winning the Silver medal behind the current QAS Scholarship Sprinter.
On day 4 he backed up with another PB in qualifying for the team sprint while riding up into the Elite men division (Rides U19 Division).
This ride along with his 2 other Bundaberg team mates gained them a ride in the Gold medal Final later in the day.
For the 3rd time in the championships Brody rode a PB 19.06sec for the 1st lap of the team sprint to won the silver medal.
Brody Allison
Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Wide Bay Selection
The following Students have gained selection in Wide Bay Teams. Congratulations to everyone!
Softball |
Open Boys |
Open Girls |
Ben Smith Lachlan Pearce |
Hannah Leggett |
Rugby Union |
Open Boys |
15 Boys |
Connor Smith Lachlan Stevenson |
Mitchell Mulford-McCallum |
Tennis |
Open Boys |
Open Girls |
Matilda GourleyCaya Akasaka-Marshall Katie Maher |
15 Boys |
15 Girls |
Jayden D’AddarioZye Cory Toby Collins Weston Giovannoni |
Zoe Stone |
Golf |
Open Boys |
Open Girls |
Jack Wooldridge Coben Simpson |
Kate McFarlane Amara Burns |
On Thursday Shalom was well represented at the Wide Bay Schools Golf trials at Maryborough Golf Club.
Amara Burns, Kate McFarlane, Jack Woolridge and Coben Simpson all gained selection in the Wide Bay Team that will contested the State Schools Championships at Royal Pines on the Gold Coast later next month.
Amara Burns, Kate McFarlane, Jack Woolridge and Coben Simpson
Touch Football Achievements
Year 10 Student Taylor Driver along with Year 12 Student Kharla Hills recently attended a Touch Football academy development camp representing the Cowboys 16 Year Girls. Both girls have been picked up by NQ touch to play at NTL (National Touch League) in Coffs Harbour NSW in March. This has been a wonderful experience for the girls. Learning all about skills, nutrition, health and fitness. Not to mention playing off against other teams like Titan’s and Bronco’s and then splitting into mixed A and B teams. Riley Dingle who is also in Year 12 has been selected in the CQ Open Women’s team and will also play at the NTL in Coffs Harbour in March.
Playing at the NTL is a huge complement to both players.
Kharla and Taylor in their cowboy gear
Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
Summer Interschool Sport
Week 1 of Summer Sport tennis saw some excellent performances from our Shalom players.
In Division 1, the Shalom Red team of Lachlan Campbell, Emily Downs and Poppy Loeskow made an impressive start to the season defeating Kepnock team 14-6. Shalom White, represented by Katie Maher and Kody Hunting lost to a strong St Luke’s team 18-7 but displayed some good skills. Shalom Black had a bye.
In Division 2, the Shalom Black team of Jacob O’Brien, Kai Belford, William Cole-Bloore and Eli Sewell performed well against a strong North Bundy SHS team, eventually losing 15-8, however showed good potential as a team of the future. Shalom Red received a forfeit from Bundy SHS, however the team of Lara Bemet, Laura Davenport, Sithuki Weerasinghe and Chanel Gordon were primed to play and looked impressive in their practice matches.
Mr Brendan Maher
Shalom Tennis Convenor
Touch Football
Team |
Opposition |
Score |
Year 7/8 Girls- Red |
SLAS 1 |
Lost 0-6 |
Sarah Doyle |
Year 7/8 Girls- White |
Rosedale |
Won 7-1 |
Zoe Stone |
Year 7/8 Girls- Black |
Bye |
Bye |
Year 7/8 Boys- Red |
Bundy High |
Won 3-1 |
Laswari Iboro |
Year 7/8 Boys- White |
Rosedale |
Drew 2-2 |
Cohen Palmer |
Year 7/8 Boys- Black |
Kepncok State High |
Lost 1-10 |
Year 9/10 Girls- Red |
Kepnock State High |
Won 4-0 |
Caitlin Tanner |
Year 9/10 Boys- Red |
Bye |
Bye |
Year 9/10 Boys- Black |
Bundy High |
Lost 3-5 |
Year 11/12 Girls- Opens |
North High |
Won 11-0 |
Riley Dingle |
Year 11/12 Boys- Opens |
Bundy High |
Won 6-2 |
Jonty McMahon |
Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Year 8 Camps 2021
Catholic Schools Race Day
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
MONDAY to THURSDAY - 8:00am – 12:00pm
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Phone : 41 558 121
Term Dates for 2021
Term 1: |
Wednesday 27th January - Thursday 1st April (10 weeks) |
Term 2: |
Monday 19th April - Friday 25th June (10 weeks) |
Term 3: |
Monday 12th July - Friday 17th September (10 weeks) |
Term 4: |
Tuesday 5th October - Friday 3th December (9 weeks) |
Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.
Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.
For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.
Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).
No experience required!
Click here to book a shift >
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice
- Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
- BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
Markets Tuckshop Roster
We NEED volunteers for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 28 February |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Craig Warner |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Brendan/Astrid Clancy Jo Medcalf John Pappalardo Vicki Saffioti |
Sunday 7 March |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Andrew Lucht Janelle Test |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Katumaree Nabnili |
Sunday 14 March |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Mary Buchanan Helen/Matthew Mader Steven Schiffke |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Patricia Rochford |
Sunday 21 March |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Mark Morris |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Angela Jackson Wanita Ellis |
Sunday 28 March |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Christine Buwalda-Nicolson Trish Sellers |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Isobel O’Brien Nicole Schubel |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 28 February |
Rotary Club of Bundaberg Sunrise Tony Castro |
Sunday 7 March |
Moore Park Beach State School P & C Diane Patterson |
Sunday 14 March |
Shalom Rugby League Neil Feather |
Sunday 21 March |
Shalom Rowing Gretta Waters |
Sunday 28 March |
Shalom Netball Melinda Pearson |
Community Notice Board
Youth Support
Link to Survey below
Find Out More below
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Catholic Parish Bulletin
Current Roster (Term 1, 2021)
20/21st February 2021
1st Sunday of Lent
FOCUS by: Monica White
St Joseph’s Primary School Principal
On Monday, the 15th of February, staff of the Catholic schools in Bundaberg joined with other Catholic schools in the Southern Region for our annual Bishop’s In-service Day. This year, as we celebrate 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia, our annual in-service day was a valuable reminder that Catholic Education is an important ministry of the Church. With the theme of the Bicentenary being “Faith in the Future” we were reminded by Bishop Michael and Leesa Jeffcoat (Director of Catholic Education, Rockhampton) that belonging to our faith community is at the heart of Catholic schools.
“It is Christ I follow!” These words were shared with us by Michael Otto (Youth, Family and Vocations – Executive officer) as a reminder that staff in our Catholic schools need to be disciples of Jesus and communicated three important messages to young people:
1. God is Love 2.Christ saves 3. Christ is Alive!
We also heard from guest presenter Steve Lawrence, who is a passionate speaker and storyteller.
Steve played 12 seasons of professional AFL with Hawthorn, was the Player of the Finals series in the 1991 Premiership team, and was Director of Evangelisation and Catechesis for the 2008 Sydney World Youth Day. He is the author of 2 books: Five Smooth Stones (2010) and Make your Mark (2019). Steve had much to share about leadership, faith and mission, and encouraged us to be true to our Catholic schools’ identity, mission and values. Steve outlined that we are all agents of God’s presence if we bring Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Truth which engages the mind; Goodness with experiences of the heart; and Beauty being discovered through the senses. Steve spoke about Catholic Schools needing to be themselves, based on Jesus. He reiterated Bishop Michael’s and Leesa’s message that we need community and a faith encouraging environment. He also shared with us an acronym for our Rockhampton Diocese as we continue the important 200 year old mission of educating young people in Australia:
R eceive the Spirit
O pen wide the doors to Christ
C ommunity – live in it
K now yourself
Y es!
"Enjoy reading this year's edition of the 'Good News Magazine: 2020 New Vision', a look at the year that was and how we adapted to a new way of doing thins."
Please click on the link to access the digital copy of the magazine.
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.