24 May 2021
Principal’s Reflection
This year we celebrate 200 years of Catholic education. This enterprise, of which Shalom is very much a part, started very, very humbly. Priests, Brothers and Nuns as well as lay men and women have worked very hard, in often very trying conditions, to ensure that the students and staff enjoy the quality facilities and pedagogy that is now part and parcel of life, particularly at Shalom. For most of our history, Catholic Education continued with no support from Governments. Funding from Government for Catholic schools was achieved initially, after a dispute arose over a dilapidated toilet block. This came about because a Bishop in Goulburn in
1962 was brave enough to close all the Catholic schools in that town and directed parents to present their children for enrolment at the local State schools. St Brigid’s Primary school was told by the State Government that their toilet block had to be closed to bring it up to acceptable standards. There was no money for repairs so the Bishop took pretty drastic action. The Federal Government then found a way to start contributing some dollars for Catholic schooling.
Catholic schools have been committed, for 200 years, to giving young people a better start in life. Catholic schools have helped young people secure jobs and futures beyond their parent’s dreams. Catholic schools also try to ensure that the young people who graduate our schools are inspired by the story of Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saw oppression and poverty and responded to those needs. In doing so, he challenged the accepted wisdom and traditions of the time. He demanded that people do their utmost to make the ‘Kingdom of God’ a reality now, and not in some distant future. No wonder he got crucified.
Catholic Education in Australia has so much to celebrate and some things for which to beg forgiveness. I love the diversity and plurality of our Catholic schools. We welcome students of diverse faiths and none but we are very clear about our Gospel commitment. We pray every day. We all get challenged to be better than we thought we could be. We ask forgiveness when we get it wrong. Thank you for your support of this wonderful endeavour. Today is the feast day of Our Lady Help of Christians – the Patron Saint of Catholic Education. I hope that Catholic Education will be so much better again in another 100 years.
Vaping is starting to become an issue among some of our students. There is some information for parents later in this newsletter about this that is very much worth you knowing. Vaping is an issue in schools but students don’t purchase these devices from the school. They get them at home and bring them here. Quite a number seem to sold on-line. I would urge parents to have this issue on your radar and talk to your children about the very real potential health impacts of vaping. There is some excellent information on School TV on this –
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Student Welfare and Information
- Tutoring
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Student Drivers
- Absentees
- Footloose the Musical
- Pathways
- Science and Engineering Challenge 2021
- Chess Action
- Dance Night 2021
- Quiet Achiever
- Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze Award Practice Adventurous Journey
- Read Write Wonder
- 2021 Winter Concert
- Instrumental Music
- Stepping into Bundaberg Sports
- Team Photo Schedule
- Rowing
- Year 7 Camps 2021
- Uniform Shop Opening Hours
- Term Dates for 2021
- Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
- Tuckshop
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Student Welfare and Information
There have been several articles in newspapers and surveys done in recent times on the topic of vaping and school students. Without becoming an alarmist it appears that vaping is on the increase in society.
One of the best, and most informative, presenters and researchers is Paul Dillon. He has a great knowledge and ‘feel’ for the trends amongst young people in this area. Mr Dillon, the director of Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia, presents at about 200 schools around Australia every year. Schools are now requesting him to include vaping.
Previously he focused on alcohol in Year 10, included cannabis in Year 11 and widened out to other drugs in Year 12 but every school was now asking him to cover vaping for all age groups. Because of a dramatic shift in the last six to 12 months, Paul has added vaping to every single one of over 200 presentations a year. Paul outlines that flavoured non-nicotine vaping was most popular among teens, but nicotine was close behind, followed by THC (the active ingredient in cannabis).
I have included two fact sheets – one outlines general information about vaping itself and the second fact sheet is a resource for parents. Please take the time to read both and I encourage you to have open conversations with your child about the dangers of vaping.
Formal Information
We have to comply with quite a number of rules set down by the Queensland Health Department as we are hosting an event of over 500 people.
First MOST IMPORTANT thing: you do need to have your ticket with you on the night.
The QR code on the ticket needs to be scanned prior to entry.
Other things to note so that we comply with the Queensland Health Department rules:
For Parents:
You will have a separate entrance to the students and this will be clearly marked and decorated.
Staff will scan your ticket and ushers (Year 11 students) will show you to your tables
The day before (Friday 28 May) you will be sent your table number – tell the ushers this number and they will take you to your table
You need to go in to the ballroom once your ticket has been scanned
We ask parents to be seated by 6:20pm; formalities commence at 6:30pm with the introductions of the students
When using the bar, the water station or the coffee/tea station you are asked not to congregate in groups (part of the Queensland Health Department rules)
We are only allowed about 80 people at one time on the dance floor – we will have a system worked out for the father/daughter & mother/son dances
Student Punctuality
Thank you very much to the parents who take a few minutes to write a very brief note explaining their child’s reason for arriving late. This has increased significantly. This note of explanation would be very much appreciated.
Uniform and Grooming
A number of young ladies need to have their dresses/skirts taken down as they are too short. The correct length is just below the knee. A number of young ladies have had a ‘growth spurt’ thus the uniform being too short.
Thank you to the parents who have arranged for their son to have a haircut when it was becoming unruly. I know House Coordinators or myself have written notes in Record Books.
Students are allowed to have their phones on them through the day, however, in saying that they are not allowed to use them through the day. Should they wish to check messages or make a phone call, all they need to do is ask a teacher if they may use the phone….and we give permission! I am at a loss to find that phones are still being confiscated because the students cannot follow this simple procedure.
The consequence is, as you are aware, the phone is confiscated and has to be collected by the parent.
I am looking forward to the Formal Dinner Dance – Saturday night is not far away.
Please contact me here at the College should you have any queries.
New Pastoral Houses: 2022
In 2022, two new pastoral Houses will be added to the existing eight Houses due to the increase in student numbers. As you are aware, these Houses are small communities within a large school and a way of ensuring our students are well looked after. The primary focus is about building ‘right relationships’ within a pastoral care class as well as within the House. Student well-being is paramount.
Mr McMahon and I have met with Years 9, 10 & 11 last week to explain the process and we will meet with Years 7 & 8 tomorrow, Tuesday.
To have an organised transfer of students I have blocked the existing Houses in two blocks. Adams, Chisholm, Hogan & Lingiari form Block 1 and students across these Houses will form House 9 (one of the new Houses). Block 2 is made up MacKillop, McAuley, Rice and Walsh Houses and the students moving from these Houses will form House 10 (the second new House).
I have calculated the number of students, boys and girls, needed per year level and per House we need to move.
On Wednesday all students in Years 7 – 11 will be sent a Google Form and the students will be able to apply on this form to move to a new House should they want. All requests are considered but we only need a small number from each year level, per House, to move across.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal
Term 2 tutoring, please refer to the updated tutoring timetable below.
Mrs Kim O’Shea-Hard
Assistant Principal – Staff
External Examination Timetable
Students who study a General subject in Year 12 are required to complete external examinations for each of their General subjects. The exam block runs from Monday 25 October – Tuesday 16 November. A copy of the timetable is included here. This will also be made publicly available on the QCAA website in the coming week. Once published students will have a customised copy available to them in their QCAA myQCE Learning Account.
Alternate Venue - External Examinations
It is expected that all Year 12 students will sit their scheduled external examinations at Shalom College. If there is any exceptional circumstance as to why your child cannot complete their exams at the College please contact Mrs Norris immediately to discuss this. It is a requirement of QCAA that an alternate venue be identified so that extra-ordinary arrangements can be made ahead of time.
QTAC Information Session for Parents & Students
This session is for parents of students who are interested in going to University. The Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC) will be running an information session at Shalom College on Monday 21 June. This will be held in the Performing Arts Precinct (PAP) commencing at 3.30pm. During the information session QTAC will talk to you and your student about applying for higher education and ATAR information. They will also be able to answer any questions you may have with regards to the tertiary admissions process. This is a must attend if you have students on an ATAR and tertiary pathway. Please mark this date on your calendar!
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Learner Conferences (Formerly Parent/Teacher Interviews) 25 May 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Learner Conferences (for all subjects other than Yr7&8 Core Studies) will be available on Tuesday 25 May from 3.30pm-6.30pm in the Sports Centre. The aim of the Learner Conferences is to provide an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers to discuss the progress and learning needs of their children. Interviews will be of ten minutes duration. Students are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference. Your child’s progress is crucial to all of us and it is a significant benefit in this process if your child can be a part of the discussion.
Please remember that you can also access detailed assessment information and results in Parent Lounge under the Curricular Activities Due tab. This is useful to review before attending Leaner Conferences.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Student Drivers
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/ Enrolment Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
Footloose the Musical
Due to popular demand, the cast of Footloose are performing an EXTRA SHOW!
The extra show is scheduled for Saturday 19th June at 11am.
$20 for adults $17 for students
Be quick - the last three shows sold out in 48 hours - don't miss out!
Ms Cassie Hoiberg
Performing Arts Coordinator
National Careers Week
This week we celebrated National Careers Week. The daily email competitions were a hit and kept our inboxes full for the week. Some of the responses to our questions were so impressive and demonstrated that students are researching and exploring careers even in the much younger year levels. The “How Well Do You Know Shalom Staff” Careers Quiz was especially popular, with one student from each House winning a $10 tuckshop voucher. Parents might also like to test their knowledge of Shalom staff and have a bit of fun.
The Pathways staff visited TAFE campus last week and this coincided nicely with National Careers Week. We had the pleasure of observing some of our students exploring their potential career pathways. Phoenix Warner and Ash-Lee Clarke are learning make-up artistry skills and we were very impressed by TAFE’s Hair & Beauty training spaces that provide students with industry current skills.
Also, as part of National Careers Week, Year 10 students attended the Bundaberg Careers, Jobs & Business Expo where students had the opportunity to explore a range of exhibitors to learn about career pathways. Representatives from a range of industries such as Agriculture, Business and Finance, Childcare, Disability and Health, Fitness, Defence, Universities, TAFE, Training, Employment, Manufacturing, Police, Retail were present.
Year 10 students exploring the Bundaberg Careers Expo
Iglu 2022 Regional Scholarship
The Iglu Regional Scholarship enables eligible students to live at any Iglu property in Sydney, Brisbane or Melbourne while undertaking an undergraduate degree at an Iglu partner university. With an Iglu Regional Scholarship you could pay as little as $199/week during your first year of living at Iglu. (Scholarship room rates vary depending on chosen property. Scholarships are only applicable for 12 month contracts.)
If you’re interested in applying for a scholarship starting in 2022, register now to be advised when applications open.
Civil Construction Cadet Virtual Work Experience
Grandshake, in partnership with Inland Rail, have a range of virtual work experience opportunities available. In the Civil Cadet virtual work experience you will have the opportunity to build one of Inland Rail’s biggest projects. Step by step, brick by brick, you will navigate the world of construction and innovatively carry out your very own construction project. You will tackle all the steps involved in an engineering project and get first-hand experience in geotechnical analysis, surveying and civil design.
These free courses are aimed at students in Years 10-12, allowing them to get a taste of the industry. There is a rolling intake that commences every Monday and the course typically takes around four weeks to complete (with a weekly commitment of 2-4 hours max). All you need is a computer, laptop or phone, internet connection and dedication and enthusiasm. You will gain real-world industry skills and get exposure and recognition while earning an industry microcredential (an employer-certified credential to help you upskill in your area of interest).
Some of the other Virtual Work Experience opportunities available with Grandshake are Junior Environmental Planner, Junior Digital Engineer and Mechnaical Electrical Technician.
Find out more via the link below:
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Science and Engineering Challenge 2021
On Thursday 20 May, a team of 32 students of Shalom’s best & brightest participated in the Science and Engineering Challenge held at the Shalom Sports Centre. The Science and Engineering Challenge is a day-long competition designed to provide Year 9 & 10 students with a positive experience of Science and Engineering.
Each school provides 8 teams of 3 or 4 students. Each team is assigned a challenge in which they must design, build and test something in order to solve a problem. There are 8 possible challenges for students to choose from including designing, building and testing a turbine, hovercraft, bionic hand, earthquake-proof tower and bridge.
Shalom students showed some exceptional enthusiasm in these challenges displaying excellent problem-solving skills and teamwork to win the Challenge on the day – an outstanding effort. Performances across all groups were consistently high, however, special mention goes to the group of Tahia Zia, Finley Christiansen, Henry Brophy and Tori Bowden who won both their challenges - Confounding Communications and Helter-Skelter Shelter – an excellent performance. It is hoped that Shalom will now qualify for the State Finals for the S&E Challenge which would be a very fun event.
Once again our students participated in the great spirit that Shalom is known for and the day was enjoyed by all who attended.
Molly Sellers and Cooper Leeson accepting the winner’s trophy
Back Row : Amelia Tu, Henry Brophy, Tori Bowden, Molly Sellers Front Row : Finley Christiansen, Tahia Zia, Jalah Bakker
Chess Action
On Tuesday 18 May, Shalom sent three teams to compete in the Term 2 Inter-School Chess Tournament at Avoca State School. A clash with NAPLAN meant we lost our Year7 & 9 stars, however Shalom was still represented by some quality players.
The Shalom Black team of Ty Rushton, John Moonie, Raul Ongkili and Nicholas Whitelum played some exciting chess to earn a bronze medal on the day. Nicholas Whitelum and John Moonie led from the front and both received a Merit ribbon for losing no more than 2 games over the day.
The Shalom White team of Thomas Brandon, Callum MaCann, Cooper Sinclair and Isaac Watson were not far from a podium finish with some strong performances. Callum MaCann also received a Merit ribbon and is becoming one of the fast improvers in chess. These players have demonstrated that they will be excellent players in the years to come.
The Shalom Red team of Nakita Hill, Sarah Waters and Jonathon El-Azzi were handicapped by only having three players, but each won their share of games on the day showing persistence and determination.
Congratulations to all these players on an outstanding effort.
Chess is a great game for people of all ages and experience. If you would like to have a game, or to learn how to play, Chess Club is on every Tuesday and Wednesday lunch at 11.25am in Beerarlem. We are also fortunate to have a ‘Chess Master’ visit each Wednesday, Martin Carter, who is doing an excellent job of improving our player’s knowledge and skills. We would love to have you there!
Callum MaCann, Nicholas Whitelum and John Moonie – Merit Ribbon winners
Ty Rushton, Nicholas Whitelum, John Moonie and Raul Ongkili – Bronze Medal winners
The Shalom Chess Team
Chess Joke of the Week - If you forget the rules of Chess don't worry..... you're allowed to check
Mr Brendan Maher
Chess Coordinator
Dance Night 2021
This year, Dance Night will be held in Term 3, Week 8 – Friday 3 and Saturday 4 September.
Rehearsals for Dance Night commence next week (Week 7) in the Dance Studio and Theatre during lunch times. Students can participate in a variety of dance styles including hip hop, tap and contemporary.
Students wishing to audition for selective groups must do so this week at the times below. Please come prepared to perform a 30-second routine in the style listed and have music that is accessible via Apple Music or Spotify.
Years 10-12 |
Contemporary Wednesday lunchtime |
Years 7-9 |
Jazz Friday lunchtime |
If there are any questions, please contact Miss Hoiberg or Mrs McSherry in the Performing Arts Department.
Miss Cassie Hoiberg
Performing Arts Learning Area Coordinator
Quiet Achiever
Jack Bigg |
Ella Bigg |
This week we have two Quiet Achievers for Chisholm House, siblings, Year 7 Student Jack Bigg and Year 9 Student Ella Bigg.
Jack has started life at Shalom College successfully. He is hard working and positively involved in all aspects of his Shalom and Chisholm life. Jack is willing to support others. He takes the time to listen to his peers, providing a mature and helpful response.
Ella has always been an excellent part of Chisholm life. She has represented the House in the student council, supports all events and helps her peers. Ella is smart, dedicated to doing her best and can be relied upon for constant participation at House events. Ella never expects praise and does everything with the utmost integrity.
Mr Aaron Brown
Chisholm House Coordinator
Duke of Edinburgh – Bronze Award Practice Adventurous Journey
Eight Year 9 – 11 students went on their first Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous journey (Bronze award) over the weekend: Shelby Cass, Molly Sellers, Elizabeth Pascoe, Daniel Cavanagh, Thanushi Weerasinghe, Kaitlyn Johnson, Yangyang Lu, Summer Woods. It was held out at Chaverim but instead of a luxurious camp with meals provided and nice hot showers at the end of a long day students camped in tents down by the river and had to plan and cook all their own meals using trangias.
Day one started by setting up the campsite. Tents were erected along with a shade and cooking area. After morning tea, the team ventured out onto the river to develop their canoeing skills. Students were taught how to paddle correctly and more importantly how to steer their canoe. It started out a bit like bumper cars but by the end of the weekend they had started to master these skills. After lunch they were taught how to rescue paddlers and turn over a capsized canoe along with many other important skills.
We were blessed with beautiful cooler sunny days but this meant students needed warming up after getting wet in the river during all of the rescue training. A big thank you to Mr Stallard for coming out Saturday night and providing us with a very warm and toasty campfire. Speaking of toasty, marshmallows went down a treat along with hot chocolate for those who planned their menus well. Sleeping bags were well used as the temperature dropped down to 10 degrees overnight. It was a welcome sight at 6am on Sunday to see that Mr Stallard had stoked up the fire over breakfast.
Sunday saw students undertake a big morning of paddling covering about 9km all up. They headed up river before turning back to explore Pine Creek and then finally made their way down to Cedars bridge for lunch on the river bank. Lots of wildlife was out and about from lungfish, turtles, cormorants, lizards and a majestic sea eagle circling overhead.
A very big thank you to Janet Lindsay, our volunteer award leader, for giving up her time to lead this journey and for teaching students valuable camping, canoeing and first aid skill.
Students are now looking forward to their final adventurous journey camp at the Cooloola Recreation Area, Great Sandy National Park in September.
Mrs Debbie Bishop
Shalom College, Duke of Edinburgh Joint Award Leader
Read Write Wonder
A place for English teachers to respond to texts they have encountered during the previous week.
Staff member: Maryann
Text: The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf
Text Type: Novel
The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf by Indigenous Australian author, Ambellin Kwaymullina is the prescribed text for Year 9 this term. It is a dystopian novel based on the themes of survival and endurance together with death, grief and redemption. Described as Indigenous Futurism, it is about a group of teens with extraordinary abilities. These young people are considered ‘Illegals’by the controlling enforcers with their leader, the protagonist, Ashala Wolf being detained and interrogated by the power-hungry, Chief Administrator, Neville Rose and his assistant, Miriam Grey at the Detention Centre.
Ashala has vivid flashbacks of her past including the traumatic loss of her beloved sister. This book encompasses science fiction themes of the supernatural and speculative technology within the fictional world of Firstwood. The novel’s themes also include the maintenance of environmental harmony or ecotopia as the Tribe follow a pact made with the Firstwood inhabitants to preserve the Balance. An integral part of the story are the reptilian saurs and the Indigenous concept of time through Grandfather Serpent, a spirit guardian of the Firstwood.
We have found this book has many parallels with our world today where we are realising the impact of human behaviours on our environment. The notion of being detained against one’s will has also led to discussions about our treatment of the incarcerated, especially our refugees who are often detained for lengthy and uncertain time periods.
Our students have enjoyed the novel with many moving onto the second and third books of Kwaymullina’s trilogy, The Tribe series. Their culminating task now is to write an imaginative short story based on one of the minor characters or through the creation of a new character who fits into the world of Ashala Wolf. Their story must follow a set theme and include relevant aspects of science-fiction that have been incorporated in the original novel.
I look forward to reading these short stories and wish our Year 9 students all the best with this task.
Ms Louise Hume
English Learning Area Coordinator
2021 Winter Concert
Instrumental Music
Been thinking about learning piano??
My name is Christie McLucas and I’m excited to join the Shalom Family! I’ve been teaching piano for a zillion years as well as working as a professional musician and accompanist and I’m thrilled to be a part of the Shalom Arts team. I have a love for all kinds of music and am passionate about delivering quality and enjoyable tuition. If your child is interested, book in for a trial lesson and see if we can make some music happen! Please contact Megan_Hoban@shalomcollege.com or myself.
Mrs Megan Hoban
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Stepping into Bundaberg Sports
This completely free program is designed to get children with autism to try out different sports in a non competitive way. This program is designed to get these children socialising in a constructive way, improve hand eye coordination, improve fitness levels and give them an opportunity to try out a multitude of sports. Each term we run 2 seperate sports and offer school holiday clinics. If you have any questions at all feel free to call Luke on 0449007590.
Team Photo Schedule
Please see link to the Team Photo Schedule for all Summer Sport Teams as well as Rowing, BDSSS Swimming and Cross Country Team and T20 Cricket.
All photos are taken at Mackillop 2 at either Lunchtime or Afternoon Tea.
Students are to wear formal school uniform - including ties for Boys.
Please encourage student to place their team photo date in their student record book.
The Head of the River Regatta was fiercely fought amongst the Bundaberg schools again on Sunday. With a gutsy display of strength, determination and teamwork by all the Shalom Crews, we rowed away with a total of seven gold, nine silver and thirteen bronze medals.
Our rowers work hard to achieve their goals, early mornings on the river, gym sessions to build strength and a drive to be the best they can be. While we didn't row away with the Head of the River trophy, our crews showed their coaches and most importantly themselves, just how far they can push to reach their rowing goals.
Well done Shalom.
Nicole Heinz
Shalom Rowing Fundraising Coordinator
Year 7 Camps 2021
Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
After School Activities
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
MONDAY to THURSDAY - 8:00am – 12:00pm
Out of stock Boys Formal Socks Sizes 8-11 and 11 -14
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Phone: 41 558 121
Term Dates for 2021
Term 1: Wednesday 27th January
- Thursday 1st April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Monday 19th April - Friday 25th June (10
Term 3: Monday 12th July - Friday 17th September
(10 weeks)
Term 4: Tuesday 5th October - Friday 3th December
(9 weeks)
Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.
Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.
For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.
Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).
No experience required!
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl &
cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks &
Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!
- Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
- BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
Markets Tuckshop Roster
New volunteers are DESPERATELY required for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 30 May |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Kath Clarke Danielle Morrish Helen Robinson |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Tenille Nagas Maryanne Taylor |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 30 May |
Moore Park Beach State School P&C Diane Patterson |
Sunday 6 June |
Shalom Netball Melinda Pearson |
Sunday 13 June |
Shalom Rugby League Neil Feathers |
Community Notice Board
Bus Subsidy
Qld Government Autism Hub
The Autism Hub are offering a range of professional development sessions online.
Love Bites
Youth Support
Link to Survey below
Find Out More below
Youth Champions Team
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday
to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Ph: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
Email: sbundaberg@rok.catholic.net.au
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
FOCUS by: Joe McCorley
Sincere thanks to all who attended our final
last Saturday. For your information, I outline the
general agreements reached.
“Nourished by WORD and SACRAMENT, we go out,
empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT, to welcome and
share GOD’S LOVE respectfully, with ALL people.”
A welcoming community of love for all people.
Serving our community by using our God-given gifts
and talents.
Growing in Faith, Prayer and Eucharist with a sense of
the Sacred.
Innovatively inclusive and outward focused.
The Structure of the Parish Governing
Stewardship Council;
The appointment of a “Lay Pastoral Leader” to work
co-responsibly with the Parish Priest in
SOME GOALS AND STRATEGIES: were developed to
be addressed by our Parish in the immediate future,
• “To welcome all parents, children, and
adults and to enable them to develop a personal
encounter with Jesus Christ.”- by implementing
the “ALPHA” program in our parish.
• “To reach out to the isolated and lonely in
community”- by continuing our Visitation
Ministry, and establishing a “Shopping Centre
"Enjoy reading this year's edition of the 'Good News Magazine: 2020 New Vision', a look at the year that was and how we adapted to a new way of doing thins."
Please click on the link to access the digital copy of the magazine.
Catholic Youth Groups
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.