26 July 2021
Principal’s Reflection
This week is ‘Catholic Education Week’ and we continue to celebrate 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia. Last week, I was pleased to be able to send out acceptance letters to 270 students who applied to come to Shalom in Year 7 in 2022. A part of that process meant that I interviewed a lot of families. I always ask why parents believe that Shalom might be a good fit for their child. I get a lot of interesting replies. One that is not uncommon is that parents are seeking a ‘good private school’ for their child. I always respond to those parents, nicely, but remind them that Shalom is not a ‘private school’. Shalom is a very public Catholic school! ‘Private Schools’ illicit an image of privilege and elitism. That is not Shalom.
Shalom families are very largely working families who sacrifice to have their children here. We support many families that struggle to pay full fees. Shalom is open to families who share the values about which we are very clear. And those are rooted in the life of Jesus the Christ. Someone once said that Catholic schools, at their best, are about ‘the last, the lost and the least’. Our focus is never to take on the exclusivity of ‘private schooling’. I have been involved in Catholic Education all of my life. I am convinced that Catholic schools are better now than when I was at school. In a Year10 RE class last week, the students were reflecting on Gratitude. The handout they were reflecting on was titled, “When You Are Going Through One of Life’s Storms, Let Gratitude Be Your Umbrella”. Some of the quotes from that handout really struck me:
‘I write about the power of trying because I want to be okay with failing. I write about generosity because I battle selfishness. I write about joy because I’ve known sorrow. I write about faith because I almost lost mine, and I know what it is to be broken and in need of redemption. I write about gratitude because I am thankful – for all of it’ - Kirsten Armstrong
‘When asked if my cup is half-full or half-empty, my only response is that I am thankful I have a cup’
‘If you cannot be grateful for what you have received, then be thankful for what you have been spared’ Yiddish Proverb
‘Often people ask how I manage to be happy despite having no arms and no legs. The quick answer is that I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be grateful that I have a purpose. I chose gratitude.’ Nick Vujicic
In all the other good work that is done in Catholic Education, I hope we always remind ourselves and our young people that ‘Thank You’ is one of the best and most authentic prayers we can pray.
Spirit of Catholic Education Awards are presented each year across the State. We had three nominations for this Award from Shalom – three extraordinary women. Mary Taylor, Debbie Bolam & Helen Stanley. Shalom is so much a better place for the presence of these three women. They live and breathe a love for Catholic Education and the students in our care. Outstanding nominations and we are very lucky to have the three of them at Shalom.
House Coordinators 2022 – in recent weeks the College advertised for staff interested in taking on House Coordinator positions for our two new Houses. An addition to that process was the search for two other HC positions. Mr Jason Baulch (Lingiari) & Mr Adam Knott (Hogan) will not continue in their House leadership roles in 2022. After interviewing an outstanding range of candidates, the following appointments have been made for 2022 –
McCormack House – Ms Karli
Damien House – Mr Jason Egan
Lingiari House – Mr Michael Ray
Hogan House – Mr Scott Whitelaw
Three of those appointments are current Shalom staff. The fourth, Mr Scott Whitelaw, will join our staff in Term 4 before taking over the leadership of Hogan House in 2022. Scott is currently the Principal of a school in the Northern Territory.
Shalom TV – check out the latest episode
Senior Subject Selection Evening is on Tuesday night (July 27) at 6.30pm. This is a really important exercise for our Year 10s. I would strongly encourage parents and students to attend this information evening. Make the right choices first up – it is so much easier.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Student Welfare and Information
- Tutoring
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Mission
- Finance Office
- Student Drivers
- Absentees
- Stall Holders Required for Movie Night
- Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
- Pathways
- Quiet Achiever
- Opti-MINDS 2021
- Rowing
- Queensland Football Selection
- Rugby Union
- Uniform Shop Opening Hours
- Term Dates for 2021
- Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
- Tuckshop
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Student Welfare and Information
New Houses 2022: Information
Our new Houses are named Damien and McCormack.
The House Coordinator for Damien House is Mr Jason Eagan and the House Coordinator for McCormack House is Ms Karli Lancaster.
To form Damien House, students were taken from Adams, Chisholm, Hogan and Lingiari Houses. The other four Houses make up McCormack House. The reason for blocking the Houses is so that each House has students who have some connection with each other.
We are very excited about our two new Houses, it’s a new era for our pastoral care system. With the addition of these Houses it reduces numbers across the other eight.
I am very grateful to the brave students who have taken a ‘leap of faith’ and moved from Houses to which they were very attached, to commence a new adventure.
All the Year 12s in these two Houses, whether an elected leader or not, will have great responsibility to lead the younger students & many leadership opportunities. They will work closely with their respective House Coordinator to establish a thriving community.
I have now placed students in Pastoral Care classes for next year, however, these will not be published just yet. In doing this I find that I do need some more students to opt to change into one of these Houses.
I will set up a Google Doc once again so that after considerable thought and discussion at home, students may offer to move. Please remember that I can’t move everyone who puts in as I need the Houses to be balanced e.g. I can’t put all top athletes into the one House, some must stay behind, or House Coordinators may “lynch me!!”
We are trying to have the existing Houses smaller in number and the Houses with comparable numbers if possible. We know that the new Houses will be smaller for a while.
For Damien House I need the following numbers to come from Adams, Chisholm, Hogan and Lingiari:
8 boys & 10 girls from Year 7; 10 boys & 8 girls from Year 8; 6 boys & 3 girls from Year 9; 9 boys & 11 girls from Year 10; 6 boys & 5 girls from Year 11.
For McCormack House I need the following numbers to come from MacKillop, McAuley, Rice and Walsh:
5 boys & 8 girls from Year 7; 4 boys & 9 girls from Year 8; 2 boys & 6 girls from Year 9; 4 boys & 8 girls from Year 10; 1 boy & 3 girls from Year 11.
If you have any questions, please contact me here at the College.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal
Term 3 tutoring has begun, please refer to the updated tutoring timetable below.
Mrs Kim O’Shea-Hard
Assistant Principal – Staff
Year 10 Subject Selection Information
Personal Futures Day - Year 10’s participated in Personal Futures Day last Friday. We hope that the activities and sessions they attended were beneficial in assisting with their decisions around subject choices for Year 11. The organisation of the day represents an enormous amount of work by our Pathways Coordinator, Mrs Liza O’Donnell and our Pathways Assistant, Mrs Kathy Laing. I hope both the industry expo and career profiling sessions have inspired students and assisted any who may need direction for the future. The next step will be for students to collaborate with you to begin work on their SET Plan in preparation for SET Plan interviews.
Senior Subject Selection Night – the 2022 Senior Subject Selection Information Evening will be held tomorrow night (Tuesday 27 July) in the Performing Arts Precinct commencing at 6.30pm. Please bring your mobile phone as you will be required to check in to this event.
If you are feeling unwell or displaying any Flu like symptoms please do not attend this event. Both presentations will be made available for viewing on our website on Wednesday.
There will be presentations on the new QCE system and ATAR in Queensland, as well as an explanation of the online subject selection process. The process is very similar to that used last year for selections of Year 10 subjects with the online portal open until 20 August.
After the presentations Learning Area Coordinators will be available in the foyer to discuss subjects on offer and to answer questions. Initial questions regarding the content and structure of courses and details of assessment are likely to be answered by carefully reading the Senior Subject Selection Guide 2022 in advance of the evening. This is also available on the College website:
SET Plan Interviews will take place from Thursday 29 July – 17 August. You will receive an email on Tuesday with information on how to book your SET Plan interview. Please note some Year 10 classes are due to complete assessment (in class time) throughout the interview period. Could you please discuss with your student the best time to schedule their interview. Students will not be able to attend a SET Planning interview if they have a scheduled assessment at the same time.
Additionally, an email will be sent with subject recommendations for your student/s compulsory subjects in 2022 (RE, English and Mathematics).
Online Subject Selection students will receive an email from Mr Maher this week outlining details of how to complete their WebChoices (online subject selection) and their student code. This online portal will open from 27 July – 20 August. Please ensure your student communicates this information with you. It would be great if you could remind your student to clear out their email inboxes to insure these do not bounce as they contain important information for the SET P process.
Date Claimer - 17 August, Middle School Subject Selection Night – for students selecting Year 9 and Year 10 subjects for 2022.
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Year 12 Mock External Exam Block – Term 3 Week 10 & Term 4 Week 1
In preparation for External Exams starting in Term 4 Week 4, Year 12 students will participate in a Mock External Exam Block in Term 3 Week 10 and Term 4 Week 1. The Exam Timetable for this exam block is attached. Students need only attend school for the exams that they are sitting in this period.
During the exam block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.
We wish our students all the best with their studies.
Year 11 Exam Block – 9 September – 13 September
Year 11 students will participate in an exam block from the 9 - 13 September. The Exam Timetable for this exam block is attached. Students need only attend school for the exams that they are sitting in this period.
During the exam block, students not involved in exams are expected to be involved in home study. Students who are behind in their schoolwork may also be required to attend school to complete outstanding work. If this is required, these arrangements will be communicated by individual class teachers.
We wish our students all the best with their studies.
2021 Non- Government Schools Census
The annual Non- Government Schools Census occurs on Friday 6 August 2021. Attached is a document which outlines the rationale for the census and further information about this data collection. Please take the time to have a read of this notice.
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Catholic Education Week Combined Schools Mass
On Sunday we celebrated the beginning of Catholic Education Week with a combined schools Mass at Holy Rosary. Students from each of the Catholic schools in Bundaberg read, sang and danced. In addition, a number of students and staff attended the Mass. A great way to prepare for “A Spirited Tomorrow.”
For many years our school has partnered with Your Choicez in providing quality education to our students around the topics of sex, consent, the impact of pornography as well as other very important topics. Our school has not shied away from empowering young people with this critical part of their education.
Your Choicez will be again joining us this year. They will work with our Year 10's, 9’s and 8's unpacking these important topics with our students later in the term.
David (Bachelor of theology) and Katie Kobler (Advanced Diploma in psychological Science) have just launched their BRAVE Parenting Course.
This course provides parents with the tools to have the challenging conversations with their tweens and teens: Sex, Sexting, Consent and Pornography.
An opportunity for you, the parent to sit with your child as they unpack these challenging topics for you.
They have offered our school a discount on the BRAVE parenting conversations course if anyone is interested. Simply put the word BRAVE into the checkout.
Here is a link to the promo
Mrs Mary Taylor
Assistant Principal – Mission
Finance Office
This week all families will receive an updated statement on 2021 Annual Fees. This statement will reflect your current account balance with the college for 2021. A copy of this statement is also available on Parent Lounge.
Please review this statement upon its arrival and should you have any queries or require assistance with setting up a new payment plan or reviewing your existing payment plan, please phone the Finance Office on 4155 8179 or email finance@shalomcollege.com.
Mrs Lisa Castro
Finance Officer
Student Drivers
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form for their child.
Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/ Enrolment Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
Stall Holders Required for Movie Night
As many of you are aware for the last few years McAuley House has held a ‘Movie Night’ as our major fundraising event for our house charity CARINBUNDI. Because we were unable to hold the event last year we have decided to revamp our night and make it even more spectacular than ever.
This year we are holding a movie and mini handmade market evening on the 27 August 5:30-8pm. The event will be held here at Shalom and open to everyone. But to make it a big success we are after stall holders. So if you, family members or friends are into creating handmade items and would like to be a stall holder, make yourself some extra money, get your products and name out into the community and be part of making a difference to our house charity CARINBUNDI we would like to hear from you.
For example, we are after people who make and sell cards, candles, jewelry, artwork, body products, hair products, clothes, produce, cakes just to name a few. If you are interested in being part of this and want to set up and have your own stall at this event please contact Paula van Dalen through email vandalenp@shalomcollege.com or call me on 41558155 by Friday 6 August.
Ms Paula van Dalen
McAuley House Coordinator
Shalom College After School Activities (SCASA)
Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm.
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.
SCASA commences in Week 2 of each Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks of each Term.
3.00 pm - School lessons completed.
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at College tuck shop and
set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by
parents at front of school.
SCASA Activities - see below
Monday -
Option 1 - Netball with Charlotte Boge (SC or Hangar)
Option 2 - Football and Futsal with Fiona Stevenson (Oval or Hangar)
Option 3 - Basketball with Thomas Laycock (SC or Hangar)
Option 4 - Running Training with Mat Grills (Oval)
Option 1 - Dance with Abby McMillan (Dance Studio)
Option 2 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill, Lockie Capell and Kael Yunus (Computer
Option 3 - Touch Football and OzTag with Riley Dingle and Tom Morcom
Option 1 - Next-Jenner-ation Running training with Rebecca Jenner
Option 2 - Tennis with Brendan Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - e-Sports with Gavin Hill, Lockie Capell and Kael Yunus (Computer
* e-Sports = electronic Sports
The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for each student.
This is to help cover the afternoon tea and instructors/coach costs.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoons
This is to encourage participation in SCASA activities.
After completing the SCASA sign on google form, at approx. week 3 of term - you will receive an invitation on Parent Lounge regarding SCASA.
Please wait until week 3 of term then login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend SCASA and pay the $20.00 fee.
Once there click on the ‘Tours and Excursions’ tab and you will find a link to SCASA Term 3 - Here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend and pay the fee.
Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed.
It is very important that all information in Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the welfare of your child.
Please make sure that you click SAVE before logging out.
If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the College Office.
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.
This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised activities after school.
Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below
REMINDER - no confirming phone calls are made by the school to confirm you are in the program - as once you sign on and you receive an online response - your child has been registered and please turn up starting week 2.
Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
2022 Apprenticeship Programs Are Now Open
The following Apprenticeship opportunities are now available.
Mechanical Fitter Apprenticeship, Programmed Skilled Workforce |
Gladstone |
Electrical Instrumentation Apprenticeship, Programmed Skilled Workforce |
Gladstone |
Anglo American Coal Australia 2022 Apprenticeship Program |
Middlemount |
Junior (Trainee) Miner Program 2021, Anglo American Coal Australia |
Moranbah |
2022 Apprenticeship Program, Komatsu |
Australia Wide |
Glencore Mount Isa Mines Operations 2022 Apprenticeship Intake |
Mt Isa |
Ergon Energy 2022 Apprenticeship Intake |
Regional Qld |
Future Fit Academy, Traineeships & Apprenticeships, BHP |
Mackay |
Apprentice Heavy Vehicle Mechanics 2022 Intake, Blenners Transport |
Tully |
2022 Apprenticeship Intake, Gladstone Ports Corporation |
Gladstone |
Traineeships in Plant Maintenance 2022, Curtis Island LNG Indigenous |
Curtis Island |
Careers Traineeship |
Apprentice Electrician & Apprentice Mechanical Fitter, Cement Australia |
Gladstone |
Electrical and Instrumentation Apprenticeship 2022, Orica |
Yarwun |
Queensland Alumina 2022 Apprenticeship Program |
Gladstone |
2022 Mechanical or Electrical & Instrumentation Apprentices, CS Energy, |
Biloela |
Callide Power Station |
2022 Apprenticeship Intake, Hitachi Construction Machinery |
Emerald & Mackay |
Army Support Gap Year |
Various |
See the link for further details on these apprenticeship opportunities and how to apply.
Students applying for these positions will need to have an up-to-date resume. See an overview of resume writing here.
Resumes & Cover Letters.
Resume template with instructions.
Cover Letter template with instructions.
If students require assistance with resumes or cover letters, don’t hesitate to contact the Pathways Office.
Many applications will also require you to answer Selection Criteria. This represents the key qualifications, training, abilities, knowledge, personal attributes, skills and experience a person must have in order to do a job effectively. Many employers use selection criteria to determine which applicants are a good fit for the role. Find out more about how to address selection criteria here:
Upcoming Events
31 July |
Central Queensland University – Interactive Virtual Open Day |
9am – 1pm |
https://www.cqu.edu.au/events/event-items/open-day/interactive-virtual-open-day-july |
1 Aug |
University of Queensland Open Day – St Lucia Campus & Online |
9am – 3pm |
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Quiet Achiever
Benjamyn Lynch
Lingiari’s Year 12 Student Benjamyn Lynch is this week’s Quiet Achiever. Benjamyn is quiet by nature, but is a priceless asset for our House and Shalom due to his input into the AV department and general positivity. Benjamyn is an example of a student who has put a massive amount of time into his passion at school, and that investment will reward Benjamyn in employment opportunities and personal satisfaction.
Mr Jason Baulch
Lingiari House Coordinator
Opti-MINDS 2021
The Opti-MINDS Challenge has started for this year. Two groups of students have begun work on their challenges – one for the Science Engineering and one for the Media Communications challenge. Already some amazing ideas being discussed.
Students working hard together brainstorming ideas
There is still time to be involved. Come along to the Waterford building any afternoon tea or come see/email us.
Mrs Joanne Gills – Opti-MINDS Coordinator
Miss Alana Clark – Opti-MINDS Facilitator
Shalom students competed in the Central Queensland Rowing Regatta held at Bucca on the first weekend of the School holidays. Congratulations to all the students as it was tough competition and everyone did extremely well. Thank you to all the coaches!
A big congratulations to Sophie Evans and Jada Critchlow for the Year 8 Double who proceeded from their heat with over 40 competitors to a semi and then made the finals and placed 3rd out of all the Schools in Central Queensland.
Sophie Evans and Jada Critchlow
Queensland Football Selection
Congratulations to Year 7 Student Layla Collins who has been selected in the QLD Football Merit team (Merit team is due to there being no National School Championships in 2021 because of Co-Vid)
School Sport 10-12 years Girls Football Team. Layla played Centre back and sweeper for the Wide Bay team. Wide bay placed fourth at the QLD Championships.
This is Layla’s second State team selection this year, she has also made 5 Wide Bay teams. QLD State teams for Football and Aust Football. Wide Bay teams for – Football, Aust Football, Touch Football, Netball and Aquathlon.
WOW !!!
Layla Collins
Congratulations also to Georgia Campbell, who was also in the WB Football team – Georgia played keeper and played really well too.
Mr Peter Robinson
High Performance Program
Rugby Union
Divisions: U13/U15/Opens for
Venue: The Waves Sports Complex, Thabeban Street,
Date: Friday 20 August 2021
Time: 9:30am - 5:00pm
Any students interested in participating in the Wide Bay Q7s, please e-mail Mr Braund – troy_braund@shalomcollege.com – and keep an eye out for more details. Permission will need to be completed by Wednesday 28 July.
Mr Troy Braund
Rugby Coach
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Uniform appointment dates for 2022 year 7 & year 10 girls
15 minute appointments
All appointments need to be booked online using the link below.
Commencing Term 4
Tuesday - 9:00am to
3:45pm to 5:15pm
Wednesdays - 9:00am to 11:00am
Thursdays - 9:00am to
11:00am to 1:00pm
3:45pm to 5:15pm
From: - Monday 29/11/2021 –
8:00am to 11:45am
1:00pm to 4:45pm
Wednesday - 08/12/2021- 8:00am to 11:45am
Closed Wednesday 08/12/2021 from
12:00pm for Stocktake.
Holidays Thursday 9/12/2021 – 09/01/2022
Re – open Monday 10/01/2022
Appointment Only
Monday 10/01/2022 – Friday 14/01/2022
8:00am – 11:45am
1:00pm – 4:45pm
Monday 17/01/2022 onwards no appointments necessary.
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator
Phone : 41 558 121
Term Dates for 2021
Term 1: Wednesday 27th January
- Thursday 1st April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Monday 19th April - Friday 25th June (10
Term 3: Monday 12th July - Friday 17th September
(10 weeks)
Term 4: Tuesday 5th October - Friday 3th December
(9 weeks)
Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.
Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.
For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.
Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).
No experience required!
No experience required!
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl &
cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks &
Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!
- Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
- BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
Markets Tuckshop Roster
New volunteers are DESPERATELY required for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 1 August |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Kath Clarke Danielle Morrish Helen Robinson |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Tennille Nagas Maryanne Taylor |
Sunday 8 August |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Susie Mant |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Emma Jansen Jas Haster Marie Walker |
Sunday 15 August |
6:00 am – 9:30 am |
Brenda/Colby Jay |
9:00 am – 12:30 pm |
Chris Dennien Maria McMahon |
Community Notice Board
Christmas in July
Qld Government Autism Hub
The Autism Hub are offering a range of professional development sessions online.
Love Bites
Youth Support
Link to Survey below
Find Out More below
Youth Champions Team
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday
to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Ph: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
Email: sbundaberg@rok.catholic.net.au
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
Current Parish Bulletin
Letter from the Bishop (Voluntary Assisted Dying VAD Legislation)
Current Roster ( Term3 2021 )
FOCUS by: Joe McCorley
Our VISION for a revitalised parish includes the following phrase, “we go out, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to welcome and share God’s love…”
What does this mean to you?
We read in the Scriptures that Jesus never sent his followers out alone. After the Resurrection, Jesus knew they would be under the threat of death from the Roman soldiers. He told them to wait in the city of Jerusalem until the “power from above” came down upon them.
We remember that moment of Pentecost- the gust of wind, the tongues of fire. His followers were no longer afraid! The Holy Spirit had come upon them. They were “empowered” to go out to teach the people from many different countries about Jesus.
It is the same Jesus that sends each of us out in Bundaberg, “empowered” by the Holy Spirit! We go out to our families, to the lonely, the aged, the sick and hungry, to feed them with our love.
Have you ever felt this power of the Holy Spirit?
I would have to admit that on numerous occasions, I have failed to call on the power of the Spirit. I tried to solve my problems, my mistakes, my challenges by myself. I now know from my experiences I can do nothing by myself! I need the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit!
How have I received this power? Simply, by being SILENT and STILL, knowing that God’s Spirit is alive in each one of us. The next step is to BREATHE deeply, to let go of all my thoughts and ideas. (The Latin word for Spirit is “spiro”, meaning “to breathe”) The Spirit is as close as our own breath!
Listening to the guidance of the Spirit, I pray one of my favourite prayers:
“Spirit of the Living God, rise afresh in me; Spirit of the Living God, rise afresh in me. Melt me, mould me, fill me, use me; Spirit of the Living God, rise afresh in me.”
May we all be empowered by the Holy Spirit to go out to serve others.
Following our last Summit, it was agreed that our Parish Stewardship Council would be re-formed.
Next weekend at each Mass Community, you will be asked to nominate 2 members from your Mass Community, whom you believe would be suitable members of the Parish Council.
The Parish Stewardship Council will set the direction for our Parish into the future, in line with our Parish Vision.
We ask for your prayers this week as you discern your nominations for this important parish ministry. Some of the Spiritual gifts your nomination may have- Faith, Servant Leadership, Wisdom, Generosity, Humility and Compassion.
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine will now become a bi-monthly bulletin of photos and brief news stories. If your parish group would like to be showcased in the bulletin, please send in your photos with a short note, and we will attempt to include it in the coming edition. We welcome your feedback as we trial this new format."
"Enjoy reading this year's edition of the 'Good News Magazine: 2020 New Vision', a look at the year that was and how we adapted to a new way of doing thins."
Please click on the link to access the digital copy of the magazine.
Catholic Youth Groups
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.