20 June 2022
Principal’s Reflection
At our last Board Meeting, one of our members shared the following reflection –a letter written by a teacher to his students as they were commencing high school.
The teacher, Stephen Lane, is in his 18th year of teaching social studies at a Boston area high school.
In this letter he is reflecting on his frustration at “our nation’s apparent inability to collectively address the epidemic of gun violence.”
The opinions expressed in this letter are his own personal views.
The letter is titled:
‘Some of us might not make it out alive’: A letter to my students about school shootings
Dear Students
Welcome to freshman year. High school may seem big and scary to you now; I hope you will feel at home here before long. May it be a year of many challenges and much success.
Shortly, we will attend an assembly with the school police office to go over the ALICE protocol. A few days after that, the school will conduct its annual ALICE drill. ALICE stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. We call it the ALICE drill because that sounds nicer than the try-not-to-get-shot drill.
We will debrief afterward; some of you will make jokes, some of you may be upset. Some of you will have questions about the plan: What if there is a second shooter outside? What if the shooter dresses up like a policeman? The stairways are already jammed during passing periods – won’t we be sitting ducks if we try to get out? Why don’t the windows open wide enough for us to jump? Is the glass bullet proof?
These are all good questions, but unfortunately, we don’t have any good answers. ALICE is the best we’ve got. There’s no failsafe plan. If a shooter were to target our school, some of us might not make it out alive.
After the assembly, our administrators will tell you two things. First, they will say, our best is pre-emption and prevention: one of you will see or hear something; if you do, say something – we can stop a possible shooting before it happens.
The second thing they will tell you is that schools are still extraordinarily safe.
The first statement seems like a wish more than a plan. The second statement no longer feels true.
Don’t blame your school administrators. Don’t take it out on law enforcement. They all work tirelessly to keep us safe. But the way they talk suggests a degree of control over our fate we just don’t have. Schools aren’t as safe as they once were.
According to the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security, in your lifetimes, the number of school shootings each year has just about doubled. Since you began middle school, the average is over 60.
As far as we know, nothing makes some schools safer than others. Shootings happen at schools just like ours, to students just like you. Which schools will face tragedy this year? Which will survive? It’s a lottery, and the odds are getting worse. You’ve seen “the Hunger games”; American schools go through at least one reaping each week we are in session.
And when we say that somebody will see something, we don’t know precisely what we are looking for. We know a lot less about the causes of gun violence than we should. In 1996, then-U.S. Rep. Jay Dickey (R-Ark.) attached an amendment to an omnibus spending bill which prevented the Centers for Disease Control from funding research into gun violence.
The Dickey Amendment was passed by both houses of Congress, and signed into law by then – President Bill Clinton. Those in positions of authority have failed you. When they fear losing their positions, they often follow instead of lead.
What can you do? You can’t yet vote, but you do have a voice. You can ask why baseless speculation – video games! – supplants evidence-based research, you can ask why bulletproof backpacks instead of a serious response to an epidemic that kills tens of thousands of Americans each year.
But to be brutally honest, don’t expect much to change over your four years in high school. Expect another roughly 40 000 deaths each year; anticipate six or more school shootings for each month we’re in session.
What can we do together? We can work to build a kinder community within these walls. We can be good to one another, help each other, be sensitive to others, be aware. We can ask you to be more responsible for the safety of others than you should have to be.
How I wish this were enough.
For 60-something schools this year, it won’t be. So, understand that when we tell you schools are safe, it’s an expression of hope, not a statement of fact.
Sadly, the shooting at Rob Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, comes to mind when reading this letter.
Up until 2022, we have had Fire Evacuation Drills and Lockdown Practices here at the College just as all schools do.
COVID prevented us doing these necessary and important exercises in 2020 and 2021.
Interestingly though, when mentioning having a lockdown practice to a group of Year 7’s earlier in the year, one of the students asked if they would know if it was real or just a practice.
I have never been asked that question before; such a loss of innocence and a sad indictment of what is happening in America. We can only be grateful that we live in Australia.
Staff News:
Mr Joe O’Driscoll has stepped down from his House Coordinator role and Mrs Kylee Johnstone has been appointed Acting Adams House Coordinator for the remainder of the year.
Our community thanks Joe for his care and concern of the students in Adams House. He has worked with me for the past 12 years and was one of the founding House Coordinators when the College went to a Vertical Pastoral Care System. Previously Joe was a Year Level Coordinator. Thank you Joe.
Athletics Carnival:
The Athletics Carnival is on Thursday and Friday this week. These are special events days and attendance is compulsory. There will be the usual track and field events as well as a number of novelty events so it will be a day of fun with friends.
Students in Years 7 -11 are to wear their sports uniforms on both days; have sunscreen, a water bottle in a small back pack which they will carry with them all day.
Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Acting Principal
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Curriculum
- Student Drivers
- Absentees
- Pathways
- Quiet Achiever
- Team & Group Photo Schedule
- From the Library
- Uniform Shop
- Chisholm House Celebrations
- Sport
- QISSN Sponsor Spotlight
- Term Dates for 2022
- Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
- Tuckshop
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Year 10 Information
2023 Senior Subject Selection Evening will be held Tuesday 26th July. Please note this date is included in the school calendar. More information about the evening will be made available at the commencement of Term 3.
Personal Futures Day for all Year 10 students will be held on Friday 22 July. This whole day program leads into the subject selection and SET Plan process for students entering Year 11 in 2023.
Year 12 Information
The 2022 External Assessment Timetable has been released by QCAA and can be accessed via the link below.
All Year 12 students were emailed a copy of this timetable last Thursday. This timetable is available in SIA in the Assessment and Reporting Dashboard in the Exam Timetables section.
This is a timely reminder that it is expected that all Year 12 students will sit their scheduled external examinations at Shalom College. If there is any exceptional circumstance as to why your child cannot complete their exams here at the College, please contact Mrs Norris as soon as possible to discuss this. It is a requirement of QCAA that any alternate venue be identified so that extra-ordinary arrangements can be made ahead of time for students to sit their exams.
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Student Drivers
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form their child.
Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/Enrolment Officer
Preferred option is Email absentees@shalomcollege.com and the Shalom App or Phone Absentee line 41558181
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
National Youth Science Forum – Year 12 Program
Applications for the 2023 NSYF Year 12 Program are now open. The program offers an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences for participants across Australia. The program will run on weekdays between 10-24 January 2023 and will be delivered as a mixed-mode experience – a combination of in-person and digital events. Early bird applications close 24 July. Find out more and how to apply here .
Strategix Training Open Day
Strategix Training are running an Open Day showcasing career opportunities in Food Processing, Forklift Licence, Warehousing, Individual Support (Aged Care and Disability), Community Services, Youth Work and Business on 29 June from 9am-11am. Free to attend with refreshments provided. Find out more here .
Create for a Day This School Holidays
Are you creatively inclined and thinking about studying creative industries? Come and create for a day with the SAE crew!
This interactive and hands-on workshop is designed to expand your skills and get you working on inspiring creative projects in the fields of Animation, Audio, Design, Film, Games, Songwriting or Music Production.
When: Saturday, 2 July | 10am
to 3pm
Where: SAE Brisbane Campus, West End
Cost: $25 (lunch included)
QTAC Important Information and Links
QTAC https://www.qtac.edu.au/ is where students will make their university application when applications open on AUGUST 2nd. There is so much information on this site that - spend time exploring it!
There is a course search option where students can use a key word to pull up all QLD university courses that relate to the key word: https://www.qtac.edu.au/course-search/ . Click on the Uni course you like the look of and explore what prerequisite subjects and ATAR ranks are required. You can even click though to the university website.
Career exploration: You can get a “virtual experience” here: https://qtac-careerfinder.prosple.com/.
Explore how your application will be made here: https://www.qtac.edu.au/applications/.
Read about the educational Access Scheme that help raise your ATAR rank: https://www.qtac.edu.au/educational-access-scheme/.
Rural and regional Scholarships: https://www.qtac.edu.au/rres-program/.
Rural Access Scheme that help raise your ATAR rank: https://www.qtac.edu.au/rural-access-scheme/.
Find key dates: https://www.qtac.edu.au/key-dates/.
Air Force Cadets
If you’re turning 13 to 17 this year, and have an interest in Aviation, Drones, STEM, Camping, the Australian Defence Force, or just want to make new friends, we’re keen to have you join our ranks. You’ll learn new skills and have a lot of fun along the way. We are sponsored by the Royal Australian Air Force and you will get the opportunity to fly and visit Defence Bases around QLD and Australia.
The Air Force Cadets is re-establishing No. 228 Squadron in Bundaberg and will parade on Monday nights during school term, from 6pm-9pm, at St Luke’s Anglican School, 4 Mezger St Kalkie.
You can submit an expression of interest for a July (Term 3) start now. Register your interest here . Alternately, you can email for more information co.228sqn@airforcecadets.gov.au
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Quiet Achiever
I would like to nominate Cody Mather in Year 12 from MC4.
Cody is aware of others and their needs. For instance, he unfailingly waits and holds open the door to PC every day as it can’t be latched back and helped move furniture to set up for a PC lunch. We appreciate Cody's thoughtfulness and awareness of others.
Mrs Karli Lancaster
McCormack House Coordinator
Team & Group Photo Schedule
Please see the Term 2 and Term 3 photo schedule below – including Music Groups, Sporting Teams, Chess etc.
Students are to make a note in their record book of their photo day and time.
As usual most photos will be taken at the back of MacKillop 2 during lunch time, or before school and students are to wear full formal uniform (*with a couple of exceptions).
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
From the Library
As we get closer to the end of term, a reminder to students that you can come in and borrow books for the holidays. Both the junior and senior collections have been actively added to all year so there are lots of shiny new releases available. You can also exhibit your writing prowess by entering Shalom’s writing competition.
Students in Years 10,11 & 12 are invited to submit either one poem and/or one short story. You can write something new or enter something you have previously written. There are different sections for General, Essential & Literature English students.
Students in Years 7, 8 & 9 are similarly invited to submit either one poem and/or one short story which may also be something previously written or something written especially for the competition. Closing date for all entries is Friday the 22nd July.
Students can hand in their entries to the Library team at either Library Or upload via this link:
A quiet little shout out to Amelia Tu for her consistent assistance in Beerarlem library this term, her fiction shelving efforts are most definitely appreciated.
A collection is most valuable to its users when it is responsive to their needs. Remember that you can make suggestions for purchase whenever you wish by talking to staff or emailing the library on library@shalomcollege.com.
Ms Denise Harvey
School Librarian
Uniform Shop
The Rugby League Playing Shorts are now in stock at the Uniform Shop. The Uniform Shop is open between 8:00am-12:00pm & 3.30pm-5.30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and 8:00am-12:00pm on Wednesday.
Uniform Shop Coordinator
Chisholm House Celebrations
Chisholm Feast Day!
A delightful celebration of Caroline Chisholm's feast day was held on 16 June by the students and staff in Chisholm House. Mr Braund cooked up a storm on the BBQ while students enjoyed celebrating their house patron with a sausage on bread, cake and cordial. Students were reminded of what this remarkable lady achieved through tireless work helping immigrants gain passage to Australia and reunite with loved ones. This is only the tip of the iceberg of what she achieved, and we were very humbled to hear how she made such a difference in the world through giving compassion and hope. A true philanthropist, what a blessing Caroline Chisholm was to the world!
Justine Blinco
Acting Chisholm House Coordinator
Wide Bay Cross Country Selection
Last week, 18 of our Shalom students travelled to Gympie to compete in the Wide Bay Cross Country trials.
The cross-country trials, originally planned for Week 7 of school, had been postponed due to wet weather. Although, a week later, the course was very wet and muddy! Athletes finished the race with mud all over their shoes, legs and back – a true cross-country course. The course was not as cruel as some, with only a couple of hills in the 2km loop. The 12 and 13 years both ran 3km, 14-17 year girls and 14-15 year boys ran 4km, 16-17 year boys ran 6km as did the 18 year girls, and the 18 year boys ran 8km. The day started at a crisp 6 degrees and stayed quite cool and windy all day.
Of the 18 Shalom students, 11 gained selection in the Wide Bay Cross-Country team. Lachlan Wyllie (Yr7), Pria Grills (Yr7), Abi Churchill (Yr7), Hannah Parton (Yr8), Jack Gaston (Yr9), Amelia Walsh (Yr10), Thomas Parton (Yr11), Caiden Everingham (Yr11), William Grima (Yr12), Lachlan Stevenson (Yr12) and Holly Stone (Yr12) will compete in Yatala from 16-18 July at the Queensland Cross Country Championships.
Of these students being selected, Thomas Parton also won his event, achieving 16 years Boys Age Champion.
A big congratulations to all involved!
Indoor Netball Federation of Queensland Team Selections
Congratulations to Bailey Grigg on being selected in the 19 and Under Ladies Heat, and Tanika Hartfiel on being selected in the Lightning Team to represent INFQ at the INA 2022 Indoor Netball Super Nationals. Bailey represented the Lightning Team last year, however, due to COVID the competition did not go ahead.
The Australian Super Nationals in 2022 will be held at Action Indoor Sports Morphett Vale, South Australia from 22nd - 29th October 2022.
Well done Bailey and Tanika!
Queensland School Sport Championships
Congratulations to Shalom College students Xander, Taj, Olivia, Jomar, Preston, Alex, Maddy, Zoe, Summer and Layla who attended the Touch Football competition in Cairns recently. A great achievement for all students involved!
Shalom College students representing Wide Bay
The 12th of June saw an action-packed day of rowing for Shalom crews at Bucca. With the first races commencing at 7:30 am, these rowers were faced with 8-degree temperatures and intense winds. Although this didn’t stop the year 7 – 12 Shalom rowers from taking on Bundaberg’s Head of River, and the results showed! Competing against crews from St Luke's, Bundy High, Maryborough High, North Bundaberg and Gin Gin High, Shalom stood proud on the podium in every race but 2, now that’s some shiny metal to add to the cabinet!! The regatta saw many close finishes, exhausted rowers, and thankfully no capsizes. Congratulations to all rowers who gave every race their all! 46 tough races later and some amazing results to show, a smoothly ran day this like one wouldn’t be possible without all coaches, parents and volunteers who attended, from all rowers, Thank you!!
QISSN Sponsor Spotlight
In the lead up to the QISSN Carnival being held in Mackay in the first week of the June/July holidays each week throughout this term we will Spotlight our generous QISSN Sponsors.
Call in and see Scott and Britta Burke for all of your solar needs.
Scott Burke Electrical provides sales and installation of Solar PV Grid Connect Systems, suitable for home, commercial and industrial businesses.
We are a locally owned business that specialises in the design and installation of solar electrical systems. We have been a trusted installer and supplier to the Greater Brisbane, Bundaberg and Hervey Bay area since 2007.
Our professional help, information and advice can assist you in making a wise decision in the purchase of a solar electrical system. We offer custom designed systems that are tailored to best suit your needs at a price that you can afford. Our fully committed staff pride themselves on providing superior service, workmanship and professionalism.
Mrs Nikki Somerfield
QISSN Manager
Term Dates for 2022
Term 1: Monday 7 February
- Friday 1 April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Tuesday 19 April - Friday 24 June (10
Term 3: Monday 11 July - Friday 16 September (10
Term 4: Tuesday 4 October - Friday 2 December (9
Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.
Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.
For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.
Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).
No experience required!
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins -
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option
with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as;
Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks &
Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Shalom Markets will continue to operate (with restrictions) until further notice!
- Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
- BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
Markets Tuckshop Roster
New volunteers are DESPERATELY required for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com
Sunday 26 June |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers needed |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Chris Dennien, Maria McMahon |
Sunday 3 July |
6:00am – 9:30am |
No Tuckshop due to power outages |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Sunday 10 July |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Jeanne Ferguson |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Sunday 17 July |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Andrew Lucht, Janelle Test |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Volunteers required |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 26 June |
Bundaberg Croquet Club Cal Toft |
Sunday 3 July |
No BBQ due to power outages |
Sunday 10 July |
Volunteers needed |
Sunday 17 July |
Bundaberg Croquet Club |
Community Notice Board
Shalom College App
Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory
Spark Starter Busking Project
The Bundaberg Regional Council have recently launched a Busking initiative for anyone aged between 15 and 25.
Singer and Singer/ songwriters are the focus of this program. Musicians accepted into the busking project will have the opportunity to boost their skills and focus on their own professional development in the music industry. All performers will be paid to perform.
Performance opportunities will include the Council’s major events, such as Childers Festival, Bundaberg Taste Festival, Milbi and Christmas celebrations.
For expressions of interest, please complete the form below.
Rugby League Aim Higher Holiday Program
Student Travel Rebates
Student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit the link below to check if you are eligible.
Qconnect Public Transport Update
Learner Driver Education Training Holiday Calendar
Top Up to Your P’S
A new and unique one-day program for learners permit drivers with 80 or more hours in their Log Book designed to save lives on our roads with early intervention education on basic safe driving techniques, driving on various surfaces and emergency braking plus brake and evade crash prevention. A power point presentation on licence testing. Age 16+.
School Holiday dates: Wednesday 29 June & 6 July
Pathway to Safer Driving
All new two-day program with education on car care, driving techniques, hazard awareness, driver attitudes, risky behaviours, fatal five, crash prevention and reverse parking. The days run a few days apart. Age 15+.
School Holiday dates: Day One Monday 27 June & 4 July, Day Two Friday 1 & 8 July
Call for bookings: 4181 1773 Email: info@driverscollege.org.au
Other programs offered; Defensive Driving, Caravan Towing and Corporate Driver Training, Pre Employment Driver Assessment, Refresher Courses, Trauma Recovery program and Senior Driver Assessment, for more information costs and available dates please call our office on 41811773 or email us on info@driverscollege.org.au
Programs are run at Driver Training Complex, Brickworks Circuit, Bundaberg
World Meeting of Families
Youth Support
Find Out More below
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday
to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Ph: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
Email: sbundaberg@rok.catholic.net.au
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation.
As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.
Catholic Youth Groups
Breast Screen Queensland
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.