17 October 2022
Principal’s Reflection
Sadly, footballers are not infrequently in the news for all the wrong reasons. It’s a shame we don’t hear more of the good stories. Two I’ve come across recently deserve to be shared – sadly from a code I have often disparaged and don’t follow much! I watched a bit of the recent AFL Grand Final where Geelong belted Sydney. Joel Selwood, the Geelong Captain was extraordinary. A 350 game veteran and Captain of the winning team had every reason to enjoy the limelight and the well-deserved attention that brings. Before the game started, he took the time to carry the young son of Gary Ablett Jnr through the team banner. The little boy has a very serious medical condition. Selwood thought he could do something positive for the family. After the game, as the Cats did a lap of honour in front of thousands of adoring fans, Selwood spotted a young man, Tom Moorfoot, who has Down Syndrome and who had done a bit around the club as a waterboy, on the fence with so many others. Selwood took the time to lift him over the fence and had him join the celebration. The look on Tom’s face at that point is priceless. No one would have thought less of Selwood if he just enjoyed the moment for himself but he was interested in others. There is something extraordinarily selfless in that. In an age of social media and the need to gather ‘likes’, he reminds the rest of us to realign our moral compasses. Check out this piece of video.
The other footballer I came across last week was a clip from 2019 from Neal Daniher talking to the Melbourne footballers. Even I have heard of Daniher – great player for Essendon and exceptional coach of a number of clubs. Daniher talks to those young people about life and what is important. He had been earlier diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. He begins this talk with young footballers by posing a question, ‘If you had one wish for a person you cared for, what would it be?” Please find just five minutes to sit with your kids and make them watch this clip with you.
Interestingly, both Joel Selwood and Neale Daniher were products of Catholic education. I don’t have much idea of their experience in those schools but I’m really hoping that those experiences, along with the influence of their parents, have gone a long way in making them the men that they became.
Hollie Siebold will present to parents tomorrow night in the Theatre from 7pm. This is a great opportunity for parents. Please try to attend. The event will be live streamed and the link is:
Parents & Friends will meet in the staff room from 5.30pm. I am hoping we will get a good roll up of parents to discuss the issue of increasing absentee rates the College has experienced from school days and especially the ‘special event’ days that are a part of our compulsory curriculum. Something is not working well at that moment and I would greatly appreciate the insights of parents on this.
Enrolments 2023 – maybe it’s a Covid thing but the demand for enrolment places at Shalom for next year is intense at the moment. Currently, we are almost totally full. If you become aware that circumstances may mean that your child/ren won’t be returning to Shalom, other families will be enormously grateful if you could let us know as soon as possible.
Catholic Parish of Bundaberg – in my reflection last week, I spoke a bit about my history as a Catholic. In spite of failings of the Church and my own, I described the Catholic Church as still ‘my mob’. The Catholic Church has a pretty significant ‘foot print’ in Bundaberg – St Vincent de Paul, the Mater Hospital, CatholicCare (Centrecare) and four Catholic schools. Below is a link to a Census form the local parish has developed. Government data would indicate that there are about 18000 people in our area who identify as Catholic. The parish has records for only about 1500. They would ask that those who identify as Catholics to complete the document. No one is going to come knocking on your door or expecting you to read at Mass, but we would like to know who is in our community.
The Census will run from Friday 7 to Monday 31 October. Please click here to complete the Census Form.
Where do Shalom graduates go? Each year the State Government surveys all school leavers and develops the ‘Next Steps’ report for the State and each school. The link below will take you to this report. It is interesting reading and it shows some very good employment and training data for Shalom graduates.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Reflection
- Curriculum
- Administration
- Awards Ceremonies 2022 (Academic, Sports and Spirit)
- Student Drivers
- Absentees
- Uniform Shop Opening Hours
- Team & Group Photo Schedule
- Pathways
- Quiet Achiever
- McAuley House Would Like To Say Thank You
- An Afternoon of Beautiful Music
- From the Library
- Sport
- Term Dates for 2022
- Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
- Tuckshop
- Shalom Sunday Markets
- Community Notice Board
Year 12 External Assessments
I hope by now Year 12 students sitting External Assessments (EA’s) have familiarised themselves with their timetable in preparation for the block commencing Monday 24 October. The timetable is available on SIA. A copy of the timetable was sent to parents on Friday along with additional information on expectations on completing assessment and expectations during the EA block.
Copies of QCAA publications for external assessment preparation including Equipment Lists and approved Calculator lists are available on SIA. Students can also access their personal timetable in their myQCE Learning Account. Please note this version does not specify the room where exam will be conducted.
Confirmed IA3 results
Confirmed results for the third Internal Assessment (IA3) should be visible to students myQCAA Learning Account. This account gives students the most up to date information about their results for subjects, VET studies and if they are ‘on track’ for QCE eligibility.
myQCE Learning Accounts
Please check your student has registered for their myQCE Learning Account using a personal email address NOT their Shalom College email. Students will be able to access their final Year 12 results and their Senior Educational Profile (QCE and Senior Statement) in their myQCE Learning Account on 16 December. QCAA no longer mail out senior statements and results to students.
Please have your student check their personal details are correct in there myQCE Learning Account and make any necessary changes. If your home address has changed please contact Mrs Norris to have this updated.
It is a student’s responsibility to be able to log into their Learning Account after they have left the College. We are unable to assist with access issues as this is your student’s private account.
Mrs Gail Norris
Assistant Principal – Curriculum
Year 12 External Exams
External Exams for Year 12 General Subjects will occur over the period from Monday 24 October – Tuesday 15 November.
Attached is some important information about this time including:
- Exam Tutoring Timetable
- External Assessment Timetable
- Directions for Students
- External Exam Equipment List
- Student Expectations During Exam Block
Could parents and students please familiarise themselves with these important documents in preparation for the External Exam period?
Please note that normal classes continue during Week 2 and 3 of Term 4 (10 October – 21 October), however students need only attend school for the exams they are sitting during the External Exam Block. Students who are required to complete outstanding work may also be required to attend school during the External Exam block as organised by the relevant classroom teacher. More information about activities that will occur on the three days after the External Exam Block (i.e. 16 November – 18 November) will be distributed soon.
From Monday 24 October – Friday 11 November, we are offering tutoring sessions in preparation for the External Exams. All sessions will be held in the Loyola Centre unless otherwise stated.
Good luck with your study and your exams!
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Awards Ceremonies 2022 (Academic, Sports and Spirit)
Awards for 2022 will again be presented in front of peers, filmed, and released in an easy to access, online format. We would like to invite parents and some special guests to be part of these ‘live’ presentations. Please note the schedule below, if you would like to attend. A list of awardees will be sent to parents of student’s receiving an award, closer to the time. Please note, due to the ‘live’ filming aspect of award ceremonies, parents and guests will not be able to enter late or leave the Performing Arts Theatre early. Major awards will also be given out, in Year levels, where possible.
We look forward to celebrating the ‘excellence’ achieved by so many Shalom students this College year, so please look out for the published, online version, in its entirety before the end of term.
Awards Ceremony Filming Schedule
Wed 16 November |
Thur 17 November |
Fri 18 November |
Period 1 -all seated/doors closed by 8:55am |
Year 12 |
Year 7 |
Period 2 -all seated/doors closed by 10:30am |
Year 12 Graduation |
Year 10 |
Period 3 -all seated/doors closed by 12:25pm |
Rehearsal Year 12 only |
Year 11 |
Period 4 -all seated/doors closed by 2:05pm |
Year 9 |
Year 8 |
Mrs Kim O’Shea-Hard
Assistant Principal – Staff
Student Drivers
Parents and Carers of Year 11 & 12 Students
If your child has obtained their Provisional Licence and wishes to drive to and from school you are required to fill out a Permission to Drive Form and return it to Student Reception for approval by Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell. Once approved the details will be placed on our School Register.
Thanks to those Parents who have already completed this form their child.
Mrs Amanda O’Mara
Executive Assistant to the Principal/Enrolment Officer
New Preferred Student Absentee Option
Parents are now able to inform the College of student absentees via Parent Lounge, using the below pathway;
Parent Lounge> Student Details > Attendance> “+Add Absence Notification”
The Shalom College App has now been updated so when parents select “Absentee” it will re-direct to Parent Lounge for the absentee notification to be added.
For Parents that do not already have the College App please click the link below.
ALL student absentees should be notified to the office by 9am each day. If no notification has been received, an absentee text message will be sent out to parents to advise of the student’s absence.
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
2023 Year 7 & Year 10 Girls Appointments
Please note that 2023 Year 7 & Year 10 Girls appointments are necessary during Term 4.
Uniform Shop Hours:
Monday 8:00am to 12:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am to 12:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday 8:00am to 12:00pm
The Uniform Shop is open Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 3:30pm to 5:00pm preferably appointment only, please contact the Uniform Shop directly. Drop ins are welcome until 5.30pm (for general uniform items), however, uniform fittings must be pre-booked.
Mrs Leanne Barker
Uniform Shop Manager
Uniform Shop Phone Number: 4155 8121
Team & Group Photo Schedule
Please see the Term 4 photo schedule. Students are to make a note in their record book of their photo day and time.
Most photos will be taken at the back of MacKillop 2 during lunch time. Please check the location and time as some photos will be taken elsewhere. Students are to wear full formal. *Boys please bring your ties.
Mrs Georgia Halpin
Community Relations Officer
Shalom College is offering students the opportunity to participate in organised after school activities conducted by coaches and teachers. SCASA also includes a light afternoon tea from 3.15 pm for the students and all activities will conclude at 4.45 pm. This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised activities after school.
SCASA Sign Up Form -
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the 3 available afternoons for SCASA.
SCASA commences in Week 2 of Term and continues for 8 continuous weeks
3.00 pm - School lessons completed.
3.15 pm - Roll Call and afternoon tea (supplied) at the college tuck shop and set up time for coaches
3.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching starts (various venues within school grounds)
4.30 pm - Activities/ Coaching finished
4.45 pm - Students help pack up and return equipment and picked up by parents at front of school.
SCASA Activities - see below
Option 1 - Netball and Basketball with Eliza (SC or Hangar)
Option 2 - Drama Club with Miss McMahon (Performing Arts Precinct)
Option 1 - Minor Fun Games and Touch Football and Oz-Tag with Miss Dingle and Mr Collins - eg. Bombardment (SC or Hangar or Oval)
Option 2 - e-Sports with Mr Hill (Computer labs)
Option 3 - Dance with Miss Condon (Dance Studio)
Option 1 - Next-Jenner-ation Running training with Mrs Jenner (Oval)
Option 2 - Tennis with Mr Maher (Tennis Courts)
Option 3 - e-Sports with Mr Hill (Computer labs)
Option 4 - Beerarlum Club with Mrs Hume and Mrs Egan (Beerarlum Library)
Option 5 - RIGGERS with Fletcher and Oliver (Indoor Rowing ergos in Gym)
* e-Sports - electronic Sports
* At Beerarlem Club you can read and borrow books and magazines, relax on beanbags, talk about books, play cards and board games, write stories, poems and songs, create comics and much, much more.
* Riggers (New to SCASA) - Designed for individuals that would like to achieve an understanding of rowing and maintain a fitness level through rowing ergo training programs.
The SCASA Fee is $20.00 per term for each student.
This is to help cover the afternoon tea.
This flat fee of $20.00 is for one, two or all three afternoon activities.
This is to encourage participation in SCASA activities.
After completing the SCASA sign on google form, at approx. Week 3 of term, you will receive an invitation on Parent Lounge regarding SCASA.
Please wait until Week 3 of term then login to Parent Lounge to give permission for your child to attend SCASA and pay the $20.00 fee. Once there click on the ‘Tours and Excursions’ tab and you will find a link to SCASA Term 3, here you will be able to give permission for your child to attend and pay the fee. Please also check your contact details and phone numbers are current, as we will be using this information to contact you if needed. It is very important that all information in Parent Lounge is current as teachers will use this information in case of an emergency and to support the welfare of your child. Please make sure that you click SAVE before logging out.
If you require assistance with Parent Lounge login, please contact the College Office.
Other school sporting teams will continue to have their own training sessions as usual under the direction of their coaches e.g., Strength and Conditioning training, Rugby League, Netball, Touch Football etc.
This SCASA program is designed to give extra opportunities for Shalom College students to become involved in supervised activities after school.
Please complete the student and parent details in the google form below.
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare – High Performance Program & After School Activities
National Institute of Education – Summer School
National Institute of Education (NIE) Australia has partnered with Immerse Education UK to bring together the Academic Insights Program for Medicine, Engineering, Business, and Creative Writing.
This program will run from 4 – 14 January, 2023 at the University of Sydney and see participants live, study, and become immersed in social activities as University Students on the grounds of the University of Sydney. As this is a residential program, you will be living at St Paul's College (University of Sydney) residential facility for the duration of the program.
Please note, that the number of places for this program are limited and strictly capped for each faculty so enrolment is encouraged as soon as possible.
Find more detailed information and how to enroll here.
Woolworths Group Refrigeration Apprenticeship Program
Refrigeration is a key priority for Woolworths with Facilities Management and Installation teams providing refrigeration and heating and cooling services to existing and brand-new stores across Australia.
This opportunity is available in the metropolitan Brisbane area. If you would like to find out more about joining the 2023 Apprentice Refrigeration Technician program with Woolworths click here.
2023 Additional Learning Opportunities
Students entering Year 11 and 12 in 2023 who are wishing to engage in additional learning such as TAFE and external qualifications in 2023 are now able to register their interest with the Pathways Office. Access the selection of courses on offer and enrolment form - 2023 Additional Learning Opportunities booklet.
QUT’s Bachelor of Health Information Management
If you’re interested in healthcare but prefer to work behind the scenes, health information management (HIM) allows you to use analytical skills to improve systems and help people in meaningful ways. This is a career that requires attention to detail as well as clear communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. HIM professionals interact with people across diverse healthcare settings and disciplines, including doctors and other clinical staff, health service managers, health departments, statistical agencies, insurance companies and patients.
QUT offers the only HIM course in Queensland. HIM is a very niche area, however there are multiple avenues which the completion of the degree can offer you. Some roles include data custodianship, release of information, clinical coding, medical record management, and information system architecture while affording career progression opportunities into leadership and management. Find out more about this rewarding career here.
How to Write an Effective Entry Level Resume
A good resume presents who you are, what you have to offer and how you add value. It summarises your education, skills, employment history, responsibilities and achievements. Curriculum vitae (CV) is another name for resume.
You don't need to have had paid work to put together a resume. If it’s your first job search, you can add the skills, abilities and personal qualities you've developed from school activities, hobbies and community involvement.
For a comprehensive list of what you should include in a resume – contact information, education and qualifications, employment history and work experience, competencies, skills and referees as well as resume templates click here.
As another option, use this template that we commonly use in the Pathways Office.
If you need any help with resume writing, call in and see us in the Pathways Office.
Positions Vacant
Local firm, East Bundaberg Engineering, cover all aspects of general engineering, and are seeking to employ a Year 12 graduate with CAD skills in a full-time position. Please with in person (with your resume) to Rob Page, 46 Alexandra St, Bundaberg East.
Malouf Pharmacy are seeking Year 12 graduates to fill a part-time and full-time position for pharmacy assistants at the Southside Central store. You will need to be motivated with a bright and friendly personality. Full training will be provided. The positions will include weekend work. Please apply in person (with your resume) to Belinda, Malouf Southside Central, Walker St, Bundaberg.
Upcoming Events
25 Oct – Indigenous Defence Careers Information Session
The Pathways Team
Mrs Liza O’Donnell, Mrs Kathy Laing & Mrs Julia Fox
Quiet Achiever
Year 7 student Isaac is our McAuley Quiet Achiever. Isaac is a conscientious young man who is always polite, helpful and encouraging to others. Isaac has an infectious smile and will never miss an opportunity to say hello to staff and peers alike. He excels academically and his presentation of uniform is outstanding. Isaac has a humble attitude and plenty of resilience which are terrific attributes he demonstrates during PC, class and at break times with his friends and peers. Our patron Catherine McAuley said once “There is nothing of greater importance than the perfect discharge of our ordinary duties” and this quote is certainly something Isaac demonstrates throughout the school day.
Mrs Paula van Dalen
McAuley House Coordinator
McAuley House Would Like To Say Thank You
On Friday night we held another very successful Mini Market and Movie night but the success of such a night wouldn’t happen if it wasn’t for the generosity and time given by so many wonderful supporters.
We would like to especially thank the following:
The Klowss family from Bundaberg Pies for donating all the bread for our sausage sizzle.
The Gee family from Donut King for donating 200 delicious donuts
Woolworths supermarket for donating $30 towards the purchase of the sausages.
The Shalom College Groundsmen who did all the heavy lifting, shifting and placing of all we needed.
The McAuley House Staff for helping so much before and after the event.
The McAuley Students who tirelessly set up and packed up, sold food, raffle tickets, worked on the gate and were security for the night.
The wonderful Stall Holders who came and supported our event.
Carinbundi who our event was held for and who always support all we do.
Everyone who attended the evening had only positive things to say and I can assure you we are all looking forward to next year’s event.
Paula van Dalen
McAuley House Coordinator
An Afternoon of Beautiful Music
The Shalom College Chamber String Ensemble will present ‘An Afternoon of Beautiful Music’ at Holy Rosary Church at 3pm on October the 22nd. This concert, which is an annual event, is always a crowd pleaser with music chosen to cater to all tastes. From the classics, through the romantics and into the contemporary world, there is sure to be something in this program for everyone. Entry is by donation and funds raised will go to the Catholic Mission.
Mrs Bernadette Connolly
Instrumental Music Instructor – Strings
From the Library
“Chair of my grandmother, tell me a story.” – Frances Browne, Granny's wonderful chair and the tales it told (1857)
Fantasy fiction is a very popular genre with young people, but it is more than that … As old as humanity itself the genre has featured in every culture as a means of passing on the myths and folklore of the land and for didactic purposes, imparting knowledge on young people.
There were hints of mysticism in the bloody story-telling of the German Grimm brothers and the tales of Hans Christian Andersen from Scandinavia in the 1800’s, but these dark stories were designed more as scare-tactic material to teach children right from wrong than anything. They did, however, sow the seed for the next era of the genre.
After the ‘rooted-in-reality’ and ‘children-as-little-adults’ manner of raising young people in the Georgian period, the Victorian era saw a heavy deep-dive into realms of fairies, goblins, ghosts, and wizards.
Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), and L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) were not only ground-breaking in the fantasy literature timeline but also historic in their introduction of female protagonists Wendy Darling and Dorothy Gale.
There is no sign of the fantasy genre ever losing popularity as its musings and concepts are adopted for movies, games, and countless other modes for a whole new generation of magic lovers, young and old.
Ms Denise Harvey
School Librarian
This year Gold Coast Titans All Schools Touch Football Carnival, the world’s largest touch football tournament celebrated 40 years.
First presented in 1983, the event created by school teacher and touch enthusiast Peter Bell to provide a platform for schools and students to develop and benchmark their skills and abilities, was contested between 18 schools. Jump forward four decades, and over 450 teams represented hundreds of schools playing in excess of 1,700 games across five action packed days.
Congratulations to our three Shalom Touch teams at the Carnival last week!
Well done to our Open MIXED Team who made the Top 16 Finals. Results were:
Game 1 Vs Roma SC Won 6-4
Game 2 Vs St. Andrews Anglican Won 6-2
Game 3 Vs Macgregor Won 14-0
Game 4 Vs Wavell Lost 5-8
Game 5 Vs Centenary Won 6-2
Game 6 Vs Beenleigh Won 3-2
Game 7 Vs Canterbury College Won 5-3
Top 16 Final Vs St. Josephs Toowoomba Lost 8-2
Congratulations to our 15 GIRLS team who also made Top 16 finals coming top of their pool. Results were:
Game 1 Vs St Anthonys Townsville Won 8-1
Game 2 Vs Centenary Heights Won 8-1
Game 3 Vs Wavell SHS Won 4-2
Game 4 Vs Trinity College Beenleigh Won 8-0
Game 5 Vs Unity College Won 7-1
Game 6 Vs Nerang Won 3-0
Game 7 Vs Mansfeld Won 5-1
Finals – v All Hallows Brisbane Loss 8-3
Well done to our 15 Boys team who won all their pool games except one but did not progress to finals. Results were:
Game 1 vs St Andrew’s Lutheran College Won 3-1
Game 2 vs Foxwell SSC Won 5-2
Game 3 vs Cleveland SHS Lost 8-3
Game 4 vs Centenary Heights SHS Won 5-0
Game 5 vs Ambrose Treacy College Won 2-0
Game 6 vs St Anthony’s College Won 7-0
Special thanks to all the staff who coached and managed the teams, all parents for your support and to Mrs Klowss for her preparing and serving meals for our junior teams for the 5 days - this was such a great help.
Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare – High Performance Program & After School Activities
Term Dates for 2022
Term 1: Monday 7 February - Friday 1 April (10 weeks)
Term 2: Tuesday 19 April - Friday 24 June (10 weeks)
Term 3: Monday 11 July - Friday 16 September (10 weeks)
Term 4: Tuesday 4 October - Friday 2 December (9 weeks)
Parent and Carer Tuckshop Volunteers
At the start of each school year we ask parents to indicate their availability for volunteering in the College tuckshop.
Life is busy and forever changing, so for this reason we have set up a booking system that will not only accommodate our very much appreciated regular volunteers, but also families who may not be able to commit on a regular basis and who may have a day here or there throughout the year to come along and lend a hand and support our students. The beauty of this system is that you can select your day and manage your booking, so if something comes up, you can quickly and easily go online to reschedule or cancel. Your booking will generate a confirmation email with links to manage your booking, it can be synched with your calendar and an SMS is sent the day before as a reminder. Of course, we are also here to help - simply contact Shalom College on 41 55 8111.
For those of you who are regular volunteers your shifts have already been added to the schedule for this year and you should have received an e-mail for each booked shift.
Shifts last from 2 to 3 hours (school drop off to around 11.30 am).
No experience required!
Click here to book a shift >
Breakfast is now available in the tuckshop for purchase each morning 8:00am – 8:30am.
Items include
Bacon & Egg Muffins - $3.50
Ham & Cheese Croissant - $3.50
Porridge & Cereal - $3 (self-service option with milk and bowl & cutlery are supplied)
Fresh Fruit - $1 (seasonal fruits such as; Bananas, Apples, Mandarins etc.)
Plus, the already available items of Yoghurt Pots, Up n Go drinks & Flavoured Milk
Students who train before school need to consider utilising the breakfast menu to replenish energy lost during their training sessions, however must be dressed appropriately before entering the tuckshop and must not be late for class.
Shalom Sunday Markets
- Fresh food stalls fruit, vegetable & local food products
- BBQ and tuckshop are operating, social distancing practices are in place
- Social distancing to include gaps between stalls (all outdoors)
Markets Tuckshop Roster
New volunteers are DESPERATELY required for the Markets Tuckshop or BBQ, if you have any queries please contact Leanne via email – barkerl@shalomcollege.com.
Sunday 16 October |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Danielle Morrish |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Tennille Nagas |
Sunday 23 October |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Emma Jansen |
Sunday 30 October |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Maria McMahon |
Sunday 6 November |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Volunteers required |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Brendan & Astrid Clancy |
Markets BBQ Roster
Sunday 16 October |
Bundaberg Croquet Club Cal Toft |
Sunday 23 October |
Rotary Club of Bundaberg Sunrise |
Sunday 30 October |
East Bundaberg Rotary |
Sunday 6 October |
Volunteers required |
Community Notice Board
Shalom College App
Shalom College Families Business and Trade Directory
Student Travel Rebates
Student travel rebate applications are only open in May for Semester 1 and October for Semester 2. Please visit the link below to check if you are eligible.
Road Closure – Thabeban Street
Youth Support
Find Out More below
LGBTIQA+ Pizza Party
The Catholic Parish of Bundaberg
Office Hours: 9:00 - 1:00 Monday to Friday
Parish Office: Rossolini Place Level 1, 66 Woongarra St
Ph: 07 4151 6666 PO Box 79 Bundaberg QLD 4670
Email: sbundaberg@rok.catholic.net.au
AFTER HOURS: Anointing of the sick for medical emergencies
phone 4151 6666 and follow the prompt
"The annual parish "Good News" magazine is now available in all churches for a Gold Coin Donation.
As you read our in-house publication of the Good News magazine this year, discover the ways in which our parish vision statement is being made clear.
Catholic Youth Groups
Triple P
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.