Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

28 May 2018

Principal’s Reflection

Any of you with a Netflix subscription would be aware that there has been a second series of ’13 Reasons Why’ launched this week. Series One unwound the story of Hannah who, for various and multi-layered reasons, took her own life. Series One was a confronting and involved story. Series Two promises more of the same as it deals with the ramifications and blame involved with Hannah’s death. I have had a quick look at some of Series Two. It deals, again, with some difficult issues that will undoubtedly engage many young people. Health education experts are worried that ’13 Reasons Why’ might influence vulnerable individuals negatively and that caution should be taken with the viewing of this program. It would not be difficult for young people to see a degree of ‘glamorization’ of death by one’s own hand in ’13 Reasons Why’. Hannah’s life is talked about and scrutinized and, to some degree, made memorable. In series Two, Hannah features regularly in the cast as other members remember her and even talk to her. I hope that no one who watches this show would succumb to thinking or feeling that this in any way real. Death is final. I only know of one man who died and came back to life and that event took place over 2000 years ago. For the rest of us, there is no coming back. There is no watching benignly over the funeral or interacting with those who are grieving. At the time the first series was popular, I encouraged those who were interested in it to take the time to watch the 14th episode which was an excellent round-table discussion of the issues involved with the cast and writers of the series. In Series Two, which is very graphic in parts but again deals with some very real issues, there are some very good panel discussions available and clips about some of the issues dramatized. They would be excellent discussion starters. In the final episode of Series Two, Hannah’s mother says to Dylan, one of the lead characters, that while there may be 13 reasons why someone might take their own life that there are ALWAYS more reasons not to. I have no doubt many of our young people have started watching this new series. If young people are watching this show, I would strongly encourage parents to watch it as well and ensure that you talk through the issues raised. This is not a show to watch in isolation.

Family Zone – we had an excellent presentation from Family Zone last Wednesday night. In the next day or so you will all receive an email from Family Zone which will explain the product clearly and assist you to download the software onto your child’s phone, mobile device, laptop or desk top computer. It appears to be quite intuitive and easy to use. In the package the College has purchased for every Shalom family, there is a Help Line available which will offer lots of support. This is a wonderful tool for parents who wish to have a little or a lot more control over their child’s on-line presence. The College will be able to have some additional control over what is accessed on iPads and Laptops brought to school. Outside school hours it is up to parents. I would seek your support to ensure that if your child has a mobile phone and brings that to school, that the App is downloaded onto that phone. I seek your support in creating the controls that limit all Social Media on student phones during school hours.

Greg & Jan Aplin will be leaving Shalom at the end of this term. Jan has been here longer than Greg and she has been the Secretary to every Principal in Shalom’s history (talk about knowing where the bodies are buried!!) There will be a public farewell dinner for Jan and Greg on Saturday June 23 at Across the Waves club – 6:30pm for a 7pm start in the ‘Sails’ function room. The cost of this buffet dinner is $30 per person. Tickets are limited and available through Mrs Femia Eizema -

State Parents & Friends Conference is on in Townsville this year on June 8-10. Mrs Austin-Campbell is attending on our behalf but I would love a parent to attend as well. Regrettably, no one at the last P&F meeting was available. If anyone would like to attend to represent us, all costs will be covered by the P&F – flights and accommodation. Please let me know. It is always an excellent conference.

Student Presentation is almost always a feature of Shalom positively commented on by people in and outside of the school. As I am doing enrolment interviews at the moment, it is a comment I often get when I ask new families why they would like their child to come to Shalom. I was saddened last week to get an email from a Shalom parent who pointed out their disappointment at seeing Shalom student/s downtown with shirts out and looking scrappy – walking with their own parents! All of us want our young people to present themselves well. Please do all possible to support this worthwhile aim which will hopefully become a habit through life for all of our students.

Bundaberg Show Holiday is on Thursday but classes will be fully operational on Friday. I hope that parents would ensure that, barring serious illness or other emergency, that all of our young people are present and ready to learn Friday morning.

Mr Dan McMahon

Newsletter Articles

Student Welfare and Information

Year 8 Camp Schedule

Our camps continue.

Camp No.

CSB Class

Dates for Camp

Teacher attending


CSB Class D

21, 22, 23 May

Jessica Altadonna


CSB Class E

28, 29, 30 May

Mick Harris


CSB Class B

4, 5, 6 June

Mick Harman


CSB Class X

5, 6, 7 June

Debbie Bolam/Wendy Davis – shared class


CSB Class F

6, 7, 8 June

Mick Harris


CSB Class H

11, 12 13 June

Brendan Cunningham


CSB Class A

12, 13, 14 June

Trish Allen/Amy Fallon


CSB Class J

13, 14, 15 June

Jessica Altadonna


CSB Class C

18, 19, 20 June

E Austin-Campbell


CSB Class G

19, 20, 21 June

Michael Ray


CSB Class Focus

20,21, 22 June

Steve McKay

Please make sure that students do bring what is on the equipment list, particularly the raincoat.

Old clothes are highly recommended, as on the second day the students undertake raft building – so they will be quite muddy.

Formal News

A reminder to parents that you need to be seated by 6:30pm for the commencement of the introductions of our students.

A really big thank you to the Year 11 students who have volunteered to assist on the night. Your help, on a Saturday night, is very much appreciated.

Year 12's have a normal school day and are expected to be at school Friday June 1. 

Mrs Elizabeth Austin-Campbell
Deputy Principal


Year 11 and 12 End of Semester One Examinations

The Year 11/12 examination timetable is attached below and has been posted on the College Intranet (‘Assessment & Reporting’ tab), the College website (Curriculum/Senior School/Forms and Publications) and Daily Notices (pushed to students via Student Café).

Attendance During Examinations

During the examination block all Year 11 and 12 students are deemed to be in attendance but they are only required at school to sit scheduled examinations or to complete supplementary assessments if required. When attending the College during examination blocks students must be in full and correct College day uniform. When not in attendance during the examination block students must be engaged in home study, assignment work or work experience or work placement activities – it is not ‘time off’.

Students who have few or no examinations scheduled during the examination block are expected to be engaged in organised Work Experience, Structured Workplace Learning related to VET studies or attendance at a workplace related to an established School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship. Please contact Mrs O’Donnell on 4155 8136 or at for more information about Work Experience, Structured Workplace Learning or School-based Apprenticeships or Traineeships.

Good luck with your exams.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration


The Holy Trinity

This Sunday was Trinity Sunday. 'Trinity' is not a word found in the Bible, but it is used to describe the essential Christian belief that there is one God who exists as three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each person equally and fully God.

This is not a straightforward concept and when trying to explain and discuss this concept with students the example I use is that I am one person, yet I am a daughter to my parents, a mother to my children and a wife to my husband. All very different roles but all very important to what makes me who I am. One person, all 'me', but with three different roles.

These different persons of God make God more accessible and relatable to more people. Also as we go through our lives the person of God we are drawn to may change. A child might relate more to God the Father, whilst an adult may be more inclined to pray to the Holy Spirit or Jesus.

Although difficult to explain, we are reminded of the Trinity each time we make the sign of the cross at the beginning and end of our prayers. Reminded that God is there for us in a number of forms, we just need to reach out.

Mrs Mary Taylor
Acting Assistant Principal – Mission


Work Experience

How do I know which pathway I would like to explore? How do I know which subjects I should take? How do I know if I would like that job? I don’t really know what that industry is like.

The Foundation of Young Australians recently featured an article from soon-to-be-university-graduate, Rachael McNamara, discussing the importance of ensuring students gain hands on experience to set themselves apart from the ever-increasing pack.

“I’ve found if you want to compete with everyone else who has the same goals as you, you need to outsource. By this, I mean seeking other opportunities, which allow you to experience the skills and requirements of your chosen career, before you even find a full-time job in the field. Doing so, gives you the experience that employers look for, which sets you apart from everyone else, but also allows you to decide if it really is the right career for you. Usually this means working for free or interning.”

I firmly believe there are huge benefits to students participating in work experience. This can be a great tool for Year 10 students prior to subject selection, and for Year 11 and 12 students to build their portfolio and local networks. This is a good time to start approaching organisations with the exam block and school holidays in mind.

Detailed information on the work experience process is in the Student Work Experience Booklet and Host Employer Work Experience Booklet. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mrs O’Donnell in the Pathways Office.

Business Recognition

This week, Shalom College would like to recognise and acknowledge Scott Burke Electrical for their involvement in school based traineeships.

Thank you! Your contribution is invaluable in creating the futures of our young people.

Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator

Quiet Achiever

Our quiet achiever for this week is Ann Guy, Shalom’s tuckshop convener.

If you want to be the first member of the Shalom community to arrive at the school every morning, then you will have to arrive before Ann’s 6:00am start!

Let us exalt her praises by members of the Shalom community.

“Ann bakes a roast pork that my mother would be proud of.”

What is the first place that comes to your mind when you think of; quick service, quality food, top-notch sausage roll, and satisfied tummies? Shalom College’s Tuckshop!

“They make great hotdogs and the new refurbishments make it look professional and it runs well.”

“My favourite food at the tuckshop is burgers. They are the best.”

“The tuckshop ladies are always so kind and thoughtful.”

“The teachers always appreciate the extra effort that goes into so many events like Bishop’s in-service day! The array of sweets and selections is always tasty.”

“The ladies and volunteers at the tuckshop always accommodate for everyone’s needs and constantly strive to brighten your day.”

Br Rochford
College Minister

P & F Monthly Meeting Notes

As a parent/guardian of Shalom College, you are automatically a member of the P & F Committee. Please feel free to come along to any of our meetings. Details of the next meeting are below.

For further information, see the full meeting minutes on the P & F section of the College website. Please forward any comments to the Secretary via email at .If you have an agenda item, please address it to the P & F Secretary either at the school office or by e-mail

To all P & F members, you are reminded that our monthly meeting is held in the staff common-room – all parents/guardians are welcome. Please note the next P & F meeting will be held on Tuesday June 5, which will begin at 5:30pm.

Mrs Emma Jansen
P & F Secretary

Instrumental Music

Winter concert

A reminder that our next concert is scheduled for tomorrow night, May 29 starting a 7:00pm in the theatre. All groups will be performing.

State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) Brisbane

Nominations have now been sent to Griffith University who will contact all students who we have nominated. When you receive the email, please make sure you reply accepting or declining the offer. Cost of the program is $280 and accommodation and travel is organised privately, not by the school.

Roll marking

A reminder to email Mrs McAtee by 7.45am if your child/ren are not able to attend a rehearsal.

Diocesan Music Camp

Registrations have now closed for the camp and tilt train tickets for the return trip will be paid for by the end of this week. If any students are now not returning by train, please let me know immediately.

Bundaberg Youth Orchestra

Many of our members have gone on to play with major symphony orchestras both in Australia and internationally, while others have returned to our community contributing their knowledge as both teachers and performers. We believe that all children deserve music as part of their education no matter what their playing standard is on their instrument, and that the life skills learnt during rehearsals with an ensemble are just as important as the musical ones. The value of music education provided in our orchestras however was in evidence at last week's Bundaberg Regional Music Eisteddfod where seven of our current members received twelve of the major awards. We would like to invite all interested young musicians to join us at an Open Rehearsal on Wednesday May 23 from 3:30 to 5:00pm at St Luke's Anglican College.

Intermediate Drama and Intermediate Prose Championships

Congratulations to Sarah Krebs, see photo of Sarah wearing her 2 medals which she won for Intermediate Drama and Intermediate Prose Championships recently.

Bundaberg Eisteddfod Update

Speech and Drama sections – there were 11 students from Shalom College who participated in the Eisteddfod with many winning or placed in their respective sections. Some of these sections included set verse, mime, improvisation to name a few. Students with a number of wins included Meg and Samuel Freeman as well as Sarah Krebs who won 2 major championships. In addition to Sarah, there were also a number of these students who were chosen to perform at the Gala Concert by request of the adjudicator. They included a very entertaining duo by Meg Freeman and partner as well as a humorous mime performed by Molly Burfitt. Well done to all who participated.

Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator


Annie The Musical tickets are currently available from the front office. The cost of the tickets are Adults $18.00, Concession and Students $15.00. Friday and Saturday night shows have SOLD OUT, we still have limited seats available Thursday (7pm) and Saturday matinee (11am).

Show times are as below

Thursday June 14

Saturday June 16


11:00am – Matinee

Mrs Lynelle McAtee
Performing Arts Assistant


2018 Queensland All Schools Touch Football Championships

Shalom College has registered for 5 teams to play at the QAS Touch Football Championships in October 2018 in Brisbane. The 5 teams are – Open Mixed, 15 Boys, 15 Girls, 13 Boys and 13 Girls.

This will consist of 60 students and 10 staff. Coaches will be selecting teams from Trials in Term 2 and be training in Term 3 for the competition in Week 1 of Term 4 in Brisbane. This is the biggest Touch Football Championships in the world and we are pleased to be part of it.

Thanks to the following sponsors of QAS Shalom teams:

Mr Brett Hansen and BHE Commercial Electricians.
Mr Peter Glover and Bank Of Queensland – Bundaberg.
Mr Corey Meredith and the UEM Group – Brisbane.
Mr Andrew Russo and The Orora Group.

I am looking for other interested sponsors for these students and these championships.

If you are interested – please email me – details below.

Sponsors logos will be on all playing uniforms. The players will compete in and keep these uniforms after the championships as their own with their surname on the back of the playing shirt.

Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare, High Performance Program,
Tertiary Studies Guidance & After School Activities

Netball Date Claimer

Junior Vicki Wilson Shield Netball Trials

When: Monday June 25 and Wednesday June 27 from 3:15pm-4:15pm (times to be confirmed)
Where: Sports Centre
Who: Any girls in years 7-9 who are experienced netball players and are available to play on Thursday August 9 and Thursday August 16 2018 during school time.

Senior Vicki Wilson Cup Netball Trials

When: Wednesday July 18 2018 from 3:15pm-4:30pm
Where: Sports Centre
Who: Any girls in Years 10-12 who are experienced netball players and are available to play on Thursday August 9 and Thursday August 16 2018 during school time.

Nominations: Please see Mrs Somerfield in the sports centre or email her on

If students are selected in the Shalom All Schools Touch team they will be unavailable to participate in the Vicki Wilson State Finals. Therefore, you may not be considered for selection in the team, please discuss this with Mrs Somerfield when nominating.

Mrs Nikki Somerfield

All Girls Cricket Competition

Want to play in an all-girls cricket team? We’re putting together an all-girls team in the Bundaberg U14s 2018-19 competition. See link to flyer below for more information.

Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator

Table Tennis Report

Shalom College recently entered two teams in the Bundaberg round of the Queensland Schools Table Tennis Championships. The championships were held on Saturday May 19, at the Bundaberg Table Tennis Centre. The event featured a strong line-up of players, with schools from as far away as the Sunshine Coast making the trip up to compete against Bundaberg’s best.

At the completion of the championships, both Shalom teams emerged victorious. Tayla Scott and Meg Freeman winning the Junior Girls division, while Brendan Connolly and Samuel Freeman won the Open division after going through the tournament undefeated. Both teams have now qualified for the state finals later in the year in Brisbane.

Meg Freeman and Tayla Scott - Junior Girls Winner

Samuel Freeman and Brendan Connolly - Senior Boys Winners

Chess Report

Shalom College recently entered two teams in the Bundaberg round of the Wide Bay North Inter-School Chess Tournament. The tournament was hosted by Avoca State school, on Tuesday May 22 and was well patronised with approximately 130 players and schools from as far away as Agnes Water.

With so many highly ranked players at one tournament, winning was always going to be a challenge. Both Shalom teams managed to acquit themselves soundly however, with Shalom Team One taking out second place behind Bundaberg State High School. Shalom Team Two only narrowly missed out on a spot on the podium after finishing fourth behind St Luke’s Anglican College Team One. Shalom College’s Team Two was very unlucky not to sneak into third place, as with one round remaining they were only trailing their opposition by half a point. Unfortunately, they were not able to close the gap by the time the competition had ended.

All the students are to be congratulated on the quality of the chess they played. They should also be very proud of the way they conducted themselves and the positive and polite way they represented the college. If you would like to be part of our small but dedicated band of chess players, please come along on Tuesday lunchtimes, where we meet in SS2 (in the Student Services building).

Charlie Aslett and Kyan Bagarozza

Courtenay Parfitt third
overall individual

Demetri De Florian won
a ribbon of merit for
winning 5 games or
more out of 8

Courtenay Parfitt third overall individual

Demetri De Florian won a ribbon of merit
for winning 5 games or more out of 8

Demetri De Florian, Keagan Geyer and Nicholas Whitelum 

Mr David Magner
Table Tennis and Chess Coordinator


How can we entice more tourists to the beautiful Bundaberg region? That is the question our Year 11 Tourism students are working on this term. Past excursions have seen us visiting Alexander Zoo, Baldwin Swamp and Bargara, and last week we set our sights on the Burnett River, touring on the Bundy Belle to Bundaberg Port. We learned much about Bundaberg’s early history, marvelled over the soon-to-be-scuttled HMAS Tobruk and even tried our hand at steering the Belle back to Grunske’s, where we had a delicious seafood lunch. Now that we are more aware of what our region has to offer, the students will begin designing a new tourist attraction for Bundaberg to present to the Bundaberg Tourism Board.

Congratulations to the class on their conduct and engagement with the community on these excursions. As a senior subject Tourism aims to equip students with knowledge and skills they can use in the local community once they graduate by engaging with real-life projects such as this one. Tourism will continue to be offered as an Applied Subject under the new senior syllabuses starting in 2019.

HMAS Tobruk

Tarmeecha McRae tries
her hand at steering the Belle

Mrs Penny McKeown
eLearning Coordinator / Humanities Teacher

Tertiary Studies

Year 12’s going on to Tertiary Studies have the opportunity to gain an early offer Guarantee at USC- University of the Sunshine Coast. The Early Offer Guarantee enables Year 12 students to be offered an early and guaranteed place at the University of the Sunshine Coast in November. These offers are made prior to the release of Year 12 results, rather than student having to wait until the mid-January QTAC offer round. Early and guaranteed offers will be made to students based on the recommendations of their school Principal.

See Mr Robinson or see the link below for more information

UQ Young Scholars Program

Year 11 Students can apply now for the University of Queensland’s Young Scholars Program. UQ's Young Scholars Program (YSP) provides high achieving secondary school students with an opportunity to discover, learn and engage with UQ's academic community and like-minded students from across QLD and NSW. Designed to nurture and develop future leaders, the Program also presents students with a unique opportunity for academic extension and enrichment. Applications close Friday August 10 2018.

Key Dates:

  • Tertiary Studies Expo (TSXPO), Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 July
  • University of Queensland - St Lucia Campus Open Day, Sunday 5 August
  • University of Queensland - Gatton Open Day, Sunday 19 August

See Mr Robinson for more details and for applications to be signed off by the College.

Mr Peter Robinson
Student Welfare, High Performance Program,
Tertiary Studies Guidance & After School Activities

National Reconciliation Week 2018 May 27 – June 3

Reconciliation week has 2 significant dates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

On May 27, 1967 the Australian government held a referendum and this was a momentous turning point in Australian History as it altered the Australian Constitution. Over 90% of Australian voters chose ‘YES’ to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the census and the Australian government had power to make laws for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Before 1967 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people did not have the same rights as other Australians under the constitution. Their lives were controlled by State Government. The most important outcome of the Referendum was RECOGNITION of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

June 3 1992, The Mabo decision: When the British arrived on Australian soil they declared that Australia was ‘TERRA NULLIUS’ (empty land/land that belongs to nobody), even though Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people occupied the land 40,000-60,000 years before their arrival. Eddie Mabo challenged the Australian legal system and fought for Recognition of the rights of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Traditional Owners of their land. The Mabo case ran for 10 years and in 1992 the High court of Australia decided that terra nullius should not have been applied. The decision recognised that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have rights to the land. Eddie Mabo did not live to witness the result as he passed away before the decision was handed down.

Mrs Kelli Cory
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Liaison Officer

Career Opportunities

College News

College Social

Student Travel Rebate

Shalom Sunday Markets

Tuckshop Roster

Monday 28 May

Help Needed

Tuesday 29 May

Help Needed

Wednesday 30 May

Help Needed

Thursday 31 May

Bundaberg Show Holiday

Friday 1 June

Vicki Saffioti

Monday 4 June

Tricia Cooney

Tuesday 5 June

Susie Zunker/ Emma Appo

Wednesday 6 June

Leanne Grogan/ Katrina O’Sullivan

Thursday 7 June

Trish Cahill

Friday 8 June

Jeanette Rand/Cameron and Robin MacDonnell

Tuckshop Markets Roster


3 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Kath Clarke

Meagan Dorgan

Elizabeth Harris

Danielle Morrish

Gabriele Norman

Helen Robinson

9.00am - 12.30pm

Steve Cook

Michelle Haase

Tennille Nagas

Maryanne Taylor


10 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Jan Bunn

Lisa Hughes

Roselyn Hunting

Susie Mant

Karen Marriott

9.00am - 12.30pm

Lynda/Mackenzie Crossett

Emma Jansen

Jas Haster

Rebecca Schneider

Marie Walker


17 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Linda Adcock

Carol Barrazza

Lisa Christensen

Nikki Ellis

Brenda Jay

9.00am - 12.30pm

Chris Dennien

Jade Law

Jo Leveritt

Maria McMahon

Jacqueline Read

Sue Sargent


3 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Kath Clarke

Meagan Dorgan

Elizabeth Harris

Danielle Morrish

Gabriele Norman

Helen Robinson

9.00am - 12.30pm

Steve Cook

Michelle Haase

Tennille Nagas

Maryanne Taylor


10 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Jan Bunn

Lisa Hughes

Roselyn Hunting

Susie Mant

Karen Marriott

9.00am - 12.30pm

Lynda/Mackenzie Crossett

Emma Jansen

Jas Haster

Rebecca Schneider

Marie Walker


17 June

6.00am - 9.30am

Linda Adcock

Carol Barrazza

Lisa Christensen

Nikki Ellis

Brenda Jay

9.00am - 12.30pm

Chris Dennien

Jade Law

Jo Leveritt

Maria McMahon

Jacqueline Read

Sue Sargent

Markets BBQ Roster

June 3

Relay for Life

June 10

Confraternity RL

June 17

Cane to Coral

June 24

Cambodia Trip

Community Notice Board

Triple P Parenting

The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.

Please click on the link below, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.

This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.