17 September 2018
Principal’s Reflection
Our ‘R U OK?’ exercise after Assembly last week got an awful lot of hits on our Facebook page. It was a great way to highlight an important message for everyone. We all have some responsibility for the wellbeing of those around us. As parents, we are terrified that our children would ever be unhappy enough to the point of impacting their health. I have often had parents tell me that ‘they just want their kids to be happy’. This is understandable but it may be setting the bar a little too low. What do we really mean by wanting our kids to be ‘happy’? I want my two kids to be happy but I want them to know a bit about lasting happiness and something of an inner peace that would arise from living with purpose and from living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. I want them to live lives of decency, kindness and maybe even service. I want them to have an education that stresses that happiness cannot be purchased, travelled to, arrived at, owned, accumulated, earned, worn or consumed. I want them to be able to master the hardest arithmetic of all, which would enable them to count their blessings. If I can help my kids get close to that, I think that they will be happy. I am pretty sure then, that they will be OK.
‘Studiosity’ is a program and service the College is purchasing in Term 4. Studiosity is an on-line tutoring service that will be available to students in Years 10-12 for free. Out of school hours, students will be able to log on to the website and seek help for their subjects from teachers in different parts of Australia and even around the world. From reports from schools who have already bought into this product, we believe that this has potential to have great advantages for our students. The College has purchased 15,000 minutes for our students. The cost to the College is about $70 a student in Years 10-12. There are provisions in the system to stop one student using too many minutes. The process and the programme will be explained to students on the first day of next term. Each student will receive their own personal log-in.
I got a great letter last week from the gentleman who is the Crossing Supervisor at South State School. The week before, as he finished his duty, he dropped his wallet – it contained a good amount of cash. As a pensioner, when he got home, he was panicked to discover the loss. He went back to South retracing his steps. Happily, the wallet and its contents had been handed into the school office by four Year 9 boys – three from Shalom and one from Bundaberg State High. Wonderful to see great values being practiced by our young people.
Mr Dan McMahon
Newsletter Articles
NAPLAN Data was released a couple of weeks ago. Parents should receive their child’s individual NAPLAN report in the mail in the next few days.
Shalom’s data is pleasing for both our Year 7 and Year 9 cohort. The mean score in Year 9 for all test areas was higher for Shalom than for the mean score of the state.
Shalom’s mean score for Year 7 students in all test areas, except numeracy, was also higher than the mean score of the state.
Using mean scores from our Year 7 cohort in 2016 and our current Year 9 students, growth can be calculated for each of the NAPLAN test areas. Calculations reveal that there has been growth in all test areas. In the test areas of Spelling, Reading, Grammar and Punctuation, the growth exceeds the growth of the state.
Mrs Megan Munckton
Middle School Coordinator
Yr 7 to 9 Core Studies Learner Conferences
The second of two opportunities this year for Year 7, 8 and 9 Core Studies Learner Conferences (Parent/Teacher Interviews) will be available on the Student Free Day of Monday 22 October. The aim of these conferences is to provide an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers to discuss the progress and learning needs of their children.
Conferences may be arranged online via the Parent Lounge. The online Parent Teacher Interview booking facility will open at 8:00am on Tuesday 9 October and close at 3:00pm on Wednesday 17 October to allow teachers to prepare for interviews. Parents without internet access may contact the College on 4155 8111 to make appointments from 8:00am on Tuesday 9 October.
When considering interview requests, note that Mrs Jacqui Smith, Mr John Sheppard, Mrs Patricia Allen and Mrs Deborah Bolam will not be available for interviews on the day as they have Verification duties, however they will be available on Thursday 25 October. Please note this additional date when booking interviews online. Please also note that Mrs Austin-Campbell is on leave and therefore unavailable.
Whilst the scheduled interview day is seen as an important communication between home and school, parents are welcome to arrange an interview with specific teachers at any time the need arises throughout the year
Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal – Administration
Reflection Days 2018
Last week Year 9 and 10 students spent time with David Kobler from Yourchoicez covering a range of topics that impact on our young people today. The sessions were very informative and the students had a chance to discuss these issues. All students I spoke to learnt something and felt it was very worthwhile. The key outcomes for the days are noted below:
Outcomes for the Day – Girls |
Outcomes of the Day – Boys |
Outcomes for the Day – Girls |
Outcomes of the Day – Boys |
The Year 9 and 10 students also spent time with Az Hamilton from Just Motivation. Through playing games and listening to Az the students were able to identify the important aspects of being a good friend and the need for developing a passion for life. Az also shared how God has a place in his life.
Brother Rochford’s Birthday
A special member of our Shalom community had their birthday last week. Brother Rochford turned 86 and it was a great chance for us to say thank you to him for his wonderful presence in our school.
Every day Brother visits each student having a birthday. This year he has spoken about the importance of giving, not just receiving; so in light of this he requested that instead of spending money on a party, that we use that money to give to others in need. So we put some lovely present boxes near the tuckshop and in the office for people to drop some money into. On Tuesday we gave this money to Brother, who then, gave it to a charity of his choice. Truly demonstrating that in giving we receive.
Mrs Mary Taylor
Acting Assistant Principal – Mission
McAuley House Mass
You’re Invited
To the
McAuley House Mass
Friday 21 September
Loyola Chapel
Shalom College
Parish, parents and friends welcome to join our Shalom House families
Mrs Cheryl Petersen
Campus Minister
Quiet Achiever
Bradley Balchin - Hogan 3, Year 8
Bradley has recently returned from the QC Series KA3 Junior Go Karting in Emerald. He performed very well finishing second for the series over the weekend in the KA3 Junior division and had an overall placement of third for the Series over the course of the year. It is not necessarily just his extra-curricular pursuits that Bradley can be proud of but also the fact that he manages to maintain excellent school results, whilst having to travel and have large amounts of time over the weekend taken up by this hobby. Bradley has maintained A’s and B’s across all his subjects and has kept up strong results in Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Dance and Drama and Design & Technology. Congratulations on all your fantastic efforts Bradley!
Mr Adam Knott
Hogan House Coordinator
Reef Together Conference
Did you know Shalom Catholic College has a Reef Guardian Team?
During Term 3, Shalom Catholic College students formed a Reef Guardian Team. We are a team of students from Year 7, 11 and 12 who are looking at improving environmental concerns or issues round our campus. We were invited to the Southern Great Barrier Reef Regional Schools Convention ‘Reef Together’ conference for future eco leaders in Bundaberg. We were fortunate to showcase the environmental work we have started and listen to inspirational guest speakers such as Andy Ridley, founder of Earth Hour, Peter Gash, CEO Lady Elliott Island and Anthony Hill from Plastic Pollution Solutions who spoke about environmental issues that not only impact on the Great Barrier Reef but the environment around us. It was a day where we were inspired by others and met with over 200 school environmental representatives.
We have all signed a pledge to protect our Great Barrier Reef so we are putting out a challenge to our community to become citizens of the Great Barrier Reef. Please support our community by taking a moment to sign up with the link provided.
Keep an eye out on any future upcoming environmental events at Shalom!
Nicole Amey
Reef Guardian Team
Taking Care of Business
R U OK? Day
Thursday 13 September was the national day of action for the R U OK? Foundation. Raising funds and awareness for the foundation is the major project of the Year 11 Certificate III - Business class this term. The class planned to hold a weekly event in the lead up to 13 September to ensure the R U OK? message was being heard loud and clear by the whole school community.
The first event saw the students selling “R U OK?” sugar cookies that were packaged individually with an affirming or supportive quote attached. The idea behind this was that students could buy a cookie for a friend or mate whom they wanted to check in on and start a conversation with.
Next, a sausage sizzle fundraiser helped the Certificate III students continue their awareness campaign and encouraged further the idea that a conversation can literally change a life. The four-step message is simple: Ask the question, Listen, Encourage Action and most importantly, check in.
Then on Friday 7 September, Shalom College stood united as a community to send a strong message. Approximately 1250 students converged on the school oval to spell out the question we want everyone to remember – “R U OK?”. This was a powerful display of positivity and support showing that we all have what it takes to start a meaningful conversation. None of us need to be an expert. We just need to ask the question “R U OK?” and be there to listen and support those people who may struggle with things.
The Certificate III – Business students would like to thank all the Shalom and Staff for their participation in this activity. Thank you to all the staff who gave their time to ensure that the R U OK? display was a huge success. A special thanks must go to Mr Craig Corpe from Bellamish Aerial Imaging Solutions for capturing the whole event on video (see below links).
Finally, we are pleased to announce that the students have raised $500 and this will be forwarded onto the R U OK? Foundation this week.
Human Sign Drone video link -
R U OK message -
Gail Norris
Business Learning Area Coordinator
New Challenges
This term in the Makerspace, Years 7 to 9 students have designed, crafted and solved a whole new variety of tasks and challenges. We have saved the Makerspace from a toxic spill with rubber bands, string and wooden blocks and designed ‘grabber arms’ to pick up small objects. Our most popular activity this term, though, were our light-up Father’s Day cards, pictured below. The students decorated the cards before using copper tape, LEDs and batteries to make their cards glow!
3D Printing
Another exciting addition to our space are six brand new UP! 3D printers. Our participants have had great fun printing pre-existing designs and learning how to use the website ‘TinkerCad’ and the program ‘Inventor’ to create their very own customised keyrings, name plates and more. 3D printing is a great way to experience developing technology and many start-up companies use the devices to prototype or manufacture their products.
Breakout EDU
Classes from all over the school come to the Makerspace for the education game ‘Breakout EDU’. Over the past few months we have held Breakouts for subjects including PE, History, Maths, Religion and English where the class works as a team to locate hidden clues and solve them to unlock a box in the centre of the room, testing their knowledge, problem-solving and teamwork skills. We often think of a Breakout like an escape room. It has been awesome to see the students engage and have fun with a whole new area of the school.
Bundy Crush Makerspace Event
On 6 October, we are excited to announce the Shalom Makerspace will join a group of other wonderful facilitators from around the region to produce the Bundy Crush Makerspace. Everyone is welcome to check out the event from 5:00-6:00pm and 7:00-8:00pm in the Anglican Parish Hall behind Buss Park. There will also be food available and plenty of entertainment on Post Office Lane.
Makerspace Timetable Term 4
Monday Lunch |
Crafts |
Tuesday Lunch |
Design Challenge |
Thursday Lunch |
3D Printing |
Instrumental Music
2018 Strings Orchestra Concert
The 2018 Strings Orchestra Concert ‘An Afternoon of Beautiful Music’ will be held on 20 October. This annual concert performed by our very talented string students will be held in the Holy Rosary Church starting at 3:00pm.
The String Orchestra will perform many Classical and Contemporary favourites including Erlkonig by Franz Schubert and Eleanor Rigby by Lennon & McCartney. Also on the program will be guest artists, the Shalom College Choir who will perform three songs including When We Believe from the Prince of Egypt. Please support this event as entry is by donation which will be donated to the Drought Appeal.
Singing lessons and music theory
There are a couple of vacancies for singing lessons as well as music theory in Term 4 – the latter in small groups preferably. Singing is basic techniques such as breathing and safe, healthy voice production in either Contemporary or Classical style. Theory is taught to improve music reading skills as well as a prerequisite for upper levels of practical music exams. Theory is the same for singers and instrumentalists.
Vacancies will also be available with the instrumental teachers particularly for next year. If you are interested now, please contact Mrs Edgar or one of the tutors.
Upcoming Events
String Concert |
20 October 2018 |
Get Smart Concert |
24 October 2018 |
Piano and Vocal Concert |
30 October 2018 |
Year 12 Farewell Concert |
4 November 2018 |
Awards Night |
5 November 2018 |
Christmas Raffle
Donations of items for the Christmas raffle are now being accepted and can be left at the front office or with one of the music tutors.
Roll marking
Please email Mrs McAtee Lynelle_McAtee@shalomcollege.com by 7:45am if your child/ren are not able to attend a rehearsal.
Mrs Robyn Edgar
Instrumental Music Coordinator
Defence Force Recruiting Visit
Considering a career with the Navy, Army, or Air Force? Defence Force Recruiting will be visiting Shalom College on 18 October to show you what you can achieve in the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
Shalom College Defence Careers Presentation
Time: 11:25am
Date: Thursday 18 October 2018
Place: LOYOLA2 (bring your lunch)
TAFE Offerings for 2019 and Beyond
Applications are now open for students wishing to enrol in TAFE courses in 2019. Students would attend TAFE one day a week as opposed to school. Please see the attached course guide listing the programs on offer – please ensure the course of interest is available at the Bundaberg TAFE. To register your expression of interest, please see Mrs O’Donnell in the Pathways Office.
To Whom It May Concern: support the transition of Year 12 graduates into employment, the Queensland Government offers free TAFE courses in high priority employment areas. Eligible Year 12 graduates must enrol and start training in a high priority qualification within the calendar year after graduating to take advantage of this great opportunity. A current list of these courses is available at:
Mrs Liza O’Donnell
Pathways Coordinator
P& F News
September Meeting Notes
At our monthly meeting on 4 September the committee discussed a number of initiatives around the school. The P & F is proud to continue funding the School TV for a further 12 months. This wonderful resource provides interesting viewing on many contemporary issues and it well worth a look. The link is on the school intranet.
After School Activity Survey
We have also set up a survey asking for your feedback regarding the After School Activity Survey. The P & F is delighted to contribute to this wonder initiative, but we are after your feedback. To complete the survey, follow the link:
House Captain Blazers 2019
The P & F were delighted to approve the funding of Blazers for our school captains next year and blazer pockets for our house captains. These are items for our future leaders to wear with pride in 2019 and keep as a memento of their time at Shalom.
Shalom Rowing
Shalom Rowing reported that the Vince Habermann Head of River Trophy was recently awarded to Rod Silcox at a school assembly. Rod was nominated by a number of schools and we congratulate him for this well-deserved win. On the first weekend of September school holidays, Qld Schools Championship Rowing Regatta will be held in Rockhampton. We will have a group of rowers attending this event. We wish them all the best for this meet. We also look forward to hearing about the End of Year Break up Night at our next meeting. We hope all the rowers from this year enjoy their night on 20 October.
P & F Membership
A quick reminder for all parents old and new. As a parent/guardian of Shalom College you are automatically a member of the P & F Committee. Please feel free to come along to any of our meetings. Details of the next meeting are below. The meetings are a great way of keeping up with college events and a good opportunity to meet other Shalom parents.
For further information, see the full meeting minutes on the P & F web page on the College website. Please forward any comments to the Secretary via email at pandf@shalomcollege.com. If you have an agenda item please address it to the P & F Secretary either at the school office or by e-mail pandf@shalomcollege.com.
Next Meeting
To all P & F Members, you are reminded that our monthly meeting is held in the staff common room – all parents are welcome. Please note the next P & F meeting will be held on 6 November 2018 which will begin at 5:30pm.
Winter Finals Day
The 2018 Winter Sports Finals Day is on Tuesday 18 September. Shalom sporting teams will be competing in netball, football, basketball and hockey. See the below attachment Winter Sports Finals Day Schedule 2018 for further details.
Sporting Results
Winter Ten Pin Bowling Fixtures
Ten Pin Bowling wrapped up this week with our finals day on Wednesday 12 September.
Many thanks to all players this year. Great sportsmanship was displayed throughout and everyone gave their best.
Junior Competition Results: |
Team Results: (including handicap) |
Tied results: Kepnock 2 and St Lukes 1 |
Team Results: (Scratch) |
Bundaberg State High School 1 |
Overall Results for 2018: (Including Senior and Junior Competitions) |
With Handicap: Score of 180.8 – Shalom |
Scratch: Score of 95.3 – Kepnock SHS |
Shalom Winners: |
Alicia Nierla – Highest Series (scratch) – 272 |
Mrs Debbie Bishop
Ten Pin Bowling Coordinator
Shalom Mental Health Week Activities
Mental Health Week Activities – 8 to 12 October 2018
This year, Shalom College, IMPACT Community Services, Headspace Bundaberg and the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg are working together to raise awareness of the importance of good mental health, and raise funds to implement a mental health framework within Shalom College. The vision is for Shalom College to be the leader in creating safe spaces within schools to have open conversations about mental health.
How to get involved
10 October 2018 - Wear a tie day - Wednesday
Gold coin donation
Wear your best (or worst tie) to school or to work. The tie is a symbol of solidarity and support for creating a community committed to creating safe spaces that improve mental health
9, 10 and 11 October (between 7:30am – 9:00am) - Share a Milo with a Friend morning
Gold coin donation (per cup)
The opportunity for students and teachers to ‘share a milo with a friend’. Purchase a milo for yourself and for someone else in the school who you might not have connected with for a while.
Shalom Sunday Markets
Tuckshop and Market Volunteers Reminder
If you are a regular volunteer or about to help us out for the first time, these few things can go a long way to helping us to make sure the food we provide is safe. Please see below for further details.
- Wear clean, comfortable clothes. Tie long hair back and keep loose hair away from your face. For your own safety, please wear covered shoes.
- Let the convenor know as soon as possible if you are sick (especially if you have an upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhoea, infected sores, cold or flu.)
- Keep jewellery to a minimum
When you are in the Canteen please remember to WASH YOUR HANDS thoroughly before:
- Visiting the toilet
- Using a handkerchief or tissue
- Coughing or sneezing
- Smoking, eating or touching animals
- Touching your hair, face, ears or other body parts
- After handling money before handling food
- Touching your mobile phone or tablet
- Handling money
Mrs Leanne Barker
Tuckshop Convenor
Markets Tuckshop Roster
Sunday 16 September |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Suzanne Brown John Delaney Mechalle Kimber Mark Morris Jennifer Walsh |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Lily Bradshaw Marissa Browne Lauren Elvin Sara Hodginson Renita Snare |
Sunday 23 September |
6:00am – 9.30am |
Lisa Andreoli Christine Buwalda-Nicolson Richard/Fiona Hayes Martin Kelly Rohan/Maddy Lloyd Trish Sellers |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Katie Davis Wayne Fuller Joanne Godfrey Bruce Green Teresa Cowell |
Sunday 30 September (week 1 of school holidays) |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Michelle Baumgartner Kirsten Beyer Tracey Clarke Melissa Floyd Jennifer Obst Ros Mc Caig |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Chloe Connor Karen Garson Neil Hibberd Jo Medcalf Nadia Tairawhiti |
Sunday 07 October (week 2 of school holidays) |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Kath Clarke Meagan Dorgan Elizabeth Harris Danielle Morrish Gabrielle Norman Helen Robinson |
9:00am – 12:30pm |
Steve Cook Tonyia/Lily Garland Michelle Haase Tennille Nagas Maryanne Taylor |
Sunday 14 October |
6:00am – 9:30am |
Jan Bunn Lisa Hughes Roselyn Hunting Susie Mant Karen Marriott |
9:00am – 12:00pm |
Lynda/Mackenzie Crossett Emma Jansen Jas Haster Rebecca Schneider Marie Walker |
Markets BBQ Roster
16 September |
NET Team |
23 September |
Africa Trip |
30 September |
Edmund Rice Camp |
7 October |
Shalom Cricket |
14 October |
Knights of the Southern Cross |
Tuckshop Roster
Monday 10 September |
Bronwyn Grills |
Tuesday 11 September |
Cathy Duffield |
Wednesday 12 September |
Help Needed Please |
Thursday 13 September |
Paul & Caroline Simms |
Friday 14 September |
Jeanette Rand/Robyn & Cameron MacDonnell |
Monday 17 September |
Mila Robinson |
Tuesday 18 September |
Steph Hughes |
Wednesday 19 September |
Lily Bradshaw |
Thursday 20 September |
Christie Thwaite/ Eve Deveraux |
Friday 21 September |
Kylie Jarvis |
Term 4
Monday 08 October |
Bronwyn Grills |
Tuesday 09 October |
Cathy Duffield |
Wednesday 10 October |
Help Needed |
Thursday 11 October |
Paul & Caroline Simms |
Friday 12 October |
Jeanette Rand, Cameron |
Monday 15 October |
Mila Robertson |
Tuesday 16 October |
Steph Hughes |
Wednesday 17 October |
Lily Bradshaw |
Thursday 18 October |
Christie Thwaite |
Friday 19 October |
Kylie Jarvis |
Community Notice Board
Headspace Day 2018
Woolworths Junior & Master Blaster Programs and Junior Cricket
Bundaberg Junior Tennis Holiday Clinic
Bundaberg Softball Gala Day
Junior Rugby Union
Come and Try - Junior Rugby Union
School Holidays Skills Clinic
Drivers College Holiday Program
Triple P Parenting
The State Government is funding free access to Triple P, which is the world’s most evidence-based parenting program and has helped more than four million children and their parents around the world develop closer, more positive relationships.
Please click on this link, which will take you to the website where you can access information relevant to your situation.
This link will remain in our Newsletter with Triple P sending us regular updates and helpful tips.