Year 11 Subject Changes
The end of Unit 2 is the last opportunity to change subjects for Year 11 students. There are no opportunities in Year 12. If your student would like to discuss the possibility of a subject change with Mrs Allen, please have them make an appointment using the link in SIA notices. Subject changes must be completed before the end of Week 3, Friday 20 October.
Year 12 Mock Examinations
Over the next two weeks students will receive feedback on their progress, analyse their responses and work towards further improvement. It is imperative that all students are present during the two weeks leading up to the examinations to ensure they are sufficiently prepared for success.
Year 12 - Confirmation, Results and QCE Eligibility
The College is currently receiving notification of the confirmed results for Year 12 students for all IA3 results in General and General Extension subjects. Students will be informed of their ‘confirmed’ result for each subject when available. This information will also be made available to students via their QCAA Student Portal account.
After the confirmation process students will know their total mark ( /75 or /50) for each of their general subjects leading into the external assessments. A student must sit the external assessment to receive a final grade which will be out of 100. This mark is converted into an A – E result and recorded on the Senior Statement. Please be aware if a student does not receive an overall result of C or better, they will not receive the two QCE points for successful completion of the subject.
If a student does not sit the external assessment (without an approved AARA) they will receive a NOT RATED for the subject on their Senior Statement. This will also mean they cannot receive the allocated two QCE points for the subject.
In order for a student to be awarded their QCE they must have successfully obtained 20 credits (12 being from completed core) during their senior study and passed at least one unit of both literacy and numeracy. Students are able to check their QCAA Learning Account to see if they are on track to receive their QCE, especially as they now know their progressive results before commencing the external exams.
Year 12 - Important Dates
Weeks 2-3
(Monday 9 October- Friday 20 October)
• Normal Classes |
Weeks 4-7
(Monday 23 October – Tuesday 14 November)
• External Assessment Block
• Catch Up – Applied and VET assessments (if requested by teachers)
2024 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey
A reminder that our Year 12 students will be invited to participate in the Next Step Year 12 Completers survey starting in March 2024. The short confidential survey will ask questions about graduates’ activities since finishing school, like study and work.
Graduates can expect to be invited to the survey via a letter from the Minister for Education or an email or phone call from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office on behalf of the department. Please check your contact details are correct with your school and your learning account by logging into the student portal at
We appreciate your participation in this important survey as it helps our school improve our senior services for future students. For more info visit
Mrs Gail Norris