Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Year 12 Students – Wednesday 16 November

A quick reminder all Year 12 students are expected to be in attendance this Wednesday.  Students have been sent correspondence relating to the program of events for this day.  Students will need to make sure they bring their phone, pen and laptop. Students who wish to have the College issued software uninstalled and Windows reinstalled should bring their device with them.  They will be given the opportunity to hand their devices in to IT. 

myQCE Student Portal Account

Please check that your child has registered for their myQCE Student Portal Account using a personal email address and NOT their Shalom College email address.  

Students will use their myQCE Student Portal Account to access their final Year 12 results and their Senior Educational Profile (QCE and Senior Statement) on Friday 16 December.  QCAA no longer mail out senior statements and results to students. 

Please have your student check their personal details are correct in there myQCE Portal Account and make any necessary changes.  If your home address has changed, please contact Mrs Norris to have this updated.  

I have included a link to a FAQ document that will assist with any questions you might have with the certification process for Year 12 students.  Students will receive a hard copy of this in their Graduation folder on Thursday.

QTAC ATAR Portal Account

By now any Year 12 student who wishes to receive their ATAR score (Friday 16 November) should have created their QTAC ATAR Portal account. 

 Mrs Gail Norris 
Assistant Principal - Curriculum