Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Year 12 Graduation Liturgy and Farewell

On Friday, 20 October our Year 12 cohort was officially farewelled through prayer and ritual. Our Welcome to Country was given by Uncle Willie Broome, before the students, and their guests, enjoyed a celebration of prayer and song as well as the presentation of certificates. As I said at the ceremony, as they move on from Shalom we pray that they will make a difference in the communities they belong to. We hope that they will see the uniqueness of the gifts that they possess and see value in sharing these gifts to better the lives of others. We are also confident that they will use what they have learnt during their time here to lead positive change in our world. The graduation sashes, gifted by the Parents and Friends Association and presented by each House Coordinator, looked vibrant as the students walked through the Guard of Honour following the ceremony.

Giving Tree Assembly

The annual ‘Giving Tree’ Assembly is coming up on the Thursday, 9 November.

This event is always a highlight of the year. All students and staff are asked to give what they can, by bringing in an unwrapped toy, gift card, or cash donation. The proceeds of this event benefits two organisations each Christmas. Firstly, contributions are distributed to those in need in our local community by the St Vincent de Paul Society. Secondly, as we have done in recent years, some of the gifts are taken to Woorabinda Mission to assist Sister Cecilia’s work in that community.

Molly S and Cooper L.

Donations for Woorabinda Mission

We are having our yearly fundraiser in support of Woorabinda Mission. 

Sr Cecilia from Woorabinda has requested the following items: tablecloths, sheets, towels, cutlery, child-sized football boots, board shorts, t-shirts, or dress-ups in good condition.  If you have an excess of any of these items, please consider donating them to this worthy cause.  If you don’t have a surplus of any of these items, please consider a monetary donation so we are able to purchase whatever is needed.  Donations may be left at Shalom College before Wednesday 15 November. Thank you so much or your generosity.

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission