Shalom Rowing - Come & Try Day
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Ms Teressa Tibbey
HPE Teacher / Rowing Coordinator
Shalom Cricket Representatives
Cricket success!!!
Congrats to Shalom students Nic D, Tom E, Corin D (15yrs Boys) and Eloise C and Jessica A (15yrs Girls) who have made the Wide Bay Boys and Girls Cricket teams respectively. Eloise and Jessica travel to Toowoomba next week and Nic, Corin and Tom will play the State Championships at Ipswich in late November.
Also congrats to the 19 years selections for early 2024. In the Boys, Nic D, River F, Toby L, Oliver B have gained WB selection along with Lucy H and Ella B in the WB Girls team for 2024.
L - R: Ella B, Eloise C and Jessica A.
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