Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Memorial Mass for Mr James Kiernan

The 8am Mass in Loyola Chapel on Wednesday 8 November will be a Memorial Mass for Mr James Kiernan. We hope that some of his family and friends, along with our staff and students will be able to attend. We also extend an invitation to our wider College and Parish community.


Donations for Woorabinda Mission

We are having our yearly fundraiser in support of Woorabinda Mission. 

Sr Cecilia from Woorabinda has requested the following items: tablecloths, sheets, towels, cutlery, child-sized football boots, board shorts, t-shirts, or dress-ups in good condition.  If you have an excess of any of these items, please consider donating them to this worthy cause.  If you don’t have a surplus of any of these items, please consider a monetary donation so we are able to purchase whatever is needed.  Donations may be left at Shalom College before Wednesday 15 November. Thank you so much or your generosity.


Class Masses

Each Religious Education class is allocated to a Wednesday morning 8am Mass in Loyola Chapel. The class, along with another, co-hosts this Parish Mass by taking the roles of readers and processors. When your student has an upcoming class Mass, you will receive a notification or an invitation to attend. We warmly welcome all to this weekly joint Parish School celebration. The Year 9 classes will be hosting over the next few weeks:

 Wednesday 8 November Mrs O'Driscoll's 9C and 9I
Wednesday 15 November Ms Smith's 9D and Mrs Stanley's 9J
 Wednesday 22 November Mr Gilbert's 9H and Mr Gahan's 9G

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission