Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Giving Tree Assembly

Last Thursday, we celebrated our annual Giving Tree Assembly. Thank you to everyone in our community for their continued support of this event. The gifts and donations will be distributed locally by St Vincent de Paul and some will be taken to the Woorabinda community to assist Sr Cecilia with her work there.
During the assembly, we prayed that the gifts would be a blessing to others, and a reminder to them that they are not alone during the Christmas season. We acknowledged that we are all called to give what we can to help others, and to do so cheerfully. Events such as the Giving Tree assembly, remind us of how fortunate we are to learn and grow as part of this Catholic community.

Class Masses

Each Religious Education class is allocated to a Wednesday morning 8am Mass in Loyola Chapel. The class, along with another, co-hosts this Parish Mass by taking the roles of readers and processors. When your student has an upcoming class Mass, you will receive a notification or an invitation to attend. We warmly welcome all to this weekly joint Parish School celebration. The Year 9 classes will be hosting over the next few weeks:

 Wednesday 15 November Ms Smith's 9D and Mrs Stanley's 9J
Wednesday 22 November Mr Gilbert's 9H and Mr Gahan's 9G

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission