Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


The Memorial Garden

During House Assembly time last week, the McGarry family joined members of Hogan House, particularly the Hogan 1 PC group, along with friends and staff to plant a tree in memory of Sienna. Father Donald White, our Parish Priest, led a prayer ritual and blessed the tree. It was the coming together of many of the people in our community who knew and cared for Sienna, in a way that will ensure her presence in the College will not be forgotten.  


Class Masses

Each Religious Education class is allocated to a Wednesday morning 8am Mass in Loyola Chapel. The class, along with another, co-hosts this Parish Mass by taking the roles of readers and processors. When your student has an upcoming class Mass, you will receive a notification or an invitation to attend. We warmly welcome all to this weekly joint Parish School celebration. The last Year 9 class will be hosting their mass on Weover the next few weeks:

 Wednesday 22 November Mr Gilbert's 9H and Mr Gahan's 9G

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission