Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Thank you from Woorabinda

A huge thank you from Sr Cecilia Prest from the Woorabinda Mission to everyone who donated to our call for linen, cutlery, dress ups etc. Woorabinda is an Aboriginal Community in our Diocese and Sr Cecilia, who is alone in her ministry, was so very appreciative of all the donations she received.

Sister Cecilia has been in Woorabinda for approximately 20 years, as she says, being a ‘presence’ in the community. She has built up a store in her time there and provides new and secondhand items which are donated by various people and groups, sometimes bought by her if there are items in need that she is unable to source through donations. The shop is open on Thursdays and people from the community can come and buy what they need. As Frederic Ozanam who founded St Vincent de Paul says, ‘This is not a handout, it is a hand up’ and they pride themselves in being able to support themselves.

Sandra Freeman and I drove out to Woorabinda to deliver the donations on Monday 20 and Tuesday 21 November. We had a huge ute-load of donations from parishioners and our school community as well as toys from our Giving Tree Prayer Assembly. This was a great opportunity to continue to support Sr Cecilia in her mission to the people of Woorabinda.

Linen is an ongoing necessity - tablecloths, sheets, towels - as are children’s football boots, cutlery sets and at Christmas time, gifts for the families who have no transport to travel to Rockhampton to purchase their Christmas presents.

Shalom and the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg will continue to support Woorabinda Mission, and we are planning two trips a year to deliver needed goods.

If, at any time, you wish to support this worthy cause, please let me know and we can deliver your donations when we go.

Thank you once again for your very generous donations.

Wishing you all blessings for a very Happy and Holy Christmas.

Cheryl Petersen
Campus Minister

Giving Tree Wrap-Up


Besides the sensational number of gifts donated for the Giving Tree, the total amount raised in cash donations was approximately $3500, along with another $1500 in gift cards. The St Vincent de Paul Society is highly appreciative of this effort and have sent a letter of thanks to the staff, teachers, students, and families. The letter also provides information regarding how the donations are used to help our local community. Click the link below to read their thank you letter.

Christmas Mass Times


Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission