Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Senior School Year 10 - Academic Integrity Course

During this week’s Year 10 Exam Block students will be given time to complete their online QCAA Academic Integrity Course when they are not in a scheduled exam.  We ask that students please bring their device with them so that they can complete this.  It is important that all Year 10 students complete this course before they begin their senior studies. 

If your student is unable to complete their online Academic Integrity Course during this coming week the instruction guide below will assist them in completing this task.

How to Access the Academic Integrity Course 

All Year 10 students by now should have registered for their QCAA myQCE Student Portal Account.  If your child has recently commenced at the College and has not completed their registration and needs assistance, please have them contact me at Student Reception.

Next Step Survey - Year 12 Students in 2022


Stationery Lists 2023

The 2023 school stationery lists are now available and have been updated on the college website.  They can be found here Stationery Lists 2023.

Mrs Gail Norris 
Assistant Principal - Curriculum