Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection


Another Christmas is getting close.  Lots of wishes and hopes generally accompany this time of year – new ‘stuff’, better holidays, lots of great food, world peace….  Sometimes, what we hope for and expect doesn’t quite work out as we planned or hoped.  The people of Israel had hoped and expected that the Messiah they were promised would raise them up as a people, destroy the Roman occupation and make them a great nation loyal to Yahweh.  Then they got Jesus.  Born in a backwater to a very ordinary couple.  Instead of offering them world power, he offered them the challenge to live simply, forgive prodigiously and embrace those outcasts.  No wonder he got crucified!  The hope and challenge that should be celebrated as we recall the birth of the Christ child will probably, for most this year, again get lost in a tsunami of commercialism and self-interest. 

Nothing wrong with celebrating with those we love a wonderful Christmas season but let's try to remember what it is really about.  As we get close to the end of another year, be grateful.  2022 has undoubtedly had its ups and downs but I hope everyone of us can take a breath and reflect on those things, people and events for which we should be grateful.  Nothing will be more important than the people we love and those who love us.  As I write this last Newsletter Reflection for 2022, I am very grateful for the vast, vast majority of parents, staff and students of Shalom who actively support and value the ethos of the College.  Thank you so much for your interest, commitment and support.  To all of those families and staff and students who won’t be as closely connected to this community in 2023, thank you so much for all that you have done and been here.  Shalom is a better place for your presence.  May a loving God hold all close this Christmas season as we await the celebration of life that calls us all to love more, forgive more often and to reach out more generously to those in need. 

The College Board  plays a crucial role in the life the College.  They give me, as Principal, advice and support in some of the more important decisions made in the College.  The Board has been very well led again this year by Mr Chris Parker.  At our last meeting Mr Peter O’Beirne, Ms Jas Haster, Dr Chris Ryan and Mr David Batt all retired from the Board.  Each of those wonderful people have brought wisdom, wit and insight to the Board and the College and we are enormously grateful.  Given that, we have some vacancies on the Board and I would love to hear from any parents who might be interested in finding out a little more about how the Shalom Board operates.  We meet between six and eight times a year.  Please email me if you might be interested.

2023 Commencement 

  • Monday 23 January - New Students Year 8 to 12 (9.00am - 12pm) - casual dress
  • Monday 23 January - Year 7s and Year 12s (All Day) - Sports Uniform
  • Tuesday 24 January - All classes commence (Year 7 - 12)

Mr Dan McMahon