Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection


Culture is such an important building block for any organisation. Shalom is no different. Culture can be described as, ‘the way we do things around here’. What we value and what we don’t value. Last week, we had over 20% of our student population involved in various ANZAC Day commemorations. We obviously value that presence. We value students being here and being involved. In 2022, at the end of Term 1, our Attendance rate was 86%. Last year, it was 90%. This year, at the same time, it is 92%. This year we had 1200 students attend the College Swimming Carnival compared to 900 the previous year and 700 the year before. We value presence and participation! I am so grateful to the parents who support us in this and do all that they can to have their child at school every day, on time, dressed well and ready to go.

Dan.pngThat participation rate does not happen by accident. There have been a few students already this year who have not been able to participate in some extra curricula activities because their attendance rate is not what it should be. I am pretty confident that most of those young people will work hard not be in the same situation again.

We value positive behaviour and it is a clear expectation that every person in this community will be treated respectfully 24/7 and 365 days a year. We value and expect that students will arrive at class ready to learn and willing to participate positively. The Responsible Thinking Process has been a very positive addition at Shalom. If students are unable to contribute positively to the learning dynamic in a classroom, they choose to remove themselves to the RTC room. At the end of Term 1 in 2023, we had 301 visits to the RTC (multiple visits from some students). To the end of Term 1 this year, we had 136 visits. That is a very positive change and it contributes much to building a great culture.

The changes we have made to mobile phone usage at the College have been positive each year. Students are now used to placing their phones in the classroom ‘caddy’ at the start of each lesson. Students are free to use their phones before the first bell and after the last one. The only other times are with the express permission of a teacher.

In the business world there is a piece of wisdom that says, ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast’. That is certainly true in schools. If we don’t have a great culture and the community supporting that, all the other things we do are pretty pointless. I really appreciate how many parents and families actively support our culture.

Libby Trickett – Olympian – at Shalom – I hope that Monday May 13 is in your diaries and that you get a group together to buy tickets to this wonderful event. The booking link is: 

Domestic Violence – we’ve seen a lot in the news over the weekend about the rise in awareness, and horror, at the increasing rates of domestic violence. In Bundaberg, Edon Place, do wonderful work in this space. This Wednesday evening (1/5), at 5.30pm, there is a Candle Lighting ceremony to honour the memory of victims. All are welcome. I will be encouraging a big Shalom presence, as we had last year, at the local ‘walk’ on the morning of Friday May 24 (7am-8am). More to follow on that.

Mr Dan McMahon