Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection


In the late 1980s, three members of the Shalom community were the Larsen boys – Andrew, Simon and Marty. The boys were three of eight kids in the Larsen household! Not often schools get triplets, but the Larsen boys made their mark here. I got to know the three of them when they moved to Nudgee College as Boarders about 1989. I remember the three of them being great kids who contributed positively to the College. I lost track of them, as you do, in the following years but knew that of the three, Marty went on to become a teacher. He enjoyed teaching and working with young people but felt called to something different and decided to start the journey to become a Catholic Priest. Marty came back to Bundy as a part of his training for a short stint and was ordained a priest ten years ago in Brisbane. Fr Marty was a great priest. He was positive and outgoing and genuinely enjoyed engaging with the community. His positive outlook on life, faith, people and the world made him very popular in the communities in which he ministered.

Really tragically, a few weeks ago, Fr Marty suffered a medical episode and died a few days later in the PA Hospital. He was 48 years old. At his funeral in Brisbane, he was remembered by family, friends, students, parishioners and colleagues as a warm priest who had a ‘great sense of fun and a wonderful spirituality’.

Fr Marty’s life was tragically cut short, but he made a difference. He lived for others which was something I noticed in him as a very young man at school. His family’s loss is huge and our prayer and support go out to them. The Church I love has lost a great priest at a time when we so need ministers of the Gospel who display a ‘great sense of fun and a wonderful spirituality’. Shalom does not have too many past students who are priests but we are very proud to be able to claim Marty and his brothers as ‘Shalommies’. We will be a good school if we keep graduating young men and women who have a commitment to leave the world a lot better than they found it – just as Marty did. May a loving God hold him and his wonderful family, close.


Our Parents & Friends meet tomorrow night (Tuesday May 7) at 5.00pm in the College staff room. All are welcome.

Libby Tricket – Gold Medal Olympian at Shalom – please consider supporting this event on the evening of Monday May 13. Libby will have a great message for all and particularly our young people.  The booking link is: 

Mr Dan McMahon