Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection

Dan_2023_Newsletter_.jpgThe Shalom College Formal (or Prom, but I hate that word) is on Saturday week. This is a much anticipated event in our calendar each year. I have just left another lunchtime Year 12 dance practice where our young women and men were learning the intricacies of the Waltz and Gypsy Tap. Each year, I think the students enjoy the series of dance practices as much as the event itself. Shalom is one of the few schools that has parents attend the Formal along with their child. I believe and most of the feedback I have ever received, is that parents really love the chance to share in this occasion with their son or daughter. Whilst it is a great event, I am conscious of the added cost burden to families of events like this. We try to keep the cost to parents as low as possible and the College always runs this event at a loss. As a parent, I know how easy it is to get trapped in rampant consumerism on occasions like this. It’s easy for young people to get ‘over invested’ in events like this and spend far too much money on being ‘beautiful’ or having a flash car or an incredible spray tan. I hope, as parents and teachers, we will help young people keep events like this in perspective. This won’t be, I hope, anywhere near the ‘greatest night of their lives’! One day each of them hopefully will find a ‘soul mate’ and welcome their first child into the world or be involved in an activity that will make a big difference for others. All of these things will far outshine a school Formal.


Each year some young people also put too much focus on parties that might be held after an event like the Formal. As an educator, I always, ‘hold my breath’ a little until a day or so after the event. We have had to deal with consequences of young people making really poor decisions at events like those. Personally, I cannot comprehend why some parents would choose to run the risk of the enormous litigation problems that can very easily result from hosting gatherings for young people where they know alcohol will be consumed. I will be keeping my fingers crossed that this year’s Shalom Formal will only leave everyone involved with wonderful memories of a great cohort of young people ‘glammed up’ and having had a wonderful time with their friends and family. Done well, it is a real highlight of the year.

Two Bishops in Town!  Next Monday, Bundaberg will get a visit from our Bishop, Michael McCarthy. He will have with him the Papal Nuncio to Australia (like the Ambassador from the Vatican), Archbishop Charles Balvo (who is an American). They will be celebrating Mass next Monday 27/5, at 11.30am in Holy Rosary Church. This Mass will be our local celebration to commemorate ten years of service by Bishop Michael to the Diocese. Anyone is welcome to attend. Shalom will be represented at this function by some students and staff.

Student Free Day is on Friday May 31

Walk for Awareness in regard to Domestic Violence is on Friday May 24 commencing at 7.15am at Bywash Park (beside the Basketball Stadium). All are welcome. Students are able to put their names down for a bus to return them to school by 8.30am with their House Deans.

Mr Dan McMahon