Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection


Last weekend, with my daughter, I was watching, for the fourth time, episodes of ‘Ted Lasso’. Staff and students at Shalom are aware that it's one of my favourite shows of all time. I love the wisdom of the show and the way that a positive culture is built in an organisation. The characters are sensational. We binged Season 3 last Saturday. Episode 11 is a gem. So much great stuff in that one on parenting and the impact we have – for better or worse! Another great conversation that occurs in Episode 11 is between Ted Lasso and Assistant Coach Beard.

“I don’t know about you Coach but I hope that either all of us or

Dan_2.jpgnone are judged by the actions of our weakest moments but rather by the strength we show when and if we’re given a second chance.”

All of us need second chances, some of us need third chances. It is a conversation I often find myself having with young people at Shalom – three of these already today and counting! Mistakes happen and they can be important. They are particularly important when we get the chance to reflect and learn from them. None of us should ever be defined by our worst moments but we should be held accountable for how we respond to those worse moments. The Jesus I read about in the Gospels would find a lot in common with watching Ted Lasso (except for some choice language particularly from Roy Kent!).

Staffing changes – last week the appointment of Mr Jason Egan as the new Assistant Principal at St Patrick’s Primary School was announced. This is a great credit to Jason who will make a wonderful contribution at St Pat’s. It is a real loss for us however. Jason has been the first Damien Head of House and he is an outstanding teacher. Jason will begin this role in Term 3.

We are also losing, for a time, Mr Bernie O’Sullivan, who has to take some weeks off on medical leave. We all wish Bernie well for this time.

Mr David Gahan is taking some Long Service Leave from this week.

These changes will result in the following staffing changes and a few more will follow as things get finalised –

Mr O’Sullivan
• Year 11 Maths Methods will be taken by Mr Hubbard
• Year 12 Maths Methods will be taken by Mr Maher
• Year 11 General Maths will be taken by Ms Yonsen
• Year 10 Maths will be taken by Mr Muller

Mr Egan
• Year 12 History will be taken by Ms Allen
• Year 12 Legal Studies will be taken by Ms Stallard

Mr Gahan
• Year 10 Maths will be taken by Ms Yonsen
Year 10 RE will be taken by Mrs Stanley

The 2024 Year 12 Formal was another outstanding occasion last Saturday night. Congratulations to all involved. Students were wonderful and a room full of very proud parents. Very, very grateful to the many Shalom staff who put in many hours to make sure the night went off as well as it did.

Mr Dan McMahon