Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111



Year 11 Biology – CQU University Excursion

On Thursday 13 June the three Year 11 Biology classes undertook a half day excursion to the medical laboratories at CQU. Students had a great time finding out how a research laboratory works. After a very important safety briefing, students donned the correct PPE and undertook an experiment to investigate the effect of Ampicillin and other chemicals on the growth of E Coli bacteria. CQU’s Dr Andrew Fenning, Research Assistant Katy Li and other staff taught students laboratory skills to collect and analyse data. Whilst waiting for results they talked to the students about their very important research on Impacts of Concussion, as well other topics relevant to the student cohort.

I would like to extend a very big thank you to CQU and their staff for allowing the students to get an insight in how biological research works in a real-world situation.

Year 12 Biology – CQU University Excursion

On Friday 14 June the two Year 12 Biology classes undertook a full day excursion to the medical laboratories at CQU. Students had a great time finding out how research laboratories work. After a very important safety briefing, students donned the correct PPE and undertook an experiment to conduct genetic testing on their own DNA, obtained from hair follicles. CQU’s Dr Andrew Fenning, Research Assistant Katy Li and other staff taught students laboratory skills to collect and analyse data. Student used a Polymerase Chain Reaction process to amplify the DNA collected before completing Gel Electrophoresis to separate out DNA fragments for genetic comparison. Whilst waiting for results from these processes, Dr Fenning and his team talked to the students about their very important research on Impacts of Concussion, as well other topics relevant to the student’s learning area of Genetics.

I would like to extend a very big thank you to CQU and their staff for allowing the students to get an insight in how biological research works in a real-world situation.

Bundaberg Mayoral Telstra Innovation Awards

The final presentations for the MTIA were held on Tuesday 18th June. Two Shalom teams participated along with eight other teams from Bundaberg Schools.

The purpose of the MTIA awards is to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, by helping students in the Bundaberg Region unlock their problem-solving potential and take their big technology ideas to the next level.

Students are inspired to be innovative and collaborative throughout the process. They attend seven, two hour mentoring sessions with industry mentors who provide specialist and technical guidance in the areas of marketing, business modelling, finance and legal considerations, customer base and how to pitch their idea to possible investors.

The two Shalom College teams presented two fantastic ideas on the night.

Team 1 – Adaptipal proposed a solution to the issue of loneliness in the elderly. They designed a small robot that would be able to converse with people whilst also challenging them mentally with games and quizzes. The Adaptipal team consisted of Callum Macann, Cameron Windsor and Luke McMahon.

Team 2 – Farm to Fertiliser proposed a solution to the waste from produce farms that is created by produce that is unable to be sent to market. They proposed collecting the produce and turning it into compost that could be sold to major retailers. The Farm to Fertiliser team consisted of Rhys Nissink, Ryder Dobeli and Archer Kewley.

Whilst the Shalom teams did not win they did a great job in their final presentations and I am sure they would all agree that they learnt a lot throughout the entire process over the past three months.

Congratulations to Bundaberg Christian College who won First prize on the night.

BIG SCIENCE Competition Results

The Big Science Competition was held in Week 5 last term – 37 Shalom College students sat the test at along with over 37000 students across Australia and the world.

12 students have been awarded the following certificates of merit for their work.

Receiving a High Distinction: Top 5% of participants

Connor P - Year 9

Receiving a Distinction: Top 15% of participants

Waylen H - Year 10
Ciarra B - Year 9
Desilva D - Year 9
Kaidyn M - Year 9

Receiving a Credit: Top 30% of participants

Sophie C - Year 7
Hailey G - Year 7
Brayth B - Year 9
Abie C - Year 9
Ryder D - Year 9
Mitchell M - Year 9
Mary S - Year 9

All other participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Mrs Deborah Bishop
STEM Committee