Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


ACTS Camp 

On Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 July, 12 year 11 students attended ACTS camp at Yeppoon with 7 other catholic schools from all around the Rockhampton Diocese. ACTS stands for A Chance To Serve, here’s what the students have to say about their experiences.

  • I take away from ACTS camp the new bonds I’ve made with people from Bundaberg all the way to Mackay, the memories I’ve created that will forever be some of my favourites, the new leadership skills I’ve learned and what I may need to improve on. ACTS camp wasn’t all about leadership and friendships it was also about finding your inner best self and I have most definitely done just that. I have formed into a new better person just from the three days spent at ACTS. - Chelsea L

  • The memories, the lessons, and the newfound friendships. - Michaela R

  • The opportunity to grow as a person and make so many new friends from around the diocese. - Chloe G

  • The opportunities to meet likeminded individuals we wouldn’t meet otherwise. -Callum M

  • I’ve had a good experience at ACTS camp. I’ve met new people I can call friends, improve my social skills and learnt more about leadership. - Christian A

  • The opportunity it gave me to grow as an individual and within a group of other individuals with similar views as me. - Jazmyn M

  • Love, love and love. No.1 rule take all your opportunities. I didn’t know what to think of this camp but when I left, I left with a little uneasy feeling in my chest. Everyone there was so likeminded, open and kind if only the world was like that. I made so many new friendships and I hope they prosper. I wish everyone could experience this, it changed me, I became much more confident and accepting. Thanks to Dave and Mrs. Petersen and all the other staff who made it possible for us. - Chris. S

  • I definitely did not expect ACTS camp to be as good as it was. The lessons taught had a profound impact on all of us and will serve us for many years to come. I’ve only known these people for a couple of days, and it feels like years. 10/10. - George. S

  • ACTS camp allowed me to develop stronger bonds with my friends and meet new lifelong friends. The lessons learned will be with us forever. – Zoe W

  • ACTS camp made me feel myself again. I learnt valuable lessons from others and more about myself. It was an amazing opportunity and I’m blessed to have experienced ACTS camp. – Amelia N

  • This experience provoked a sense of community and belonging. Having such likeminded people all of which sharing the same goal, made feeling vulnerable easier. The activities during the camp developed my confidence, understanding of people, and awareness of people’s personal issues that they may not make apparent. Thank you Dave - Landa. A

Wow! The students loved it, they left with a sad smile, happy for the new lessons, developments and friendships but sad they’re leaving it behind. However, the values taught are carried through them into our Shalom College community and everyone they meet.

By Chelsea L


Gathering as a community to participate in Mass is central to being Catholic. As a Catholic School, we provide opportunities for students and staff to participate in Masses, regardless of their own faith background or none. Therefore, each House will join with another, to celebrate a House Mass during one of their timetabled Assembly times in Term 2 or Term 3.

Each Religious Education class will also cohost a Wednesday morning Mass at 8am in our chapel. This Mass occurs during term time and is a Parish Mass, so it is open to all. The Mass finishes before the 8.40am bell. Religious Education teachers will email a notice to families prior to their allocated Mass, and we encourage attendance. Upcoming Masses will be hosted by our Year 9 and 10 students.

Wednesday 24 July      Mrs O'Driscoll's RE 10I + 9D

Wednesday 31 July      Ms Glasspool's RE 9A, B + J

Wednesday 7 August   Mr Richardson's RE 10M, 9G + H 

Also, if you would like to join in other Parish services, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg advertises Mass times at

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission