Shalom College
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Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

From the Library

What are these authors saying about libraries?

"Every school needs a school library—it’s a no-brainer. Reading underlies every area of the curriculum and the key is having a well-stocked school library and a passionate school librarian who can put the right book into the right hands at the right time."

  • Andy Griffiths & Terry Denton

“Under the bold leadership of teacher-librarians, they [libraries] are spaces where stories are championed and imagination is prized, but more than that, they are spaces where students feel safe to be themselves. As somebody who came out as gay in his mid-twenties, stepping into inclusive library spaces where teenagers are given the freedom to express themselves wholly, without judgement, is like something out a dream. Schools’ attitudes towards their LGBTAQIA+ students have changed rapidly since I graduated, and time and again, I’m reminded that it is the school librarians who are driving this change.”

  • Will Kostakis

“Some schools no longer have teacher-librarians and, the more I see of teacher-librarians, the less sense that makes to me. What’s next? No teachers? Kids turning up to the classroom each morning and inventing the day ahead? Maybe there’s a note on the door about what the curriculum has in mind, maybe there isn’t …

As an author who has made hundreds of school visits across all Australian states and territories (and several other countries), I’m often struck by the difference well-resourced teacher-librarians make.”

  • Nick EarlsAuthor

“Libraries are treasure troves of knowledge, wisdom, imagination, emotion.... “

  • John Marsden - Author

“Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve and contribute to improving our quality of life.”

  • Sidney Sheldon

“When in doubt, go to the library.”

  • J. K. Rowling

“Libraries were full of ideas – perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons”

  • Sarah J. Maas

“…this is where the library is terrific,’ he continues. ‘I’ve visited a few schools where they have one hour a week where kids come into the library, and they can sit, read, draw, write poetry — it’s their time. And the teachers say that it’s fantastic. The teachers can be in there, and the librarian quietly wanders around, directing where needed. It serves a pastoral function, which is really important for kids and their sense of self-worth.” …. “I am absolutely convinced about the need for and the value of school libraries and school librarians.”

  • Leigh Hobbs


Mrs Denise Harvey