Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


2023 Theme - Gifts

In October of 2020, Pope Francis released an encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, that promoted fraternity and social friendship. In this letter, the Pope tells us that human beings are made so that they cannot live, develop and find fulfilment except “in the sincere gift of self to others” (par 87).  The pandemic certainly demonstrated that we are at our best when we come together and help each other.

For this reason, our 2023 theme is ‘Gifts’: the sincere gift of self to others.

Each of us brings our own gifts to the encounter we have with each other; a richness of beliefs and convictions, skills and talents, cultures, and history. We are challenged to deliberately engage with our community to find out how our gifts can contribute to the common good, to help raise others up and to promote justice and peace.

In recognition of this theme, our student leaders shared this prayer on Assembly last week.

As we join together for a new school year, may we bring with us an openness to encountering others,
To accepting the gift the other brings and in turn offering an authentic gift of our own.
In doing so, may we celebrate the fraternity and solidarity of our community,
In your name.



Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission