Lifeblood Schools Blood Drive
The Australian Red Cross Lifeblood Schools Blood Drive has finished for another year, and our school has been busy saving lives! Since August 1, members of the Shalom College Lifeblood Team have made 34 lifesaving blood donations, making us the fifth highest contributing school in the drive! We helped more than 100 people through these donations. Some of our fabulous Shalomie donors have given blood more than 500 times!!!
Just because the blood drive is finished doesn’t mean we’re going to stop donating, and with Christmas coming up Lifeblood needs plenty of new donors in the Bundaberg region.If you’d like to join our school blood donation community, you can visit, or download the Donate Blood app, register, and make an appointment at the Bundaberg Donor Centre, located on the Bundaberg Hospital grounds. Make sure you join our Lifeblood Team too, by clicking ‘My Account’ and choosing Shalom College Bundaberg as your Team. You just need to be over 18 to donate.
Lifeblood will need more than 100,000 new blood donors by the end of next year, to ensure that we have enough blood to provide to patients in need. Behind every blood donation there’s a reason for donating, why not find yours?