Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection


One of my favourite all time movies is the Australian classic, ‘The Castle’. Towards the end of the movie, Darryl’s bumbling solicitor, Dennis Denuto is seen enjoying his newfound fame and publicity after helping Darrly keep his home, polishing a new brass plate on the front of his office which read, ‘Dennis Denuto, Solicitor, ‘as seen on TV’! I’m not wanting to ‘big note’ myself, but I was recently seen on ‘A Current Affair’. ACA asked to interview me in regard to Government initiatives around Social Media for young people. I didn’t say anything in that interview that any educator in Australia could not have said just as well. We all know that with the benefits of Social Media come some significant pitfalls.

Dan.jpgThe Government, to their credit, are trying to do something positive in this space for the health and wellbeing of young people. But, as parents, we all need to be clear that it is parents that need to do the ‘heavy lifting’ in this space. Many of us have been prepared to permit our children to have a smart phone and then stepped away from keeping an eye on how it is used. Many of us have absolved ourselves from the responsibility of monitoring what our children say and what is said to them online. This has had some awful outcomes. I regret not doing more with my own children on this, but parents do need to be more involved. Being able to view what young people say and do online is not an invasion of privacy – it is just good parenting. Despite what young people will say, you are not the only parent who wants access to your child’s online life. Also, it is not about not trusting your child, it’s much more about not trusting everyone else in the online world you may not have met and having some idea about the interactions between those people and your child. This is not an easy issue, but it is so important. Governments can do something, but parents are a much bigger player in this than government. If you are interested, below is a link to my ‘as seen on TV’ moment – 

Enrolments 2025 – we would really appreciate parents advising us as soon as is possible, if your child won’t be returning to Shalom in 2025. Quite a number of families are waiting on positions as they become available.

Mr Dan McMahon