If you would like to submit any sporting achievements about your child/children along with a photo, please email your submissions to
Please note photo submissions must only include photos of students from Shalom.
You can also keep up to date with anything sport related via our Facebook page - Shalom College Sport.
Only available in high school. It is an individual & team sport in one and who doesn’t like winning while going backwards ?
Rowing is a unique school team sport that is only offered in high school. Shalom has a strong rowing team and after a very successful 2024 year, we are looking for new recruits.
Rowing is described as the ‘ultimate team sport’ that is an all over body workout that not only builds athletes physically but mentally, emotionally and socially.
Training is 2-3 times a week on the river at different times (generally juniors in the afternoon 3.30-5.15pm & seniors in the morning 5-7am). There is also extra land training after school at the gym with the rowing machines. The team competes in 5-8 regattas a year with all the local regattas held at Bucca and one away regatta at Rockhampton.
There is a yearly fee due to boats, facilities, maintenance and insurance for the Bundaberg Rowing Club. Shalom Rowing is a fun family orientated group that is involved in all aspects of rowing – coaching, fundraising, maintenance, cleaning etc.
If your child is interested in trying our oarsome sport, please sign on to one of our sessions using the link below. We will be hosting a parent information evening on Tuesday 18th Feb 6.30pm in Loyola to share all details.
We are also holding a rowing machine challenge in the school gym during the lunch breaks on Monday and Wednesday in Week 2 & 3. There are prizes for the fastest junior boy and girl, and senior boy and girl, so send your child our way.
Looking forward to seeing our oarsome team grow. Any questions don’t hesitate to email.
Come Try Sessions link:
Ms Teressa Tibbey
HPE Teacher and Rowing Coordinator
Mr Nick Smith
Intad Teacher Assistant and Rowing Coach