From the Library
Welcome back everyone.
The library has undergone some changes over the Christmas break, the senior library has been moved into the junior library in the Beerarlem building.
This has made space a bit tight, but the library staff welcomes all year levels to come in and enjoy the games, the books, and the air-conditioning. We have nice new clean beanbags, new books (as always) and even new UNO cards!
We do still have our big chess pieces, just ask staff where to find them if you want to have a game, otherwise there are standard sized chess sets in Bee3.
Chess club will still meet in Bee3 in Beerarlem on Tuesdays for the whole of the lunch period (L1 & L2). If you are interested in joining come on in and you can get signed up.
The Literary Committee will regroup to organise some exciting new projects and events, starting off with the popular Somerset writer’s festival; Storyfest at the end of term 1.
Please note that textbook hire is still located in the Goondeel Resource Centre and will be run by Miss Emily Evans who replaces Ms Femia Ezema following her retirement at the end of last year.