Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111



Gathering as a community to participate in Mass is central to being Catholic. As a Catholic School, we provide opportunities for students and staff to participate in Masses, regardless of their own faith background or none. Therefore, each House will join with another, to celebrate a House Mass during one of their timetabled Assembly times in Term 2 or Term 3.

Each Religious Education class will also cohost a Wednesday morning Mass at 8am in our chapel. This Mass occurs during term time and is a Parish Mass, so it is open to all. The Mass finishes before the 8.40am bell. Religious Education teachers will email a notice to families prior to their allocated Mass, and we encourage attendance. Upcoming Masses will be hosted by our Year 11 and Year 12 students.

Wednesday 19 February  Ms Danni Bryson's RAE 12A & 12C

Wednesday 26 February  Ms Van Dalen's CMT 12A & 12B

Wednesday 5 March  Ms Jenny Elphinstone's RAE 12B, F & G 

Also, if you would like to join in other Parish services, the Catholic Parish of Bundaberg advertises Mass times at

Mrs Sandra Freeman
Assistant Principal - Mission