Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


If you would like to submit any sporting achievements about your child/children along with a photo, please email your submissions to 

Please note photo submissions must only include photos of students from Shalom.

You can also keep up to date with anything sport related via our Facebook page - Shalom College Sport.

Bundy District 13-19yrs Cluster 1 Sport trials February 24 2025

For any student interested in trialing for Bundy District Sport teams for the following sports - Volleyball (15yrs & Opens - Males/Females), Football (15yrs Females & Male, Open Male/Female), Netball (15yrs & Opens - Females), Rugby League (14-15yrs Boys, 15-16yrs Girls, 16-18yrs Boys, 17-18yrs Girls), Softball (Opens - Males/Females).  Please see the forms attached for the trials in SIA Notices or on the Shalom Sport Face Book page. You can also see Mr Gills in the NEW Sport Office to collect a form.

Congratulations to Shalom students Charlie G, Abigail C, Rakaia K, Mahli P on their selection in the QLD Touch Football Youth Academy Cowboys Team.

Queensland Touch Football Youth Academy Cowboys TeamState Aquathlon/Triathlon selection!!!

Congratulations to Shalom students Atlanta D and Jack G who finished 3rd and 8th respectively at the State Aquathlon/Triathlon Championships in Hervey Bay.  Atlanta and Jack have now gained selection in the QLD team that will complete in WA later this term.

Atlanta Day Jack Gaston

Shalom staff member Mrs Rebecca Jenner will also attend the National Championships as a QLD Official and part of the QLD team.

Rowing Challenge & Come Try Success!

The last couple of weeks have been busy for the rowing team. We had over 80 students took on the Rowing Challenge at the school gym. Competing against the clock, students put in their best effort to get the fastest 500m time or 250m time for the Year 7s. The winner for each category – Junior, Senior, boys and girls received a well-earned Tuckshop voucher.

The winner's were:

Senior Boys – Ryan S
Junior Boys – Max L
Senior Girls – Mary S
Junior Girls – Caitlin S
Yr 7 Boy – Zane M
Yr 7 Girl – Ruby L

Rowing Challenge Winners

Congratulations to the above winners and all the students that took part.

In addition, we have been running come try sessions on the water. Over 30 students were brave and tried out a new sport. We are excited to have new rowers join our team. Training has started this week and we look forward to bringing the Shalom community updates with our upcoming season.

Thank you to our Shalom Rowing Sponsors

2025 Sponson Banner

Keep being oarsome.

Ms Teressa Tibbey
HPE Teacher and Rowing Coordinator

Mr Nick Smith
Intad Teacher Assistant and Rowing Coach

Mr Simon Gills
Sports Coordinator
BDSSS Secretary & QRSS 10 -19yrs Cricket Executive Member