Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111


Learner Attributes

Throughout Week 6 (3 – 7 March), teachers will give feedback through Sia on the learning behaviours of students in each of their classes, as well as PC classes.

Each student will be awarded either an Excellent (5), Good (4), Sound (3), Improvement Needed (2), or Poor (1) in the following criteria:

  • Organisation - punctual to class, correct equipment in good working order (academic only), laptop charged (academic only), record book present
  • Application - actively engaged in learning/PC activities, appropriate use of technology (laptop, phone etc), homework complete (academic only)
  • Presentation - uniform worn appropriately, follows school guidelines for hair, make-up, jewellery etc
  • College Values - treats others with dignity and respect, displays a positive attitude, exhibits appropriate behaviour

This will appear on Sia Parent Dashboard under ‘Grades’.

My Student Dashboard

and will appear as a mark out of 20.

Learning Attributes

More detailed information can be found by clicking on the ‘Learning Attributes – Semester 1’ link on the above screen.

Learning Attributes example

After the initial feedback is published, teachers are able to update these criteria and re-publish them to parents at any time throughout the year and add a comment if necessary. Parents are advised of updates via Notifications in Sia. In this way, reporting on your child’s application in class is ‘live’, improving the quality of feedback for parents. We believe this is a significant improvement in our communication with parents, compared with the previous ‘point-in-time’ reporting.

If you have any questions about your feedback, please contact the classroom teacher. For questions about the Learning Attributes process, please contact me.

Mr Brendan Maher
Assistant Principal - Administration