Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111



Year 7 and 9 students completed NAPLAN practice tests last week. 2025 NAPLAN testing will take place in March on the following dates:

· Wednesday March 12 – Writing

· Friday March 14 – Reading

· Monday March 17 – Conventions of Language

· Wednesday March 19 – Numeracy

A more detailed timetable can be found in SIA News.

If students are absent on the day of any of the exams, the following catch-up sessions will be available. Students will attend the session that corresponds with their return to school:

Catch up sessions

Thursday 13 March P1 in HO5

Tuesday 18 March P2 in HO3 and HO4

Tuesday 18 March P3 in MA1

Friday 21 March P1 in RI2 and RI4

Monday 24 March P2 in RI3 and RI4

As with any test, it is important for students to maintain a healthy diet and ensure a good night's sleep leading up to the testing period. Each student should strive to perform at their best across all testing domains.

The results from testing are used in conjunction with other data to assess individual and cohort strengths as well as areas to improve on. We review existing initiatives and develop teaching programs to support students based on the data.

Earphones (corded) are compulsory for NAPLAN testing. Students who present to the test session without earphones will be sold a set at a cost of $6 which will be charged to the students’ account. We urge all students to keep their earphones in their pencil case ready for testing sessions. Earphones must have a 3.5mm standard jack.

2025 Next Step Year 12 Completers Survey

All Year 12 completers from 2024 will soon receive an invitation to participate in the Next Step survey. This is their chance to help our school to understand the different pathways of the 2024 Year 12 students and to improve our senior programs and supports for future students. The survey only takes five minutes and asks graduates about their study and work activities since finishing school.

As a thank you for participating, Year 12 completers who complete the survey will be entered into a draw to win a MacBook Air.

We ask parents, siblings and friends to encourage our graduates to complete the survey. If their contact details have changed, please assist survey interviewers by providing their updated details or forward the survey to their new address so they can participate. Graduates may receive an invitation by mail, email or phone. The survey can be completed online or by phone. For more information about Next Step, including previous results, visit


2025 Elevate Education Parent Webinars

Elevate Education delivers high-impact workshops that help to develop student study skills, motivation, and exam preparation. Over the next two months, you are invited to join their parent webinar series, where you can help support your child at home by reinforcing the skills that will support their learning at school.

Upcoming Webinars:

· How You Can Make Technology an Ally (& Not the Enemy!) - Wednesday 12 March 6:30pm

· How You Can Help Improve Your Child's Memory - Wednesdy 26 March 6:30pm

Register for the series by clicking the link below and learn some practical strategies to help support your child this year.

School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) Information

To provide education opportunities for families that have limited internet access at home, the Australian Government is providing free National Broadband Network (NBN) services for eligible families. This is called the School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI).

Families can self-nominate until the end of April 2025 to receive a free service, and they will receive this free service until 30 June 2028. This is a wonderful opportunity for families that may have limited capacity to have home internet.

There are eligibility criteria for the initiative. To be eligible, a family must:

· Have a child living at home that is enrolled in an Australian school.

· Have no active broadband service over the NBN, and not had an active service in the past 14 days.

· Live in a premise that can access a standard NBN service.

Please see the attached flyer for information on how to apply.

Mrs Kate Aplin
Assistant Principal - Curriculum