Shalom College
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9 Fitzgerald Street
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Phone: 07 4155 8111

Principal's Reflection

The temptation to control others through knowledge and power is profound. Always has been, always will be. That human temptation is the basis of yesterday’s readings at Mass. The first reading from Genesis is one of the stories of Adam & Eve. In reading it, I’m reminded of a story I heard about a little boy who opened a large and old family bible and was surprised when a large leaf that had been pressed between the pages fell into his hand. Looking at his Mum, who had asked what he had found, he said, “I think I found Adam’s suit!”
The Genesis story about the origins of sin in the world is worth reflecting on and, remember, it was never meant to be taken literally. The serpent promised Eve two things: that her eyes will be opened to know good from evil and that this will make her like God. She was offered ultimate wisdom and knowledge. Such temptation is irresistible, and nothing has changed.

The Gospel yesterday was also about power. It was the story of Jesus being tempted by the Devil. The Devil threw three powerful temptations Jesus’ way. The first was to turn stones to bread or, in other words, to fulfill all his human needs forever. In the second Jesus was encouraged to throw himself off a high building so that people would see him caught by angels – the adulation of the crowd. And the third had the Devil take Jesus to a mountain top and show him the kingdoms of the world if only Jesus would worship Satan.
Dan_2.pngJesus declined and sent the Devil on his way. Those temptations are our temptations – greed, popularity, and power. Jesus asks us to be satisfied with enough, to prioritise the lost, the least and the lonely and to be a servant first rather than a ruler. Christianity is tough stuff.

Year 12 Induction Liturgy will be celebrated on this Thursday. Our community will invite our Year 12 students to lead. They will be invited to lead through service. Leadership is often equated with a ‘power over’ rather than ‘power for’. I hope that the 2023 Senior class will choose to lead by example and to be outrageously generous in their support for the younger students at Shalom.

Attendance – thank you to all parents and care givers for the efforts you have made so far this year in regard to attendance. Today, as you are aware, is our Interhouse Swimming Carnival which is underway with a vengeance as I write this. Last year, we had in excess of 680 students absent on Swimming Carnival day. Today, we have 260 away. I am really pleased with this but I still think we can do better. Across the school, to date, we have an attendance rate of a touch over 94%. I hope no child or parent will present with a look of absolute surprise if they are not permitted to attend an optional school function, like sport, if their attendance is below 90% or below 80% for ‘special days’. Again, I really appreciate the effort that goes into getting students to school, on time every day. That effort is crucial for success.

Mr Dan McMahon